How To Say I Love You


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There are some people you hate at first but end up liking more and more the more you interact with them.
There are some people you love at first, but the more you come to understand that person, the more helpless you feel.

The Great Film Emperor, Ji Mian thinks that Young Master Xiao Jiashu is an arrogant, poison-mouthed, spoilt, rich snob who exploits his strong background to ruin people’s lives on a whim. But when he somehow obtains the ability to read minds, Ji Mian comes to realise that Xiao Jiashu is probably the most adorable person in the world.

This is a story about the rise of the acting-fanatic, Xiao Jiashu, as he silences his haters and wows the world with his magnificence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Yêu em nói thế nào
ài nǐ zěn me shuō
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  3. Re-Read List
  4. What Is Inside Your Mind?
  5. Interested, not read

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186 Reviews sorted by

Jiiemm rated it
June 13, 2023
Status: Completed
Thanks to the author for his great work.
and thanks to the translator for all the hard work. Without you, I would not be able to finish this story 😭😭🙏






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loneplum rated it
May 1, 2023
Status: Completed
To my surprise, I was immediately s**ked into this novel! The story really grabbed my attention with its premise: the MC is a smart, hardworking, fresh college grad who comes home expecting to work at his family’s company only to be told that there was no position for him. His father would rather him sit at home and do nothing than enter the company. As a result, his mother, who was once a big movie star, throws him into the entertainment business.

The most unique part of this story is that... more>> the ML is in love with another person when he meets the MC. Read: slow burn romance and (some) angst. Some reviewers did not like how the ML broke up with his previous boyfriend, but there were problems with that relationship before the MC showed up. The MC is a lovable puppy and the ML is a doting but shrewd acting god. Once they’re together, their romance is adorable and fluffy.

This is by the same author as QWFOD (Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil) so similarly, if you like OP couples, face slapping, and don’t mind a little bit of fantasy, you’ll definitely enjoy this novel. <<less
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TurbulentFaye rated it
April 16, 2023
Status: Completed
It's hard to find stories were MC and ML are both actors. The showbiz scenarios give me the same excitement of world hop stories.I like cute proactive protagonists and MC meets it well. ML chasing wife and ignorance to his own feelings at first was satisfying.

Read 10 chapters (or their first act together) then quit if you want to.
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HiddenHermit rated it
March 21, 2023
Status: Completed
The first part of this novel was soooo good... definitely 4 and maybe 5 stars. Xiao Jiashu was very likable and I enjoyed seeing his growth. Also the budding relationship between him and Ji Mian. But it started going downhill around the time

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Jiashu got the part to play the robot. Maybe the author hadn't met foreigners before or traveled much. Their point of view is a bit off.

But the biggest issue was Jiashu's personality had a big change after he and Mian became a couple. I like Jiashu just the way he was before, why'd the author gotta make him more feminine?


That's just my gripe. I've reread this novel up to this point and stopped cause up until then it was worth rereading. <<less
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March 21, 2023
Status: --
Very cute fluffy novel

Translator did a good job.

This novel kept me glued to it bcz of its lightness, cute interaction between ML and MC, please read it and support the author.
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March 19, 2023
Status: --
Okay this was a SUPER SWEET one!!!! I never thought I'd be this into a danmei in which one of the MCs is in a relationship with someone besides the other MC. But wow do I love it! There is a little drama--a little dog-blood relish on top, if you will. But everyone is okay and happy at the end and I'm giggling at how adorable it all was!
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February 12, 2023
Status: Completed
I can't believe that I have finished the novel and feel so happy! This is insane, fluffly, and heart warming!

Knowing this novel was written by the same author of QWFOD really put me in the good mood.

MC is acting fanatic in one hand while the other is ML number one fan and lover! His mind is exceptionally childish and chaotic. He is a riot and comedian! 🤣 You might find yourself hard pressed to ask ML to left the lover to pursue MC but reign your horses because it will happen... more>> when its time but you won't stop having do food before it happens!

Honestly all rounded 5 out of 5 rating. The mother, the brother, the uncle really can't get any hole plot. Awesome! <<less
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inquisitive_68 rated it
January 27, 2023
Status: --
Not my cup of tea. But one can try.

I feel stifled in first few chapters I wanted to scream and beat that fang guy... I really don't like high mighty ML because if you really been able to be that position how can you be so judgemental. Not questioning people properly jisr judging them. And what if he won't be able to read mind. Ugh.
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darkchocolatesan rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: extra
I really like the characters in the novel. The first few chapters are a little difficult to get through just because of second-hand embarrassment, but it really shows how the main character grows into a better actor. The side characters all have a great amount of depth to them. Characters that have wronged the MC get backslapped, but also get satisfying redemption arcs. No one is completely forgiven, but most are given second chances.

The main couple is sweet, their families are loving but also have interesting dynamics, and the relationship... more>> development is well paced. All the movies/shows in the novel are also super interesting and unique, and don't feel redundant to the main story.

Also, about the ML in the beginning:

Yes, the ML is in a relationship before getting together with the MC, but it's written very well. We clearly see why ML's previous relationship does not work out in the end, and it's simply because they have different perspectives on the relationship and were not completely honest with each other. ML's previous relationship highlights how MC is a better fit for him in terms of attachment style.


It's a long novel, but each stage of the story was so memorable, and I was absolutely squealing the entire time. 10/10 would binge read again. <<less
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December 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Brilliant... I loved it.... I loved the characters... I especially love the story after they got together.. it was soooo cuuutteeeee.... the MC is a real treasure and the ML is a sweetie to only his MC..... loved it... thanking the author and the translator for bringing us this piece of gem💎🙏...
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LazyPeruser rated it
December 6, 2022
Status: Completed
All I can say it is that IT IS ONE OF THE BEST! 1000/5

Out of all the characters Xiao Jiashu is my favorite. He's so optimistic, true, cutee, and so loving. No one can't resist his cuteness!!

Everyone who deserve to be punished were fairly punished. It doesn't also focused on the main couple but at the other characters as well which is what I also like. It was long but every chapters are golden so I really can't skip anything.

... more>>

I totally understand that Ji Mian can't tell about his mind reading but I hope that before they left he will get the chance to tell it to his baby.


I really don't understand why a lot of readers have the guts to give this a low rating without even finishing the novel. They don't deserve to rate this when they didn't even finished this novel (as well as other novels). You know, you will know what to rate if you finished the whole, not just a part of it. <<less
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twobada rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: --
I avoided this because I assumed it would be too nonsensical and dog- blooded. It really is.

But I still enjoyed the main CP very much and I also felt so heartbroken for them during the angsty moments.

I think there were a lot of unnecessary things, like LLY, but I understand that it was necessary to highlight how little JM knows without his ability.

Overall I still think the novel delivered what it was supposed to deliver: dog food well-seasoned with fluff and angst.
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Adriana28 rated it
November 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Omg!!! I simply love love love it..... It's a masterpiece in it's own way.

I am actually a fan of entertainment genre, and while reading it's intro I didn't quite understood it's meaning but atlast thought to give it a try.

Well what can I say at first I didn't liked the ML (Ji Mian) not even a bit. When the author or translator warned about ML being in a relationship, my first thought was I should probably quit it, and ML was also not my usual type. But thank god I didn't drop it, I never expected myself to love this story this much. Even though at first I felt quite uncomfortable reading this but later on I actually fell in love with this. And came to understand the intros... more>> real meaning.

"There are some people you hate at first but end up liking more and more the more you interact with them.

There are some people you love at first, but the more you come to understand that person, the more helpless you feel"

My one regret was their official love story started quite late in about 90 chapters and so on, it's tag was slow romance but still this was quite damn slow.

I am actually not much of an emotional person except in front of my family, I would rarely cry but damn I don't know what happens to me when I read bl stories, I cry buckets. In this as well there were quite few moments my tears would slip from my eyes unconsciously, thank god my mom didn't see😂 Or I was...

Ok and our MC (Xiao jiashu) , oof he can be considered one of my favorite MC's of all bl he was so freaki'n cuteeeee. And their love story and the way they interact with each other damn I felt my heart was shot every moment I read their scenes. I really loved them 👏👏

And the others characters as well MC's mother ohh how nice would actually love to read her love story with the Mr. xiu.... sorry forgot his full name, I liked MC's brother way tooo much oof, he was my fav character beside our main protagonists. And in later chapters I liked MC's father a bit.

And ml's bf ooh 😮he was not a bad person. Hope he also find his love of life.

Many of u might think this story is a bit overrated, I know this has a simple plot no suspense, no cliffhanger nothing but dont know why it just hit me hard.

And about the supernatural tag it's just about ML being able to hear the thoughts of the person he likes and hates nothing else. Overall this was a nice story, I would love to read it on a later date may be after some years.

I highly recommend this to everyone one of u, this story is light read full of love and romance. So enjoy it.

I especially would love to thank the author as well as the translators for their respective hard work without them we would not have read such an amazingly soothing story. Thanku 🙌 <<less
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darkelf01 rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: --
This novel is one of my favourite entertainment circle story.

MC is the best. Very wholesome and adorable, his personality is amongst the most 3D I've ever read.

Sadly, I don't think the ML deserved this bun. He wasn't that devoted or caring, he was more like a passerby friend or idol-like existance to the MC rather than as the ML. He was too entangled with his ex, even most of the drama was allocated to them, ugh. I don't care much about that hypocritical pair, they should've just stayed together and... more>> not harm MC.

Sometimes I think that he only happened to be the ML just because MC was his super fan. Otherwise, his boyfriend quality was sorely lacking.

I wish there's another choice. I even thought that Miao Mu Qing would be a better partner. She's a tough, fiery woman who also has the same mindset as MC, the same firm and dedicated attitude towards acting, and most importantly, they were each other's first public support when their black rumors appeared whilst the real ML was busy cleaning after his bf's mess 😒

Seriously, MC deserved better. <<less
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May 17, 2021
Status: --
although I have only started reading this I want to say, absolutely recommended. And my favorite character is the MC's mother, of course, I like MC and ML but I'm really fangirling his mother. She's strong bright, honestly, she doesn't need her s*upid husband. Pls, tell me she gets a divorce later. Every time she appears I'm fangirling here
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someonewithemptyhands rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: c1
ok guys first u should know something before reading this novel,

1. Its fluffy light novel's without special plot, so yeah dont reading it for plot and after that say annoying things in comment.

2. Dont give a sh*t to bad comments its really cute and lovely novel.

... more>> so here we are in the another showbiz story with a cute and simple shou and skilled cool gong. U know we have Multiple POV so if u like me and wanted shou pov dont worry this story will satisfied u.

this story kinda like Transmogrification story and kinda not. Why? Cause here, we have our gong has a near death Experience and after that gain special ability. What? Mind reading. Maybe u say so what? Our shou is someone that everyone misunderstood him for his position and personallity, so u know:)

good point

very cute and funny story that u will enjoy it, here our shou is very pure and simple kid and our gong is the op cool ML that gonna save your life, so yes, its kinda good point for the fan of this kind of setting or bad point for someone that hate clishe, but honestly I enjoyed it, the writer style is charming and u dont getting bored from the story.

in many bl novels author keep showing woman weak or unlikable person but here our shou mother's is that kind of strong woman that u definitely will like

eventhough the story has misunderstooding and lack of communication but it doesnt bother

and I like the main point author wanted to say to us, that maybe u are thinking your life is really good and you are a perfect person that always help good people, but in reallity your life is sucks and u helping bad peoples and harrasing good people, so never be proud of yourself and your judgment,

bad point

very simple plot, yes I dont say that I hate it but its really needed more scheming and plot,


here we have our shou simple and doesnt have any bad thing in his mind, our villaine that has everything but somehow is greedy and everything he did cause his fall and every problem here solve very easy with mother and gong help, yes u see we have this kind of story, I like when the true side of gong's boyfrind showed itself to him and ML broke up with him but its really without any effort and after shou and gong being freind, gong find out about all of the exes bad habit or purpose very simple and easy and ex did many ridiculous things, the fast achievement success kinda disappointed me I dont like dumb villaines,


shou personallity is really simple and I dont like it its like he has a kid's brain and its ridiculous for someone who lived in another country and has many family problem, gong personallity is somhow more complicated and better, and I dont like their love process too

i think shou fell in love after watching gong acting and gong fell in love after had interaction with shou and I like it but gong ex cause misunderstooding and we had unnccessary part here too, gong can resolve misunderstooding really fast but he was selfish and didnt but suddenly he went america I think? And confess to shou, I think we didnt need such drama here and he could confess much sooner


shou and gong both are op, shou was genuine star and gong was powerfull and good skiled star too,

after all its a good and cute story, and I recommend it to u <<less
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calledout rated it
March 13, 2021
Status: Completed
novels like this make me confront the reality of my forever single status because they seriously bring my expectations of romance way too high. I went into this novel with the understanding that some things would inevitably be mary sue/gary stu esque, because thats just how it is with this author LOL. But how to say I love you surprised me with the romantic development.

this novel was the author flexing on all of us with her dog food scattering skills. Everything else can be ignored [the random alien plot device,... more>> the predictable face slapping, the cliche plot] because this novel is a romance first and foremost, and on that front it really does deliver! You just fall in love the main cp and want them to be happy. <<less
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thisaintmei rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Super cute novel. I love how there are so many misunderstandings abt MC and the ways they're revealed. MC and ML are super cute together.

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January 12, 2021
Status: c50
Very good, I love how the MC is an active participant too, and the ML's mind reading never becomes creepy
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November 16, 2020
Status: Completed
I had high expectations for this author, and she delivered. I enjoyed reading this but I had to knock off a star because

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Ji Mian never confessed about his ability to read minds. I find this incredibly unfair to Xiao Shu. The thing I find most disappointing is that Ji Mian has no purpose in doing so because with Xiao Shu's personality, he would have been able to accept it.

How terrible is it to lie to the person you closest to for a lifetime? Especially about something as invasive as a mind reading ability.

So yes, the novel was a fun read and the fluff was plentiful, but this little black spot just left a sour taste in my mouth.

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