Infinite Lucky Emperor


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As a game designer, Xia Ruize loves to play games, but he doesn’t like to play games with lottery, because he is too lucky and has less fun.

Until one day,

Xia Ruize fell into a real infinite survival game, relying on excellent luck to survive in a desperate situation. He finally realized that being lucky was cool for a while, and being lucky has always been cool!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Infinite Jedi European Emperor
Related Series
I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games (1)
Insider (1)
Non-Human Seeking Re-employment (1)
The Earth is Online (1)
The Paranoid Emperor’s Black Moonlight Shizun (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Unlimited flow - horror
  2. .****
  3. Mystery/Thriller/Horror/ Action/Survival Danmei
  4. Survival Games, My Beloved
  5. My Unlimited Flow Collection~

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/26/24 Jev Mtls c36
04/26/24 Jev Mtls c35
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14 Reviews sorted by

Efu-sama rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: Completed
The downward thing about this novel is, that it's quite monotonous. Sure, the first 3rd arcs (up to chapter 70) are exciting, and I admit I read every chapter expectantly, however, as I read on, I find my excitement couldn't catch up with the later arcs. The survival plots are still exciting, but the survival methods and ways to advance are relatively monotonous and aren't new or surprising, hence unable to evoke my interest.

That said, for those who mainly search for survival novels, just want to have some fun... more>> and read survival stories while do not expect a high requirement for rare plots, and feel alright with any type of romance, then, this novel is suitable for you. Because I myself finished this whole novel just to pass the time, and while I was in the mood of reading survival games.

But for those who seek perfection in plots and romance, then my reviews below would perhaps add more consideration to whether you want to continue forward, or put this novel on hold, waiting for the time your mood for survival games appears.

Before coming to the reviews, I would like to thank the translator here to bring this novel to novelupdates, regardless of the translation's quality, without their effort to put the novel here, I won't be able to locate this novel among the thousands of Chinese Novels out there.

Now, let's get to the review.

Perhaps If I read this when I haven't read other masterpieces, I will still find it amazing, so blame me, and lament the fact that I didn't read this novel much earlier that it failed to keep up with my excitement, lol.

While the survival plots are interesting, forgive me but the romance is quite... flat.

Once again, blame me and blame the fates that I didn't read this novel early on, since after reading other romance masterpieces, my weary heart could only skip all over the paragraphs containing MC and ML's supposedly "romance development". Why? Because it's flat and again, it's not new that it's worthy to evoke my interest in their romance development. It's not bad, really, but it's so-so.


Sure, I can understand the part where the ML is only soft and kind in front of the MC while being fierce and unreasonable towards others, after all the MC is his comrade who has shared life and death with him, it's natural to be biassed towards this kind of teammates.

I can also understand the reason why even when they're still in the 1st arc, ML was already hostile towards a girl who wanted to hug MC's thigh and ride his coattails. After all, if it was me, I would also feel annoyed if there's suddenly a handsome guy who barged into the comradery between me and one girlfriend. I'd be afraid the handsome guy will become baggage dragging us down, and even more afraid that the teammates whom I had been comfortably cooperated with, suddenly might be hooked by the uninvited guy, I'd have no good feelings towards the guy no matter how handsome he was, LOL.

However, in the next arcs, the ML's hostility towards others who actually just wanted to make friends with MC, had gotten me annoyed. This is just my own personal taste, but I didn't really like a Gong or Seme who had strong dominance.


My last dissatisfaction with the romance is the pace.


The MC and ML here met in the first arc, then they got separated in the 2nd arc, and met again in the 3rd arc. The ML has already shown ambiguous advances since the first arc, and finally, they dated in the 3rd arc.


But of course, it's probably just due to my own personal taste. When it comes to survival or action-based novel, I really didn't like early romance. I would rather like action or survival novels to have a slow build-up and gradual change in relationships. In that way, I would feel happy to focus more on the plots, while also following the step by step of their relationship change.

After all, in my own personal opinion and my own logic, in the world where your death is waiting for you like the Sword of Damocles hanging on top of your head every day, the mentality of humans would be survival first and love later. To build a close friendship in a dangerous world setting might already be quite hard in my opinion, much less experiencing lovey-dovey entanglement. Therefore, in this kind of setting, I would rather have a romantic development with the direction of: friends--- to a trusted partner with a favorable impression--- and gradually love realization.

I will compare it with other survival or unlimited flow novels, that are popular and more people have probably read them, for my reviews to be understood better. It's not to disdain this novel while elevating other novels, but to make a comparison, of WHY I have to evaluate this novel as average, in my own personal opinion.

An example of slow-burn romance is, of course, Earth Is Online, a survival novel where the MC and ML can be truly seen and described as acquaintances, to friends, to partners, and finally lovers.

Even if the novel has early romance, at least, the interaction should be natural for me to like it. An example of it is, Supernatural Movie Actor, a novel where MC and ML have begun to date since the very beginning, however, their interaction is very natural, and not cringe-worthy. The meaning of cringe-worthy here is when others read it they won't feel like they were about to roll their eyes. The couple is harmonious, and the affection shower is not awkward or inviting any face-palming motions.

Of course, in the end, what differentiates it was the way the authors wrote their MC and ML's interaction, and how they tweaked the details here and there to make it appear natural, and not ambiguous. I prefer a natural way rather than a highly ambiguous interaction. Even if it was ambiguous, then I prefer to have the should be ambiguous interaction turned into naturally created.

An example of a novel where the MC and ML already have an ambiguous relationship from the start is MDZS. However, the scenes where it should be ambiguous, like, how LWJ caught WWX's hand, were turned into a natural scene because the author didn't add unnecessary details like, "LWJ's heart beat faster. WWX's hand is slender and white, it's nice to touch and grope", etc. LOL. Another one, even if LWJ and WWX ended up sleeping in one bed and one room in the Inn, the author once again didn't add unnecessary narration like, "WWX's heart beat faster, he could feel the temperature of the person beside him. He woke up in LWJ's arms in the morning, and shyly evaded LWJ's eyes" etc, etc, LOL!!!

Instead of adding the cringe-worthy narration, MDZS just goes forward with the plot. The author lets the readers cry in surprise and squealed happily, but then aloofly and calmly advances to the plot. The author gives us ambiguous scenes but just lets us imagine the details on our own, thus stimulating our excitement, without adding those UNNECESSARY narrations, lmao. That way, even the ambiguous interaction would be natural and not cringe-worthy...

That's right, the addition of narration from the author is what makes the MC and ML's interaction in this novel, in my opinion, causing me to facepalm, and later skip them all and just read the paragraphs about the plot, lmao. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c37
this is OK, but my attention started to wander after the third extended quest popped up and forced them to continue with the barbarian scenario instead of letting them finish the novice game already. I was done with it by that point and wanted to move on, but there were still another fifteen chapters to wade through before the end of volume 1 (each game world is divided into volumes on jjwxc). Going to stop here for now and maybe try again some other day.
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KaPi rated it
February 23, 2022
Status: c68
This is honestly really good???

I know the romance was pretty bad-- I mean, it was practically one of those love-at-first-sight kind of plots, but the premise of the story itself was amazing. The second world will probably always be my favorite one because the MC was truly the main focus there. It is first shown that he is better with long-ranged weapons (like a bow) than fighting melee style. However, there were multiple instances where he was still very proficient with a knife, despite the fact that he had no... more>> previous combat experience and that it's one of his weaker fighting styles.

The MC is not someone who needs to hide behind the ML all the time and receive protection, instead, he's someone who can protect himself:


In the 2nd world, MC was all alone and managed to use his amazing combat abilities to become the "King" of some game and receive the "God Xia" title. It showed that even on his own, the MC is able to triumph over everybody else.


Other than the nonsensical way that they fell in love, everything else was pretty good as they were genuinely considered to be a "power couple".

Edit 2024/05/16:
HOLY SHIT-- THIS MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THE BEST OF NOVELS, BUT IM STILL SO HAPPY SOMEONE FINALLY PICKED IT BACK UP I THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE DROPPED FOREVER. Man I came home one day after amassing a lot of chapters to binge, only to find out I was locked out of those chapters cause the last translator ran away :') <<less
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Nikkiart rated it
October 6, 2021
Status: c31
I agree with a lot of people in this about how it did get a little too smooth and monotonous after a few arcs. The selling point of this novel for me anyway is that it's got quite a few unique and really interesting "worlds" or tasks. Additionally the MC is not a crazy person who adapts super easily in the first world and is instead led to overachieve by the ML who doesn't settle for less. Though that's only really for the first arc because they become crazy op... more>> after said arc due to all the extra points from the beginner stage extended quests.

The extended quests were really exciting at the beginning, but because they happened at every arc and you knew they were coming without fail and that the main couple would always pass, they lost traction after a while. It's just too smooth with no setbacks ever. However they were very interesting still sometimes even though I expected it and I really liked reading the progression of them like "leveling" up without the monotony that a lot of cultivation/fighting novels tend to have with boss fights and such.

I was mainly reading this almost with a slice of life kind of attitude in that I was relaxed and not really expecting very much tension from this anyway so it was good. Like I didn't really mind that there was nothing much or unexpected happening because I knew it wouldn't. I liked the uniqueness of certain arcs bad how mc/ML sort of solved them and I enjoyed the way the MC broke down gaming logic as he's a game designer himself. Idk how to explain it- you have to go into this knowing that the mc/ML pair will just succeed at whatever they do. It lacks the complexity and tension of a lot of other survival games on this website so don't go expecting that. Not many returning side characters of any interest besides mc/ML couple (except for the short amount of time they had a third teammate person who was like a hacker but it wasn't very long in my opinion nor was he expanded on very much). I appreciated the fact that they sort of had to work to find each other kind of (like they didn't remember the identity of the other person after the game but the ML found him through some descriptions MC gave of his life).

Romance was also ok at best. ML kind of is a little crazy (like the tiniest bit yandere without actually going there) because he doesn't really care about people excluding MC which can be argued that neither does MC, but he's like a little too ok with death and killing and stuff I guess? Idk how better to explain like he's toeing the line at being a little bit psycho. He gets pissed at people for even wanting to be friendly or just the most basic interaction with MC which sometimes is common in webnovels but that much jealousy honestly makes me personally feel like the relationship could get abusive (even though I know it won't in this) because it's such a red flag in real life. I also do agree with other reviewer about how it progressed a little too quick and was also kind of annoying to read the two of them after a while. I really hated the descriptions of their interactions after a while cuz its like the same thing over and over- like I found myself skimming so much of their relationship and other stuff going on outside the survival arcs (and that's usually some of my favorite parts like seeing them grow and the plot in the real world also progress, but on this there was basically no real world plot anyway).


like technically the ml's family tried to mu*der him which landed him in the survival game in the first place, but literally handled in like a couple chapters. Like probably gave that plot line like 2 paragraphs between every arc and that's it. Besides that, it was entirely just mc/ML being "romantic" but with little substance IMO.


But overall, I think this is a good novel to read if you like the survival genre and are lacking content. Its actually pretty good and I liked it, but it just couldn't live up to the better novels in the genre like Card Game and The Earth is Online. It's kind of it's own thing and not really the same as a lot of the survival/horror in that it's really not as complex or serious IMO but that could also be considered it's positive because it doesn't have a lot of convoluted logic or plot that sometimes make those novels tedious. Treat it less seriously and something to read if you're bored since it's interesting and quick. Horror tag doesn't really apply except like one arc or something. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 31, 2021
Status: Completed
I love it. Compared to other novels where the characters directly became overpowered, this is different.

There is a clear gradual process of their strengths and growths.


... more>> At first chapter, Xia Ruize was panicked and afraid at his inexplicable encounter but after some experiences he became more active to solve hidden missions and more calm to understand the situation.

I really like the fact that the Author didn't let them meet in their second mission after their novice world. It made Xia Ruize grow more and become more independent from Cheng Huaiqian.

The plot is good and the worlds in their mission, love it.

I love how they had one more teammate excluding the two of them.

The romance is not slow which is I'm happy about. It's not too fast just right.

And when the couple become official, the Author didn't flaunt the sweet like the novel is all about romance, which is another point I'm happy about.

You can see their love to each other throughout the novel with them just doing the missions, it didn't say they kissed, f*cked.

The writing quality of it is okay. In raws, it was understandable. I teared up a little when it ended.

Anyway, left this story happy that's all that matters.

Recommended when you're looking for unlimited flow/quick transmigration with BL. <<less
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Lost Louise
Lost Louise rated it
April 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Xia Ruize is a game designer that is pulled into a series of savival games. Throught which he grows stronger along with the ML

Its a good read but not one of the bests. There some great reversals in some of the arcs and the overal premis on why and how the savival games came about is good but the characterisation was a little flat. It started off quite well showing how mentaly Xia Ruize was changing over the first couple of arcs but after none of the few characters really... more>> developed other than gaining new skills. Things ran a little too smoothly, expecially in the last couple of arcs, it didn't feel like it was an increase of difficulty. Just a longer period of time needed to complete the task.

If you like OP characters and some interesting reversals this is for you, just don't experct much on the character interaction side. <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
April 18, 2024
Status: c236
I think this story is not perfect but it still manages to stand out within the survival genre for a few reasons.

  • Horrific things happen as soon as the first arc, but the story itself is not horror like most 'infinite game' plots.
  • The majority of characters know and accept that they have died and continuing forward in the game is the price of their continued life.
  • Survival conditions in the different worlds are unique. One arc makes food and water actually matter.
  • The main cast of important characters is small. The main team is only three players (including the main couple). This means that most of the introduced characters belong to the individual arcs for better and for worse.
  • This author is not necessarily skilled at world building, but you can tell that they have put effort into the developments of each world.
  • I personally enjoyed the final truth revealed in the last arc. It fit the scenarios so far, was unique within the genre, was simple enough to explain things without raising too many new questions, raised possibilities for future development for the protagonists (even if the author will not be exploring these routes), and tied up many loose ends.
Notes on each arc, particularly the first and the last.

Arc 1 c1-37 | Frontier Town

I talked the most about this ark because it is the most mentioned in other reviews. Particularly as this seems to be the only arc involving r*pe. XR sees this three times, once with CH. The complaints are about the third time, specifically CH's lack of bedside manner and the author's lack of character development for a female character. I'll bring this up in detail later.

This arc is a cruel world where the protagonists are directly thrown into a human country invaded by a strong horned race called "Barbarians." The enemy appears and starts a massacre before anyone has time to say hello. All but three testers die in this initial melee. The MC would have been one of them if not for some "friendly" help by the man in a suit. They meet up again later and the other man's ambition leads the protagonist into going above and beyond as well.

It is very obvious that the largest difficulties in this world are adapting to the sudden change and grasping the ability to kill another intelligent species. The danger forces the testers into a corner where they must act. Inaction is a dead end.

The only other tester to survive was the only female in their group, purposefully left alive by the barbarians as a s*x s*ave. This is not described in detail and I wouldn't want to read about the details even if it were. Other reviewers might criticize the author for not putting enough emphasis on caring for a r*pe victim, but I think the couple did enough under the circumstances. Every tester had to fight to survive or die.

XR gave her clothes, a weapon, and a hiding space. He went back to her at least twice to give opportunities to join the battle which she refused. She is never seen again and it is likely she does not earn enough points in the mission to survive. The girl is traumatized, but her unwillingness to take any step forward on her own or even to revenge against some barbarians has doomed her.
I think her response is relatively normal and does not paint women in a particularly bad light. The message her character sends would have been the same if she were a man. She ultimately does not do anything to drag her fellow players feet beyond asking XR to stay with her in hiding. She does not stab them in the back like another reviewer predicts, although this may be due to the protagonists not giving her the opportunity. I think given enough time she might have even figured it out, but the enemy waits for no one.
The ML is displeased that she wants to drag his teammate down, but he initially saved her without hesitation. He does not mind her doing her own thing and does not force her to act with them. Simply put, he has no expectations for a pig teammate beyond them not dragging back the team with their own unwillingness to act. His own life is also on the line. There is no time to be a counselor for her. He and XR did what they could to give her chances and they moved on once she refused.

I think her character and her experience show the extent of failing to follow the mission and the dangers involved. The author really did use her as a tool person in this sense. As for why none of the men were r*ped? Who says they weren't? The barbarians would prefer to kill the strong and targeted the weak. The man would have to be special enough to risk the chance he is able to fight back, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The protagonists stopped the crimes they could. The MC later finds the first family he saved dead showing their efforts did not have much effect in the early stages of the mission. The third tester was probably kept alive and brought back because her will to fight was so weak. It's enough for me that all of the rapists die. If I remember correctly, at least one gets his manhood chopped off first.

It's also clear that the reason she was not accepted was a personality incompatibility that added too many risks when you compare her to others the duo help later. Their third teammate does not excel nearly as much as they do. He is a bit cowardly. He stands out because he is only willing to risk himself. He is a good person willing to work hard, so the main couple takes good care of him across many worlds. This shows that they are able and willing to carry others. CH is a grouch, but their offers to help her were not false. They made the situation and the terms of cooperation clear.

Arc 2 c38-51 | The Battle of the King

This starts out like an escape room that eventually evolves into a battle royale. It's very bloody. The protagonist learns the benefits of hiding his identity as a tester.

Arc 3 c52-67 | Wilderness Guest

XR and CH meet again. They work together with some other testers in this arc to protect newbies. This arc really takes the survival aspect seriously. All food and drinking water supplies in the space are restricted. Luckily they can still use water reserves for bathing. CH finds a way to follow XR into next mission and find him irl to confirm relationship.

Arc 4 c68-83 | Bloody Battle in the Wild

Real life battle royale where evil scientists pit contestants against mutant animals.

Arc 5 c84-113 | Deep Water and Fire

This is a world of

extreme tourism! Testers must compete in a strange boating race. This arc has a major twist in its backstory that gives the protagonists a chance to steal information on advanced technology to use one day irl. They soon start planning a research base together.

Arc 6 c114-127 | Shadow of the City

First time they meet someone from a previous world. The 'enemy' this time are 'evil spirits' that will attempt to flood into the city on the full moon. Protagonists look deep into the history of the conflict for an alternative solution to end the war. They finalize new teammate.

Arc 7 c128-147 | Doomsday Run

What it sounds like. Go on missions for the researchers to end the apocalypse (and beyond!).

Arc 8 c148-169 | Bloody Hospital

A strange hospital full of terminally ill patients invaded nightly by

ghosts? This arc likes to play with illusions.

Arc 9 c170-194 | Interstellar Conflict

The conundrum on being on a human invasion force against the last planet of the Zerg.

Arc 10 c195-213 | World of Demons

Hellish teaching requirements! Magicians and Monsters Fighting together against each other for the sake of their shared world! Yes, it's just as contradictory as it sounds. I feel more complicated about this world after reading the ending because I realized the protagonists actions may have helped the will of this world to fix its broken rules. They may have literally saved a doomed planet. They were only a supplementary force at most for the researchers of the Doomsday Planet. In this world, they utilized the tools available to change the direction of the future with purely their own strength and ideas. Third teammate separates knowing he is not ready for the next world.

Arc 11 c214-236 | Peace in the Fairyland

Finale is a cultivation world. This world has both the most oppressive rules and the most free opportunities for the couple. The cultivation supplements most of their known knowledge. The world is hard but practically made for them. Indeed they soon find out that at some point the lord god eyed their talent and started hand picking the worlds they would enter. They find the truth behind everything and I think it's unique enough to be worth the read.

I am satisfied with the author, ending the story here. There is definitely a lot of room for the couple to keep moving forward and discovering new world and upgrading their own world and returning to visited world and maybe one day their relatives joining them one day after their natural deaths. The thing is that there is no further room for them to really upgrade within the system anymore. The formula of three worlds at each level is over. The pacing would be really f*cked up if the author forcibly continues beyond this. I think there is a reason why they return to the magic world was over and a few sentences. Additionally, I think they really hit their limit on creating new worlds. Anything beyond point whether it is an origin world or a marginal world would risk opening plot holes within the story due to unnecessary bloat. There are remaining questions but I think the author stops in time before they can ruin their own development. They end the story on a high note and I can't resent them for my own remaining curiosity.

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September 29, 2022
Status: --
It was interesting at first and fresh with qt that has the charcaters sent to battle with where they to fight and survive but chinese novels eagerness in being casual about r*pe and making everyone but the MC and ML incompetent gets really annoying.
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Hibari_Rin rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this via MTL a while ago so I might miss something but this story is ok overall. I'd rate it 3.5* but there are parts that I like enough so I'll be nice. The main selling point of this novel is not the main quest itself, but the reversal they did for the hidden tasks and the many ways the author make the copies with the theme 'survival'. In this novel, the survival is mostly against being they can actually fight.

For example:... more>>

other humans, mutated animals, competitions, money. Only one copy have 'evil spirit' as the 'enemy' but, like every other copy, there was a reversal at the end.


One thing that stood out for me is the lack of conversation between everyone. The sadest part is

the fact that MC really only befriended ML (who became his boyfriend) and one hacker specialist side chara. Too little character pool. There are other players mentioned... but just mentioned. They get maybe a paragraph worth of existence? Yeah...


Also, it was too smooth? No suspense whatsoever. Main reason I was disappointed:

It was even revealed that they were basically nurtured by the main God of the world. Soo yeah.


However, I do think the reversals are interesting. Bear with the first arc (the worst and honestly just a block of descriptions for the most part), and wait for our CP to reunite

in the 3rd copy

. <<less
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April 6, 2024
Status: c24
I will not rate this novel as I'm not planning to continue reading it.

The first arc in itself has managed to put me off. I for one am not a fan of BL novels that use women as means to move the plot forward. If you do not know how to write female characters properly please completely remove female characters from your novels.

We're introduced to SA immediately at the start of the novel. Shall we stop making saving women from abuse means to make the main characters look like a hero? That's strike number one. Then a fellow gamer like themselves is found severely SA-ed and abused and the first thing ML does is be annoyed at her distress? Like wowwww. And we're supposed to like him. I haven't read further but I bet there will be a part where she betrays them or smth just so the audience can stop sympathizing with her.


Anyway I have had a very bad first impression of this novel and I wont be reading further.
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May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I felt like I was dreaming, kind of in a haze and by the end of the book I woke up. This novel's reading experience is sometimes slow, sometimes fast. The first arc is around 30-40 chapters long. Personally, even though I enjoyed it -- I realized it didn't need to be dragged out that long. The second arc was what made me go 'ok I can do this, I can read this novel' -- but then I went through all of the arcs and felt that reading this novel... more>> is like the experience of 'dreaming'. Sometimes a scene is very vivid, sometimes it's slow/you can't remember anything. Nothing is typical, each story took it's own turn. Even some of the typical types like 'zombie apocalypse' or 'fighting the zergs' has it's own spin. It's a very pleasant, very smooth ride up-hill. No need to worry about anything, even less annoying teammates. The romance is set in stone around... well, the third arc? After that, they are together now and go through all the scenes together. The ending is abit abrupt, but I'm not mad about it. In the end, I had a very good dreaming experience. <<less
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trash_generalist rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: c68
Honestly, I thought this story was really good at first! I especially liked the first arc a lot~ That arc fully explored the game mechanics and had a relatively slower pacing. But by the second and third arc the pacing completely turned around and became a bit of a mess. By the end of the third arc the progression was 75-85% “Telling vs Showing”, making the chapters a real slog to get through T.T Anyway, I’m holding onto hope that this will improve in the next arc? Hopefully 😭? I’ll... more>> come back to reread it when the translation is further along to find out! The story is pretty fun to read, so I’m hesitant to give up on it just yet.

I’ll write a more detailed review when I do that, but the basic gist is that the MC and ML find themselves in a survival game setting where they are given tasks (i.e., killing barbarians). These tasks have to do with completing the main mission but they also give lots of bonuses when completed (i.e., dropped rewards, increase in physical attributes, etc.). The MC is not the ambitious type, he’s very careful! But he ends up paired with the ML, who is surprisingly hot-blooded (always eager to chase after gains and wins). <<less
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ShioriSai rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: Completed
The premise of each arcs, item and skills drops are interesting enough. I also have nothing to say about the Leads. It's just you'll see that the author had no sense of pace, the arcs got drag on until it became boring and monotous that you'll just want to skip it. It's fine if the authors wants to do long arcs, but they clearly didn't have the capability to do it properly.

I'm gonna rate this a 3.5/5
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November 10, 2021
Status: --
I really like character of both ML and MC. They both are powerful but not overpowering. It is logical for them to be powerful as they start growing from the reward after finish the mission in each world. The story for each world is good too, the plot and how they finish the task is splendid. However, the end of the story is too rush, it as if the writer want to finish the story asap.

... more>>

After finish the last world, they learn the truth of the world then back to reality and then get marry and end. No mention about how the company, research that they developing will be or have they contact their old teammate or tell him about the secret of gold zone and no mention of how they will take care of the mission world in the future, at least it should be few more special chapters. Everything seems to be rush compare to how the story proceed before, the end of the last world and the end of the story are in the same chapter.

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