Fantasy Farm


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After being fired, Lu Qingjiu finally decided to return to his hometown to farm.

At first, he started raising a pig, and then he found that the pig could solve more high-level math questions than he could.

After that, he started raising a flock of chickens, and then he found that his own fighting ability was one-tenth of that of a single chicken.

Finally, Lu Qingjiu finally realised that this old home wasn’t quite right… Especially a certain person by his side who constantly stared at him day in and day out.

Lu Qingjiu: “Are you drooling because of the spicy stir-fry I’m holding or because of me?”

Bai Yuehu pointed at the stir-fry.

Lu Qingjiu: “Then can you let go??”

Bai Yuehu reluctantly glanced at Lu Qingjiu’s arm, before loosening his teeth.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fantasy Farm ฟาร์มมหัศจรรย์พรรค์นี้ก็มีด้วย?
Huanxiang Nongchang
Nông trường ảo tưởng
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Modern Set TBR
  2. keeping track of some novels
  3. Completed Danmei
  4. Farming/Slice of Life/Business
  5. divine danmei

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61 Reviews sorted by

Svetlyak rated it
May 6, 2020
Status: c59.2
I didn't know what to expect when I found this novel was written by the same author as "Perfect Destiny", but holy cow is it different! This novel is quite slow on the romance side but quite nicely paced in the slice-of-life aspect. The plot isn't exact what you would call exciting, but I would be lying if I said that there weren't parts that made me cry or laugh (there were a LOT that made me laugh). The characters (including all the weird ones) ... more>>

(note: there is a sentient truck that used to be a slug, two talking piglet creatures, a hair-granting ghost, a bull that produces flavored milk, etc)

are quite likable and they're slowly growing on me. <<less
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Tilbar rated it
February 21, 2024
Status: Completed
At times, I liked it. At other times, I kept checking to see how many chapters were left. The MC & ML's slow burn romance was believable and I liked both characters. There was a massive amount of food information that could be interesting, while also disturbing, since I don't eat animals; any cultural information contained in the food preparation descriptions helped offset those parts (at least that's what I tried to concentrate on). The bright spot was the last chapter. Yin Xun finally got his HE.
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February 3, 2024
Status: c10
This feels like I'm reading a cook book rather than a horror novel since 90% of the story is in depth cooking and 10% actual plot that gets pushed to the side and never really explained or expanded upon.

But it does have good humour elements to it. The characters are cute, too. I just wish the actual horror/fantasy plot was more in front instead of a background piece to just recipes. I try not to judge books so quickly like this, but I got bored and have no interest in... more>> reading on. I might try reading it again in the future but so far, it's not my cup of tea. <<less
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damnmei rated it
December 28, 2023
Status: Completed
This is primarily a slice of life story featuring copious amounts of cooking and food p*rn, and plenty of dog food on the side. The plot picks up in the last twenty chapters or so (like author straight up switches genres), but the story before that is mostly casual reading, chronicling the daily farming life of the MC Lu Qingjiu, his childhood friend Yin Xun, and the ML Bai Yuehu. It's quite slow paced, even for slice of life, and I took a few days to finish as it's not... more>> really a story to binge read.

The MC and ML are both very likeable and balanced characters, and their romance is quite subtle, nothing earth shattering, but very warm. Kind of like seeing your parents in love. I also really liked how well they balanced chores around the farm between the two of them, and how well they took care of each other.

Despite being "lazy, " the ML tended to the crops every day, cleaned up after dinner, and ran various errands around town. I really enjoyed his character, as though he was slightly OP in his fighting (and eating) ability, he still had his weaknesses and wasn't always able to save everyone.

MC is a great cook and I got so much cooking inspiration from reading this novel. Also jealousy for his cooking skills because some of what he makes... I could never.

My only complaint with the story is that Yin Xun's character never grew on me, and I didn't really find his existence in the plot too meaningful. He basically just serves as a third party to balance out the dynamic between the two leads, and emphasize the MC's comparative maturity, but I just didn't like his personality very much. He was consistently childlike and pretty useless overall, not being able to do anything on the farm really as he poisons people with his cooking and his farming ability is pretty shit. I guess it's the fate of a cannon fodder lol <<less
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November 5, 2022
Status: Completed
I have mix feeling about this novel, its kinda a good but sometime its too lenghty, anyway good read 😄
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Fisukisuki rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: c95 part2
Truly Fantasy Farm. Where he Farm, and lot of things from his Farm was something that most people think could only exist as Fantasy story.

But the story is more than that! Mostly Slice of Life and Comedy. A Smooth life and Barely Horror. Well, things was mostly Smooth until we finally dig the past and reveal secrets.

It has very few Emotional moments. But it was written nicely.

I Love our MC. The way he can accept things easily, being friendly and nice, but not a Pushover! I definitely Love our ML... more>> for being a Good tenant in his own way. Lol. And definitely LOVE all the Non-Villain Supporting Characters!

I really want to finish read this novel soon... <<less
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Kaylee rated it
May 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Rather than fantasy farm it should be fantasy beasts. There's not a farm or farming theme. Most of the scenes were of food, eating meal, cooking and all sort of fantasy beasts that more often got turned into food.

But it's good to read the top of the food chain, very powerful ML not the cold quiet and overbearing type. MC was strong willed and now where or what he wanted with clear mind.

There's something I still dont understand from the rules of the guardian, the village and the protector there.... more>> I thought we're going to see the whole mistery by the end of the matter but maybe the author forgotten them or it's not that important.

The supernatural cases were one part scary and one part questionable. I wish the author would touch more on the what'd happen to the human characters and the ghost/god/creature/beast in the end. <<less
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dramamonster rated it
May 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Cooking/farming/village slice of life with BL, a bit of horror, and many supernatural creatures.

For the first part, I'd give it 5 stars. After the last story arc and ending, I'd give it 3 stars. The ending ... more>>

I found very melancholy, as it turned out that every human in the village was dead, possibly all along, and only supernatural creatures and ghosts/spirits were left. The family history was also super tragic. The MC was super isolated and alone, other than his little farm of supernatural beings, his supernatural friends, his supernatural ML, and the one ex-co-worker that visits one a year. Every day was just cooking cooking farming farming in an isolated supernatural farm, but I guess that's what he wanted.

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February 10, 2022
Status: --
The summary has nothing to day with the story. It's very horror genre. The MC is not the one having magical hands to farm...

Very misleading.

And the TL is difficult to treat because it's not in very good English. At some point, MC is talking like an idiot that states the obvious. Maybe it's the original work that's not good or the tl. Maybe I'll try MTL to see if it's better.
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Erin_W rated it
November 9, 2019
Status: c42.2
This is a really well written novel with slice of life and mild horror. Its not really scary, just some parts are kind of creepy--which is why there's a horror tag-- but most chapters, if not all, gives very delicious food p*rn. So, if you're into a supernatural farming life with occasional food p*rn, you should read this novel.

Also, I love the fact that it's not really romance-focused, though it is Yaoi, there's barely any romance between the MC and ML. It's very slowburn. The MC is surprisingly chill with... more>> all the supernatural going on around him. Even when he knows some beings are not human or 'natural animals', he just shrugs it off and invites them to dinner. It's hilarious because the ML gets really, really protective of his food (and maybe the MC but its really vague).


Spoiler alert, I kept on sobbing at the part where Yu Xin (accidentally?) reveals that he's not human anymore. Lu Qingjiu was just so worried (like the mother hen that he is) when Yu Xin's not coming home after Lu Qingjiu knows to the point where he cuts himself when he's cooking. My heart breaks for 2 whole days because its sad that he died waiting for Lu Qingjiu (ಥ_ʖಥ)

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hybridiris rated it
April 16, 2024
Status: Completed
I MTLed this novel and red the raw.

About the story

MC leaves his life in the city to return to his home town. He returns home to unravel the mystery of his past. This story has light horror elements, mythology, slice of life and romance. It is for the most part a gentle novel with lots of laughs and an underlying mystery that is hidden beneath the calm.

... more>> About the MC

MC is a kind, open minded character who welcomes people without judgement. He encounters strange circumstances and people, gradually realizing that the world he lives in is a lot stranger than he thought. He's not a strong character with any amazing abilities aside from cooking delicious meals, however he tries in his own way to piece together his past and discover the secrets that could threaten his love and his world.

About the ML

ML is really written as a very cold and otherworldly character to begin with but he slowly warms up to MC and with it comes inherent risks from himself. His character development stems from learning to love MC and how it slowly transforms him.

Why I loved this novel

It's a mostly slice of knife novel but it ramps up gently with tension while letting the secrets slowly reveal itself. While there are mysteries to unravel, the days go by. Rather than other stories where the plot speeds up near the end, this story follows an MC who knows that he is powerless to do many things and yet will wait to see what happens next. For some people, this might be a very strange way to show the plot but it's actually quite zen and in line with the themes of the story. Even if the world comes crashing down, there are moments of respite and moments to contemplate. In between all these are comedic moments even almost until the very end. MC's childhood best friend is also one of the key characters in the story and it is also through his humour and humanity that add more liveliness to this story.


MC is a gentle and determined young man who has a mysterious past to discover, that will involve mythology and delving into a painful past. This story is about love and friendship, and lonely people who come together to become a strange family. It's an easy read and will bring a smile to you on a cold day with a warm mug. Just a lot of food, a touch of angst, a goofy friendship, and a gentle sweet love with a hint of danger. <<less
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Saori_Raven rated it
January 31, 2024
Status: Completed
Of dragons and food.

This book is in the category "Meals", since this is what has more weight throughout history (how to prepare them, explanation of all kinds of dishes, explanation of ingredients...). Although it is not of my favorite theme, they are usually light and pleasant stories, however, in this case the plot lengthens and lengthens without contributing anything.

When Lu Quingjiu decides to move into his old house in the village, he does not expect his days to intertwine with one supernatural encounter after another, yet his time continues to... more>> pass peacefully undisturbed. Even his special tenant will become a trained farmer who will end up doing all the work for him. Between food and food and more meals, new questions will begin to arise about the death of their parents and grandmother, which we will know drop by drop.

As commented, this book would be a most enjoyable and fun reading if it had half of the chapters it has. Towards the middle of the story you begin to notice that it is not contributing anything and that the slight mystery about the protagonist’s past (because the rest of the mysteries smell to km) is not enough intriguing to keep you reading other 70 chapters. <<less
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glitteryjoon rated it
November 17, 2023
Status: c1
When I first started this novel, I must admit, I was terribly bored. I instantly began to regret the suspense and excitement I built up waiting for it to be completed.

However, after I managed to get passed the 5th/6th chapter, it was like opening a damn and letting the water flow.

This novel was everything I wanted and more.

... more>> The MC, that I felt was a little one dimensional at first, steadily became more and more fleshed out with interesting characteristics and development points.

The ml, who I thought would be the boring stoic type, was a proud puppy looking for praise and having a severe case of food aggression which slowly but surely improved over time— at least depending on the person.

Even the Side characters were fun and interesting to read through especially YY who I love am but also felt so much heartache everytime the barren grave and cawing crow was mentioned.

All in all this novel was just so good. There weren’t too many plot holes and although there are a few— such as how the village ended up as such, I do believe that the novel is still completely worth the read.

The translations were well done so I truly appreciate the translators who picked it up one after another and got this finished. Thank you.

5/5 <<less
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December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I was scrolling some novels then stumble into this, I feel like it was familiar, turned out I already read this last year lmao so I'll just review it. Lol

It was cute. So many mysterious people and plot, I liked reading this and I also liked the characters huhu (except for the villain's).

I'm happy that they had a happy ending with their pets and living in their cozy home with each other.

Over all, it's one of my fave novels. I had fun reading it and loved it with all my... more>> heart. Huhu <<less
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infatuated rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c95
In case the stars didn't tell you, I love this.

I love this more than anything, for the world. There's something so well balanced about it-- peaceful, mundane, yet surreal enough that you always feel slightly uncomfortable. The cast sounds like the setup to a 'walks into a bar' joke, in the best possible way, and the pacing, despite being quite andante, hits all the right notes at the right times, a rarity for slice of life stories.

To be honest, the main pair aren't the most romantic, but I'm completely okay... more>> with it; there's a companionate love there that develops throughout the story, and sometimes that's even more fulfilling than the fireworks.

Characters I enjoyed the most:


While the boss with hemorrhoids, hair ghost, and slug car are wonderful down to their very concepts, my two favorite side characters have got to be Yin Xun and Tai Sui (the god of luck).

Why? Because my heart broke for them /pos

Yin Xun's death, desolation, and unconditional love for his best friend broke my heart into pieces. The unkempt grave, the crow, calling for the only loved one he has left? Devastating. He's also really cute all the time. Best boy, and I will stand by that.

Tai Sui at first comes off as a gag character, but when we learn about the cause for his comedic bad luck, I may have teared up a little. Even gods can't control everything.


I wouldn't say it's a story, exactly, with a plot arc and such. I'd classify this more as an experience. If you're looking for lots of high tension drama, comedy, or tragedy, or even spooky supernatural action, this is not really the place. This is more an ode to life and living things and love, packaged in a world full of oddities.

If you're like me, you might also appreciate the simple beauty of it. <<less
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Ouryane00 rated it
May 10, 2022
Status: c95
I love this! Read this novel more than twice!!

It’s an easy going, chill novel about a provincial life with a twist of mystical creatures ❤️

This doesn’t really focus much on the love story but more of their everyday, provincial life

But! That’s totally okay cause the pacing of everything is just right

Plus! This novel had me laughing my ass off a lot of times
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January 31, 2022
Status: c93 part2

A young salaryman decided to move back to his old house. The house, now vacant after his family member passes away, is located in a small, filled with supernatural stories. As he live his daily life, some mystery about his family start appearing.

General feel from the novel:

It's a light hearted slice of life. Even with some drama and tragedy here and there, the main focus remain slice of life. There's some episodic case about supernatural case in the village, then there's some food p*rn too.
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Shikichan rated it
June 24, 2021
Status: --
Wow this novel is such a fresh read for me. I usually don't care about the side characters but wow they just made me cry. Especially when the truth about MC's childhood friend was revealed. Definitely 10/10 and can't wait for more chapters
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La-li-ho rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: c85
For those who like slice of life genre as much as I do - try this out! This novel is light and entertaining, it does not have any heavyweight drama or emotional rollercoasters. The emotional development is slow-burn

... more>>

though there’s no explanation to MC falling in love with ML except for ML being an extraterrestrial beauty. MC just grew used to him?.. given he was straight originally...


MC is sweet and caring, ready to accept everyone without questioning and doubts. ML is OP, however, there’s an explanation to that. There’s also a bunch of other characters who are great addition to the story, and this whole kaleidoscope of Chinese mythology (hope this would be a proper word) is what makes this novel especially catching.
And of course... one needs to be careful of all the food-p*rn... I felt like I was gaining weight just by reading. <<less
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Marina Okumura
Marina Okumura rated it
September 12, 2020
Status: c57 part2
I love this novel, really. She took me totally by surprise, I expected something funny that would make me relieved, but suddenly I was on the floor crying and I really admire it. Lu Qingjiu is one of the best protagonists I've ever had the opportunity to meet, he's definitely my favorite too, I like everything he does, from cooking delicious food to being extremely weak during the winter, and I love how kind he is. I love the fox of our family (even though it may not be a... more>> fox?) and laughs a lot with everything he does, I also identify myself in the laziness part. Anyway, I'm surprised to like all the characters, they all captivated me. So yes, I recommend this novel (although my taste is a little strange), this novel is perfection. <<less
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