Great Tang Idyll


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A con-man and policewoman that are legends of their respective professions suddenly die, then are reincarnated and return to the Tang Dynasty of ancient China as little kids.

Accepting their second chance and forced restart, they choose to use the modern knowledge and specific talents that they have in their previous lives in order to live comfortably in this new life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tang Dynasty Countryside
Tian Yuan Da Tang
Related Series
Release that Witch (6)
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Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend! (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. The BEST Historical Novels (BG only)
  2. Chicken Soup
  3. want read
  4. Ancient Times
  5. History, reincarnation, transmigration

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/26/21 undecided v2c102
11/21/21 undecided v2c101
11/18/21 undecided v2c100
11/14/21 undecided v2c99
11/03/21 undecided v2c98
11/01/21 undecided v2c97
10/29/21 undecided v2c96
10/26/21 undecided v2c95
10/25/21 undecided v2c94
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33 Reviews sorted by

0angel0 rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: c58
I know with a lot of the Chinese novels we have to suspend common sense often times but.. the setting for the 2 MCs are a bit tooooo fantastical

They transmigrate into the bodies of 1 year olds born into a rich landowner family. Then one day they suddenly start talking like adults, commanding the servants to start several businesses, teach the cooks to cook several new dishes & introduce hot pot (at 1 year old) - and only 1 person (the father) has some doubts. I mean, if they gave... more>> simple instructions like buy this and store that, it might have not been so ridiculous. But the 1 year old MC gave instructions like:

“Shi’liu, I’ll hand over a very important task to you. Within one day, find some bassword and shave them into wood shavings. Also, find some wheat bran. Take these dried fungus and soak them in water. Make sure the temperature, no, not temperature. Just make sure the water is slightly cooler than the warmth of your body... Steam the wood shavings and wheat bran in a tin bucket. When the soaked wood fungus has some fur like growth, remove the fur. Let me tell you how to remove the fur. Place the fur covered fungus into a mesh bag and massage it in boiled water that has cooled down. The water that runs off when washing is what we want to use. After you’re done with this, chisel out rows of small holes in some wood pieces... As for sterilization, buy some lime powder. Mix some of the powder in a bowl of water and brush the wood with the solution. That is perhaps, probably it. Do you understand?”

sorry, not even I understand or can give instructions like this as an adult lol. <<less
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Hawk73 rated it
August 3, 2022
Status: v2c120
This is a real gem. I'll start off by pointing out weaknesses, because it will be a quick and easy list to get through:

    • Antagonists aren't that threatening. However, this is because people who are clever wouldn't antagonise the MCs, who have a live and let live vibe. After all, people who antagonise people for no reason don't rise high in the real world. When stakes get higher, perhaps antagonists will become more threatening.
    • 'Overpowered' main characters. They are a bit too amazing, and are running the show at <3 years old. However, that is the premise, so I don't really mind it, just wanted my first point to not feel lonely.
Good Points:

    • Schemes are clever. I was going to say realistic, but that isn't always the case haha, there are some pretty creative ones. I do enjoy them, and they ARE clever in my opinion.
    • Characters are realistic. Its hard to say how true they are to following life in the Tang dynasty, but the circumstances and the characters are easy to imagine, and people act according to their interests. Some idiots gets jealous, but they aren't clever, and are easy to beat. Some more clever people seek to take advantage, and usually get taken advantage of. The most clever people realise more is to be gained by working with them, rather than against them.
    • Chemistry between the ML and FL is enjoyable. They are both very clever, but also have distinct personalities. The ML is a criminal mastermind, while the FL is more straightforward but very clever and respectable in her own right. The ML has his own morals, but in his past life was too willing to act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The FL compliments him in her own way, seemingly tempering his visicousness, but also ensures there are no escape routes from his schemes using her own experience.
    • Stakes feel real. Although their life hasn't really been threatened, the possible loss of wealth, reputation, and other benefits is very plausible. When the world is at stake you know the good guys are going to win. When some scheming bastard is trying to smear our protagonists families reputation, or scam them out of money, you wonder how the tables will be turned, as our protagonists are as familiar with schemes as fish are with water.
Worth noting:

    • Slow translation speed. There has only been one release in the last two months. If the translator had a patreon that gave a few chapters, I would be happy to support them, seeing I would have bought what I read so far for $15, and given there are 180 other 5-star ratings, I'm sure others would too. However, between spending $15 for support and no benefits, or spending $15 to support another author/translator I like and get benefits, my self-interest wins out... sorry.
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luo yue
luo yue rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: v1c87
This novel is quite slow paced, but I'm enjoying it so far. It's really great for learning more about Chinese culture and cuisines. I really appreciate the scheming plans that the MC has, although it's rather mundane, it's more realistic and believable than other novels. I'm so glad that this novel was picked up again. The quality of the translation is really good.

Like every other books, there are faults here and there. For example, the author for some odd reason did not include a time skip, so the MCs are... more>> little babies while they begin their grand plans, which is mind blowing to me. If you can look past this point, then the novel is great.

The antagonists are more realistic in a way since they aren't truly evil or insane. There's plenty of character development in them too. I think a lot of novels go too far with antagonists to make them truly hated and to glorify the MCs. However, in this novel, you get to understand why certain characters does so and so, and that they aren't truly evil, just selfish, which I think is reasonable since that is part of human nature. Because of this, the novel goes on an on explaining the same situation from the perspective/ interpretations of other characters, which I think can come off as repetitive to some people.

Once again, the new translator is amazing, and I'm enjoying the novel so much now. I can't wait to read more. <<less
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pinkrainmi rated it
September 21, 2017
Status: v1c49
I sped read through the 49 translated chapters and it was so good! The two main characters' transmigrate into a pair of one year olds who were basically inseparable from birth (crying when separated). The story focuses more on the male MC's family and the female MC is basically left with them to take care of as well. The two main characters juggle between making money with modern day inventions/ideas, planning for future events/disasters, and staying "low-key" as they work in the shadows. It's more of a slice-of-life so far... more>> with daily happenings in the two manor families (they aren't even 2 years old by the 49th chapter, if I remember correctly) but it's the entertaining kind of slow progression.

There were a few things that were kind of iffy for me though:

    • The female MC takes a sort of back seat to everything. It seems like whenever she has her own idea/thoughts, it's basically because it's "so simple the male MC doesn't need to speak up". The narration does say that they work together to perfect the ideas, but what is shown seems a little different.
    • The female MC is introduced as a super-policewoman who is great at investigating and commanding. But somehow it seems like the author dumbed her down a little to make the male MC seem better :\
    • The male MC seems a bit like a caricature. I'm hoping both main characters are fleshed out more as the story progresses.
Right after I finished reading all the chapters that were translated so far, I was hungry for more! The translator (solitaryidler) is currently on an indefinite hiatus. But what made me sad was when I checked the NU page and saw it was a Qidian novel. Ayyy....

[Edit: I forgot to mention this - There are some unrealistic aspects to this story (esp. the beginning), like one year olds being able to speak perfectly immediately after the new soul comes in when the body has never spoken like that before. Just take it with a few grains of salt...] <<less
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June 4, 2017
Status: v1c49
This is the 3rd novel I've rated in novelupdates. I am so glad that I read this story. So good, seriously good! ✌️✨ A slice of life about incorporating modern ways of thinking regarding food, agriculture etc to better improve lifestyle in the olden era. I liked that the two mc's got transported as toddlers and their many adventures in g*ooming up reliable assistants and help improve the lives of their families in the manor and surrounding areas. The translations rocks as well. Thank you for sharing!❤️
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April 11, 2017
Status: --
A great story with great potential and all but something off with our MC here.

The story stated that MC is genius and good in psycological stuff and all but as a baby he just nonchalantly spew some unbelieveable invention one after another, and doing a babies spartan training which made even his father think of him as a monster or devilspawn.

This is contradicting MC statement which say he is longing for parent love, ain't he's looking to be shunned by his parent and the others for just a measly coins?
I just find it strange that they didn't burn him in a stake like a baby witch, considering it's taken place in the ancient time.

Yup I don't even imagine what would I do if my baby run around training their bodies like a profesional soldiers, and invented some plasma bomb one of these day, ugh...

This one point is the one that bother me the most until I can't bear to read anymore.
Those cliche transported or reincartnation MC even have better brain than this so called genius MC.

Unbelieveable, I don't think I can rate this story.
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Skoonting rated it
August 28, 2016
Status: v1c38
Incredibly well written and interesting. The main problem I have is that it's incredibly slow-paced, and uses a lot of ancient and modern chinese vocabulary and meanings that you constantly have to look up. Also, the fact that the MC's are both one-year olds that can walk and talk is something that you need to suspend your disbelief for, but I don't particularly mind that part all that much.
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Vulcan Hajin
Vulcan Hajin rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: c57
4, 7/5. A bit strange how everyone except for ML's father is accepting the cleverness of the children.

A rare Ancient china novel w/ yaoi/FML/harem/fantasy settings. Well there's the reincarnation/transmigration one..

I realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope for this one to be translated. Knowing there's so many chapter is motivating since the novel may felt a bit slow (growth of MCs).
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Vinoah rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: c50
Before start reading the story, one needs to note certain things. Only the story beginning part is unrealistic or non sense. I mean the 2 MC getting transmigrated together and conveniently start living in 1 yr old children who are also betrothed. ML's parents and close servants knew about the abnormality of the 2 children. It is really hard to accept that everyone follows their instructions but author still tried an attempt to that is mother's love for her child triumph's reasoning because some servants and the father himself initially... more>> suspected anything evil related but mother crushed all such thoughts. So the next thing author took for granted is the unlimited ideas a master con man aka ML thinks. Third is slow pace. Story starts from their childhood and progress without any time skip. Once a reader can overlook these aspects, it's a great read. ML & FL complement each other and depend on each other. Perhaps they can survive and live alone superbly but for a transmigrator, only a fellow transmigrator can give the feeling that they are not alone in this world. <<less
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May 16, 2017
Status: v1c2
I've only just started reading this and I know it's going to be great already. Although the premise so far follows the normal themes of reincarnation, "suspense of disbelief" is greatly required.. in this novel's case, yes, a lot more than normal, with talking babies and whatnot... the characters are outrageous... unique backstory of the male lead, and male lead is a nonconformist and unconventional, and a modern day Robin Hood. His character is adorably love starved... as a baby, he is soooooo cuddly what a little bun XD.
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October 29, 2016
Status: c40
The two lead characters are adorable, and while I can accept one year old kids talking, I would preffer if they still had trouble with a few worlds like babies still forming their teeth. The pacing is very, VERY slow, 40 chapters in and they are still babies; so prepare yourself. The translation is also tedious with too many "[honorific] [in-law]", i'ts acceptable to lose some of the chinese culture in speech when translating to another language, it would be better if it was just explained once, instead of ruining... more>> the reading experience. <<less
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ExQAlph03 rated it
June 12, 2016
Status: v1c49
I must say that this is really interesting!
And quite relaxing? lol. Relieving... hmm...

--- Well, so far it's been satisfying and great!! The depressing news is that the translator stopped updating probably due to RL issues and still no news 'till now, hopefully someone will pick up this treasure!! haha ^^
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Vernando rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: --
This one is good, the only problem is the presence of a the annoying policewoman who's always talking about justice and other s*upid things

all she does is criticize every plans of the male protagonist
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