Heaven Official’s Blessing


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Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xian Le kingdom. He was loved by his citizens and was considered the darling of the world. He ascended to the Heavens at a young age; however, due to unfortunate circumstances, was quickly banished back to the mortal realm. Years later, he ascends again–only to be banished again a few minutes after his ascension.

Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task as a god thrice ascended, he meets a mysterious ghost who rules over the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this ghost king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time.

Associated Names
One entry per line
La bendición del Oficial del Cielo
Thiên Quan Tứ Phúc
Tian Guan Ci Fu
Благословение Небожителей
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479 Reviews sorted by

En-Jay99 rated it
January 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I don't know how the author somehow melded tragedy, grief and all the grey morality of life and the struggle to stray true to yourself, with the most amazing slapstick comedy I have ever read.

I love the MC and his struggle, how he's not perfect and doesn't pretend to be, but he tries in a way that you can't help but be in awe of, especially in today's world where people are increasingly turning towards illogical hate. I really liked the ML, his simple desire to love and protect, no... more>> yandere or selfishness, just love. I also liked how many times the ML bursts into genuine laughter, bringing this realistic depth to him, making him human which a lot of 'prefect' MLs lack. The ML is also a ghost king, so there is a certain darkness to his realm but that doesn't mean he's evil. I wish I could say more but that would be too unfair to any reader from discovering all the depth and layers to all these characters.

The people who didn't like the novel, it's okay? Calm down? It is simply impossible to please everyone, and even the most popular thing may not work for you. I saw Huaxia's review, and honestly it would be better to skip it since it talks about the whole novel openly and barely anything is in the spoiler tag. The only thing I will say is, trying to be a good person isn't boring or lame. It's the most difficult thing to do in life.

A pity that the translation reflects the translators prejudice. Random Yankee accents to showcase 'low bred' people, or York accents do not fit in a Chinese translated story. Not only does this reinforce stereotypes, but also westernises it in an uncomfortable way. <<less
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Wangyibo sweatpants
Wangyibo sweatpants
October 16, 2020
Status: Completed
I had to think a lot before writing this review. This novel affected me in so many ways. I have never read something with so much fluff. Usually fluffs turn me off because I have aways been the passive aggresive type who was not comfortable in openly displayed sweetness in relationships. But wow, when I finished reading this novel, I found that I had a different side of myself who is bashful towards fluff, secretly envying how HC has been idolizing XL and never fails to catch him when he... more>> falls.. Argh!

Plot and theme
It's basically a story of pure worship and devotion. The whole theme is based on loyalty, trust, destiny, fated partner, Bad is not all necessarily bad, evil always has a reason kinda set up. I liked that one chapter progresses into another without an awkward gap and the way the characters are introduced is not rushed at all. I forget names easily, so I found that the author made sure we stay with the characters for a good period of time before comfortably taking our hand and moving us to the next character.

XL is a very relatable character to all of us who are equally timid but won't take bullsh*t if we can help it. The story tells us about how someone who was raised so majestically and bound to be a God can also descend into an ill fate and suffer the consequences that no one deserves. As he acsended and descended from heaven 3 times, it makes the readers curious, what could XL have done to deserve such a screwed up fate? I mean even the demon lords did not go through that crazy hard of a suffering? When the story unfolds, you will see a different side of XL where he also was forced into unfortunate ultimatums causing him to make one bad decisions after another. It's like a coming of age story but the author is trying to tell us that no matter what age you are coming out of, if you are to screw up, you will screw up and learn from it. This being the underlying theme as XL picked up from where he left off after the third ascension and tried to make amends with the heavens and tackled one injustice at a time, making this novel move to a more thiller like mystery and investigation kinda premise.

I felt a bit of angst from the other characters. It seemed like only XL was pure but it wasn't because he was a simpleton to begin with. He had gone through so much hardship that he understands that some things just had to be done whether it was done out of good or bad intentions. That it didn't matter whether you were evil or kind hearted, there will always be a turning point in your life where you will be forced to pick the shorter end of the stick and decide whether you just wanna roll over and die or stab the other person in the back.

HC was a good role model for loyalty and devotion. HC was bound to be ill fated from the start, but having a strong will can either break someone's back or strengthen it. His character was designed to be someone who seemed aloof but every action had a very deep meaning and tied to a certain memory that will turn your knees to jelly as the story unfolds. The author makes you love HC so much that whenever the premise switches to a different one without him in it, you will flip the pages so fast to just look for his next scene! At least that is what he did to me. Lol


I found the other heavenly officials annoying at first. There were too many of them! Like, why would the author try to confuse us with so many premises and back stories! As I progressed further, I realized how they were all interconnected and important to the build up of the story. The expanding storyline of the side characters only gave a stronger foundation to XL and XL's interactions with them further solidified the direction of the story. The whole way, I felt that the author was on point, and did not miss her mark at all. Nothing digressed, I didn't feel lost and I couldn't find a plot hole that was not covered.

Give it a go. Even if you don't like fluff, the story line alone can keep you captivated. In the first 50 chapters, you will stay on because you will be captivated by HC. The next 100 chapters? You will stay also but because you have fallen for the other characters. <<less
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alychelms rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: Completed
MC and ML Characterization: 5/5
Supporting Cast: 5/5
Plot and Pacing: 5/5
Setting/Concept Execution: 5/5
Translation: 5/5

Notes: What can I say, this one is my favorite and the bar by which I measure all others. There's just so much good here, so much richness of character and story. I love how Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are in two different romances -- one a sweet building of friendship in the face of shared challenges, the other a passionate culmination of a centuries-long obsession... and yet... both are true and meaningful and so wonderfully realized. I love the world, the conflict, and all the side-characters. I love the deeper issues that MXTX is wrestling with about power and the ability to act and be an agent of change in a complicated world where people are people -- flawed and selfish but also heroic and selfless. I love that it's about hope and perseverance when all seems lost, and about forgiveness for both others and ourselves. I could write a dissertation on all the complicated thoughts and feelings this story brings up for me. It's just so good.
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Sutad Aatma
Sutad Aatma
August 29, 2020
Status: --
Author writing this story: Abuse. Abuse. And more abuse.

Perhaps a little..... fluff. oh wait no! That's too much! ADD MORE ABUSE!

Me reading this story: (┛◉Д◉) ┛彡┻━┻ STOP IT!

... more>> This story literally played with my heart. So many times I wanted to physically enter the novel and slap MC. JUST BE SELFISH FOR F--K'S SAKE!

He is so OP, yet so kind! Good lord! He literally lives in the cultivation world. And he is so kind. If this isn't asking for abuse, I don't know what is?

He has been at the highest of the highs and lowest of the lows yet his character... stubbornly sticks to kindness and empathy. (ノಥ, _ಥ) ノ彡┻━┻ <<less
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May 25, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm giving this novel a 5 star not only because its bloody good but also to show my contempt to those f*cking critics!!

If you f*cking critics moron have can produce a novel greater tjan this I'll immediately shut my Mouth.

A novel of this calliber, I can't believe it came out of human imagination, I can clearly see (unlike those critics bastard) that The author put great effort and do a lot of her own research about human psychology, the anger, hate, embarrasment, resentment, joy, mild etc all those kind of... more>> human emotion which we could clearly see on the varied emotion on different people.

Some say Xie Lian is too kind-hearted, huh!! Not all human are perfect oh wait sorry what are the definition of perfect in this world. Is it knowing sometine to be kind and cruel?? Or is it being selfish at the so called right time and not being selfish at the so called right time?? SO FUNNY!! thinking of this.

COME f*ckING ON!! No human are perfect and there is no definition of perfect. If Xie Lian is too kind hearted than that is his flaw as a human being!!

PERFECT lies in the eyes of the beholder!!

About the story Im not gonna be a spoiler alert, just go f*cking read it !! Its worth it!! But not all people taste are the same, I am also not a heavy taste reader but prefer to light novel very much but That doesn't mean I don't like thos novel, the author dedication and the vivid lifelike human emotion displaying by the people of this novel, I cannot stop myself from loving it. Also don't be fooled by the first three four light hearted chapter, thus novel is very much angsty, dark and tragic.

I laugh with them, cry with them, experience heart wrenching pain with them, sorrow, despair, happiness, anger, scares, joy, comedies........ It a really a ride of EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER ? <<less
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Hualian bae
Hualian bae rated it
April 3, 2020
Status: c244
How to start... where to start...i really don't know. This book made me go through heaven and hell, laughing and crying. Such a beautiful such a magical story! For me this book will FORVEVR be my number 1.

Among MXTX's books, MDZS is the book I read first. After getting to know that there are other books from the same author I was really excited! with high hopes I came here and oh god TGCF made the bar set sooooo high that no other book can reach there, even MDZS falls... more>> behind.

There is a saying, "imperfect perfection". the main characters of this book, Xie lian and Hua cheng (ship name: hualian) , dazzlingly represents this concept. they are flawed. yes I agree but that is the exact same reason they become the protagonists in the story. it is their story of how they learn from their past and thrive forward without fear. that is what makes this novel special for me. every emotional storms they went through, as a reader, I was right beside them shedding tears unable to do anything to help them, to comfort them. but at the end when they become successful I can bet there wont be anyone else to be happy for them like you.

There are soo soo many scenes in this story that flows like water and it creates a such a vivid image in the eyes of the reader. there was a time I felt like everything around me worked in slow motion and the only thing I could focus was that particular scene *spoiler* (when Xie lian disguised himself as the ghost bride 'crimson rain sought flower' came to rescue him) and that scene struck me like a lightning DAMN!! how can someone even think like that! MXTX is an extra-ordinary human being that I really reallyy admire.

Romance is spot on in this story. I saw a comment saying, "hualian created the definition of love" oh god I couldn't agree more *crying* they really are the BEST COUPLE in the whole wide world! *sobbing* 8 freaking hundred years they had to wait for their happy ending! but it was worth it!!!! And their trust for each other was highlighted throught the story by testing them from time to time in different situations. And they come out of them victoriously and ever so lovingly. (no unnecessary misunderstandings between our hualian) I was swimming in cute fluffy clouds while reading their interactions. JUST WOW!

The writing style, all the other sub plots and supporting characters become a hugee force to make this story an EPIC! some people commented that this was too long but for me it wasn't. if this story becomes much shorter than the current spot, I don't think it will create the same outcome. so don't mind the count of chapters or the phase of the story. Because in the end, they all will come to a point that explodes and blows your mind.

i have pages of beautiful quotes from this story that I want to cherish for the rest of my life and if I can buy this book I really really would! XD

And finally if I say I have read this whole book without missing a word in 4 days will you believe me?soo if you really want to experience something out of this world dive right in... right now! <<less
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Cheng Mei
Cheng Mei rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: Completed
It took me the whole week to finish the book. All words counted not a single part skipped. Indeed its a very, very long tale to the point of total exhausted. I wont lie, I even caught fever while reading book 2 and in a total wrecked of crying and shaking while on book 4. I think some people would chose to skip the flashback but some would never. Through the flashback you will come to understand all the suffering and deep emotion of helplessness and devotion. Overall its a... more>> great book, the plot twist is thrilling, the humor and chessiness are all there to spice things up. Hua Cheng is indeed a charmer and Xie Lian is...? Haha I cant find a word that can describe his character so just leave it to his San Lang to think.

I think this is the first book that succesfully affected me physically and mentally exhausted but that is the more reason that push me to read till the end. To find solutions to all riddles and at the end I did find a relief. I may not forget the feeling I felt on book 4 for a while. But thats it, everythings well ends well. <<less
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tenseigaz rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Honestly, it's my favorite out of MXTX's current novels (although MDZS is right behind it). It's the most mature one out of the three.

This novel is probably the most difficult novel by MXTX to get through, mainly due to its length and pacing. It's a challenge, and honestly, I love challenges! Personally, I had no problem with the pacing or the length- I really enjoyed how the author layered the novel, actually. TGCF/HOB is greater in terms of length compared to MXTX's previous novels. From what I've seen of the... more>> other reviews, a lot of people dropped it due to the length/slow-paced plot. I think a lot of people confused the pacing with the great number of sub-plots that gradually lead to the main struggle/plot the characters face.

The novel itself is more focused on the main character's growth more than anything, which might throw off a lot of people. There's also a lack of physical intimacy compared to MXTX's/other bl/shounen-ai novels. I think that is absolutely fine! The main couple is super sweet and intimate, which suits their characters perfectly fine.

Of course, there are flaws to the story (as all good stories do), some of the things that occur in the novel are... offsetting and sometimes unneeded in some situations.

Nonetheless, this novel really isn't for the faint-hearted. You have to be willing to analyze the main characters, you have to be willing to go back and really understand the characters.

Anyways, spoilers from here on.

The Plot

Alright! I loved the plot, I loved the sub-plots that lead up to the main plot (Xie Lian having to face his greatest fear), I think it was brilliant! MXTX really outdid herself with the plot. Going back, the great "plot twist" could've been predicted with the great load of foreshadowing at the beginning of the novel. I also enjoyed the character arcs that occurred in the third volume, which was focused on the side characters. The majority of the novel's plot played out pretty well and was pretty smooth overall.

The Characters

Before I furiously write about this, a lot of people for some reason see Xie Lian (the main character) as a shallow character? He is not! He is absolutely not. He is such a complex, well-written character, it infuriates me that people see him as a one-dimensioned character. A well-written character does not need to have multiple sides to them or whatever, a well-written character does not need to be "edgy", "depressed", "cold". I am so tired of these tropes and expectations!

Xie Lian is introduced as a rather selfless, down-to-earth character.


He was known as the perfect, crowned prince of an ancient country called Xian Le. He was righteous, kind, etc. That's honestly the surface of his character, the top of an iceberg. He's eager to cultivate, having great ambitions relating to such a thing. This is especially displayed in the second volume. He is loved by everyone, a good role model, etc. However, by his third ascension as a god (which is the beginning of the novel/first volume), he is dirt-poor, much timider, and... passive. Although it's a subtle change, Xie Lian in the first volume (which is the present) is very, very different from the one in the second volume (which is set 800 years before the first volume). What Xie Lian goes through is actual hell, which we are given a tiny glimpse of in the second volume when things start to go downhill- Xie Lian's status as a god is thrown away because he couldn't stop himself from interfering with mortals (the mortals being the citizens of Xian Le). Of course, none of this is thoroughly explained until we get to the fourth volume. The fourth volume is also a flashback, set right after the second volume. By this volume, Xie Lian is forced to come in contact with his greatest fears, Bai Wuxiang, who brought a disaster known as the "Human-face disease" (which was a lead factor in Xie Lian's downfall). I don't really want to go into detail of what happened, but let's just say that Xie Lian went through hell at least ten times during this volume. We are brought back into the present again after this volume- the fifth volume is the epic final battle. Backing away to the first volume, Xie Lian is timid and down to earth. This is a result of the suffering he had to go through in his past, a result of the utter tragedies he had to face. He was simply too broken to continue with his confidence, becoming this unambitious, passive character he is in the first volume. His current state was the result of him running away from his greatest fears. He is able to overcome these fears in the fifth volume, with the great battle (s) that would settle his 800 years of torture and suffering. He stops running away, he faces the actual problem and fights against it. He is absolutely not useless to the plot, the entire plot is based around him and his battle against the fears that have been relentlessly haunting, torturing, killing him on the inside.


Hua Cheng is the main love interest.


Although the novel is very Xie Lian centered, Hua Cheng is also a very notable character (on his own). He is arrogant, confident, terrifyingly intelligent, and overall, intimidating. However, he remains gentle and caring for Xie Lian, his one and only love. Hua Cheng had a very unfortunate beginning (mainly due to Bai Wuxiang). He was fated to die before the age of eighteen, enduring all sorts of misfortunes such as abuse, death, disasters, etc. He was then saved by Xie Lian after trying to kill himself, which was the first act of kindness he had ever received. Although Xie Lian himself wasn't aware, he would, later on, continue to receive acts of kindness from Xie Lian, causing him to cherish Xie Lian even more. Almost like Xie Lian, he endures all sorts of hell like obstacles. His immense love for Xie Lian was so great that he was able to travel through Mount Tonglu, despite the fact that his soul was in pieces.


The Main Villain, who I am not going to go into detail... Was definitely surprising. I think it was conducted well, there are so many little hints through out the novel too.

I'm not going to mention all the side characters, but some of them are honestly hilarious! The majority of the third volume is based around their stories (which all add up together later on), something I appreciate the author for doing.

The Main Couple

This one's going to be painful to write about <3

I don't think I can even describe their desire and love for one another properly, it's really overwhelming. Their love itself is extremely raw compared to MXTX's previous novels. We have to take the fact that they're immortal into accountability. They are and will be eternally in love, their past, present, and future are just... them. These two endured so so much together, seeing them together and happily in love at the end... I felt rather overwhelmed with happiness when Xie Lian finally pieced together who his San Lang (Hua Cheng) really was.

"To die in battle for Your Highness, that would be my greatest glory" - Hua Cheng.

"To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you, the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is ‘you’ and not the ‘state’ of you." - Hua Cheng

Anyways, I recommend this series if you're leaning towards an epic plot + an amazing, honestly satisfying romance! When people say Hualian created the definition of love, they mean it.

I wrote this at 2 a.m, so excuse the random typos in between! <<less
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ukiiukii rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: --
Probably my favorite of MXTX's three novels, though it's a tough call between this and Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDSZ).

Xie Lian is a wonderful MC, he's super likable, complex and well rounded. My baby boy Hua Cheng is everything, they compliment each other perfectly and you can't help but root for them.

My favorite thing about TGCF is that it somehow managed to give us a slow burn romance and blissful domesticity with the same couple simultaneously. Even though this novel goes to some very dark places, there's a core to... more>> the story created by Xie Lian and Hua Cheng's love for each other that gives it a warmth that always pulls me back in to re-read it when I need something happy.

Truly Hualian invented love. <<less
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PainedSouL rated it
March 19, 2020
Status: Completed
I actually considered giving up on this one more than once, but in the end I am glad I did not. It is pretty long but that's the beauty of it, through the words the author has written, the translator has done a really great job, translating them in such a way that u can still feel the emotions of the characters. The joy, sadness, relief, helplessness, betrayal, loss and a happy ending after everything. But some characters' back stories are so tragic that they brought me to tears (including... more>> the main leads). Truly a beautiful story that will always be my favourite.



Shi qingxuan or the wind master was actually my favourite supporting character and I still can't get over the fact that he had to suffer so mich, falling down from godhood to become a mortal, all as punishment for something his brother did. I really feel bad for him tho I am glad he did not lose his radiance because of that.

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JJTG rated it
March 18, 2020
Status: --
This story caught me by surprise in a really good way. I thought there was no way the storyline can top MZDS, but it did! It was amazing, I couldn't stop reading. I highly suggest you give this a shot, read the first 100 chapters, it will grab you and make you fall in love with all the different side characters. After digesting, I would say Xie Lian is the the only true MC. Hua Cheng almost seems like a main secondary characters, since his storyline completed devotes to XL.... more>> You go through XL's roller coaster life and you start to understand why XL made his choices and how strong he is overall. The romance was minimum, and I did like the fact that XL embraced the romance and wasn't stubborn in expressing his love. Hua Cheng and him felt very natural, they're current trust in each other was unbreakable. As for all the other side characters Lord Wind, Pei Ming, Ban Yue, Mu Qing, Guoshi, Ling Wen, Chicken in the tub, etc etc. I love them all. I was sad to walk away and really hoped for more chapters! And as for the main villain, I won't say much except you need to read the ENTIRE story to understand. If you are unsure, give it 100 chapters, the lovey dovey parts doesn't start until chapter 170ish. So be patient with HuaLian. I anticipated a simple romance, but it was so much more, the book had a bit of everything and wrapped it up nicely at the end for the main couple. Highly Recommend. Both MZDS and TGCF is 5/5 (including all chapter+extra), but I would pick TGCF as my favorite out of the two. <<less
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stardustmist rated it
March 4, 2020
Status: Completed
This is my favorite MXTX novel ever, the idea, the plotting, the characters and the development (both plot and character) is amazingly written. I finished reading this in a week and God, I so much love HuaLian!!!!

Plot: 5 stars

Characters: 10/5 stars

... more>> I just want to say that I love the novels where the antagonists aren't just there for making one's life miserable. The antagonists are pretty much understandable why they are like that. I truly am apologists for these characters, won't be naming so not to spoil anything.

I wondered why the MC gets entangled in these business which doesn't involve him, then bam! The plot twist makes me think twice, the foreshadowing made me speechless.

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng might be the best characters out there, you can't help but fall in love with them endlessly!!!

Definitely worth reading and the side characters are so lovable!!! <<less
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kyn rated it
February 8, 2020
Status: Completed
I finished this web novel a couple of days ago. As usual, I read it via text-to-speech in Chinese. This way, I don't have to rely on fan translation or having to wait for the translation to finish. Other than that, I also get the whole experience without any 'lost in translation' issues.

This story is pretty okay but not as well-written as 魔道祖师 [Mo Dao Zu Shi]. The characters, especially the side characters, aren't as polished as MDZS's characters and a little lacking in depths. Story-wise, it is unique and... more>> memorable. As for romance, it is quite good. I especially adore that the ML dotes on the MC and treats him like a national treasure. Every girl loves to be treated like a queen or a princess. Yeah. Such a story like this is naturally a hit for most females. The ML basically breathes and dies for the MC at the drop of a hat. He only has eyes for the MC alone. Anyone and everything else is in-sig-ni-fi-cant. He is certainly on the super obsessive and possessive level.

Aside from the characterization and the romance, the mystery part is rather engaging. Yes, some parts are guessable, but some parts are interesting and surprising as well -- like the true identity of the MC's nemesis. The background story of the MC, ML and the bad guy is fascinating. There are also some background stories on the supporting characters as well, and it all meshes well with the main story.

The MC is not a damsel in distress or doormat type of character, although there are times when he did needed the ML's rescue or little extra help from him. He is somewhat a martyr, which is the main cause of his god title being stripped so many times. He is a good guy, but not without fault or a hint of darkness in his heart. It makes him human, I guess. Is it wrong for him to be human when he is a god? That is part of the theme of this story aside from love that transcends time, space, distance, and the universe.

* Reviewed on February 8th, 2020 <<less
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Yumozinho rated it
February 5, 2020
Status: Completed
Okay. I actually teared up a lot while reading this. Although all the sh*t Dianxian had to go through, in the end, he surely attained a blissful relationship goals. Plus Hua Cheng is the softest most tender bad boy gong out there. Bye.
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Darkfairy rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Brilliant story. Highly recommend, can feel the love that each of the characters have for each other really well written.
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Staringatastar rated it
December 27, 2019
Status: Completed
I can't say enough about this book, it's absolutely amazing.

The character development and story is very well done. Some say that there are too many characters, but honestly, the characters all play a role (usually multiple times) and add quite a bit towards creating a richly imagined universe. Everyone feels authentic and has their own motivations. I prefer this book over the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation because the side characters rarely have miserable endings.
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Makubex000 rated it
December 16, 2019
Status: c252
Already finished reading this story. One hell of funny gods and demons. I love both the ML and MC. Can't wait for the anime, hopefully there is also a drama for this soon.

To the author, great job creating Heaven Official's Blessing and Mo Dao Su Zhi. I love both the stories ?
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sherry1106 rated it
October 31, 2019
Status: Completed
The best. Truly the best if you cried reading MDZS you will cry even more reading TGCF.

After I finished reading, I have the feel to re-reading it again because of how every scene, every character are significant to the story.

MXTX is the best
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izzy n immy
izzy n immy rated it
October 30, 2019
Status: Completed
the plot, the characters, everything about the story is so beautiful. I love how the world is portrayed through this novel. It just shows that everything happens for a reason. Everyone had their own stories to tell, even the minor characters.

[especially the minor minor character who sheilded xie lian from the rain which gave xie lian hope and stopped him from doing something he would truly regret]

i am going to honest here, the novel was really boring at first and somewhere in the middle. I did not think that there... more>> really needed to be two books for flashbacks but those flashbacks really broke my heart. Every sword that pierced xie lian and hua cheng had to endure watching, powerless tore me apart.

Speaking of Hua cheng I really admire his dedication to love for 800 years, his love for Xie lian just made me smile. This was a real emotional roller coaster I loved every moment to bits and would totally ask of everyone to give it a chance <<less
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Lichee_89 rated it
October 26, 2019
Status: Completed
This author writes wonderful stories and this is no exception. The main character has so much growth, the love interest makes my heart burst with how dedicated he is to the MC, the side charterers are all wonderful with their personalities, and the story itself is amazing with tons of angst and twists. I would definitely recommend reading. I think I like this story a bit more than Founder of Diabolism and that's saying a lot.
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