For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.


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12 Reviews sorted by

New tsuowo rated it
February 3, 2025
Status: c316
I'm not going to sugarcoat this.

I give this 5/5 rating, not because of the content or the characters, but because it delivers EXACTLY what it promises.
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September 21, 2023
Status: c6
Ok, is a fun read the parts of fantasy adventure, the system of how things how looks really interesting, for example, using magic equipment have drawback like consuming more magic, really good to pass time,


Have the parts here is p*rn novel, you know the drill: magic makes MC pp big, woman + magic power = breasts big, s*avery plus Stockholm syndrome, "merciful, kind and good s*ave master", "it's bad when the ugly guy does it, but when it's a handsome man it's ok", double standards, r*pe and etc.

I was... more>> even surprised that in the first chapters not one more girl appeared like in most of the stories that go on these tag lists.

Breaks the rhythm of the novel, not exactly in a good way, at least for me, reading some fun adventure stuff, only to be received in the next chapter something looking like I'm reading a smut novel.

Not necessarily the worst thing, but nether really good because for it.

Now just a rant about a Detail.

The MC's condition is insensitivity to mana, that is, he cannot use or feel mana, so the solution is to use a specific magical breathing method to heal himself, so far ok.

But the technique was apparently created by the family's ancestor, who had the condition, which leads me to the question: how?

It's the equivalent of seeing a runner say that he managed to grow his lost legs again after starting to run 10 km every day.

The answer the novel gives is that he was a genius, arch mage, and the Meta answer is because the plot needs If not, there is no reason for things to happen. <<less
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February 12, 2024
Status: --
I have not read this, I probably will never read this (I’m not a huge fan of the genre) But the title alone is so funny that I had to mention that it is based off of a 6 word horror story - for sale, baby shoes, never worn. - I just thought that was really funny considering it’s a smut novel. I’m not sure if the original work was titled that or the translator chose it, I just want to thank them for giving me a spit take and... more>> changing my life for the better. <<less
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Mr.Mochi rated it
November 4, 2023
Status: --
Reincarnator into magic medieval world has gamer skills and abilities and goes to magic noble school. The twist is he buys the school idol as a s*ave and takes her along as a servant.

Generic plot, generic characters, low effort humor, exposition dumps, really it’s just another mindless Korean academy novel, with bland nightly content. I personally hate the trope of s*ave falls in love in like 3 seconds, but you do you.
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aharlequin rated it
September 16, 2023
Status: c100
Well, I read the mtl novel of this one and you can read it in mtl sites (translation is kinda rough but not the worst) . It is a very simple novel with a simple plot. Not a complicated plot.

MC reincarnated in the game world with a saved character and he has a lot of money so he brought some female s*aves and they became harem members. Quite a mild novel but it is a pure love novel and enjoyable.

Not the greatest novel on the shed but it is... more>> enjoyable novel. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 18, 2024
Status: c6
The novel is alright. My thoughts are pretty similar to every other review here. The only thing I have to say is that the MC is a rapist through and through. Don't let the story fool you into thinking any different. This is a pure scumbag transmigrated into a game. He thinks s*avery is ok then proceeds to r*pe his s*ave/heroine. Honestly idk what the f*ck is wrong with Korean people/novels. It's baffling to me how they remain at the top of the rankings. They dramatize everything and tend to... more>> push their plot/scenarios to extremes. Like every Korean novel has scumbag people or heaven's angels on earth.

(edit: forgot to mark as 2 stars) <<less
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Anoncommander1 rated it
January 14, 2024
Status: c87
I rarely post a review, but here we go again.

this novel is quite good for p*rn. It has good humor and mixed in with a good vanilla scene in it. Been some time since I read this kind of p*rn with good plot. The MC is not too OP besides the obvious

wealth, and system correction

and he is pretty likable for a p*rn MC which usually is just a bastard that is r*p*ng left and right. Overall I would like to see more of this kind of series.
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Amabri rated it
November 8, 2024
Status: c266
This novel started out with very predictable plotlines, but as time goes on you can see the authour get better at writing. The world started to get interesting, the battle scenes get more hype, the smut suprisingly get more creative too. The translation is also top notch, they did a great job at getting the meaning across with well thought out format, which help the flow of the novel. Keeping the readers from word fatigue due to long paragraph followed by another long paragraph.

On the other side, the charaters in... more>> this novel have very little growth. Their beliefs doesn't get challenged, everything mostly just black and white. But maybe the authour can also impove later down the line like he did with his world building and action scenes.

Having read literal hundreds of novels from NU, I can say this is very much worth a read. <<less
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Soobie rated it
August 7, 2024
Status: c193
Judging this as a pure game-Isekai, it has some good ideas but it's ultimately a fail. But as a p*rn harem Isekai it makes the grade.

Definitely don't read this is you're after a carefully thought out plot that tells a unique and captivating story.

If you want a bit of comedy and you're ok with a weak story line padded out with fun but fairly unimaginative, vanilla hetero s*x in a harem environment then this is an acceptable choice.


Except maybe the vampire... The vampire s*x was kinda imaginative.

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Redmi rated it
February 13, 2024
Status: c112
I like this novel's world setup the most, the main plot is quite interesting with the MC's knowledge about the game he transmigrated into did not exactly make him OP. Butterfly effect really make itself known in this novel.

Meanwhile the 'plot' is kinda ok, but I don't really like how some of the scenes can be overly long, getting in the way of the main plot.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
MarketResearchReading114 rated it
December 19, 2023
Status: --
This novel splits the difference and sort of starts you off with a pervy novel, and some decent scenes and then tries to push a fantasy saving the world/survival premise at the same time. If you're an absolute perv and only in it for that, you'll fall out, if you're anyone with a bit of sense, then you'll likely be toyed with by the author as they plod through some scenarios. Its up to you if that's your style of novel, its not a bad read otherwise.

Its actually pretty charming... more>> if you dig the entire concept. The novel is pretty decent I think in its ambition to be a bit of a horn dog's fantasy isekai novel.

If you like a male lead that's op ability is being ridiculously wealthy, some game system cheats, and hung "because having a lot of magic power makes b**bs/boners big" I mean, its not exactly asking you to dive deep into your intellect hah.

You might just get a real kick out of this one. <<less
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WolfStar14 rated it
May 11, 2024
Status: c162
4/5 for me... The start of the story is pretty rough. We have a rapist MC that manages to get through this because of a Stockholm syndrome and a handsome face.

The MC is pretty dense even though he only thinks with is lower half. No backbone too, the only girls he gets in is harem are s*aves.... Maybe the author doesn't know how to make his character interact and flirt ?

The only girl he gets, as of now, and who is in his harem, ... more>>

Faye had to create a drug (aphrodisiac) and it was close to a r*pe too lol..


Anyway after a while the story becomes good and the action is ok too, maybe the author should focus on this for a while to make up for the rought start. <<less
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