Hua Hua You Long


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In order to help their chief find a wife, the bandits kidnapped a woman from the bottom of the mountain in order to offer her up to him.

The chief of the mountain stronghold, Lu Cang falls in love at first sight with the absolutely stunning beauty!

However, on the night of the consummation…

Associated Names
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Flower Flower Dragon
Hoa Hoa Du Long
Related Series
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Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me (2)
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  2. Done reading
  3. Novels I keep re-reading from time to time
  4. Toxic? anyway...
  5. reading

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131 Reviews sorted by

The_Mad_Queen rated it
March 25, 2023
Status: Completed
The story is not what I read usually as I'm more of a not angsty person. I really hated the ML many times and wished that MC didn't waver from his decision of leaving but he gets better at the end although not much tbh. It's one of the only angsty novels I've read so it has a special place in my heart.

The plot is engaging and you don't get bored. You are busy cursing the ML throughout the novel. And the ending instead of making you happy makes you... more>> sad but kinda satisfied. Bcz from the MC's personality throughout the story you know that he won't leave the ML. Besides he's happy so what can I do.

I do suggest having a spare happy novel at the side so you can start reading it immediately. So as to not feel too sad. I read ummm..... The life of a wealthy woof. That was it I think. And probably don't think about it again. <<less
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DojaDoge rated it
March 26, 2022
Status: v2c21 epilogue
What did I just read?

The MC fell in love with the emperor. The same guy that stabbed him in the urethra several times with a hairpin before raping him.

Talk about Stockholm Syndrome.

I've read torture, r*pe, NC before but this was quite intense. Most of this was supposed to be smut, but I didn't find it remotely erotic. There really wasn't much of a plot.

Character development was minimal.

Better alternatives: Secrets Nights in the Inner Palace; Silent Lover. Read Silent Lover if you want torture.
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FrostyDragon rated it
March 4, 2022
Status: Completed
TWs: Well, read the tags and be aware that this is a super abusive story with HE between r*pe victim and rapist. Probably not suitable for any reader except those who can stomach hardcore violent stories.

Meh. It's okay, but not great. The first and the second half seem like two different stories. The plot is halfhearted, side characters drop in and out of the story with no real characterization or development. The structure is weird - it's r*pe/s*xual torture->MC tries to escape his predicament->ML cheats him->more r*pe and torture->relationship with... more>> sometimes consensual smut->relationship drama->smut->HE

The first couple of chapters were actually quite good. There's the villainous and devilishly handsome emperor ML going out on adventures while his poor brother is left to do the actual governing of the country - the naïve bumpkin bandit king MC who falls for a mysterious beauty, the horrifying wedding night. Afterwards the MC plot revenge and some ridiculous stuff happens during his quest to find his rapist. The mood is light, the story is obviously not to be taken seriously and there are some scenes that where quite funny (sorry for the dog, but it was kind of hilarious all the same).

Then it just turns into the sadistic ML raping and abusing the MC over and over and over. Which I expected (I already read the tags and other reviews), so wasn't really shocked. The descriptions were kind of fascinating, it's like watching a horror movie, there's this morbid interest in how bad it can get (it gets pretty bad - I don't find it realistic that the MC isn't completely crippled or died long before the end of the story).

The ML is 100% horrible, and this became a narrative problem later in the story. I simply didn't believe in his so-called love for the MC. He wasn't developed enough as a character, so turning from an absolute deranged sad*st to a somewhat loving husband wasn't believable.

The MC falling for his rapist also seemed unrealistic considering how the ML continued to treat him in the most despicable way almost until the end. If he had been better at manipulating the MC I would have believed it, but the whole scene where they confess to each other wasn't believable.


He starts by cruelly raping the MC as soon as he sees him (for the 100th time), also breaking his hand - to the point where the MC is bleeding heavily from a certain body part (again for the 100th time). The last time they saw each other the ML also tortured the MC and was going to have him executed in the most horrible way imaginable. The suddenly the ML starts monologueing about how much he's fallen for the MC, which kind of comes out of nowhere, and the MC admits that he can only get sexually aroused with the ML.

And all of this is not completely unrealistic - I think it could theoretically be possible for a victim of s*xual abuse to come to rely on the perpetrator if the victim was isolated enough and the rapist actually manipulated him emotionally to the extent where he got brainwashed into thinking himself in love with his captor - Stockholm syndrome - but in HHYL is just not developed enough in the story.


The most boring part is actually vol 2 where the couple is supposed to be genuinely in love. The themes in the story - that the powerful are cruel and that a lover with a lower status is left in a precarious position with no real agency, or how the emperor can't commit himself to loving one person because he has to consider politics and getting heirs - all of these aren't s*upid, but these themes are just thrown into the story and left undeveloped.

Maybe the story deserves a lower rating than 3 stars, but I also feel it's unfair for people to give it a bad rating just because they don't like noncon. It's not a story to take super seriously, mainly it's just torture p*rn and not judgement, people should be free to read whatever they like. <<less
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June 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Meh. It was short, so I found it difficult to connect with the characters. Not a lot of “story”.
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Aarohi s Parmar
🤣🤣🤣 Lu Chang and Jing. Oh Jing finally in end you won our hearts..... I don't Jing but in end I like him. Beginning I hate him also feel he sach sh*t a baster. But counting Rebirth: Degenerate S*ave Abuses Tyrant novel character long xuan, Jing is better and not that much sh*t like xuan. Short not much sweet but good at reading.
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MagBlueRoses rated it
December 1, 2020
Status: Completed
Now... where do I begin...

To start off, I ABSOLUTELY would not recommend this novel to anyone. Like never!

This is messed up, totally not okay, definitely not something that deserves hype or publicity! I won't judge anyone who likes this novel, but I won't personally even talk about it and will try to forget I ever read it and even completed it.

... more>> Why am I so against it?

It's because it romanticizes r*pe! (NOT OKAY AT ALL!) It is a BIG example of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME and well... it's just plain gory... (I know many people enjoy reading this and that's totally fine... just saying)

Now if you are someone who likes this kind of stuff and can digest it, maybe you could give it a try, but it's just messed up (imo). The first few chapters (basically half the book) was plain torture to read.

And then, suddenly, miraculously, the gong, who has been a total douche, suddenly gets all tender and soft...


The last few chapters were bearable... but I must admit, every time the ML, who was initially ruthless to the point of insanity, starts acting all loving and gentle, it would make me swoon, but I guess that's exactly what the author wanted us to feel when reading it...? I don't know... Those parts of sudden and little tenderness are all I found worth reading in the whole book...

Personally, the plot is nothing outstanding for me. It is average and the story, despite the heavy non-con, was beautifully written and translated. I would have probably liked HHYL if there was no non-con because the characters are very well developed, but well... it is what it is.

And why did I read the entire book despite my displeasure towards it?

It is because it was so well written, short, and even though I didn't like it and hated it a lot at times, I wanted to see why this book seemed popular among the fujoshi community... I couldn't find my answer after reading it... <<less
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IvaAres rated it
August 29, 2020
Status: Completed
The plot is interesting but honestly I felt really bad for the MC. Everytime he would be abused by the ML because of misunderstandings and such my heart would ache so much.

However, after the abuse ended they quickly became one of my favorite couples.
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Samanthavang634 rated it
August 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Tbh the beginning was very interesting and I really enjoyed how it all started off being funny but the more I read it the more I feel really bad for the MC. ML is such a freaking bastard and bc of him I seriously wanted to drop this but bc he was so well written I became so captivated by him I couldn't put this down, the author described him so beautiful but awfully cruel that u actually want to know what would happen between MC and ml. MC is... more>> so strong and I respect that and he never gave up his pride as a man but it's always ML pulling him down, grabbing him by force that he can't leave ml, I love how MC stands up for himself and His brothers but it's so crazy that I emotionally feel confused too? MC feels confused if he loves ML and I'm over here wondering why I can't hate ML as well ? he such a manipulative bastard but he so captivating it's just so hard to leave and put this novel down, I kept on reading wondering what will happen between this toxic relationship, MC messed up at the Beginning and I slowly start pitying him bc he can never go back how things were bc ML dug his nails so deep into MC, MC basically cant live without ml, I can't believe this novel had a happy ending knowing how f*cked up there relationship is (it did say psychological) this relationship felt so force and I think MC has Stockholm syndrome

I didn't like how ML had 6 wife's and 6 children and MC doesn't even have a single child and a beautiful wife (ik ML needs the kids to carry on his title) I didn't like when they did it & ML was pestering him about is he jealous that he's sleeping with other women and having children with them ? I also didn't like at the ending they switch positions at now ML is bottom and MC is top... not really my type and it was confusing reading it ?.

I really didn't like how MC forgives ML bc he thinks he "loves" him...... This was a very confusing "romance" but I just can't call this love the drama was extreme and so many misunderstandings, I would give this a 2.5 very shocking how such a toxic relationship have a happy ending ? <<less
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danmeiislife rated it
August 3, 2020
Status: Completed
the very first xing bao er novel that i've read! It really left an impact to me. Yes, there are parts that I find disturbing but i've read the warnings and still continued reading and I didn't regret it. Yes, the MC is quite dumb to fall in love with the ML despite all the things that he has done to him but I really like his redemption arc in which he showed that he could stand on himself, that he still has self-worth left on himself, that he could... more>> stand by his decision. I really like the ending as well since jing has gotten what he deserve, to no longer be able to live without lu cang. ? <<less
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Chuki Yuuki
Chuki Yuuki
July 14, 2020
Status: Completed
To be honest, up until the end of Book 1, Jing Xing hadn't redeemed himself in my eyes. Lu Cang has a big, fat point thrown out there: Now that he has no other left, he went and claim Lu Cang after all he has done like a broken, thrown away toy suddenly has a use again?

It was the kind of love that was truly painful and bittersweet, but just like most, love is powerful enough to triumph over logic and reasons.

Book 2 had shown us that Jing has his... more>> own struggles too, considering his position. And yet, heck, it also shown once more his unique way thinking of protecting and showing his love, discovering that his love is all- encompassing and I- actually- can't- live- without- him- type- of-love, and gaining back his love shows that he may be a horrendous bastard but he is also human too who succumbs to love. I like that he has shown his gentle and sweet side to Lu Cang and that Lu Cang also recognizes that even if Jing has brought all kinds of bad things to his life, Jing will also be the only one for him for this lifetime.

I can proudly that this is the kind of love that doesn't make sense to some people--- but for them, it is everything and their lives itself, the kind of love that have been through mountains and crossed oceans just to bear fruit to that sweet ending...

I don't exactly like that this is the story to 'romanticize' r*pe, but Lu Cang himself admitted that even in that 1st night, he had already fallen because Jing's beauty was exactly the ones he is weak to. So yes, there was resistance and embarrass**ent but for me, admitting that means that he already consented. What I truly don't like in the story is how horrible Jing had been, if I was Lu Cang I would have already follow through his plan to run far, far away from Jing the moment he I have the chance. The things he did was too much and no amount of love should have been able to justify that... but as I have said earlier, love can triump over logic and reason.


Oh well, as long as they are happy. Cheers to the couple and may they live long peacefully! <<less
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May 18, 2020
Status: Completed
Urgh. I like smut and possessive ML but the ML here is very hateful! I dont like him at all!!

And the MC is so s*upid!!!

Their s*x together is so painful it wasn't entertaining at all. This story leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
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Catryn rated it
May 18, 2020
Status: prologue
As a masochist fan of tragedy, this book is right up my alley, but I do not recommend having this kind of romance as this as it contain lack of consent. Okay, maybe some of us love to be dominated to the point of having Stockholm Syndrome (I do too, but on a lesser scale), then go ahead.
But I'd like to say that, we, as reader, as a third-person, as the spectator, it's quite obvious that it's not an entirely healthy relationship, because we see what everyone thinks and we know what is their thoughts. And what is, essentially in the book's, reality. But it doesn't mean that we will react differently, as the second-party, as the victim, as the participant, so let us meditate on the fact that we all need to stop thinking sometimes and look at things the way a reader would. Let us also understand that the way we're brought up, by nurture or nature or socially, can contribute detrimentally to our reasoning and thus, let us understand that Lu Cang is not like us, a person with internet in or hands to be told that it is not okay by other than your friends/bros. Let us, though, appreciate his willingness to put faith into Jing again, despite being cowardly.

(Yes, I'm relating to this more than I would ever, I'm in a similarly abusing household, not romance, where my every escape route is cut off, and the only thing left for me to use as a coping mechanism is to 'love and understand' my parents.)
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May 1, 2020
Status: v2c21 epilogue
W.T.F! My brows always meet whenever I read this. I'm not sure what too feel, but their relationship's too f*cked up. It ends well tho. Good luck, read at your own risk.
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Kimumchi rated it
April 7, 2020
Status: --
Thank you to all the translators. Thoroughly enjoyed the novel though some parts made me cringe or sad. But love the ending
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2100BISS rated it
January 18, 2020
Status: v2c21 epilogue
The very first danmei I've ever read! I remember being too impatient about the manhua that I immediately read it upon knowing that novels existed. I didnt even have an ounce of knowledge about danmei before. I wasnt even at the legal age when I first read this so I was really shocked about how sexually abusive the ML was.

... more>>

He even had the heart to lock him up in the dungeon!!!


Anyway imma rate this a four star, simply because there was no dilly dallying considering this was a very short read compared to normal lengths of danmei novels. The unique this is that, this was the only danmei novel wherein the ML is willing to bottom for the MC and I appreciate that <<less
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amruta rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: Completed
Does this novel have a jerk ML and a doormat MC? Yes. MC falls in love with purely for his looks. The ML is one of the most abusive characters. It does get better in the end but the MC is always under tyrant ML's hand.

And yet, I love this novel. The writing and pacing of the novel is good. The translation is excellent. The ML does show some character improvement but not much. After all, he's the emperor. Being a tyrant, selfish and self-centered jerk is a must. And... more>> also let's not forget that the MC himself is a bandit and must have done his share of robbing and killing.

HE <<less
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Hualian800 rated it
January 4, 2020
Status: --
When I finished reading volume 1, I was about to rate 1 star for this novel thinking it doesn't even deserve 1 star (i even told myself this is the worst BL I have ever read inspite of reading countless BL's) but I dont know what happened to me after reading Volume 2, I was satisfied with ending despite hated ML so much in the beginning. I was about to stab ML in my imaginations because of his cruelty in Vol 1 & empathising MC so much & cursing him... more>> for his naive. But seeing MC happy in the end I decide myself not to oversee & judge the love of others. Since its MC life being in love with ML despite the cruel torture things happened to him, I decided to accept the ending even though I cant fully forgive ML for his past actions as long as MC happy, , I'm contented. <<less
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October 24, 2019
Status: prologue
Border line disgusting with way to unnecessary s*xual violence.

I am strongly against this book with r*pe on numerous occasions, sadistic and arrogant ML and way to forgiving with no self respect MC.
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akatsukii rated it
October 4, 2019
Status: Completed
I have to say that I absolutely hated this novel. I couldn't stand the fact that Lu Cang stayed with Jing, and to be honest Jing's actions made up 99% of why I hated this novel. Personally, I prefer more dark stories but this was just one that I couldn't carry on reading.

... more>>

Jing got Lu Cang's sister pregnant and yet he still stayed with him? The way Jing treated Lu Cang was a huge no no for me and I hated how Lu Cang just forgot about everything Jing did in the end


Lu Cang turned into such a fragile white lotus and I did not stay for it. <<less
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andersencale rated it
July 28, 2019
Status: Completed
To be honest, the only reason I read this was because I ran out of Japanese light novels to read back then and this was one of the few Chinese translated M/M novels available. Also, the premise is actually interesting. After a few chapters, I hate the ML. He is manipulative, abusive, sadistic, etc. I don't like the way he treats the MC. He gets easily jealous when MC interacts with another human being but he has children with other women, the nerve. I don't understand why the MC stays... more>> with the ML. Probably fear? Meh. <<less
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