I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World (LN)


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Tenjou Yuuya has been a bullied boy since the past.

He lives in the home of his beloved grandfather while he goes to school. As usual, he receives a harsh bullying, and he takes an extended absence from school to have some time to heal his wounds.

While on this long time of absence, he takes the opportunity to clean his grandfather’s house and goes to a room he never went before, where his grandfather keep many different objects that he gathered from his travels around the world. While he was arranging the objects, he found a door not on a wall among the objects.

Out of curiosity he opens this door, what he found on the other side was…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cheat Skill
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too
Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~
Related Series
I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World (WN) (Web Novel)
I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World Girl’s Side: Adventures of the Splendid Maidens Changed the World (Side Story)
What, Failure to Transition!?……Success!? (LN) (4)
Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic (3)
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) (3)
Shinka no Mi (WN) (3)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Disappointing Prince (2)
Instead of Being Transported to Another World Directly, I Was Given the Abilities of the Strongest Character in the Anime World (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Travel between worlds
  3. Read Books
  4. "Just What I enjoy"
  5. 50/50 magic fantasy novels and more

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/04/23 NyX Translation v13c3
04/28/23 NyX Translation v13c2 part5
04/28/23 NyX Translation v13c2 part4
04/15/23 NyX Translation v13c2 part3
04/15/23 NyX Translation v13c2 part2
04/06/23 NyX Translation v13c2 part1
04/06/23 NyX Translation v13c1 part4
03/30/23 NyX Translation v13c1 part3
03/30/23 NyX Translation v13c1 part2
03/23/23 NyX Translation v13c1 part1
03/23/23 NyX Translation v13 prologue
03/23/23 NyX Translation v13 illustrations
02/16/23 NyX Translation v12 epilogue
02/16/23 NyX Translation v12c5 part3
02/09/23 NyX Translation v12c5 part2
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115 Reviews sorted by

Dragonblaze rated it
May 30, 2020
Status: v2c1 part1
This is definitely one of those stories where the first impression is not the last impression. The start of this novel might not be that impressive and may even look a generic cliche story that's dime a dozen across the net. But once you give this novel a chance and finish it till the end of vol 1, you might get surprised.

The author has clearly developed a lot from the original web novel series of this story. I would definitely recommend the readers to at least read this novel till... more>> the end of the first volume before forming any opinion. <<less
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ThomschK rated it
February 1, 2023
Status: Completed
I liked the story and its setting pretty much. The issue that most people refer to is basically caused by the fact that the author is just simply too young. I read it around the time when it was uploaded and finished it after the hiatus. Author was 17ish back then. So for a kid to start off in this unique way I was and I am still impressed. Instead of following every template he thought for himself what could be entertaining.

The issues people point out are highly related to... more>> the hiatus. He stopped writing for a longer period and grew/ changed from teen to an aspiring men. The discrepancy is propably caused by his new way of thinking. Its disapointing and infuriating but most of us veterans have read MUCH worse story.

In regard of his growth one could say that his character developed most authenthic than most in any story. Harry Potter is one such example where the growth of a kid- young adult was executed brilliantly. This story just lacked the reasonable timeskips to make it somehow relatable.

I will obviously NOT talk about the romance factor because to me japanese people simply suck at that part. Their culture differs too hard from my expiriences and world view. I also cant relate to any kind of harem. Makes no sense that women fall in love after being patted on their head or get a few lovely words whispered to close up :D <<less
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AVeryValidUsername rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: v5
Just wow......I'm just amazed by this super smart, cunning, charismatic and totally NOT dense and pea brain MC that I absolutely love.

Okay enough sarcasm. Just where did this guy leave his brain??When does he even get a brain?!Dude you hella strong, hot as fvck and could even have a harem of a full fvcking island but he thinks it's all a misunderstanding like the motherf'ing jp protagonist he is. Like how much of a pea brain do you even have. Just think for a second will you. He is just... more>> too naive. Author-san please just stop.

1 star no take backs ever. <<less
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half_f rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: v5 epilogue
Plain, Waste, Wank.

Absolute wank of a story. So many things I want to address I don't even bother to do it.

But, my impression is, the author doesn't have the talent or targeting children and specific people with inferiority complex.
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Even2 rated it
July 9, 2021
Status: v8c7 p1
okay.. so. I've read a lot of reviews on this and I should point some stuff out they missed. So, this shouldn't be a big spoiler as it's revealed in the first chapter, but he's been abused and neglected all his life. It wouldn't be as easy to get his self esteem back when he didn't have it in the first place. He basically gave up on living and didn't bother with how they looked at him anymore. I should point this out too. In real life, kind people are... more>> the kind of people who get abused the most. The MC here, is a kind and gentle hearted character. On the other hand, due to him being kind and pure hearted, he also becomes very emotional. And regardless, the people who gave this lower than 3 stars isn't reading properly. They haven't read deeper than the surface and aren't seeing this from his perspective.

the MC has such a pure heart that the evil that tried to possess him couldn't find even a speck of darkness in his heart. But when he got mad his pure white heart became darker than evil itself. It shows just how kind he is regardless of what you all say. Yes this has a lot of plot armour but what do you expect? It's an isekai trope.


I should also point out that the heroines don't fall in love for no reason. They have a big enough reason to fall in love with him. His kindness. Not only that, but also because no matter how much they bashed him, he never retaliated and always took it head on. It might seem wimpy. And it is. But because of that, he's earned the respect of the girls who see the broken and lonely him, who need someone to support him. The Heroines see him as he truly is. Not as a fat pig.

The first heroine if I'm correct is the one he saved in the shop. She didn't see him as a fatty, but rather as a kind person who was really lonely. Not only that, she saw the kindness in his eyes.


That's about it for my review. To sum it all up, the low star reviews didn't read it properly and are just being ignorant of how the MC lived. It might not suit your taste, but I suggest giving it a shot. <<less
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December 12, 2020
Status: --
this novel could be said "don't judge a book by it's cover". The first thing I like is the illustration, it was good and kinda nice which follows the synopsis of what the story is all about. Then as soon as I read 2 volumes, I say that the MC is kinda naive and idiot. To be honest, I kinda hope that the MC have the guts to punch the villain/bully that makes him miserable in his dark past and spend his money on renovating his grandpa house/ buy a... more>> vehicle/ invest it on business that could help/change his daily life. However, it was a disappointment. He did not use his storage money at all on the real world.

The most annoying in this novel is the MC continuing on going to school even though he was been bullied and discover to going to isekai world. I mean, it's better that the MC just stay at the isekai world than having constant problems by dealing with those trouble some people.

The only good thing for this novel is the illustration while the story is disappointing <<less
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Memory325 rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: v4c2
I was looking for a modern-day story that had some sort of game aspect to it (like Solo Leveling, A VIP as Soon as You Log In, Everyone Else is a Returnee, etc.) and sure it was kinda what I was looking for but this one is honestly not that great. If your planning to read this and you want to enjoy it, turn off your brain. Like completely off or else you will just get annoyed at the same scenarios happening over and over. The MC is insanely st*pid,... more>> he acts somewhat like a toddler or 5 years old.

Spoilers up ahead just a warning in case you plan to read this for the actual plot. If you want to avoid the spoilers then here is a summary of what is below.

  • The main character has no self-confidence and makes no effort to really recover from the damage. There are many situations when it should stick out to him that he is no longer ugly yet he acts oblivious thinking there is someone behind him.
  • The main character is very st*pid. He gains insanely strong powers, yet he never uses them in some situations where it makes the most sense. This doesn't even happen once but multiple times and even if you didn't read fantasy books you could still wonder why the h*ll doesn't he use it.
  • If your reading this be warned that it will only annoy you with how he is so you have to turn your brain off fully for preparation to read this
Alright moving on to my actual points with spoilers.

Yes, he was bullied a lot and was essentially left alone in the modern world with no one to rely on. I understand that will most likely destroy anyone's self-esteem. However, this dude literally gets invited to become a model, he even gets randomly chosen to be a model for a clothing company. I don't know what to tell you but I am sure that should do something to your self-esteem. Additionally, when he goes to school people begin to gossip around him asking who he was and how handsome he was. Though I can understand that he may not be able to restore it due to those years of trauma so I am fine with this. The next part though it what bugs me too much.

He is absolutely st*pid. He has some sense of smarts sure but in situations that only seem obvious is when he appears so g*d d*mn st*pid. He gains the power called Appraisal and if you read fantasy novels then you should know it allows you to find out stuff about things. He uses it on monsters and weapons so obviously he knows how it works right? However, he has never once tried to use it on person. One scene has a mystirous girl appear that shoots arrows. So he checks the arrow right but wonders who the girl is. He never even once thinks to himself Let me try to use Apprasial on her like I do it on myself. No, he just continues to wonder who the h*ll that girl is. Like I am sorry but what. This guy has properly used this ability throughout the novel, yet he finds using it on a human to be the most out of the world idea. He never once thinks logically that if it can work on a living creature it should work on a human too. This isn't the only thing that annoys me. He does other things that only make it worse to read the longer you go. The reason is because he doesn't learn. He does the same thing over and over. <<less
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enkiros rated it
August 29, 2020
Status: v3c2 part2
The idea was interesting, the execution not so much.

As with most isekai harem novels, the further the story progresses there's less of a cohesive narrative thread. The protagonist and the supporting cast just get dumber and dumber, and the plot starts falling to a slice-of-life novel's pace. In fact, it's arguably worst than many isekai harem novels, the protagonist's traumatic life experiences serve as the perfect plot armor for the author to make the protagonist even more of a naive pushover. His level of cuckness is straight-up impressive.

As of volume... more>> 3, I finally gave up after realizing that the author isn't planning anything interesting plot-wise. Just random super forced conflicts that appear for the sake of showing how perfect the protagonist is. It goes without saying that the harem is useless. Even though there are some semblances of romance, I don't think the author is planning to do anything meaningful with it.

Don't get me wrong, I still like these tr*shy WN/LNs, and I think my tolerance is pretty high, but this simply got boring. I think it's still worth a read if you're looking for a new isekai novel, but that's it.

On an unrelated note: Big props to the translation team, they've done a great job on this, and most of all, they buy (I assume) the LNs for our entertainment <<less
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Omissaki kassi
Omissaki kassi rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: v3c5
I really liked it in the beginning but as I continue reading MC keeps getting more and more st*pid I don't usually bother to review web novels and light novels but this time I just had to do it because this novel had potential but got so frustrating to read so I'm considering to just drop it
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Salty boi
Salty boi rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: v3c5 part3
Well, at volume 1 where I thought that this would be a good novel to read, because of its interesting story and its unover used plot. But sh*t went downhill at volume 2. I dont know what happened to the author, maybe he forgot what to write anymore and just put any kind of sh*t that he can think of. Then at volume 3 where all things got unbearable, this is gotta be the novel with the most s*upidest and poorly written MC known to humankind. I am hoping that... more>> the author rewrote those past chapters <<less
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Xxsafirex rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: v2 afterword
If you unplug your brain, the story is readable, far from great but still somehow enjoyable.


  • Even by looking at a mirror, it seems the MC is unable to judge his appearance as good (which I found pretty bullsh*t coz even for people of same s*x you still find handsome people as handsome).
  • He can keep his low esteem under the ground no matter what changement he may go through (this one is more or less acceptable but still a lil nonsense as there is no development in his view of himself even though his life go from 0 to 100.)
  • Every female character be like :
    • "hey don't you find him awesome"
    • get saved by him
    • fall in love
so don't read this for anything apart from the wish fulfilment story
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onoyaan rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: v1c5 part1
It is a decent novel, the only downside that I notice is when MC constantly asking dumb question to himself. Nonetheless it's an interesting novel that you will surely like if you are into a accelerated growth, Handsome OP MC.
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Cinque-39 rated it
April 24, 2020
Status: v1c5 part1
I didn't expect much when I started reading this novel and was just trying it out. But if you give it a chance, it actually is fairly decent! There isn't much translated yet, but what is, is enough to get you hooked! So try it out and give it a chance!
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Ali_G8or rated it
April 24, 2020
Status: v1c5
It's about a guy who's fat and ugly but he stumbles upon a gate to another world gets op weapons kills op monster an becomes op also he can go to the other world and go back to the real world when ever he wants after he gets op his buddy turns thin with a six pack and he becomes a hottie but because he was bullied his self-esteem is so low he doesn't realize that's he's making girls fall in love left and right also he continues to live... more>> in his world while going to the other world for money (he can convert the loot from monsters to millions of yen)

This is not a novel that will make you cry or amazes you so much you start buying merch

It's a simple wish fulfillment novel

But Damm is it a good one <<less
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Akachi86 rated it
October 4, 2023
Status: Completed
I've read it, so you don't have to.

Adventures of Yuuya, the amazing human doormat. He gains immense and multifarious powers, one of which is the unconscious ability to immediately dehydrate good looking women (no uglies), but remains a kindhearted, dense, naive idiot throughout the 14 novels. Other people gave examples of how he acts, so I won't bother repeating it. I'll put it like this: if you read LN1, then LN14 will be the same, just with a different setting, more powers and new harem members.

The same kind of hero... more>> worked for the author in Shinka No Mi/Fruit of evolution because it didn't treat itself seriously and relied on comedy. But IseLeve wants to be a serious novel, with serious topics and serious situations.

Unfortunately it relies on MC, who heals everyone with the power of kindness (and densness), so nothing ever gets properly explored. A loli wants to destroy the world because her master died, horribly, after helping humans who turned on her? Defeat her, tell her that's a big no-no and she changes. Siblings think you're literally some sort of subhuman species of leprotic baboon, who mentally and physically tortured you for most of your life? Help them get out of trouble they brought on themselves and they'll worship you. A princess salivates at the mere sight of you, dryhumps you leg and asks you to marry her? The proper thing to ask yourself is not "Does she really like me? No, impossible" This will repeat, and repeat, and repeat ad nauseam. <<less
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APC-123 rated it
March 5, 2023
Status: v12
The plot have nothing. Nothing happen at all. So uninteresting, unimaginative, boring, and full of mess. No need to get your brain working at all since there is literally nothing with the plot.

The side character is an NPC or a bot. 1D character that either super kind, kind-idiot, super evil, evil-idiot, or just plain dumb. It's so flat that make it worse after the trainwreck called MC.

Like, amazing. All of those annoying, frustrating, and tr*shy tropes of Isekai MC were put on into this MC altogether.

s*upid, dense, braindead, low self-esteem,... more>> naive, idiotic, wimpy, pushover, "saint-like", dumb, moron, etc.

ALL OF IT! Those Japanese Beta MC qualities is in this MC. Remind me why I hate these kind of MC and how frustrating reading LN/WN with this kind of guy.

For someone who got bullied so harshly, MC didn't act like a human. No, wait, he doesn't even act as character! He is like an NPC. He is a bot! All of his personalities already decided and locked in without a chance to develop. Even after 12 volume, no development made on MC at all. The programmes maybe wasn't paid enough to construct this bot personality.

The fact this get published and people like it make me flabbergasted. I know " opinions" and "taste" exist but, seriously? Does most people have taste this bad or something?

Edit: Also, this sh1t got adapted into anime!? Holy hell, Japanese really have a weird taste ngl. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: --
This is honestly boring. The MC and side characters have a cardboard cutout personality and while this had the potential to be interesting the author killed it by making the MC's plot Armor too op. Also author couldn't decide to commit to isekai completely so that's another minus.

This story also is going all over the place. Really jarring. Even if it was predictable if it would have had a singular plotline then it would have been better instead of the weird mix of subplots.

The girls too have less personality than... more>> a piece of plastic and are mostly attracted to him cause of his looks and the suspension bridge affect after being saved from danger.

At least in the manga the art is pretty so it doesn't burn away your braincells as much. But honestly there's way better novels out there. <<less
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Kingdo rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: v3c2 part1
The story isn't that great. The author do whatever he wants without thinking about his own setting, and that is frustrating for me. Example :

- MC is bullied at home because he is fat and ugly. Strange without context but why not.

- MC is bullied at school too from some reasons.

... more>> → MC still stay a good guy with a big heart. Difficult to be a saint when treated like sh*t IRL, but it's not the first stories doing that, so okay.

- MC get Isekai, get OP, muscular and handsome

- The story explain that MC lvl, stat and stats affect is modern school life too. Like, because he gets more stat intellect, his understood more easily his class. He become so intelligent that he doesn't really need it anymore, he can instantly do calculation at the level of a computer.

→ Somehow, MC still dumb when in come to social. Even so he isn't uses to it, with his intellect stat he should understand the implicit in a conversation.

→ MC stay dense, good nature and idealistic. Not that he should become an assh*le, but it's not realist either if he is able to analyze his environment at the level of a computer.

Having a harem is classic in this type of stories nowadays, but the narratives loop is too visible, even s*upid sometimes. Every time he meet a girl, we have that :

1- MC meet girl

2- Girl in danger

3- MC save girl

4- Girl like MC

From what I read, we have :


1- MC meet girl at supermarket

2- Girl in danger by thugs

3- MC save girl by thugs attack him

4- Girl like MC


1- MC meet princess

2- Princess in danger of assassins

3- MC save princess from assassins

4- Princess like MC

1- MC meet classmate

2- Boys play football and a ball come to classmate direction

3- MC stop the ball

4- classmate like MC

1- MC meet mannequin

2- Mannequin being harassed by co-worker

3- MC save mannequin

4- Mannequin like MC

1- MC meet prof

2- Prof in danger from a bear in forest

3- MC beat up the bear

4- Prof like MC


In 3 volumes, no character growth so far. The MC is force by the plot to stay dense, good-natured with low self-esteem. Whatever, he was heavily bullied and became handsome, rich, strong and intelligent in one single night. Not that I want him to become a selfish brat, he could at least being happy, enjoy his new lifestyle, reflect on the behavior of others who change overnight, want to do things he wanted but didn't dare. But no, MC is a Gary sue, he has all the qualities to maintain an absolute equilibrate, to be temperate at 15 years old if my memories are good, or maybe 16. <<less
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Magicflier rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: v8c7
I caught up with the manga and I am now here continuing onto the light novels. I am enjoying this quite a lot, despite the protagonist being very dense, and the setting playing out as illogical nonsense.

It's cliche, simple, easy to understand (s*upid). The protagonist becomes overpowered due to his Grandfather's things he left behind. The protagonist was originally a bully victim so he has a very low self-esteem, but he still tries to pull moving past revenge and getting on with his life. He is also now experiencing how... more>> it's like to be surrounded by friends that care about him. He can travel between the modern world and the fantasy world.

I hope the romance can progress a lot more as the story progresses, and the protagonist gets less dense.

The story gets a lot more interesting from Volume 6 onwards and things start to escalate..


as aliens and space warfare start getting mixed in

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Diagon Alleycat
Diagon Alleycat rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: v4 epilogue
This is a wish fulfillment story. Unlike most other wish fulfillment stories though, this chuunibyou author requires the reader to strongly suspend disbelief multiple times per chapter. The reader is also subjected not only to continual forced plotting, but also frequent deus ex machina and the MC usually ignores infrastructure and environmental costs or limitations. The author ignores continuity rules and requires the reader to forget inconvenient details from prior chapters. As a reader, you cannot use common sense when reading this story or you will give it zero stars,... more>> but if you approach it as a parody of how much can an author do to make the MC "look flashy cool" then you can enjoy this story like some readers do.

In order to make the MC look humble, the author overuses the tactic of giving the MC low self esteem. The author is too lazy to spend more effort and keeps reusing this over and over volume after volume. Even many volumes later, the author keeps sprinkling in the "I was bullied" cliche to try to keep reader sympathy up for this MC. Does this MC deserve all this excessive chuunibyou flashy good fortune? NO. He doesn't decide to do good things out of a personal desire to do good. He ends up doing good things because of forced plotting and how the author keeps handing out rewards to the MC.

In the end, it's all on the chuunibyou author. If you like over the top OP MC wish fulfillment stories with characters having low wisdom OOC behaviours, this is the story for you. If you like continual fresh deus ex mahina doses of big benefits and essentially no consequences for actions by the MC then this is the story for you. <<less
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