I’m in Hollywood


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An advertising director is reborn in 1988 Hollywood as an eighteen-year-old blond-haired westerner named Eric Williams.

From then on, he starts writing movie scripts and television songs, becomes skilled in directing every kind of film, wins over all kinds of female celebrities, and takes the road to become a Hollywood legend.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
I’m Really a Superstar (6)
Game Market 1983 (4)
Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel (4)
God of Music (3)
Top Management (3)
Omni Genius (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Favorite
  3. Showbiz, Celebrities, Actors, Idols, Singers
  4. Not worth the electricity
  5. showbiz

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03/10/17 I Speak MTL c50
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03/03/17 I Speak MTL c45
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46 Reviews sorted by

ArGrCr rated it
July 28, 2018
Status: --
One of the best novels I've read simple and fun.

But I do not recommend that you read it, I already reach the end 1198cap.


The banned and removed from several sites, the author had to put a hasty end, sorry did not reach the year 2000, did not even in half.

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rhianirory rated it
August 18, 2017
Status: c60
i was expecting something good but this is... not so much.

as soon as the main character gets a little bit of power he becomes a complete asshat with almost no redeeming qualities. i've read plenty of stories with villain protagonists that were awesome but this MC isn't a villain, he's just an unstable a-hole with a god complex. I kept reading, hoping it would get better, but it just gets worse and worse.

the story is further bogged down by the fact that the author knows very little about the country... more>> his characters are based in (i.e. drinking age is 21 in Cali, not 18). he knows even less about the entertainment industry in general and hollywood in particular and didn't bother to do any kind of research.

if you want the entertainment scene with a good protagonist, better writing and more research i'd recommend Top Management or God of Music instead, and for the more adventuresome out there, True Star (it's BL though). All three have a least a little research behind them and True Star goes into some detail when it comes to film production and the treatment of actors.

for this story, I held out til c60 and that's it for me. I'm done. <<less
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I'm probably an odd duck, reading this novel because the cover is so.... ehmmm... my style.

But then once you get in the book, it's good. Not great but good. I was expecting this to be like IRAS where each achievement described in detail, but no it just skimmed over it. Nevertheless, it is still a good story about a middle age man (why did they use So Ji Sub's avatar, he's 39. Gah) a 44yo Chinese man who work in the television industry and transmigrated back to the body of... more>> an 18yo American young man who worked part-time as a server in a restaurant. He found out that he have the power akin to photographic memory in terms of every movies/tv dramas he watched in his previous life. And so the story unfold as he tried to carve his name in the Hollywood industry, with cameos of Hollywood's famous starlets and heartthrobs ready to mingle with him.

I was expecting this to be like IRAS where each works/projects described in detail, but no it just skimmed over it. Nevertheless, it is still a good story about a middle age man (why did they use So Ji Sub's avatar, he's only 39. Gah) a 44yo Chinese man who worked in the television industry and transmigrated back to the body of an 18yo American teen boy who worked part-time as a server in a restaurant. He found out that he have the power akin to photographic memory in terms of every movies/tv dramas he watched in his previous life. And so the story unfold as he tried to carve his name in the Hollywood industry by way of being writer/director/actor/scriptwriter--with cameos of Hollywood's famous starlets and heartthrobs ready to mingle with him--one 'plagiarized' works at a time.

It's a good escapism novel and full with what if, as long as you're familiar with the figures inside the story (I only recognized a few tho). And expect to read some light petting since this is a middle age man in the body of a h**ny teen boy--I might be able to phrase it better if my brain still intact, low sugar effect.

All in all, good book. <<less
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MooseReader3 rated it
March 6, 2023
Status: --
As a novel, this is perhaps one of the worst pieces of garbage I have had the displeasure of sifting through on this site.

I’m typically a fan of some of these historical / time travel novels since most of the authors at least make an attempt to research the characters and setting before writing about them. Unfortunately, the author for this novel has not spent even 5 minutes learning the first thing about acting, directing, Hollywood, or the characters who are portrayed in this steaming pile of feces disguised as... more>> a literary work. New to acting? Just watch the movie closely and you’ll be able to perfectly portray the character! Are you a failed screenwriter with no originality? Just copy paste scripts that authors have been working on for decades a year before their release with no blowback! Ugh..

This is one of those novels where the MC sh*ts gold and farts rainbows. The MC is just such a perfect specimen. Men want to be him, and women want him (and those that don’t despite being 13 get blackmailed into s*xual relationships before realizing how amazing he was and forgiving him).

The problem lies in creating such a perfect character. For the MC to be so amazing he clearly needs to be a genius. Sadly, the maximum IQ for any character in a literary work is limited to that of the author’s. And this author was born with 3 copies of a certain something #21, as well as being thrown down a flight of stairs repeatedly as a child. This leaves the only remaining options as taking the work less seriously and inserting comedy, or dumbing down literally every other character in the novel to Troglodyte levels of s*upidity to make the MC smart by comparison. And sadly, the author is about as funny as Kathy Griffin during the 2nd week of the month.

This leaves us with a historical novel written with 0 historical research, taking place in a nonfictional field in which every reality of that field is thrown out the window, filled with real life characters in the field dumbed down to about 30 IQ, all so the “good-guy” 2D characters following the MC around constantly can exclaim how amazing the MC is while giving him a perpetual r*mjob.

Unless you’re stuck in a hospital after a lobotomy, lying in your bed on slow-drip Ketamine, this novel is as glaringly dull as it is depressing to read.

If you enjoy feeling like you’re stuck in some edgelord college dropout’s brainwashing experiment where you’re constantly force fed information on how the MC is the smartest most charismatic person ever and everybody loves him, this novel is for you. For everybody else, this is a sad attempt at somebody convincing themselves they’re not a complete failure. <<less
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Flying Cicada
Flying Cicada rated it
June 27, 2019
Status: Completed
I usually didnt write an comment.

But I think this novel have an unjustice about the rating.

To be honest this novel still leave an incridible image in my brain till now even if I already complete it around 1 year ago.

... more>> Even if this is an harem novel, but every his harem really really have a strong character & image, expecially drew barrymore. Its even can effected me to become like her in real life.

Other side character is also so real, the image you have when reading this novel is 3D, even the side character. <<less
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SetoNoMaou rated it
February 18, 2019
Status: c165
Ok.. First thing first.

I'm really enjoying this novel, i'ts different from what I usually read, especially since most [CN] Novel's are Wuxia or Xianxia, I'm feeling like I left a genre out...*cough"

But anyway Back to the main subject. This novel is awesome in my opinion I like how the (Author) rewrites Hollywood's Movie's history including the actors and actresses lives in Hollywood.

Yeah the (MC) may be a prick sometimes and a bit possessive when it comes to his (Yet to be wifu's) and yes he may be... more>> EXTREMELY OVERBEARING AND LOVE'S BEING THE ONE TO BE DOMINEERING in a way, and yes he love's when his (Yet to be wifu's) are in submission when thay roll *cough* around in the bed *cough*

But anyway this is a novel for MEN who would have loved to have be sent to the past, with memories of the future.

Plus who wouldn't want to date someone for the 1980's who is gorgeous and beautiful.

I guess that's it for my review\thoughts.

PS: Would love it if someone wouldn't mind picking up where the previous translator left off.? <<less
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DicerX rated it
September 5, 2023
Status: c283
This novel gets so much hate because the main character is based on a realistic portrayal of Hollywood directors, and then people criticize the main character for having a 13-year-old love interest. However, in the chapters that are properly translated, the main character does not reciprocate the feelings. So far, the love interest appears to be one-sided. The hypocrisy here is that this is fiction. Imagine applying all of our current laws against fictional works; we’d start banning books, ranging from the Terminator to the Bible, where a 13-year-old girl... more>> gives birth to the founder of the religion. So calm your T down, and eat the garbage that we are being served. <<less
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May 24, 2023
Status: c39
Okay, this is pure garbage. Let's put aside the fact that MC somehow has perfect memory and how easy everything comes for him. What really made me fume is the fact that he allows a 13-year-old girl to get him drunk and take him home, then get naked in bed with him. When his girlfriend arrives and sees them, she has the understandable reaction of storming out of that place and dumping his ass.

This is not the first time that this minor girl strong-armed him into doing whatever she wanted... more>> and when he comes back he says that he needs to teach her a lesson or she will never learn, but guess what's the lesson? She starts begging him to forgive her and he, the guy who got dumped by his girlfriend just an hour or two ago, begins to lust after the 13-year-old girl that cost him his relationship and decides that the lesson will be a sexually-charged ass spanking. Oh no, he spanked her, I'm sure she will never threaten him with accusing him of r*pe again because he spanked her. I'm talking a lot about relationships because it was the only thing keeping me reading because the "showbiz" aspect of this novel is not even worth mentioning. You can tell the author has barely any idea of what the US is really like and barely any idea of show business.

This has the "adult", "drama" and "psychological" genres which is why I was expecting him to actually act like human being and get angry that he lost his girlfriend but he didn't give a sh*t because the plot needed him to break up and expand his harem. Total sh*t cop-out. <<less
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January 12, 2023
Status: c42
I suddenly understand why people are upset about him being scum. He's acted like he cares about his girlfriend, he avoided being seduced by a number of beautiful girls, then ... more>>

as soon as she (temporarily) breaks up with him, he blackmails a certain aspiring actress to have s*x with him even though there are any number of more beautiful women who would have been happy to be with him for a night.


It's not so much that he's scum, it's that he hid it and acted like an upstanding man up until that point... There's an emotional backlash.

Aside from that, this author looks down on writing, directing, and acting a little too much. For instance, assuming Jurassic Park (novel) wouldn't have been already completed and in the process of being edited or finding a publisher 6 months before its release date. For instance, claiming that just remembering watching a movie is good enough to act the leading role perfectly with no experience. For instance, the main character directing his first movie in this life perfectly as if his previous life's experience of directing commercials was enough to prepare him for it.

I was willing to overlook most of those issues until [previous spoiler] happened, but now that the author proved he doesn't care about proper character development, I suddenly find myself with no reason at all to continue reading. <<less
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MichaelE rated it
December 31, 2021
Status: Completed
As much as I enjoyed reading “I’m in Hollywood” with its wish fulfillment scenario, I had misgivings with some actions that the character did. Mainly that character’s insatiable desire for s*x. And as the story progressed, he didn’t hesitate what can be considered s*xual assault. There was even one instance where he committed r*pe if judged under the legal definition of r*pe. I was actually waiting for his actions to have consequences where he gets his career destroyed by being charged with s*xual assault, maybe suffer a #MeToo scenario. There... more>> were moments when I just shake my head at how dumb and s*upid the character becomes when it comes to his desire to have s*x with famous and beautiful actresses or celebrities. The story of “I’m in Hollywood” basically became making movies or finding money so that he can make movies, and then outside that, to fulfill the character’s fantasy to have s*x with famous and beautiful women. As a result, the main character got boring. The only reason I stuck to the end was because I liked the Hollywood filmmaking and business aspect.

As for the other details or lack of details especially about the realism that other readers fault the novel on, those are not a deal breaker for me. The novel is a wish fulfillment fantasy, and the novel knows that it is a wish fulfillment fantasy. And the main enjoyment of reading such a novel is to put yourself in the character's shoes.

The novel stopped becoming fun when the MC crossed the line with how he treated women. There was a point in the novel when I was rooting for the MC to fail because what he was doing became despicable. Another negative thing about the novel is that it became repetitive and also there is no one anymore challenging the MC. In the first half, MC had antagonists that up against, but the second half, it's all about the MC making movies, having s*x with beautiful actors or models, and everything he does is successful. The only way for me to enjoy the novel after that was I had to only focus on the filmmaking and business aspect in the story and disregard everything outside that.

And to make it worse, the author's other novel "Hollywood Hunter" follows the same pattern as "I'm in Hollywood" but the MC in that novel is twice as despicable. I read 200 chapters of that novel before I dropped it.

I rate "I'm in Hollywood" 2 stars. Total chapters of the novel - 1, 193 <<less
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Vrytikz rated it
December 30, 2020
Status: c67
It was okay, but I personally don't like the drama between MC and one of the main female leads also theres the second one that I dislike in particular I dont know if author picked her because he pities her or something but I just don't like her.

Tbh I dislike both of the girls, one is insecure as f*ck and the other is a sad sl*t that is also a loli who lost her v**ginity when she was underage and she proudly mentions that she is no virg*n to MC,... more>> disgusting.

I'm not the type of person who is delusional and only likes virg*n women, but have some f*cking manners or whatever its called, I dont want to know about your ex boyfriend or what experiences you have in that deparment, yeah I'm a possesive jealous mother f*cker even if I'm better than the guy, why? I've got some pretty shitty trauma and just can't trust women, atleast I have a reason unlike these virg*n f*cks.

Then another reason I dislike this novel, the MC stops the 2nd girl from saying sh*t to her mother wich I kinda get since even if her mother is a piece of sh*t shes still her mother, but it kinda left me unsatisfied.

Last thing, he black mails a girl he f*cks the girl, haves her almost fall in love with him only to then just reject her and tell her to focus on the movie they are currentlt shooting for, I hate when a MC just haves women fall for him and leaves them behind/rejects them in the end.

Apparently there truly is a harem although not really polygamy since you obviously cant marry multiple women in modern society, he picked the wrong carrier if he ever would want to change that lol.

Anyways it's a pretty bad novel with the drama MC being a scumbag bastard the women acepting it easily it's not realistic like the way they accept it isnt satisfying at all.

Aight I'm done with todays rant have a good one. <<less
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leecherleechleech rated it
September 12, 2017
Status: c631
I'm on chapter 631 now (reading raw)

It's almost similar to I'm A Superstar, but with a bit more NSFW contents and reality slice of life.

Some people might stop reading saying the MC becoming a douche and etc etc, but actually that's the starting point of the story, he wants to be The Hollywood, he's tired of people leaving, judging and controlling him, so what's the best way to overcome that? Be the one in power of course, lol.

The story gets better after he start his out Company. Trust me,... more>> I'm on chapter 631, if it's not good I wouldn't even bother reading the raw to this point, and I'm really picky about what I read, folks that know me on noveltranlation reddit would know that I only read and comments on good series. <<less
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
August 7, 2017
Status: c121
This novel is 100% wish fulfillment. One cannot read it expecting profound ideas and if you are easily offended, do not read this. The protagonist is the ultimate douchebag but the only thing running for him is that he knows it. The character of the protag also changes randomly without warning and you just have to accept it.

All in all, this is a good book to read when you are drunk. I honestly wouldn't recommend it but if wish fulfillment is ur cup of tea then go ahead
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veeresh007 rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: c1198
Not complete novel but its Best novel with harem element

My rating is based towards the genre, because I like it.
This is the same type as Very Pure and Ambiguous

About 99% of the characters mentioned in this novel have exist

No ntr no loved one's dies

Good novel now dropped
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Mahesvara_ rated it
October 26, 2023
Status: c235
It was an 'alright' story but there's no peak enjoyment here. It's lacking something. The content and progress of the story isn't that interesting. I felt like the MC is just slaving himself to his own company. The story lacks any foreshadowing whatsoever, it's MC's boring day to day life without surprises and anticipation for the readers. I like the fact that the R-18 scenes isn't unnecessarily detailed but the cut and skip transition is quite bad.

The good thing here is there's no annoying racism, at most there's some beliefs and opinion from the MC but overall not too heavy and serious that affects the story. The characters are also not unreasonable, just because they're MC's enemy doesn't mean they need to be until the end. Some of them give up and let the MC go and some will also try to compromise. It's a realistic competition. Also the negotiations in the story has quite good psychological elements in it. But still fails to make any good plots. I'm not enjoying myself reading this but I just don't want to suddenly drop it. I only need a small push before I completely drop this story and I did.

I drop this because of—

—of Elizabeth Murdoch existence. Her existence serves to annoy and go against the MC but then she suddenly becomes a love interest and then she develops into someone dominant in their relationship that makes MC 'uncomfortable' just by being there. What's the point of this annoying character? She even stole MC's script with Drew. It was fine if it was for Drew she's a lovely character but this woman getting benefits is unbearable to me.


The lack of foreshadowing stops readers from having expectations from it. So it's understandable that this is a boring story.
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January 13, 2023
Status: c263
This novel had great potential to see a character's growth and developement. But too bad as the story progress, the more terrible it gets. He plays with multiple women and doesn't really care about them. Pretending to be a upstanding and upright person when he is one of the tr*shiest characters I have ever read.

If only this novel was about him slowly developing into his career in hollywood and then slowly progress to romance would be better. Not him working, then doing the deed with another girl the next. Threatening... more>> their careers in some episode if things don't go his way.

Honestly this was such a pity, I had actually enjoyed reading this at the begining, but it just gets so insufferable that I can't even bring myself to finish this novel. <<less
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Bachingchung rated it
May 15, 2022
Status: --
This could be such a solid read if the author didn't write the MC as a pe*ophile. It's basically a Hollywood based IRAS, which I find better because I can't understand the reference most of the time in IRAS. Everytime there's a female character in a chapter I immedieately cringe because I can already foresee the inner Harvey Weinstein on the MC. I know Hollywood is a filthy buisness with unlimited backhanded deals, but ffs leave the children alone.

The wish-fulfillment is heavily accentuated on this novel, so can't the author... more>> just make this fantasy Hollywood be nice towards kids? And don't make every female characters a c*m dumpster for the MC. Even Tina Fey couldn't escape the MC's grasp. That monster! <<less
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Mermaid on the Moon
Mermaid on the Moon rated it
August 15, 2019
Status: --
The premise is quite unique. Generally, the MC transmigrate in China, maybe a strange land or ancient china. This male leader transmigrate in Hollywood. Very attractive. After I read several chapters, I think this is a hidden gem, with flowing plot and good character development. I will keep reading it.
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allentey rated it
June 12, 2019
Status: Completed
Interesting story but the author is bored with this story and a lackluster ending. I feel like the story is kinda mess up the further it goes and the author saw it too. We can see it in the last 100 chapter is boring and it becomes incomplete story and how he creates another similar story called Hunting Hollywood. This time more polished than ever. The harem is not exaggerated like this story. Nevertheless, this story is good enough.
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Faye rated it
October 25, 2018
Status: c631
If you're looking for something fun to read in the entertainment genre...

this is up your alley.... only for a few arc from the first chapter

Almost all the reviewer said it, the MC is morally corrupt and did everything he could for his interest... even if it's a dirty job

... more>> I read for almost chapter 650 and I can say it's like watching junk novel, rinse and repeat.

Do you see the MC grow? No

Do you see the other ppl grow? They grow to become more s*upid

So apparently, the author is incapable of letting the characters grow emotionally... with how many blackmail s*x inducing action, I'm actually surprised that the MC will keep on repeating this over and over again without a seemingly slightest growth in his point of view, or mindset. Dude, you can actually speed read this without missing much of its content

The author rarely elaborate of how difficult it is to film a movie [seriously editing a movie in almost no time? what are you? machine?], the fact that the MC can entice so many people to star in his movie with his background and almost no obstruction = feeding a fodder to make the MC looks powerful

If you just want to read it to fulfill a wish... do that. It's quite an immersive read for the first few arc...

After that? It becomes junk food <<less
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