Hoshi wo Taguru


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Having recently lost his job and dumped by his girlfriend, Subaru decides to travel to Hokkaido to “see the stars”. In Hokkaido, he is reunited with his high school classmate, Tokizawa, who harbors unrequited feelings for him. They haven’t seen each other since the day Tokizawa confessed during their graduation ceremony, and now they’re going to live together for one month. Ten years have passed since, but Tokizawa’s persistent feelings start to confuse Subaru and perhaps he may even feel something backー.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels I would like to read part 3
  2. Plan to read
  3. Hmmm interesting
  4. comforting novels (bl)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/14/23 meguriau c18
09/23/22 meguriau c17
06/18/22 meguriau c16
06/18/22 meguriau c15
02/20/22 meguriau c14
10/06/21 meguriau c13
10/06/21 meguriau c12
10/06/21 meguriau c11
10/06/21 meguriau c10
10/06/21 meguriau c9
10/06/21 meguriau c8
10/06/21 meguriau c7
10/06/21 meguriau c6
10/06/21 meguriau c5
10/06/21 meguriau c4
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