How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter


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I became an extra in a detective novel where people are dying left and right. Moreover, I became a character with the lowest survival rate, a girl with no dreams or future!

“The culprit is that person!”

Unable to witness people dying in front of me, I subtly pointed out the culprit a few times.

“Become my daughter.”
The protagonist of this novel, who catches criminals, and also the most powerful figure in the Empire, the Duke, proposed adoption to me!

Is the life in the back alley with an empty stomach finally over?! Even rejoicing at being allowed to eat two fluffy breads, the hidden settings of the novel suddenly come to mind.

‘…Wait a minute. Wasn’t the protagonist in this novel supposed to be a psychopath?’

The Duke, colder than anyone to villains, but warm to his adopted daughter!

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다크 히어로의 딸이 되는 법
Related Series
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Baby Prisoner of the Winter Castle (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Child protagonist
  2. Favorites
  3. Daddy-Daughter
  4. KR Novels with Manhwa (FL Version)
  5. Family manhwa

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10 Reviews sorted by

New xiyhan rated it
May 27, 2024
Status: --
Review (as of ch 79 of TL) :

Gaawd. This is so painful to read. I knew this was such a good manhwa so I tried to read the novel after reading the S1 of manhwa cuz I can't wait and need to know what happens on the story.

How tf is she supposed to be a "genius" (and this is not because people called her that but the author also made her badass detective skills) but doesn't have common sense when you really need it. The story would've been much shorter... more>> if she just told her dad about her gut feeling about the villain (I aint going to spoiler this one as it was already shown real early who's the main antagonist).

And it get worst! Like the dad never made her feel she isn't a real daughter but she keeps doubting his love for her (eg. Doesn't tell her concerns about the doctor as well as the thief because she didn't wanna cause some trouble to Callen. Even though she knows he will do everything for her, she's super s*upid asf and I wish she would be ☠ in the end because I hate FLs like her where author made them "smart" or "OP" but forgot to put common sense on them. Like wtffff). <<less
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DayDayDay rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: v1c42
The dark plot that the original story has is very good, I love how the duke is and the brother with Leticia is very cute compared to the dark world where they live.

Although it only has two chapters in English on wattpad, they are already 42 in Spanish
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Aireenluna rated it
June 5, 2020
Status: --
Someone translated this story on Wattpad even though it was only 2 chap but I'm thankful already. Hope that translator will not give up. And lastly not being bust by the original author ?
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caileen710 rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: c78 part1
Based on the description, this story sounds like quite a few other popular reincarnation/isekai stories with “evil” dukes. Based on the plot you would be right! However, this novel has the unique lens of also being a mystery/crime solving story where the FL ends up solving “cases” she gets exposed to either with her special talent or her deduction and strategy skills from her past life. This brings a really refreshing angle to the story and breaths new life into what is becoming an oversaturated trope.

Also unique is that the... more>> FL has no idea what is suppose to happen in the future. She didn’t finish the book and she was originally a mob character that dies quickly. This means that she really isn’t going after some overarching goal of preventing war or saving someone. She is simply happy to live with her loving adopted family. The relationship she has with her father, aunt, and brother is incredibly sweet and charming. It’s clear how much her presence healed the adults in her life. I do want more Jade development though.

Due to the fact FL spent almost her entire past life isolated in the hospital with no friends or family just solving puzzles, her behavior feels natural and not too old or cheesy for a young girl. She has the maturity of living longer but lacks the life experiences that would make her becoming a child again feel creepy.

The FL does unfortunately have the horrible luck of evil men being obsessed with her (which is great since her family is firmly morally dark grey but concerning because she is still a child and they are not the evilest men by far). As of chapter 85, there really is no romance although there is one character that logically could be in the future a love interest, FL has shown no interest and they have no real relationship outside of being acquaintances. I’m hoping for subversion of the trope and crossing my fingers her friend from the slums reappears.

Really recommend giving this novel a chance especially if you like mysteries and fluffy found families! <<less
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Dadle rated it
October 27, 2023
Status: Completed
Well. I might give it 4 stars only because (in my opinion!) one storyline was a bit shaky towards the end. But still, remembering the overall impression of the entire novel, my rating will still be closer to 5.

There may be spoilers here.

Strong sides:

... more>> + Overall, a very interesting story, with a strong bias towards the detective genre.

+ The MC is not a fool, and also, which is very important, looking at the trend of "impenetrable in feelings" FL. She began not at the end, but somewhere in the middle to understand her feelings for ML (considering that in the first part they are children, I think it's a short period), and also allowed for the possibility of his feelings for her.

+ Very cool family vibes. There is no such thing that the family hates the possible boyfriend of FL (who is ML) to the very end and somehow harshly interferes with him, as happens in stories with families obsessed with the heroine. They rather pretend "Ah okay are you dating? We'll pretend to not know about it, but anyway don't act too obvious so we might to notice it."

+ Main villain. Well written character. Villains are worthy of the title of the main villain of the story. Finding out his motives and past, you might even feel sympathy for him, maybe you'll even cheer for him, heheh. Good (bad) boy.

+ In the end you will understand that this is not the world of the book after all. Yes, such a twist isn't new, but it is also quite plausible and in its own way interestingly invented.

Weak sides:

- Hmm, firstly, as I mentioned earlier, some points are compressed, as if the author quickly scribbled them down in order to quickly finish the chapters? Idk. And sometimes FL has Mary Sue moments. Well, they are necessary for the plot, of course, but not everyone may like it.

- Sometimes there are loops, characteristic of detective stories. When something happens that leads to the need to solve problem (1), there is immediately a resolution (3), and only then the author returns to explanation (2). Yes, this is actually a good move, but if you don't see such moves for 20 chapters, and then suddenly their number increases sharply... It can confuse your mind. BUT if you are used (because I am not) to such detective tricks, then you will be fine. <<less
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chande rated it
April 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Almost dropped this after more than third quarter of the story because MC annoyed me.

... more>>

She kept feeling insecure and inferior even after years being adopted by the duke. She still couldn't believe the duke's family would love her unconditionally forever. At first, I could sympathize with her since she came from a beggar background. Even in her past life, she spent all her life on bed, seeing her parents broke apart little by little due to her illness. But the duke's family already proved enough that they loved her over and over again for years so for MC to keep doubting their feelings was a bit terrible.

It's the same with ML. She kept pushing ML away because of her inferiority. She was afraid that he would despise her beggar past but when ML told her that he knew and he didn't mind, she got angry instead and felt that he mocked her. Really, MC? Oh well, at least after that, she regretted her tantrum and finally accepted ML's feeling.

Aside from that, I also didn't like how reckless she was. She didn't hesitate to jump into danger just to solve the case, ignoring how worried her family and ML would be if something happened to her. If she didn't have a heroine halo, maybe she would die for hundred times already.


Thankfully, she got better near the end so I could finish this story after dragging it for days.

Okay, back to the story. The plot following MC's journey to solve the case, especially the case involving the main villain who felt a bit like Moriarty (wizard version, maybe?). There was romance but it wasn't that many (a bit annoyed when they're at the push and pull phase but it would pass after more than half of the story, so yeah, it was a long wait). The cases weren't actually that intriguing but it's still enjoyable to read especially if you didn't want to think much. Overall, this was an okay read if you wanted to read about mystery's solving but if you looked for a good romance, maybe you should skip this. <<less
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nctzen rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: Completed
Personally, I had a great time reading this. It combines two of my favourite genres of mystery and historical father-daughter bonding. The mysteries overall wasnt too difficult to understand but I think it’s best that way as the story is a light reading. If you enjoy many family found trope then you will like this one especially because the mysterious aspects are I triguing and keep the story and timeline interesting. The translation is also already completed so it’s a good time to read it.
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Syncletica rated it
April 2, 2024
Status: Completed
It's not actually that bad of a read. Sure, it's generic and more like a romance story mishmashed with mystery. It's not exactly memorable but I guess the reason I keep reading this is because I like their family interaction. And the Duke father being a true antihero is a plus. I mean, he actually has a principle compared to other doting father's in family trope novels! He's not that kind, yes. But he wants to make the world better so he goes on killing criminals. So, obviously the father... more>> is my favourite character and the reason I can keep on reading. 4 star for the father and the author's effort to make the reader curious for the next thing to happen. <<less
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wormbooker rated it
March 27, 2024
Status: prologue
Solid 4 stars.

It's not too hard or too creepy of a read. It's an interesting Sherlock Holmes x Detective Conan x isekai'ed novel. While it has elements of Sherlock, it is written in an episodic manner and is easily digestible like Conan. Combining it with the premise of an isekai'ed FL, this is by far one of the more interesting twists I've seen in this genre.

The FL is not the most complex or interesting. She's amusing but you probably will be staying for the plot more than her. Is the... more>> plot kinda lumpy sometimes with how many times they make you time-skip or some random plot twist/character introduction? Sometimes. Is the romance a little lacking, dry, and 2D? Yes. Did you stay for the family and the adventure? Also yes.

Still, an overall enjoyable read for anyone who is in a reading slump or has had too many of the same types of novels. A great palate cleanser. <<less
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znukhsoc rated it
March 31, 2024
Status: c39
Children's book-level writing. If you are fine with that go ahead and read this.
Anybody around her has one personality: Pampering her. They act like they don't have any other business or interest. All they do is move like robots to please her.
The story arcs are always the same. It's always somebody killing someone, FL touches the duke, sees some of their past, tells the duke, they solve the case. The theme is not even fit to be a children's book. I mean there are always mu*ders and su*cides mentioned but you can't feel the mood of it...
For example:

FL's brother's friend gets killed.

They were talking with him half an hour ago then FL's brother uses this sentence: "A mermaid could be the culprit..." YES, he is joking. What the hell??? Dude, sure you were not close but he was someone you know and picnicked the whole day. My brain cells are dying.
There are too many general common sense issues: She was given all the love from the moment they met but 30 chapters later she still thinks they will abandon her if she isn't the genius they thought she is...
I'm done. Dropped at chapter 39.
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