I’m Really a Superstar


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Zhang Ye was originally a mundane college graduate with aspiring dreams to become a star, but unfortunately has below average looks and height. However one day, he woke up and suddenly found himself in a parallel world!

It’s like the same world, but wait a minute…many brands, celebrities and even famous works from his world changed and are gone in this new world!

Armed with the profound literary knowledge of his previous world and a heaven-defying Game Ring that gives him magical items, stats and skills, Zhang Ye embarks on a journey to pursue his life-long dream of becoming famous!

Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions!

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’m Really a Superstar
Ngã Chân Thị Đại Minh Tinh
Wo Zhen Shi Da Ming Xing
Related Series
Game Market 1983 (10)
God of Cooking (8)
God of Music (7)
I’m in Hollywood (6)
Top Management (5)
A Valiant Life (4)
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289 Reviews sorted by

valdesaga rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c42
Too damn awesome !

Finally, some novel without kill/rob/cultivate/etc

Every chapter comes out im always laugh when read it.

Its really funny. The story line really make you enjoy when reading it !

You must read it !
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UnNoticed rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c38
Wow this is nice for relieving stress, it's comedy is pure gold and I can't stop grinning while reading this. If you wanna take a break on reading novels with massive killing, scheming, stealing, cultivating etc.. Then you'll love this.

Try and read it then grin like an idiot xD. 5/5 for comedy
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Pandamonium rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c20
Honestly this is the first time I have reviewed a novel after so few chapters. But from what I have read, this novel is HILARIOUS! it can definetally be in the top ranks and in my opinion is one of the best if not the best Chinese comedy I have read in a long time. Everyone shoudl give this a shot. Seriously.... Laughed out loud way too many times
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seethis rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: c275
The writing isn't good, the characters aren't good, and the writer is deranged. The story not bad.

The world is literally remade for MC. Successful companies, bands, writers, etc ceasing to be of note, likely not existing. Just for him. And he still struggles and cries like a baby constantly?

That's what struck me over and over again. You're literally the center of the universe and this is what we get from you?

At least the Beatles one made more sense. This one was a mess.
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salazar rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: c600
If you skip the nationalistic and very blatant racism its still readable. The problem is that the racism is so thinly veiled there might as well not be a veil.

... more>>

Zhang Ye smiled and said, “What do some people think being elegant is about?”

Yao Jiancai was a little stumped, thinking why he did not follow the script? Still, he reacted very quickly and asked, “What is it about?”

Zhang Ye answered, “Being crazy about foreign things and obsequious to the foreigners!”

“Huh?” said Yao Jiancai.

Zhang Ye said sarcastically, “To act like foreigners, saying that foreign products are all good and elegant, there are those who adore the Koreans or Japanese, hur hur. To be honest, in the past those countries were all tribute nations to our country. Year after year, they would send tributes and pay homage to us. When their royal families had a child, they would send them here to be political hostages, but now, our people are putting them on a pedestal and worshiping their people?”

Tian Bin was clapping hard from where he was seated!

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MadXBite rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: c1652

-MC has thick plot armor

-The MC humbly/arrogantly keeps his word whenever he does something unthinkable


-Emotional ride. Over 1700 chapters to get to know the MC.

-No boring chapters. Everyone keeps saying it's repetitive, but it's not that important.

-Mentions past enemies/friends

-Short chapters

-MC fights enemies over the internet. Don't we all?

-MC is very good at making enemies. Still has many friends.

-no harem.

Before MC meet his love, he got to sleep with 2 girls although never got far.


My review:

I think anyone who read all of the chapters would remember this novel for years.
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Zarman rated it
November 23, 2019
Status: --
I really tried to get through this but I just can't. The author is probably vary much a racist depicting anyone not Chinese as scum and the MC as being so Superior to them. And the MC takes this in strides and looks down on foreigners. Now I can understand the Chinese distrust of the Japanese they really f them over in WW2 but it not just the Japanese it is everyone other than the Chinese. This really makes me irritated and point that he (the MC) is the biggest... more>> hypocrite and a blind fool. Most of his achievements are plagiarized from the people he looks down on as inferior and since he cant do anything original that is equal to the plagiarized material that doesn't make him less than the inferior people he looks down on. He is the biggest hypocrite scum. I can live with the racism to an extent but not a complete fool of a main character the author depicts as being smart because the author is either an idiot or pushing an agenda. <<less
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bnap rated it
April 27, 2019
Status: c450
I can take a bunch of experts always hating on our MC for no reason. That's just a typical Chinese novel plot. It's actually insanely annoying and is about 1/3 of all the filler in the novel, but I can live with it. But suddenly around 430 ... more>>

he becomes a top world hacker after eating only 10 networking skill books and mentioning how much more difficult hacking is in the new world

. Honestly this point is so absurd; his other skills he at least has a relating power allowing him to be strong in it. Here it feels so loony.

A point everyone else is mentioning is his nationalism and being anti Korean. Yes, that is going to be an annoying aspect of the novel and enhances it in no way. I don't have a problem hearing about Chinese nationalism and it's used as a device to contribute some events regarding the Koreans, because the author doesn't have a big enough brain to come up with any rational events otherwise.

It should also be mentioned this is kinda r*pey. He forces himself on women even when they say no repeatedly and display no flirting whatsoever. It is not s*x, just some groping, but it still feels off. <<less
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Darkzeta rated it
March 7, 2019
Status: c1451
Read up to chapter 1451 on the qidian site.

So...I loved it / Hated it. More like 90% loved it / 1% hated it / 9% sure. why not?

Hated the nationalism, but... then... you gotta ask: What country is it in? The writer can't be too international... or someone's watching over his shoulder. Besides, I see nationalism in Korean stories, in American movies etc. It happens. What MC doesn't like or love their own country?

Give me a top 10 movie or novel in which the MC HATES and... more>> DESPISES their own home country 100% of the time, and I'll say you would have a super hard time finding one. If any.

Racism? Sure. Like we murrican's don't hate certain south american countries or certain skin colors etc. We don't live in a white wash world. Not all MC can be perfect. He sucks.

But... that's not all he is too.

The parts that make up for the crap: 1. MC is passionate about his goal; to be a super star. 2. the writer lets us realize that all the 'hits' of our world we've taken for granted now? can still show their magic in this story. 3. the writer reminds us that if someone handed you a 'lottery' system, could you really stay focused long enough to achieve your superstar? 4. adversity always abounds. takes a tough nut to get pass it.

These reasons are my main ones why I binge read it. Our MC is flawed, but a very passionate young man. And he reminds us that dreams can be achieved. But would take a ton of hard work and that all the one hit wonders we see everyday? Those have a great reason why they are wonders.

Not sure if this convinced you to give it a read. But give a few chapters a try and maybe you'll see that the world is not as dry and grey as you think... because the magic of music and poetry still has a soul. <<less
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Osborn rated it
March 4, 2019
Status: c550
Such a disappointment... I was looking for something like "I'm in Hollywood", as I really liked that story. And so, I gave a chance to "I'm really a superstar", but man, this story is so bad that it simply can't be compared.

I've reached the conclusion that, even though it was never openly stated in the story, the MC must be mentally handicaped. Yes. For sure. There is no other explanation for the inmense number of absurd and illogical things he does. It's to the point that I had to stop... more>> reading the story because it was making me really angry seeing all the dumb things he does.

Another thing I didn't like is that the MC is extremely nationalistic and racist. This is something that never really bothered me before in other stories, as I was able to mostly ignore such parts, but the author here takes it to a whole new level. And if you add to it a very poor plot, then you won't be able to enjoy this story. <<less
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zouave rated it
June 27, 2018
Status: c1090
It was fun and all in the beginning, I rally loved the premise for this story specially being able to learn all the skills or memory capsules or w.e

Just to note, I started reading MTL and dam even then the racism in the novel is way overboard. It literally turned into a propaganda for Chinese nationalism and looking down on other countries. The MC just turns plain s*upid in anything related to Japan, maybe even other countries [can't remmeber clearly, as I had dropped this novel some time ago]. I... more>> may read it again mainly for the MC's power ups and the poems.

Note: If you don't got any novel to read then go ahead and try rading this, you can do what I did, just fly over the racism as if it wasn't there and try to read it, it's kindda bearable, not exactly lol. <<less
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kcao1199 rated it
June 17, 2018
Status: c418
It was entertaining initially. The premise of the story is interesting and it was relatively well written. However, I'm a firm believer that characterization makes or breaks the story. The main character. You can say he goes through a character development, but, you can say he developed into something more depraved. That's not even considering the scenes filled with either racism or s*xual harassment and the insinuation that it is a good thing.

tl;dr: premise good, translation good, but poor execution of story and character
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Freya Reniel
Freya Reniel
April 28, 2018
Status: c557
At first I really loved this novel. After all I spent the whole two days re-reading this again from the start even though I just can continue reading this from the chapter I left. But this novel take a turn, like a sharp turn.

At first I really touched at his heroic moments, saving a fan from committed su*cide, etc. But then in later chapter they started bringing two things I hate the most; woman only as s*x objects and racism. It's okay if you used this two things as some... more>> kind of plot or character flaw, but it's a different things if the novel itself worship this as a good things in novel.


The MC is a cheater, I don't even know if he's truly in love with Wu girl. For what I grasped, he's only loved her because of her body and that's it. He's thinking about his feelings with Wu girl, and the next second thing you know he's groping the landlady. There's not a single thing explaining why MC fell in love with Wu girl other than her body. Even though he defended the woman when someone write folk song poem for man should reach for their dream and woman stays in home. Wow. I skipped when things get heated between him and girls.

Second thing, racism. At first it's just one Korean artist insulted MC about lying not using script for talk show and he retaliated by insulted Korean. Okay, it's a bit weird but okay. AND THEN SOMETHING s*upid HAPPENED. Another Korean artist appeared in Spring Gala, replacing veteran singer and Heavenly Queen. He got angry because this is their culture gala and no foreigner should appear. Okay fair enough. Then the bodyguard of that Korean Artist pushed a fan and not apologized, he make a fuss by beating them to apologize. Okay that artist's a jerk. Suddenly the agency saying Chinese people bullying that Korean Artist in Korea media and suddenly it's a war between hackers? That Korean Artist is not really that famous, only C-list. I doubted that top hackers in Korea really care about that, but suddelny they all attacking Chinese media? And MC retaliated to the point of it almost the result of Korea in edge of bankruptcy because of a virus? Like there's not a single doubt from Korean about that news? Why this is okay? And why every single of Korean people in this novel is a jerk?? And he lamented a bit after that, about 2-3 words and after that forget it, it's not important. The entire time I'm reading this I feel sick about this arc. After that they back to face slapping things and I hope there's not an arc like this again.

I was wrong.

After Korean, there's Japanese. Japanese behaviour is not accurate at all to reality. They're all screaming and etc.

I just can't.

And I read another review there's going to be white people and black people racism too.


Unfortunately (or fortunately) I will say goodbye to this novel. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: c1040
Edit: Now that I've read a lot... although Id still prob and will like this book, the plot arcs were too simple, and somewhat basic writing. But even with that, a story with only basic quality writing made me love it. But I changed my rating to a 3 for non bias

Basically my favorite novel I have ever read. Very amusing, good romance, good idea, good plots, etc. Only bad part is that some of the people he offends may be someone u are since its... more>> a parallel world (as in a job etc) . Basically people who were offended give bad rating but as an open mind, the book is so interesting! Also if you are dumb (no offense) you wont be able to appreciate cultural differences between yours and the setting. Most of the info is actually true to! This book also taught me how to be more comedic litterary and people are amazed by some poems I make now, jokes, or comebacks too! Im a BRAINDEAD FAN FOR THIS BOOK! <<less
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March 13, 2018
Status: c700
This novel has a nice premise but is ruined by 2 points


... more>>

this novel is predictble here is how it works the MC gets a job everybody says he cant do it or it's a s*upid idea then he does something to shock them theen breaks records then someone from managment either hates him or hates the fact that is better than them and so everyone in the managment gets him fired he leaves takes a break to do sme kick ass stuff for 10ch or so gets another job rense and repeat literlly




I never hated an MC as much as I hate this one he puts people in the hospitale because thiere not chines granted thiere a**holes but that dosn't mean your a patriot if you beat the sh*t out of them he brack millions of computers in another country causing them billions in dameges and thousend of inocent peoples losing thiere computers because thiere evil koreans he's a racit just like that idiot author


Edit: and for those morons I am not korean and and just because am not korean dosent mean I tolerate racisim and yes the MC is the biggest racist I have ever seen in a novel and he disgusts me <<less
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fir537 rated it
December 31, 2017
Status: --
This novel, was fun while it lasted. It ended when someone reported (again) the novel for various copyright issues, but seems that it was mostly due to some authors hating on this author for being top of the weekly/monthly rankings. I was actually hoping it wouldnt be that bad, but yeap, qidian already closed the book, and author is planning to somehow end the story somewhere. Novel was cut at the part when everyone gets shocked at MC. RIP.

The story is great albeit repetitive. It always goes in a cycle.... more>> Get idea, copy stuff from real world onto other world, get famous, fight with people, get famous, rinse repeat. The problem is on the 2nd step, that causes the novel to be striked multiple times thru its lifetime. The fact that author wasnt even bothered to change the title/name for the songs/novels/poems/movies/shows/etc and just used them as is baffled me. Even when he admits he got striked for not doing so.

Zhang Ye talent is nonexistent, which was why on the original earth he ends up as a nobody. His looks are standard, and everything else isnt entertainment worthy, this was admitted early on. Only reason he was accepted in the alternate earth is because of the charm buffs he obtained. His main powers is the system he is using, which later was phased out mostly leaving behind only the inventory which he rarely use, and the lottery system. He mainly uses the lucky ring to get through hard times, and the lottery to get relevant buffs that are related to his predicament. His advantage over the alternate earth stars is the fact that in this world entertainment is waaay behind original earth, by simply introducing anything from this earth into the alternate, he can be considered genius.

There is not much else to be said. He became a supreme grandmaster of martial arts after reaching the dark stage in taichi, and supreme grandmaster in almost everything else when he rolled the books from the lottery with his spare billions of points.

Romance in this novel is somewhat nonexistent. There are small parts early on with Zhang Yuanqi, but it was never romance. There is his junior sister Shu Yang, obtained because his lineage of taichi is of the same lineage of the Shu family, but she is treated completely as his little sister, similar to the 3 cousins he has. He married Wu Zeqing, but there is not much romance written on them. A few chapters here and there of them meeting each other and her weird hobby/fetish on taking pictures, and then they got married. He went to jail for a few years, came out and have a daughter. The novel ended not long after he was released (a bit more than a hundred chapters to be exact), so not much was expanded on his family.


If you want, just read it. If you dont, just ignore it. The novel is fun, interesting at times, but always lacklustre and repetitive. Like every other chinese novel I have read. <<less
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Much Much mrm
Much Much mrm rated it
November 3, 2017
Status: c50
Yes, the main character is a sociopath.

I loved the way it is structured as your typical xianxia with people popping out from left and right, finding faults or harboring hate for our main character. And the main character ending things in an overbearing manner until the villain is filled with hate and the word ''irreconcilable" is used, which usually signals the end of that villain.

The author keeps awarding the main character with things he urgently needs or things he will be needing. Honestly, it's gotten to the point where the... more>> main character should be aware, any new thing he receives will be useful soon or will affect him soon. Fro example receiving an invisibility drink, it would be correct of him to assume that a situation leading to him needing it will happen soon. <<less
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Shan rated it
September 23, 2017
Status: c457
Guys for I will be frank, the author hasn't got a clue on how to attract readers into his story. It's freaking plain. Like the cat is happy now, now the cat is angry. The cat is h**ny now, next to sexy pu*sy cat but doesn't do with the other gender. Really how is this Novel even ranking top and getting recommended to other readers like me. Total waste of my time. It started fine and was hoping it will get better from 200 till 400+ chapter I read hoping... more>> the story will be good but nope still lame as always. <<less
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August 19, 2017
Status: --
OP MC- Check



... more>> Face Slapping Counter Attack- Freaking Check

The title itself really describe the MC, though he don't boast much (no he does!)..

All in all it is an awesome read. MC dabbled in many different areas like mathematics (psst he solve a deep hole theorem!), novels (bam! He wrote a legendary piece!), song writting (ha! He rocks the stage), tv anchor (Tsk! Freaking impromptu!), radio broadcast (Damn, no script one shot recording!), martial arts (Man, techniques are all in brain!), pilotting an airplane (Tsk, Thank God you didn't crash!!!!) and Face Slapping (Shit, he already the master the dao of slapping faces!!!)

So yeah, don't miss this! It's great and the poems are really heart wrenching and inspirational. <<less
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ZARRAR145 rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: c690
This my first review so bear with me.


Well, I’m Really a Superstar had great potential and it was great till ch 230. After that it gets repetitive. Well to sum it up the MC gets a new job, shows a new talent, surprises the hell out of everyone, gets in fight with his boss/get patriotic and slams korea/usa and other countries, posts some peom about how great china is and then gets fired by his boss.

From ch 200-current, this is what keeps happening, its like you are stuck in a loop.


And whats more worse is that MC thinks he's so great but actually all he does is copy's someones works.

So if u wanna read this. Read till ch 200 and stop.
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