Infinite Mage


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This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human!

Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though.

Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it.

Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic—

beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Infinite Magician
Infinite Wizard
무한의 마법사
Related Series
Sword Pilgrim (1)
Taming The Villainesses (1)
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  3. Novel's I Have Read
  4. Manhwa adaptation
  5. Action / Transmigration / Regression / Other world...

Latest Release

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12/05/23 WeTried Translations c24
12/05/23 WeTried Translations c23
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28 Reviews sorted by

naamioitu rated it
January 3, 2024
Status: c384
This novel is almost everything I've ever wanted from one. Epic in length--with 1316 chapters--it's not for the impatient. Character growth is slow, but is organic, and importantly does not take a backseat to the stellar action and plot.

One small thing the author does really well is female characters. Female characters do not solely exist to be love interests, which is pretty commonplace in novels with romance. I think the best example of this is the fact that female characters have meaningful bonds with male characters beyond their "endgames". Not... more>> every friendship is romance.

The biggest draw for a lot of people will be the novel magic system. Magic here is very scientific. What I mean by this is that it's based on scientific principles, with a heavy focus on real-world (mostly), plausible physics. It is not the God-bestowed power that we are used to in fantasy. It is the culmination of human research. To me, a science geek, it's amazing, though it may not be for everyone.

Now I want to address two aspects of the plot a lot of reviewers complain about, so minor spoilers ahead. Firstly, Amy--the FL of this novel.

It seems almost ubiquitous for everyone who first reads Infinite Mage to hate her. And it's understandable to an extent, but it's really over-the-top. Amy is more than just the prideful tsundere archetype. She doesn't hide her feelings under a sheet of anger, like is common in the trope. She starts as one of Shirone's friends, one with pride, and with energy, but then develops into a love interest. And she is not s*upid--she understands how she feels, and never tries to push Shirone away. She's one of the most intelligent and prodigious characters in the novel, not some one-dimensional character archetype, even if it takes a while for the author to show that. I concede Amy is pretty annoying in the first few arcs, but is not the maniacal brat that people make her out to be. And even those annoying characteristics begin to disappear later on. Amy is very, very important to this novel, and is probably Shirone's biggest supporter. And she is probably one of the best-written, sympathetic female characters I have read. Someone once said that Amy and Shirone's romance is like a shoujo story within a shonen manga. This is a very apt description. Also, another reviewer brought up that Amy doesn't suffer for her wrongs. Sardonically I tell them, do not worry. Amy will suffer a lot. Way more that she deserves. (Shirone is kind of a bastard).


Secondly, Shirone, who people say is a pushover or a coward.

Shirone, throughout his time in the academy catches a lot of flak. For his commoner heritage, for his lacking skill in magic, etc. Shirone mostly ignores it, and rolls with the punches. Some people point to this as him being a pushover. That is totally untrue. Shirone doesn't react to the bullying of others because Shirone has a dream. He will be a mage, he will delve into the depths of magic and discover great things. The petty bullying of fellow students does not bother him. And through his pursuit of his dream, his detractors sometimes realize their wrongs. He easily forgives, because he sees them as fellow travelers on his path to better understanding magic. Shirone doesn't need anybody to like him--he is not insecure. His circle of friends is enough for him. And if someone really makes him angry, he is a monster. I think the best example of this is when he cripples a fellow student by nuking their mind, forcing them to drop out of class, because they took advantage of his kindness and destroyed his friends' confidence.


This is a great novel, and one I'd recommend to anyone who is into fantasy in general. It's criminally underrated, so please, give it a read! <<less
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ThomschK rated it
January 22, 2023
Status: c117
First off- World building is so well written. Simply awesome. This alone with ANY template would have scored a big 4 star to me but the character development just gets worse and worse. Like others allready stated- massive simp syndrome. That impressive character in the early 40 chapters got completely ditched and replaced by, lets say a yesman. He is still pretty ballsy when it comes to magic especially around 90 but I still had to force myself through that.

When I started reading I was reminded of "Watermage"- a very... more>> funny slowlife story with nice action and real thoughts put into the magic system, just like in "Infinite Mage". I personally like it when the magics working resonates well with my basic knowledge of our world (physics, chemistry and medicine).

Just for the sake of the nice world building I keep it on 2. But the frustration past chapter 20 (where he gets entangled with that irritating child) made me furious. I am a sucker for science based novels but I barely made it through 117 chapters. I can imagine that at some point when all his nice connections come together and the enemies align with the bigger picture, the story will become more stable and palatable. There is potential but not within the first 3 volumes. Story is completed so you might just binge through them until you find a plot you might enjoy.

If you do like tsundere and missunderstanding than this might actually be a real gem for you. Again the story is just not my type but still well written (IF you do not mtl ofcourse. At least use a proper mtl-ai where you can fix names and genders for specific lettercombinations. For those who read a lot 2-5$ a month is not the world for that kind of software).

EDIT: After reading the reviews of NEUROPARASITUS and Kuundere-Kun I changed it to 3 star because their points made sense. I was probably just hung up on that intense frustration where I couldnt stay objectively. At the point where I dropped it there were indeed 2 possible romance candidates, one tends to be more like a sister but the other is still pending so maybe there is hope for that department :D <<less
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Aria Argento
Aria Argento rated it
August 11, 2023
Status: --
It's nothing exceptional but it's a pleasant read

The MC has a timid personality that is, from time to time, hidden by his extremely firm belief and desire to learn

i've got to disagree with all the reviews that talk sh*t of the romance or how the plot hinted at something else, to argue my opinion:

1- the plot was always about a boy curious about study and never properly about a clash between caste, if you got deluded because it's not the story you though it would be, then it's because you... more>> didn't even try to understand the story and it's characters

2- the interaction between the ML and FL, although slightly forced and maybe a bit strange on her side at first, isn't bad nor is there any extreme change in the MC as most seems to hint. It's an interaction on wich they both follow their interest and principles, if you define this as badly done I suggest you try to read again but trying to understand the characters this time

My conclusion till now (school arc right after going to class 5) is that it's not a masterpiece by any means, but it's an enjoyable read with much more thoughts in the characters that people give it credits

Try it and see for yourself if it fits your taste, if it doesn't then please just admit it wasn't your kind of novel cause, other than being kinda generic such as almost all this kind of stories, there's not much to say that this does bad <<less
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AnimatorOfSouls rated it
May 16, 2023
Status: c40
I only read the manga but afaik the plot is the same.

Intelligent and hardworking MC learns cool magic. The plot at the start is really good, but after he goes to the magic academy he meets the most infuriating woman ever. I don't want to read a novel about a MC getting screwed over by someone who seems to be getting set up to be the FL.

Romance: there seems to be an FL but nothing yet. Idk why he would even be friends with that person though unless he's doing... more>> it for the political benefits. <<less
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Overclock rated it
April 23, 2023
Status: c50
Didn't really like the novel, but it could just be more on me than it being bad.

My only problem is people in the novels placing strange expectations on the MC. Like the school principal.

... more>>

Didn't read to far but the principle was more reckless in his youth and did something he regretted or has doubts about. He sees himself in the MC and seeing his BS talent/potential he's super wary of him. Yet later he designed a test for the MC to advance his class which was a super dangerous teleportation race against students who have been studying for years. Something goes wrong and the students are in danger but he doesn't cancel the test. And among the students still competing he sees the MC and decides that if the MC loses he will end his career as a mage because he's dangerous for some reason. It makes no sense and it doesn't help that he doesn't go into detail as to why he has to be so extreme.

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kyzrs rated it
November 29, 2023
Status: c115
This story is fantastic, the available translations are lackluster unfortunately.

The power system described is grounded and unique, I have never seen magic or aura written in such a unique way that it makes me almost think with the character and follow along with his break throughs. I could imagine it quite jarring or word heavy for some people who havent learned any physics/maths and write it off as annoyingly wordy. But the author has really thought it out.

The character writing is excellent as well, so far up till 115 we... more>> have dealt with one villain and some minor incidents that push Shirone. Our character is consistent in his morales and objectives but he matures with age experience and magic break throughs in a way thats quite unrealistic but believable for his talents (

like he has a realization about life and spending time with people that youd usually only understand after youve lost someone very important to you in life. But for him it happens through something similar to an ego death through magic which is so fascinating)


At the point of the review, ch 115. I think this could almost symbolize the end of book one of a hero's journey type of story. And it is set up to continue very well I can see glimpses of greatness. I hope a great translator picks this up because whats available is saddening. <<less
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boozZze rated it
September 14, 2023
Status: c363
It's good, a bit all over the place because events keep happening left and right and the only true rest for the readers is when characters are back in school. I kinda hate the fact that all these are happening with Shirone at the center, like, cut the dude some slack. It's understandable since he's the protag of this story and we're pushing for that growth but damn.

Also, not a fan of the teenage romance. Imo, it would've been better if Amy had remained as a rival at least until... more>> after the school stuff cause that would've built it up more. Or maybe I would've been fine with this Amy-Shirone thing had there been no constant impression that every other girl in this story would become potench harem girlies. Feels like my harem tolerance (i dont like harem) is being gauged by the author and I am not here for it. I've come to somehow accept the romantic subplot now so there's that, but how it started was ridiculous.

Anyway, on a somewhat lighter note, this has got some really great magic concepts. You can tell that time and effort was put into its construction and utilization in the story. Wish we could've stayed longer in learning more about magic, not the constant clashes with it but oh well.

To conclude for now (since I may or may not take a break from reading this), Shirone is the type of MC you haven't seen in a while—he's timid yes, but he also has this thirst for knowledge and is equipped with his own convictions that puts him into action (don't like the fact that he needs a trigger to move but since this still falls onto being understandable and involved in the complexities of it all...) I still kinda recommend the read... hahaha

No spoilers because that wouldn't be fun! Read, suffer, and appreciate the world-building! <<less
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