I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!


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Liam Sera Banfield is a reincarnator.

He had reincarnated into a fantasy world of magic and swords, but at the time the civilization had already been making advancements into outer space.

The setting takes place in an intergalactic empire, a space opera-like universe where humanoid weapons and spaceships battle.

Liam, who had been reborn into an aristocratic family in a monarchic society, has the ambition to one day become an evil lord.

In his previous life, Liam had unfortunately lost everything and died in despair.

— It’s foolish to live for others.

— I will live for myself.

Keeping those feelings in his heart, he has decided to fulfill his goal, but is instead worshipped as a virtuous ruler due to his difference in values.

Will Liam be able to become an evil lord?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I am the Villainous Lord of the Interstellar Nation
Ore wa Seikan Kokka no Akutoku Ryōshu!
Related Series
I’m the Heroic Knight of an Intergalactic Empire! (Shared Universe)
To Be a Power in the Shadows! (WN) (20)
The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs (7)
I’m Not a Regressor (6)
A Berserker Mob, I’m Going to Participate in the Main Story (6)
My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (6)
Genius Prince’s National Revitalization from State Deficit ~ Right, Let Us Sell the Country (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Drama Supermacy
  3. Guilty pleasure
  4. My Top Novels From the 500 Novels I have Read (KR,...
  5. Strong misunderstanding

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/21/19 SlothTranslations v4c9
09/20/19 SlothTranslations v4c8
09/19/19 SlothTranslations v4c7
09/18/19 SlothTranslations v4c6
09/16/19 SlothTranslations v4c5
09/15/19 SlothTranslations v4c4
09/12/19 SlothTranslations v4c3
09/11/19 SlothTranslations v4c2
09/09/19 SlothTranslations v4c1
09/07/19 SlothTranslations v4 prologue
08/30/19 SlothTranslations v3 interlude
08/29/19 SlothTranslations v3 epilogue
08/28/19 SlothTranslations v3c14
08/26/19 SlothTranslations v3c13
08/24/19 SlothTranslations v3c12
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165 Reviews sorted by

wrightl rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: v3c1
It is difficult for me to be objective about this story because it seems as if it were made specifically for my tastes, everything about it seems perfect.

I love misunderstanding stories, and this story has a lot. I love op protagonists, this story has that. I love well regarded main characters, and supernatural elements, and a small amount of domain building, all of these are present.

Basically, if you like this kind of story, you will really like it, and if you don't like this kind of story you probably won't.
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Gigz rated it
July 31, 2019
Status: v2c14
This is one of the most hype novels for me to read. It's so well written, I can easily tell what's going on, there's nothing boring to be read, and the misunderstandings feel satisfying and absolutely hilarious. It feels dark and gloomy at the start, but boy, oh boy, it gets god-tier later on.
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Ayane rated it
January 30, 2023
Status: v9
It's a fun read.

It's one of those novels where even if you spot inconsistencies or you can come up with legitimate criticism, you don't care because you enjoy reading it.
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whitenight2013 rated it
July 1, 2022
Status: v10
This novel is just good, clean fun. It uses that trope where the MC tries to do evil things, but his evil deeds always have positive results. It never gets old here like it does in other novels because from out point of view, he is really doing evil things. It's because of the setting that his evil things turn out good.

... more>>

For instance, he accepts bribes in gold, but in this universe gold isnt super valuable. So he is helping people out for a cheap price.


He is also ruthless and evil to his enemies, so we can see his cruelty in action, but because his enemies are always bad guys, he still gets a positive reaction from his actions. Most volumes follow this kind of pattern, but it always finds a way to keep things fresh and interesting.

It is a bit jarring in the beginning because when I think of a whole galaxy, I think Star Wars rules where there are going to be thousands of alien species and planets. For him, it is going to be a couple of planets. It isn't a big deal, and I wouldn't even call it a problem, but I know it bothers some people.

The side characters are a treat. You never really get to see them on their own, so there isn't much depth to them, but there doesn't need to be. This story is all about Liam, and the interactions the characters have with Liam are a riot.


At one point his people start protesting, and they get it into their heads that a protest is basically a festival, so even though they are protesting, they are still having fun. Liam has a mini-freakout wondering why his subjects are so dumb.


The combat and war aspects are OK. Nothing too great, but it doesn't pretend to be. The author knows how long to play those scenes and makes sure they don't overstay their welcome.

The author also provides a solid reason why Liam hasn't committed to any harem. He has a bunch of girls who do like him, and he readily admits that if they weren't all insane, he would definitely like them back. But they are. Absolutely. Insane. It's great. I always appreciate when a reason beyond the MC being dense is used to prolong any romance. <<less
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Naventa rated it
April 25, 2022
Status: v10
Great novel! Whimsical and filled with mayhem, but solidly written.

Don't believe the bad reviews, this is a "misunderstanding" type novel filled with luck and coincidence. The plot and characters are written with that as a premise. It is a comedy, not an action or drama. The people who have given bad reviews have misunderstood the genre entirely. Even the title is an inside joke once you understand the story.
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Dg2 rated it
February 20, 2022
Status: c2
Not much to say besides I've read two novels with the exact same plot as this. I don't really care if this was the OG version or not, I disliked all of them the same.

Evil MC reincarnates, crap parents who throw him under the boss and a deity who is a trickster. The MC misunderstands and praises said deity. The guy tries to act evil, but everyone misunderstands him as some kind of messiah.

Yeah.... Now where have I read this before? I know of at least a dozen novels that... more>> follow this trend a little.

Rate 2/5 <<less
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Ntr Hunter
Ntr Hunter rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: v12c3
Plot "was" interesting. MC was evil from his perspective while he did good things. But it just becomes too repetitive that it becomes boring/s*upid sometimes. The main to comedy of the story was supposed to be guide getting tortured by liam's gratitude. While the guide is funny, MC is not.
MC wants to build a harem but doesn't touch women. His female subordinates are so desperate (they're loyal & he knows) but he simply ignored them (he's not dense), he even ignored his fiancee for years and shared bed only after marriage. Dude deserves to be cucked. If his female subordinates gives advice, he simply asks "Are you s*upid?". Quite toxic towards his female subordinates & mistress women, I understand that he was cheated on but still he's knows that they're loyal, although they're idiotic and annoying in some aspects, but still.
For some time I thought author might've made all that cuz he wanted things to be funny but that's not the case. We're in volume 9 & author is not really keeping up the MC but downgrading him with ofcourse making him the greatest person.
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Undesirable Madness
Undesirable Madness rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: v8c4
Honestly, this story has interesting plot devices.

I just hate that there is a lot of wasted content.

Lots of unused snippets which I would like to know the context of.

... more>> For example:

How did the infamous first emperor of the Empire hold onto his throne for so long, considering that he was a fool and frequently discarded humanoid weapons like the shadow clan?

This plot point was discarded the moment author san finished the "Support Prince Cleo Arc", and was never mentioned again.

It's unlikely to ever be explained because of how a majority of Japanese light novels just jump from one problem to another and never really bother to reuse previous plot devices and lay out the groundwork for future story arcs.

Like that time when the MC learned that there was an AI uprising sometime in the past, and people are paranoid and discriminatory of AIs.

The author spent several chapters emphasizing that people really hate AIs.

For what?

So he can insert some characters who tr*sh the MC for having an AI, create a minor disturbance which is then forgotten in the next chapter, and subtly increase the chapter word count?

Come on man, I just want complete side plots.

I don't care if it doesn't make sense.

I feel like I'm reading a book with several pages torn out, and it's like I'm missing out on something.

I really want those side stories, however short they may be. <<less
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tomthegreatest rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: v10
TLDR: First 6 volumes were 5 stars, but the novel started declining in quality from there. Overall though, I would recommend trying this novel out as it started out very strong and will definitely keep you entertained for a very long time. I went into this novel knowing that it was a comedy gag novel and I enjoyed every bit of it for the first 6 volumes. I enjoyed the novel so much, that I decided to read the raw version of it because I got impatient with the translation.

Volumes... more>> 1-6 were funny, interesting, and a completely new concept to me which made me want to give the novel a 5-star review. The minor "farfetched" reasonings that the author made to create jokes were ignored because they were at least somewhat reasonable, interesting, and funny.

Volumes 7-10 were a nightmare in my opinion that dropped the novel from a solid 5-stars to only a 3-stars. The jokes started to repeat, the explanations became so farfetched that I found myself TRYING to come up with an explanation for how the settings were reasonable only to not be able to. In addition, the fact that the MC would refuse to have relationships with real women was pretty pathetic. I'm fine with the MC having a legitimate reason like Ainz from Overlord who is physically unable to do so as he is a skeleton or honestly even the MC being straight-up gay is fine. But when the MC constantly yells that he wants to have a harem of beautiful girls and doesn't actually do anything to his "harem" that is where I draw the line.

I highly recommend reading this novel, but don't expect too much from the later volumes. <<less
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bryku rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: --
To put it simply, the story is bad... I mean f***ing BAD.
That being said, if you can ignore all of that there is a bit of comedy.
Most of it is pretty typical troupe comedy that you can find in about any other comedy novel, but its there.

What sort of makes me upset about this story is that the idea sounds awesome... until you realize none of it makes sense and there is just no world-building or character development at all. It tries to pretend there is, but other than names and 1 or 2 facts that is about it. It glosses over anything interesting and doesn't really have much substance.

Remember that movie with Will Smith, I am Legion? Do you know that part where he is tripping out talking to the mannequin? That is what this story feels like. All of the characters feel like they are missing personality.

I tried to leave out spoilers, but if you want examples there are some on the other comments.
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Vandille rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: --
It's pretty good, very nice plot and well done story telling, words are quite adequate and aren't too difficult or simple to bore the reader.

  • Pros
  • Nice plot
  • Not so awful characters
  • Cons
  • Sometimes the author seemingly forgets this is intergalactic and acts as if theres a few countries and continent's only so I get a bit agitated.
  • The beginning feels a little too rushed but its not that awful as they atleast have some interesting things that they sow.
MC has a 1d personality of "Oh yes gaha im gonna do that seems evil enough"

Very nice... more>> and hoping for more, very nice read. <<less
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V_sA.Bl_.E rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: v5 prologue
So far this series is one where I read for its comedy. Some people who gave bad reviews are either too serious or expecting smut. The villain is made to be idiotic to make the readers laugh. While it may be similar to Overlord because of misunderstandings, it is definitely not as serious plot wise. Right now, the MC and FL haven't really done anything romantic other than have a wedding, so I'm guessing this novel is not going to be ecchi. The other females seem to be too... generic,... more>> so I'm considering the idea of lowering my rating but I guess it's good overall. <<less
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Promethean rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: v5 epilogue
It's pretty good. Funny and hilarious. I mean what do you expect from a misunderstanding series? A bad guy accidentally gets seen as a good and righteous man, simply because of his past life experiences as a disappointed Japanese salaryman.

This is a simple reviews. There's decent world building. The characters are, for the most part dynamic, but its not a character driven story. It's purely a plot and situation driven story. Its character driven comedy for the most part.

There is a harem tag, but it honestly isn't ever important. He... more>> only has 1 wife (or fiancée), and basically never gets with any other girl (so far). His official harem count is basically 1, and he basically doesn't even touch, care, or consider the other girls as potential partners. So it doesn't really matter. And that's what makes it tolerable and funny. One of the longest running jokes is that he wants to form a s*x harem but it never happens, for reasons you will find out while reading.

Read it for the comedy. Its great at that. If you expect anything else, well don't, because its best when its doing comedy. And that's why its a good series. <<less
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October 28, 2020
Status: v5c8
Ummm...... my opinion probably doesn’t matter that much, and I’m not one of those in-depth-analyzing-the-story kind of people, But if you like the types of stories do, and you Loved ‘To be in Power From the Shadows’, you’ll love this! I usually read yaoi and such, but I was looking for other stories like power in the shadows, and found this, and................... I ended up binge reading it over two days. 😅 My recommendation: trust in the high rating and multitudes of 5-star comments
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DRlcuk rated it
October 27, 2020
Status: --
It’s lighthearted, I love it. Not all novels have to be serious, if you’re looking for a laugh or to get away from the moody stuff, try it out.
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KINGOAL rated it
October 24, 2020
Status: v8c10
This is one of my most favorate misunderstandings novel, another one is To be a power in the shadow. If you like something that is lighthearted rather than bitter, you should enjoy this one, just like shadow.

You should know one thing before reading it: this is a misunderstandings comedy, not a serious science fiction story —— the luck and coincidence make it funny. If you find the logic of the plot hard to swallow, you may not be the audience for this kind of writing.
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Pixeldrum rated it
July 19, 2020
Status: v5
Misunderstanding novels. To be honest, comedies have always been my favorite, and my favorite sub-genre in anime, novels, and manga has always been misunderstanding novels.

That being said, not all misunderstanding novels are well made or funny, for that matter. This series, despite being a misunderstanding novel, is quite terrible. I mean, first of all, the beginning is extremely cliche'd, and it really didn't give me the vibes of it being a sort of "poking fun" premise of all the other isekai novels. It's just plain bad. The beginning is quite... more>> rushed, and plot just keeps on happening at an extremely fast pace. He goes from extremely weak to OP within tens of chapters. I honestly don't really care that comedy novels like these have an extremely OP MC. However, execution DOES matter a lot. His isekai chapter is as bad as it gets, and the way he powers up is extremely mundane. Well, whatever. Does it actually get any better after that, though? No, not really.

This novel has a terrible beginning because it's rushed, poorly executed, and no characters are developed. And that trend stays for the rest of the novel. You get introduced to the minimal amount of characters, and all of their personalities are extremely one dimensional. Not a single one of them get any actual character development, even the main character. They're very convenient for the MC personnel wise, so that his development of territory is perfect. Antagonists are conveniently just "evil" people with little to no remorse that the MC can kill. This greatly impedes the necessary tools to success as a comedy. If all characters are boring, how would I ever find them funny? Comic relief characters are blatantly made clear that their only role is to provide cheap laughs by executing the same comedy routines every time they get some time in the novel. Characters that might seem to be important to the novel get pushed aside for new, cheaper characters so that the author doesn't have to think about characterization. God knows what would happen if he created a character with any depth.

Despite the novel being a comedy, it focuses a lot on plot. That'd be at least kind of acceptable if the plot was good, but of course it isn't. If characters aren't well made, how could the plot be any better? It's just random people that get in the way of the MC with plot armor. It ends up with the MC winning, and the setting changing slightly with different, but extremely similar antagonists. Rinse and repeat, and we're already at the 5th volume.

However, there are two things that just make the novel terrible. The MC, and the world building. The universe is set at a aristocratic one with extreme scientific expansion. Galaxies are being conquered with advanced technology and warships. Seems pretty interesting, but the setting never gets expanded upon. You basically only know the country the MC is in, and the only nobles that are mentioned are ones that are on the MC's side, or his enemies. The only advanced technology is "learning capsules" (lazy plot device) and warships for battle. It'd be nice if there was more politics or at least some showcase of the technology there. How is it implemented in everyday use? How far has research progressed? Of course, none of that actually gets mentioned. The MC is terrible as a character because he's inconsistent. My biggest problem with him as a character is his relationship with Amagi. He gets really close with her, yet neglects her, and even picks up random women on the side. For a person who despises people like his ex-wife, he sure as hell doesn't care nearly that much about Amagi as he did before.

Anyways, I won't go any further in my criticisms of this novel, because that would be endless. However, I will just say this: the novel fails as a comedy because the misunderstandings are poorly set up with one dimensional characters. Take Overlord, one of the most popular JP misunderstanding novels, and my personal favorite novel. It's funny because the Kugane Muruyama takes the time and actually invests time into each character in the novel. Dialogue is plenty, and you actually get to know all the personalities of the main and side characters in each arc. This makes it so that when the actual interactions between the MC and other characters, the dialogue is great. Plus, when the MC in Overlord takes over a land, it's a lot more than just "I am OP so I take you over or you die, " like what Liam would do in this novel. There's actually a lot of exposition, and even a lot of time in the shoes of people who are getting taken over. All of these are great set ups for misunderstandings with the likable Suzuki Satoru. Overlord sets great foundations for the comedy, while this novel just throws it at you.

Alright. Despite all my complaints and my inability to point out anything actually good about the novel, I still basically caught up to translation in a mere two days. I can't help but pin this on my personal enjoyment and that I was pretty bored at the time. You truly have to shut your brain off before reading the novel, and it's not even funny. I didn't really laugh. At the same time though, I did finish it. Perhaps it has the least amount of merit as a novel you read as a "buffer" as I did. I just finished reading a good novel, so reading a s*upid "turn your brain off" novel like this might be fine before starting on something that's actually good. It truly was mildly interesting. But if we're being honest here, it's still not worth reading by any means. <<less
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Schwarzberg rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: v12
Honestly, I've registered to rate this one, for it is awesomely fun to read and greatly translated. In my eyes, this is The funniest isekai I have read till now. An ironical quintessence of all isekai strong and weak points, properly utilised to get a humorous and refreshing story. Overpowered protagonist, crazy loyal followers, virg*n with a harem, uber mecha, You name it - and it is there. As Marty Stu as it can be, but not a grain of that disappointing "ah, another isekai OP/harem/misunderstanding/etc" feeling. Perfect balance. Hope... more>> it isn't stalled or dropped.

Upd.: TL had been dropped. (, _,) Evil hand of MTL had covered the sun...


There is some hope. Go to forum for links up to v12.

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January 17, 2020
Status: c69
I dont if this is correct but I think amagi will be the main love interest anyone else thinks so?

my review and my thoughts: this web novel dose have some parts that will make you irritated but thats just normal and expected because there will always be fans and critics and for those who think the MC is irritating because he misunderstands things I am pretty sure you need to know that this is a misunderstanding comedy where MC tries being evil and sometimes he actually dose look evil

SPOILER WARNING... more>> the part where he wanted to break Rosetta by having her marry him

but he ends up looking like a good person in the end MC has plot armor literally the light creature that follows the guide is basically the armor that bends the evil guides evil plans into things that help the MC this show dose have plot holes because the gose through decades in one time skip in the web novel's universe anti-aging tech has gone up so high that for the people in that universe a decade would feel like a year for us and the last time we actually get to know how old the MC was when he became 50 or so then the web novel never tells the readers MC's exact age I am gonna guess hes in his mid or late 70's but he looks like a teenager who is still in his puberty stage (said by the MC) and so anyone in that universe who looks like a middle-aged man or women is probably a few centuries old I dont like how they treat in that universe like MC

SPOILER WARNING after MC beats the berkly family the times skips 4 years later

this wen novel did have its down sides but amount of times I laughed reading this while being in a restraint or family dinner and getting glared makes up for some of the bad parts I would recommend you to read it so you can also experience pain in your stomach from laughing for a few minutes I also recommend this because just reading the bad reviews and good reviews aren't enough you have to experience it to be able to know if you like it some people will say this is a very good novel because they liked it and others will say bad things about because they dont like it but remember a review from someones perspective, opinions and experience <<less
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NegativeIQ rated it
December 20, 2019
Status: v4 epilogue
It's a comedy misunderstandings novel, where the protagonist's skull is thicker than his plot armor, and trust me when I say this, his plot armor is thick. World building is understandable, character development is below average, the antagonist (as of v4) and side characters are boring (except maybe his personal robot maid and butler). The plot is sub par, mainly because of the thick plot armor the protagonist has. But hey, if you like an op protagonist that just blows everything in their way away because that's just how he... more>> rolls, then pick it up. <<less
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