I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary


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When I woke up, I found myself inside a spaceship.

I guess you guys think I’m talking nonsense here, but I also have absolutely no clue about what exactly happened to me.

I was really close to completely losing it, but fortunately, I managed to notice that this place was really similar to the world featured in a game I was playing recently.

Am I dreaming? Nope, it’s no dream. Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?

But didn’t those things usually involve getting sent to a magical world with elves, dwarves, dragons and whatnot?

In any case, I don’t know what caused this, but I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.

It’ll be okay. I got my trusty spaceship so I can probably make some money. It’ll work out! It has to!

This is the story of a man abruptly thrown into space along with his private spaceship. He runs around with it and saves damsels in distress along the way, flirts with said damsels, earns money as a merc-for-hire and uses his gaming knowledge to work his way into living freely and easily.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusen Mochidattanode, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei to Shite Jiyu ni Ikitai
Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!
When I Woke Up, I Got the Strongest Equipment and a Spaceship, so I Went and Became a Mercenary in Order to Live as I Please while Aiming for a Detached House
Related Series
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (6)
Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique] (4)
Magical★Explorer (2)
The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs (2)
Clearing the Game at the End of the World (2)
Geek Mob Mercenary Knows His Place (LN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Interstellar Isekai
  2. Mad underrated list
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. JP novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/28/21 Light Novels Translations v9c277
06/27/21 Light Novels Translations v9c276
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103 Reviews sorted by

New Shval rated it
May 26, 2024
Status: c463
Hot damn what a great read this has been. (And will continue to be)

But first before I get into the good points, even though I am giving this 5 star's this ISNT a perfect story. I do have some issue's with various things scattered through out the story. Be it some retconing of various thing's/events or how certain romance routes play out (YMMF) But it still doesn't outweigh all the fantastic things through it.

Translation: Amazing if not utterly perfect; SFbaka and the editor Thor's Stone are champions at what... more>> they do. They deserve mad respect.

Story: This is a Action/Adventure/Slice of Life story at heart with some kickass action set pieces. Be it Space Combat or some REAL clean swordplay or some MF'ing Power Armor curb stomping, it's got it all. It's not about some mega evil threatening all life or about a MC that is the chosen one. It's about a dude living a new, better, and ever grander life and trying to make the most of it (And boy does he) Granted the story DOES prescribe to the concept of "Fate" very heavily but the reason's are rather snazzy and I don't want to spoil it.

Main Character: Hiro is what I would like to a "Polarizing Harem Bastard" He's hates being told what to do, passive, cowardly, and rather dense (at the start of the story) But at the same time once he sets his mind to something is when all bets go off. He's crafty, diligent, compassionate, insanely overprotective of the one's he loves but won't smother and hamper the growth of them. He knows he needs help to live, he does everything to make the one's he loves happy and in turn the one's that he loves do everything to better him.

His journey and self-improvement is rather awesome to see to me.

Harem/Romance: All the girls are amazingly varied and wonderful. Their reason's for loving Hiro are at both romantic and pure, but also rather unorthodox. None of the girls are left out once other's start to join, this isn't a "trophy-hunting" harem like other stories seem to become. They all love him for reaching his hand out to them, but also due to the lives they now live because of him. They also love being with each other, they all respect and care for one another, not a single girl is there JUST for him. (As Hiro once said; Everyone's Friends! Everyone's Happy!) It's honestly one of the most harmonious harem's I have ever read before. And with 9 (as of chapter 463) women it's one hell of sizable harem to.

Closing Thoughts: I fully understand there are many people that hate this story for what it isn't and that is ok. But I adore and love this story for what it IS. <<less
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hawlol rated it
October 10, 2019
Status: c10
10 chapters in and I already wanna punch the author. This is just another plotless isekai where an OP MC collects girls.

First, his spaceship is a never seen before cheat that allows him to be unrivaled. The MC is a master gamer in piloting it inside a Game and FPS which automaticaly converts in being a good shot and pilot in 'real' life... Guess all COD players are John Wick now.

He comes into the first trade center, pretty girl receives him, randomly walking in street, pretty girl stops him to... more>> talk, walks a little more, pretty girl being attacked by hooligans.... that's a lot of random girls appearing from nowhere in little time.

Add that to a lot of talks about food, nothing meaningful happening, slow pacing, a low sense of morality by the author and that's the novel.

The worldbuilding is also faulty, borderline dumb: There's an universal virtual coin, even among intergalatic empires who are at war. Who controls and enforces the value of the money? Scans go through spaceships showing every single piece of cargo the ship has. An intergalactic Adventurers/Mercenary Guild. A Feudal Society in space. Urgh... Basically every single fantasy Isekai cliche setting, but in space.

I don't like reviewing novels with so little chapters but what I read was enough in this case. The final drop was the MC taking a scared, grieving and homeless girl into the ship and having s*x with her in the first night while the girl literally said 'I'll take care of your nightly needs so you don't throw me away.' She was also almost gang r*ped at the same day, so let that sink in. <<less
116 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
leprosus rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: c182
This novel could be taken like some fresh breeze among isekais, at least on NU. It has some points in common with 'Me, her and the Ballistic weaponry' but it has also its own personality. The author is the same as 29 sai dokushin wa isekai, but the writting skills improved a lot, this is way better. Like his previous novels, the romance is fast, maybe too fast :D

More positive points, the MC is not an idiot, he is skilled, smart mostly of times, he is not a dense ret*rd... more>> and he is a shameless guy sometimes. The MC owns a powerful ship, a small one with almost the same firepower as a huge cruiser but it's far from being a overpower one.

I've read all the current raws (105 chapters), the first three arcs are good, maybe not the most original ones but it's a hice plot, with some nice battles, likable and not too plain characters ans sometimes a small 'star wars' inspiration. Just give it an opportunity, even if you don't like sci-fi.I could write more about the other characters, but it¡s better if you discover it by yourself <<less
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CaptainMorgan rated it
February 15, 2020
Status: c29
I recommend this WB for this reason:

  1. Spoiler

    The MC is not a chicken nugget get the girl first so we don't have the typical N*sek*o Problem

  2. WE don't have too much the Sci-fi Japanese Novel in the recent time (2020) so have this WB is perfect
  3. This Novel is Outer Space so is very uncommon If you want learn some news original scenario is perfect
  4. The MC is not the typical Hero that want Help, the MC have a goal and want live freely

    When I read the Chap 29 about the proposition for military recruitment, I thinking "Damn another typical motherf*cker weak MC that accept everythin" AND I HATE that ! Some News Shojo have better MC now because The author don't find a reasonable excuse for help

  5. Isekai + Sci-fi + Outer Space is Very Uncommon !
  6. Spaceship everyone love Spaceship
For this reason I will give 5/5
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Nightazday rated it
October 17, 2019
Status: --
This is just a typical isekai with a scifi paint on it. It even has an adventure guild. I have very low standards and I was still disappointed.
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Bakker rated it
September 28, 2019
Status: c5
As the author didn't find inspiration in the vast expanse of the universe and ran out of ideas by chapter 4, he introduced

... more>>

A mercenary Guild

Of course, this feudal society still care so much about the well being of it's sell-swords that they have admission tests for them (Chapter 6) and give them ranks, basically the whole cliche of the adventurer guild but renamed mercenary guild and imported into space.

Chapter 7 is about food and chapter 8 is about saving a girl in an alley...


Long story short, if you are expecting an epic sci-fi novel. Prepare yourselves to be disappointed. <<less
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Epythymy rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: c185
One of the best novels in Isekai/Slice-of-Life genre with mature, non-beta MC.

It's pretty well written and translator did a pretty good work too, which is a rare thing for jp isekai novels on NU, so its relatively low rating and the amount of negative reviews are a surprise to me.

If put it in a good way, this a relaxing story with Sci-Fi elements and a pretty fast romance. Its atmosphere is somewhat similar to 'A Demon Lord's Tale'. More than good enough to read for a couple of evenings.

Though haters... more>> will surely cry "WISHFULFILLMENT!!!111 WITHFULMENT!! HOREM! HOREM!" I have no idea what the f*ck they were expecting to see in a novel with a title containing 'strongest' and harem tags. I've almost missed it thanks to its relatively low rating.

I will give it a solid 4.5/5. <<less
30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
phreakinsane rated it
February 8, 2020
Status: c12
Updating my review.... again

You can skip the rant below unless you want greater detail. In summary:

... more>> I loved the concept. So I started to read the novel.

The MC turns into a shameless pig with no respect for women. The women have no real character and their personalities change chapter to chapter to better fit whichever perverse direction the author decides to go. Also the logic of the entire world around them changes to better suit the authors horn dog agenda. Rendering the whole story illogical and completely aggravating to read.

Not worth reading. Zero stars. Loved the concept, despised the execution. Waste of time tr*sh that is a total disappointment.


Only 19 chapters in and I see where people are questioning his character. I wonder if it was in fact edited by an author before, he's now clearly shown through his 'thoughts' and a few comments that atleast somewhere in his mind he's a pig.


Even made a joke in his head about another woman repaying him (he is considering paying her debts) with her body


Honestly this MC is starting to gross me out.

-1 star

As someone else mentioned they screw up the figures by adding a digit (30 mil vs 3 mil.. kinda a huge sum) and the MC also "teaches" a character who has already had basic firearms training how to turn off the safety on her gun. These things are highly immersion breaking and take away from the story.

Im not sure how much more of this MC I can take.


While a girl is hopeless and crying he spouts this garbage:

"We don't have much time. Go and make your decision already. It's either you become one of my crew, or get thrown into a prison filled with former pirate inmates to serve as their plaything."

That girl's personality totally changes upon his offer, turning her into a meek submissive one that's focusing on pervy thoughts. Totally setting up a unworthy pig MC for a second plaything.

-1 star

I love harem novels, but only when each character is happy, willing, and their being their makes some kind of sense. This didn't accomplish that.


It's starting to sound like some creeper/virg*n wish fulfillment. You can totally sense how little the author thinks of women through their writing at this point. Im dropping it.

- 1 star


Military orders aren't followed, no court martial? No correcting the mistake? = not believable. = not worth reading

MC continuing into the new pig personality? Screwing/ taking advantage of the elf? MC is a tr*sh villian.

Two really big reasons I have to drop this. It could have been good if it wasn't turning into teenage virg*n wish fulfillment. Author (not translator) just had to go and make the characters so repulsive.

- 2 stars

I literally would rate 0 if I could. Not worth reading.

Below is my first review/ impressions (12 chapters in) it's outdated.

concerning the girl who was nearly r*ped and the MC who saved her:

i noticed some revision dates on the raw web novel, perhaps the different opinion is simply because we literally read different stuff.



1. MC saves girl with only pure intent.

2. He's teased by another girl (acquaintance) about dirty intention and it's made blatantly obvious he had no designs on the girl.

3. Almost r*pe victim girl showed an almost instant physical and emotional attraction to MC. Its definitely plausible here when you consider her background/ he was her prince charming in the darkest time of her life, right before things were about to go irreparably bad for her.

4. Elf girl sees this growing infatuation and MC's unwillingness to abandon the girl, but is concerned about her betraying MC so says some harsh things to get girl to see from a outsider's perspective, so she can appreciate just how much MC was doing for her, which makes her fall for the MC even more.

5. Then elf girl sets up perfect opportunity and education to help girl build a relationship with MC.

This is something MC was against, even spoke out against, but elf girl creepily messaged after the refusal (is she peeking!?) And other girl used his kindness by claiming she needed to do this so he doesn't leave her, even though the next chapter shows her perspective and that's not at all her concern. She is infatuated and grateful. She says this just to make a sympathetic decent guy give in and let them be together. After she and the elf persuaded him, he slept with her mostly out of sympathy, but also a mutualattraction. The next morning she initiates it a second time, they're relationship gets more sweet and romantic and she works hard in other ways to show value, (neither of them see s*x as a transaction!)


They are not in some kind of nasty s*x s*ave relationship, but are in a happy relationship with eachother. There's a ton of chemistry developing and I'm loving it! It's not the way some reviewers made it sound. (IMO

End of chapter 11 her own thoughts:


"There were a lot of sad and painful things that happened to me. But now, I'm within Hiro-sama's arms. Right now, I am truly happy"

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DaemonOfLaplace rated it
December 30, 2020
Status: c188
tl;dr is: If you can't stomach typical isekai harem shenanigans, this will probably be unbearable. If you like isekai and space-faring sci-fi, you might want to give this a shot. Personally, I'd recommend you read the manga as a start since it's more polished and certainly sells the setting much better, though there isn't much of it out yet.

The description up top does a terrible job at setting your expectations, so here's the quick and dirty content breakdown: 40% sci-fi world-building, 30% space combat, 30% slice-of-life harem rom-com fluff. Expect... more>> a decent chunk of slice-of-life after every major plot development. (I'm starting to think the author calls "Stellar Online" SOL intentionally as a pun...)

I think this series deserves 4.5 stars (which I'm rounding up) because it has good potential and is finally starting to realize it, but it certainly also isn't without its problems (though most of these are common isekai web novel issues). Since I want to end with what's good, let's start with what's not so good:

[-] The series author really doesn't know how to write the beginning of a proper romance, so he cuts many corners in getting Hiro together with his love interests and it can come off as distasteful to some readers. It's pretty obvious there's some work that needs to be done when he gets together with two heroines in just over 20 chapters with the same basic plot device (girl somehow is in debt, he pays off debt, he invites her to join crew, girl misunderstands, and then they have some "shipmate bonding" mass-effect style). It seems that early on the chapter count priority was set on space combat and world-building, and the romance was rushed so the author could quickly set up the main cast and then write the lovey-dovey slice-of-life fluff that he seems to be better at. It's certainly not commendable, but it's passable for an isekai web novel.

[-] Like any web novel where the author needs to pump out content on a many-chapters-per-week schedule, there's a decent bit of filler that probably wouldn't be there when it gets turned into a light novel. In this case, we get longer than usual slice-of-life breaks in-between world-building and combat, where the main characters live up the rich merc life. Occasionally, you also get a side-quest-like development after what would be a major conflict gets resolved (i.e. the flesh-eating worm outbreak where Hiro tests out his power armor) while the author figures out how to get to the next plot point.

If you thought you liked the premise, but these problems bother you too much to continue, maybe give the official light novel translations a shot whenever those come out (or just read the manga...). However, there's plenty good about the series that sets it apart from other isekais:

[+] The strongest aspect of the series is its science-fantasy setting (read as: Star Wars, but with elf waifus and shit). If you've read your fair share of isekais, I think you can probably outline their plot with most of your brain removed: guy wakes up in fantasy world, gets powers from god, has to defeat some demon king, becomes an adventurer, levels up and gets new skills, etc etc. While this apple doesn't fall too far from the isekai tree, at least it's recognizably different in many ways. The universe that the series is set in is one where nations are thoroughly space-fairing, their territories span multiple systems, and their conflicts are on a galactic scale. While the typical fantasy races are still there, they are treated as being among many other alien species that inhabit the universe, along with general artificial intelligences and true spaceborne aliens. Most citizens live in large orbital colonies and eating artificial food produced from algae and genetically engineered plants grown in automated factories, while real meat and living on a habitable planet is usually exclusive to the rich and powerful. A space navy patrols the nation against major threats, while mercenaries deal with smaller threats like piracy. If you read this series, you'll notice borrowed/familiar elements from Star Wars, Elite Dangerous, Stellaris, Mass Effect, Starcraft, and more. The worldbuilding is the main reason I stuck with this series.

[+] We also get a break from overdone sword & magic style combat without encroaching on mecha cliches. Combat in this isekai isn't your "typical X character uses Y skill coupled with his superhuman Z stat to slay arbitrary monster/demon/villain whose actions are threatening [insert import person/place/thing here]." For the most part, Hiro fights flying the starship he woke up in, and the focus is placed on technology, piloting skills, and outsmarting the enemy. Hiro wins his fights with his game knowledge, his abilities trained from being able to freely die in the game before being isekaied, and his military-grade starship that he grinded to get in the game. For example,

Hiro beats a rogue military fleet by sticking to the rear of a battleship while flying backward using a combination of the momentum of his earlier maneuver and thrust from reaction thrusters to prevent other cruisers from freely shooting at him without also incurring friendly fire, predicting how the battleship behind will move from radar while also dodging and targeting enemies in front of him.

There's a feeling that Hiro earns his victories using his skills rather than victories being given to him because of a skill system (though his ship being military-grade certainly also helps). Regardless, the fact that this isn't your typical isekai combat system is a huge plus.

[+] The protagonist actually follows through on the harem and the "fan-service" is decent. The protagonist here doesn't go down the typical route of "dense virg*n isekai man refuses to acknowledge his growing harem." While how he gets with his harem is shaky, the interactions afterward are decently written (for isekai standards). Opinions on this part will really differ person-to-person, but I find Hiro's assertiveness refreshing, and he does seem like he genuinely loves his love interests (yes that's not saying much... at least until you look at some of the other offenders in the isekai genre) and the author doesn't shy away from explicitly showing that.

[+] The translations are high-quality (fluently English) and release frequently (1-2 days between chapters) with plenty of chapters out already. At the time of this review, there are 177 chapters covering 5 completed story arcs, with a 6th in progress. Even if you do feel that the series is slow (which was even true for me occasionally), the simple solution here is to skim until it gets interesting again, since there's no shortage of non-slice-of-life chapters. There's also a light novel adaptation (JP only) and a manga adaptation of that (translated) which can help you get a good idea of whether you'd like the series or not in a short amount of time.

The bottom line here is that people who enjoy sci-fi content probably will enjoy this, even more so if they enjoy games set in space (the start of this web novel is literally just the scene after character creation in a space combat game, with some isekai sauce slathered on to make the main character more relatable). It's not perfect, but it's got more going for it than against it, and since there's not a lot of isekais set in space out there, it's certainly worth giving this a shot if you're into that kind of thing. <<less
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sukets rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: c22
This is just another wish fulfillment collect harem type of novel, and a vadly written one at boot. Characters personality are inconsistent on a chapter basis, and the plot is filled with holes.

I don't really recommend this, even for its sci-fi, since it is really poorly done.
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
NeroWatch rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: c82
Made an account just to leave a good review since so many bad reviews for the series leave a crap taste in my mouth as they sounds like something dumb u would read on western twitter accounts about respectinf women from the simps and incels.

The novel has a very nice main cast that gradually grow onto the readers with their personality. The series is an extremely enjoyable Science fantasy where MC is pretty much a prince charming saving damsels in distress. Starting off as debt "s*ave" to the MC, they... more>> grow a relationship of mutual love and trust that is sooo sweet with fluff.

The strong point would be the interaction between the main characters, as they guide us through the sweet adventure through the colonies of the galaxies. It is light-hearted, wholesome and gives off a lovely feel everytime the main cast talks about their relationship. Everything fits the harem dream perfectly, and we dont have to suffer an MC being dense to the girls feelings. <<less
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Sir Laffsalot
Sir Laffsalot rated it
August 22, 2020
Status: c91
I TOTALLY LOVE this one. I've always wanted a sci-fi isekai that didn't have anything to do at all with going to a medieval world, knights and magic, or mechas. I wanted spaceships and aliens. Not Tenchi Muyo, shounen, over used cliche, childish crap. When it says harem, I want actual romance, not a s*upid, can't read the situation, s*upid MC crap.

This novel delivers with an actual working harem with actual romance, and s*x.

The MC is pulled into another world, into an actual spaceship that he had put together in... more>> a game that he played. And though many things line up with that game he played, he finds that he's NOT in that game, like a lot of these isekai game themes go.

Excellent story and development. Love all of the characters and their development.

Again, LNT is one of my favorite TL groups, with most of the best TLs out there. SFBaka is the best. Full marks to this one. <<less
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fredderick rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: c12
This novel is so badly written, I suppose is written by a kid.

... more>>

First, the protagonist is overpowered. Or rather he has an overpowered machine. But if it was only that, it would be somewhat okay. But things are given to him in a rather idiotic manner. Don't know where is he? Luckily, a group of idiotic pirates attacks him even after seeing his overpowered machine, and in the middle of nowhere, what a lucky guy, now he has the directions he needed. He doesn't have any kind of identification? Luckily, nobody cares, now he can wander around freely. He doesn't know the basics of this world? Luckily a loli spatial elf comes to his rescue out of nowhere because she was "bored" and explain everything to him, really author?

The premise of this novel it's interesting, but the delivery is reaaally poor. And I was excited to have an alternative to the overused medieval setting.

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BobTheHuman rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: c233
It's a pretty fun read. The EVE aspect is fairly well done. Don't expect traditional si-fi novel caliber writing from a light novel.

The reviews for this novel reaffirm my total lack of respect for the majority of humanity. Many of the one star reviews seem to have come from the same type of people. Beta-probably-virg*n-simps who weren't even cool enough to get bullied in high school. If the tags on a novel don't match your tastes, don't read it?
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The renegade soldier
The renegade soldier rated it
February 8, 2021
Status: c205
Now yes. I will admit that this story does not have the greatest piece of writing known to man. But nor is it the worst.

and also...

f*ck. Fantasy plots. Right in its tight little a**hole. The fact that this story is sci-fi and is a space opera AND is a harem WITH A NON-DENSE PROTAGONIST already puts it leagues ahead than all those countless good written stories with their oversaturated fantasy settings.

If you can point me any other sci-fi stories out there that's a sci-fi space opera harem that does it... more>> better than this one.... Well... I'm open to suggestions. <<less
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giratina143 rated it
April 20, 2020
Status: c46
Yep, probably something I’d do if I was stuck in MC’s situation. I am a big space sim Nerd and interstellar Stories fan. This novel really tickles my sweet spot. I remember playing galaxy on fire 2 back in the day and after buying the best f*cking ship in the game in the end, the spectre, and upgrading it in Kaamo club and outfitting the ship with the best gear from the pirate sector, the feeling of flying around and owning anything and everything that came across me was amazing.

if... more>> there was a continuation to that story, this is probably what I’d do, just chill around the universe, enjoying some well deserved mofu mofu time. <<less
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sjmcc13 rated it
November 1, 2019
Status: c9
The concept looked interesting, but this is just medieval fantasy isekai re-skinned as space opera.

All the standard tropes are present.

cheat power -> over powered (for its weight class and upkeep) starship

... more>> adventurers guild -> mercenary guild complete with ranks

bandits -> space pirates

self entitled nobles -> self entitled nobles

serfs -> they need a pass to be able to leave the station (or maybe the nation, but either way they are not allowed to leave) and it costs the equivalent of ~$185, 000 USD, also there seems to be different tiers of citizenship.

Poor social order included, when the MC is in a space station it is in the 3rd tier area, which basically has no law and order, and there is no social safety net, one female character is an orphan whose parents died in an accident (at an oxygen plant), had her parents blamed for it (it is not said if they were the cause, but my guess is it was probably a higher ups fault and they passed the buck down the ladder to a scapegoat) and had everything she owned confiscated as a result and she is evicted to the slums where her best hope is to be pimped out against her will and is striped of pretty much every legal protection. To get her on his ship the MC has to pay of the remaining bloated debt, as well as late fees and buy her out of the colony (the total is apparently equivalent to 50, 000, 000 Yen ($461, 750 USD) including the base fare to be able to leave the station). The MC is effectively buying a debt s*ave from the colony, including night service : (

To make matters worse the MC comments on how this could be allowed and is basically told that there is a program to alleviate the debt but there is a time limit, and 100% guaranteed no one told the girl or she would have applied, and that being allowed to be banished to the slums, where she will nearly 100% be abused r*ped and pimped out, is the safety net. Simply put they seem to be treating their population as property not people.

Lets not even get started on how horrible the food situation is, there is no real food anywhere outside of the super rich. It is all synthetics that apparently taste horrible. This makes no sense as once you get off land then there is not limitations on building other then raw materials (which should be in abundance), and adding in a hydroponic farm is an easy way to produce food (as well as air for people to breathe). I can understand some foods, like meat, being expensive, but vegetables should still be in common use easy enough. If it is so expensive then why has no one build a station just to farm food and sell it, seems like a real money maker, and you do not need to rely on dangerous oxygen plants. Plus small grow ops should be in pretty much every home, the biggest resource needed is water which is one of the most common materials out there, and does not get destroyed in the process but would just get recycled over and over again

Of yes, there are no carbonated beverages, no one even recognized the term, so the MC's goal becomes to get rich enough to buy land somewhere so he can drink a coke (carbonated beverages have issues in space, due to the low gravity)

The setting looked like an interesting twist, but the author relies to heavily on re-skinned fantasy isekai tropes, and did a poor job developing the world of the story <<less
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Sbinalla rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: c282
I read through some of those 1 star comments and am wondering, have we been reading the same thing?

I actually like this series very much compared to many other isekai fares. Yeah this story is actually mostly isekai template but medieval fantasy got repackaged as spacefaring galaxy. But the 2 things that gets on my nerve with typical isekai fare, I feel is done a lot more properly in this one.

Harem situation:

Typical isekai MC: Wishes fervently to have harem fit for a protagonist, girls flock to MC for... more>> no reason whatsoever, and somehow MC still feels dejected for not having harem.

Hiro: DID NOT set out to have harem, but will take up the girls' offers since he is not a dense protagonist and is a male.


How on earth can people arrive at the conclusion that Hiro is actively looking for harem after reading? He did what I imagine a normal person would do. He saw a girl about to be r*ped by a**holes and saved her. He actually wanted to help the girl go back to her old life and only let her onto his ship when that option was not viable. He saved the elf because he wanted an experienced mentor for himself and the girl in a world still largely unknown to him. And on both occasions, he only saved them because he could afford to do so as he already had the money. It wasn't those "hang in there, I will definitely save you even if it kills me" crap.


Troublesome situation:

Typical isekai MC: Wishes for peaceful life while actively engages in troublesome affairs.

Eg "I swear I want to live a slow life in this new isekai, so let's one shot the dragon with my protagonist powers while being in front of other adventurers".

Hiro: Wishes for peaceful life and actively tries to escape troublesome affairs.


Eg "I want to live a slow life, so let's run away from from the star system that the commander noble lady is in/let's reject the loli noble princess's love".


But yeah, for the sake of story progression, he fails due to flag raising. <<less
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Wikkr rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: c73
I dont often post reviews so apologies in advance for my poor format. This one has a lot of negative reviews which seem to be quite unfair. Dont miss out on an enjoyable read because of the negativity of others.

Without going too far into spoiler territory what you can expect from this one is your standard isekai but with a eve online twist. The MC is a typical gamer dedicated to scifi games that finds himself at the helm of his ridiculously OP in game ship in an unknown universe... more>> and sets course without a plan or any clue as to why or how he ended up like this.

MC is incredibly chill about the whole situation. He goes with the flow and starts finding future harem members pretty quick. Each of the girls he meets he saves from some dire situations either with his OP equipment or liberal applications of the currency said equipment brings in.

The plot is silly and good natured as MC literally just bums about killing pirates and saving damsels in distress. Combat is well described and enjoyable to read without being over the top. The story develops at an ok pace but is very episodic with the MC and his crew bouncing from one self contained misadventure to another without any over arching plot to tie it all together, although there are subplots that could potentially link together to provide this in the future.

The relationship building between the main characters is not as rushed as most isekai. Each of the characters has their own distinct personality which the author stays true to, at least so far. They each have a reason for gravitating to the MC and their interactions are adorable at times.

This isnt a 5 star novel but it is a damn good read with regular updates thats worth a look. <<less
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R.Gladstone rated it
October 4, 2023
Status: c416
I admit my bias. I love this. I used to play Elite Dangerous. There are a few other space mmo and space flight games as well. Reading an isekai space sci-fi fantasy with those elements is a guilty pleasure. There are a few lulls here and there, but generally good pacing. If you want space combat, lasers, elf ears and "tiddies" this is a blast.
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roriconknight rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: c367
It's "Elite Fantasy Dangerous"

The story follows our isekai-ed hero named Hiro (yes, that's his name) adventuring the space freely as space adventurer mercenary while adding more girls to his harem. The premise might be an overused one even though it sets in space. However, with the divine handwavium along with a main character with actual spine and desire it is an enjoyable read. It's mostly sci-fi but sprinkled with a bit of magic (the so called psionic).

... more>>

Unlike many isekai-ed protagonist which never touch their girl, Hiro actually bed them.

Serena: 452

Mimi: Chapter 14

Elma: Chapter 22

(Dr) Sahoko: Chapter 373


Mei: Chapter 106

Whiska & Tina: Chapter 151

Kugi: Chapter 362


Ps. The chapter number might not be accurate, but its around that number.

Also, keep in mind he didn't just bang girls without responsibilities like some r18 novels.


The author did not shy away from building the world, actual character development, and compeling story line. They are adequately describe the point of interests - ships, stations, planets, you name it. Author is also daringly add fantasy staple such as elves and dwarfs. The plot point (or story arc) is actually well structured separated on each volumes with a bit of foreshadowing here and there.

The author is actively (often within 3 days) updating the novel, you expect more chapters to read. The translator is also doing a superb job in translating it. <<less
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