How to Feed an Abyss!


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【if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you】

The abyss, the most feared thing by the human race today. The animals infected by the abyss mutate into monsters, and humans are reduced to walking corpses.

Lu Tinghan is an abyss watcher. He has been guarding the world’s most terrifying abyss for ten years.

This abyss is not only scary, but also strange.

Throw the garbage down, after a few days, the garbage will be buried safely next to the abyss – like someone took a shovel and tossed it all night to bury them.

Throw hazardous waste down, after a few days, the waste will be thrown back with unbridled fury.

Lu Tinghan: ?

Ten years later, he left the post and became the youngest general in the Alliance.

The next day, the abyss was also gone.

——The whole thing disappeared and turned into flat land.

The whole world was shocked.

Until one day, there was a knock on Lu Tinghan’s door.

A boy with little devil horns stood outside the door, with delicate features and bright eyes. Obviously, he was scared to death, but he still plucked up the courage to say: “Hello, I, I am Abyss, can you continue to stare at me? QAQ”

He added: “I have helped you bury the garbage every day, oh!”

During their long time together, Lu Tinghan learned two things:

1. Staring at your abyss every day, the abyss will be happy

2. When the abyss is happy, it will purr toward you

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Saving Unpermitted (2)
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66 Reviews sorted by

Choica rated it
October 16, 2023
Status: --
This novel has a very interesting plot. But unfortunately, (Don't blaspheme me because I'm just stating my opinion here).


The MC shows no character development at all. Indeed, at the beginning of the novel, this character was very funny and cute, but over time it became very boring because MC's character did not change at all


I don't understand why so many people give 5 stars to this novel.

I myself stopped reading it at chapter 50, and probably won't continue reading it again.
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Fuchou rated it
July 5, 2023
Status: c136
Beauty in Tragedy. That's the only thing I can say.

5/5 and will re-read it if I'm mentally and emotionally prepared, which isn't anytime soon.

This novel hurt me so good and like a masochist, I have to thank the translator for the impeccable translation, the Author for the truly wonderful world and characters they created, and for my luck for finding this when it's already completed.
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July 2, 2023
Status: --
Absolutely 5 stars!!!

I see there are some comments comparing this story with Little Mushroom (another story that has a different author).

Honestly, these two stories have no resemblance at all for me... I mean they have same vibe for sure, but if we talk about the plot, both of them are very different... and I personally feel that Little Mushroom's plot itself is written much better.

This story is actually very good too, the only flaw in this story is only about the explanation of the main topic (Abyss) which very vaguely... more>> explained...


I even read the near part of the story many times, but I still don't understand the concept of the abyss in this story.

First, the author describes that each abyss has its own characteristics.

Second, the author describes that within the abyss there is a galaxy system that fits their own characteristics.

So you could say that this abyss has their own system right??? but at the same time there is a scene where MC is said to have seen the same planet that humans found in their previous project (the project was failed because the planet got infected).

So doesn't that mean the galaxies inside the abyss are not their own system??? Because it's connected to the galaxy outside the abyss, which means the role of the abyss here is similar with something like portal.

There is also a topic about MC who always referred as the guide of the monsters, but until the end there is no explanation of where he return all the monster at all.

Also wasn't it the abyss that initially released the virus and infected many creatures??? So why all of them (the infected one) was suddenly talking about missing home??? all of them were originally from the earth before being infected with the virus.

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Shrike1978 rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: Completed
You'll need a box of tissues for this one but it's worth it. Post-apocalyptic setting with humor and sadness. The author intersperses small human stories through the abyss learning about other humans. I found it to be a hopeful story because the humans don't give up even when they are pushed to the very brink. But the tissues are definitely necessary.

Well written, interesting characters and setting. Definitely recommend.
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twobada rated it
June 23, 2023
Status: c1 part1
3 stars but I clicked wrong.

TLDR: A story that badly suffers from the lack of editing.

I don't understand the plethora of 5 stars.

... more>> The pacing here was so terrible that by chapter 44, I was already very bored and could no longer hold up my suspension of belief. By chapter 62, it was already inducing sleep. I could last only up until chapter 88 before fully dropping it.

The story is too slow for an adventure, too passive for action, too superficial for sci-fi/fantasy, too heavy for slice of life, and too bland for romance.

It wants to explore human nature, resilience and courage. It wants to build up emotions and mystery. It wants to be suspenseful and philosophical, to be a bit comedic and fluffy and still retain the solemnity.

But then it keeps losing whatever momentum it manages to build up by inserting fillers and dragging on arcs whose significance to character development is disproportionate to the number of words spent on writing them. Yet the characters remain just as 2d as they originally were.

I've given higher ratings to other novels worse than this, but that's because those novels stuck to one thing and achieved their goal. This novel tries to be too many things at once and succeeds at nothing. <<less
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catprince rated it
May 2, 2023
Status: c42.2
Actually, I haven't finished this novel yet, but I came to pick up some spoilers (since I'm not a person with a lot of patience and the chapters divided into two parts are really frustrating, since, at this point, I've read over 80 chapters and looking up and seeing "42.2" makes me want to throw my phone away lol), anyway, I really think this novel is pretty good.

I wasn't originally going to read this as I didn't like the summary, but I saw a review on twitter and there's more... more>> to the story than I thought. I only created this account because I saw some reviews talking about the derogatory atmosphere of the story, and I can understand that it's really a surprise if you come to read this novel with the synopsis in mind.

Anyway, the story is still quite hopeful. It's kind of depressing, but that's because the story takes a big slap of reality at times. It's a very beautiful story in my opinion, and it's worth giving it a chance.

The translation is great too, I'm using the browser's translator, since I don't speak English, but the translation is really good and it's possible to understand everything calmly. <<less
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r0zes_Insan1ty rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: Completed
  1. characters 9/10, plot 8/10 for the remaining other half of the novel I mtled it.

    It's a simple yet a moving

    beautiful story. Although the plot and world-building isn't something that's new or stands out in the story, rather, it's the characters themselves.

    The summary is rather misleading and doesn't do the novel justice.

    The relationship between the main CP is heart touching, sweet, genuine

    unconditional. Two lonely souls that found a home in each other. And no matter what they'd always find each again, in other words, soulmates. They relish in each other's company, love the time they spend together no matter how mundane. A common theme is stories, , they love telling each other stories.

    my favorite quote from the novel is 'the world is beautiful we live to die


    As for other characters, they feel alive, multi-dimensional. It's what makes this novel a good read.

    Each and everyone one of them has their own story, life. And some of them connect, one's story connecting another. They grief and love, some tragic some sweet. Each and everyone of them longs for or has a form of a home. A home in another person, a home to go back to. Whether it be a family, a lover, or friends. And most of all, the time they have with each other.

    This is what Shi Yuan learns about humans, humanity.

    This story is like the embodiment of 'the calm before the storm', it starts off fluffy and sweet, but as the novel drags on it slowly gets heavier. Yet it somehow remains sweet at the same time. If you don't have a lot of patience I don't recommend you reading it, however if you do end up reading this novel it may be worth it.
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hatsunemiku1999 rated it
March 13, 2023
Status: v81 part2
A really good story I couldn’t stop reading.

The summary is a little misleading as the story is not as light-hearted as it seems. The premise of it is war so it was a bit unexpected when I first started reading as I expected fluff right from the start. But after the initial confusion, the rest of the story was pure gold.

The interaction between the all the characters is what brings the whole story to life, seeing how the MC navigates and tries to understand humanity after meeting more people.

There is... more>> a good mix between hope and despair, life and death, light-heartedness and seriousness, fluffy cute moments and heart-wrenching moments.

Definitely would recommend 10/10 <<less
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femalenovelist rated it
January 29, 2023
Status: c59 part1
Love this so much. There’s a lot more substance to the story than what is portrayed by the synopsis.

The MC is naive but in a lovable way, not just because the author needed a dense or oblivious protagonist to drag out the romance.
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CrezieGudGirl rated it
December 6, 2022
Status: c21
The plot looks quite cute, but still a bit dark. The MC is adorable and very mature and immature, very introspective.

I really recommend.
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Acederys rated it
November 24, 2022
Status: --
I started reading the translation here, by tags and genres. Then went to mtl. The translation is chic, it is considered easy on mtl. Just a big BUT! This is not a comedy! There's nothing funny, it's a tragedy! This is a heavy work with serious philosophical overtones. If you're looking for a strong MC, this is it, if you're looking for a happy ending, this is the other way. To read this, you must be ready to plunge into a terrible and gloomy atmosphere, compress all your nerves into... more>> a bundle and not expect anything good. It is not here, and as I understand it will not be. If the author considers this a comedy with a good ending, I'm scared for the humor and the author's position in life. <<less
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Amaruna Myu
Amaruna Myu rated it
November 19, 2022
Status: c77
I feel like I'm reading with no end in sight because it is still ongoing, and that drains my will to read.

However, the story is great. The character interactions are filled with ups and downs, people have life outside of their interactions with the MC.

The pacing of the story is relatively quick too.

... more>> MC and ML have trust in each other and have mostly sweet interactions. The author isn't afraid of ending characters even after giving them a sad backstop that makes me attached.

it's a great story, but I don't know when it's going to end, so I'm going to take a break from reading until I remember this again.

p.s translator is very good at their job \ (^o^) /, but if you're impatient like me, you can mtl it, it's very understandable <<less
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March 13, 2024
Status: c1 part1
I love it. Yes, it has similarities to the Little Mushroom, but I honestly felt this was on par or better than it. The author managed to make it more light but still hold the tragedy that humanity goes through. The writing is well done and so is the translation.

100% recommend to read if you like these types of books.
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Michelle-08 rated it
October 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Beautiful story with equally beautiful couple. Another favorite story and couple of mine! (ღ˘⌣˘) ♥ ℒ♡ⓥℯ I'll definitely miss all the side characters especially the Wild Rose troupe, I mean all side characters were given their time to shine, they add color to the story. I laughed and cried with them and understand where their decisions and actions coming from.

I love SY, he's the sweetest, funniest, softest, most naive OP I have ever read. LT is not your typical cold, overbearing ML. He's a soldier and acts like one, we can... more>> consider him OP as well but the good thing is, although he's one, there are still things that even if he tries and does his best to protect mankind, he still lost some of the fights.

The story gives you a roller coaster of emotions, so be ready! Again, another highly recommended novel! <<less
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Sporky rated it
October 12, 2023
Status: c136
It's art. Huge emotional range. From comedic and lighthearted, to harrowing suspense, to bittersweet and sad, this novel has the depth. I love the pair's delightful interactions and I love the deep worldbuilding. Long chapters, interesting arcs, strong and well-characterized support cast, beautiful translation and writing. It's awesome. Seriously amazing.
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worms rated it
August 10, 2023
Status: c1 part1
I feel like the story could have been a lot better. I like the premise and the characters but I regret spending so much time reading it.

It kind of felt like the author was trying to emulate Little Mushroom vibes with this story but it just didn't hit the same. The setting and characters are similar and a lot of the plot is as well. It didn't really make me feel the same melancholy feeling that LM does though, and the characters and their relationship don't hit the same. The... more>> MC is inhuman similar to LM but he doesn't really feel inhuman. It's mentioned that he doesn't understand or feel emotions the same way as humans but he doesn't act that way at all.

It was way longer than it needed to be. Random characters' pasts would be explained in detail even though they weren't very relevant to the story. There were times where it seemed like something would happen or the MC was going to do something, but then it would amount to nothing in the end. A good amount of the time while I was reading I was just looking forward to something happening, and when something finally did happen it felt lackluster.

One of the things that bothered me the most was the fact that the MC did nothing. I don't think he did a single noteworthy thing in the entire story, except I guess a bit at the end. Every time it seemed like maybe he would do something he'd give up or the ML would accompany him and do everything instead. The MC was never alone, and if he was he was just thinking about the ML. The MC was interesting and had a lot of potential in the beginning, but unfortunately the story just focused on making only the ML the hero. <<less
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Dark Rider
Dark Rider rated it
August 4, 2023
Status: c136
I have never written reviews before, but GOSH DANG IT, THIS DESERVES IT!!!




This is literally a tale of reality blended with fantasy, coming together with the most beautiful of writing styles.

A huge THANK YOU to the translators for doing such a wonderful job at making sure the essence of the writing style wouldn't be lost in the change of language.

It was worth all the joy, the tears, my sleep deprivation to complete the book. My dry eyes were worth every single emotion that this book conveyed.
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tashtumea27 rated it
July 24, 2023
Status: c136
It's a wonderful story about the Abyss and the ML, and the world that they live in together, for better or worse. It truly is well told, wonderfully translated, and beautiful. I don't think the story is a tragedy. The story is set during apocalyptic times so you can't expect everything to go smoothly; death is inevitable. During points when so many sad things are happening to the people in the city MC was in, we are given a small reprieve by MC's cute and adorable POV. Despite this, it... more>> doesn't fully cover the fact that depressing repercussions remain for those in the background. It does seem to set each other off somewhat, so long as you don't think too deeply.

If you do, you may cry like me :')


I love the MC and ML's relationship. ML respects and loves MC, and their banter/conversation is just so sweet and adorable.

I love that ML is always on humanity's side, but doesn't let it hinder his relationship with MC. I love how MC came to terms early about ML's mortality and how he came to know love and home.


I very much recommend this story, please read it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. <<less
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Ashfire rated it
July 11, 2023
Status: --
A terrible story, a masterpiece. For those who are reading novels in novelupdates for the last 6 years, you have never come across anything like this one. A morbid book intermingled with love and hope but continuously entangled with despair. Hope is there but it breaks again and again. The light hearted and s*upid interactions of the protagonist couple makes the despair somewhat bearable. A great story with everything, a phenomenal story deserve all the credit from the translators and writer.
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Moocakey rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: c136
A must read 5/5 and the translation is top notch.

The story is captivating yet sombre at the same time. This is an apocalyptic setting where mankind fights for survival against monsters and mutations after being infected so I can see why some people said it resembles Little Mushroom.

The MC is pure, a tad naive and he must be protected at all costs! He is not annoying nor your maiden in distress but presents as a ray of sunshine. He provides a lot of laughs due his non understanding of human... more>> jokes and connotations.

The ML is your typical handsome and smart general. He is respectful and kind to the MC. You see their relationship blossom slowly and it's very sweet. Overall both of them make such a lovely couple but the stories of the side characters also add to the story and you will be emotional throughout the novel.

The extras are a nice addition to wrap up the novel and it is a HE. <<less
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