Fake Slackers


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After class placements were decided, the school’s two infamous ‘problem youths’ not only shared the same class, but the same desk.

They’re clearly good at studies, but pretend to be slackers. Fakers from head to toe who just keep walking farther down the path of their performance.

Heard through the grapevine about the two big brothers who always fight over the last place in class.

Basically, this is a serious comedy. About the little matters of growing up.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ngụy Trang Học Tra
Wei Zhuang Xue Zha
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  2. already read
  3. school life novels
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121 Reviews sorted by

BanniNotBunny rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: c82

This high school romance gives great feel-good vibes.

I read it a long time ago though I could not complete it because of paid chapters but I remember that, however much I have read, it was good.
It feels different from other high school novels I have read even though I can't pinpoint what exactly it is which makes it unique.
It's beautifully written.

Totally recommended.
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SunGod rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a good story. Although some might not like it, I had a pretty good time reading this. Of course not everything is mushy mellow at first, everything develops. All in all, I like it, it's good, it is my opinion so no one can tell me otherwise.
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sasugay rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: c1
It’s been a while since I read anything with high school characters. It’s a refreshing slice of life novel about love, friendship, and family. Nothing much happened throughout the story but it’s a really easy read.
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Vjha rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked the characters and setup of the story. The relationship between the two main characters is very well written, but I think there were some conflicts that should have been given more of a focus, and were not resolved in a way that is satisfying. I would have liked it if there was more of a focus on the families of both main characters and perhaps even the community of the street that Xie Yu originally lived on. The conflicts and part of their stories that should be considered... more>> very important were not focused on as much. I think if the subplots had been resolved in a more satisfying manner, I would have definitely given this a 5/5. <<less
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AnuBis28 rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Finished it in two days, though there were a few times when I wanted to take a break.. Cute funny story.. But not memorable much..

One of the best things about this story is that the students actually study seriously.. I've read many high school stories where students do everything except study, or one of the main couple is inconsiderate towards their partner's academic career and hinders it nonchalantly.. And I always find it irritating.. Perhaps that's the reason I stuck to this story till the end..

But the story slowed down... more>> once the main characters confirmed their feelings.. And to put it bluntly, became dull after they knew each other's true identity..

I've always been a sucker to the first love thing, and personally witnessed many decade long first loves to end up in happy married lives.. So I was quite excited at first.. But to be honest I am not very fond of high school s*x.. It always made the story bland in my eyes..

There's no twist or turn.. No unnecessary drama.. As I said before, it's enjoyable but won't take much time to forget it either.. <<less
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Ritsuka rated it
March 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Even though its pay to read....its worth your money

From the summary, I had thought the plot will be comedic, both leads trying to place last just for fun and being rivals. But they had their own proper reasons for scoring low. The story was still fun and touching tho. It was a normal highschool romance with sprinkle of comedy but it definitely had a lot of redeeming points I loved!

Plot:Highschool BLs mostly take the approach of fluffy romance or heartwarming overcoming difficulties plot. But this one took a rather casual... more>> yet genuine approach on the romance. Both leads fell in love simultaneously but had low EQ. Their falling in love wasn't because of some specific events or he helped me overcome this or he's so vital in my life stuff. They spent their time together and got involved into each other lives and just fell in love. (it wasn't heartwarming but actually felt real and genuine!) Both confessed at the same time. And after getting together both of them didn't shy away but expressed their love and flirted a lot!

Our Leads: MC was the cold aloof type. But he felt more like a tsundere? His mouth said 'scram' but he would still obediently do what you requested. He was strong in beating and provoking people. Intelligent too.I really loved how he was clear cut in expressing his love and occasionally asked for kisses and flirted back. He not only teased the ML but also beat him up. Really loved how he called the ML ge and gege. That really tugged on my heart!He really cared for his family and friends a lot even tho he looked cold. He's definitely one of my favourites now!

This ML is already on of my favourites too.Why? I mean all the MLs I have seen whether cold emotionless or Gentle kind ones. They always are 'perfect' without flaws. Even tho I like them they seem so unreal. But the ML here seemed real with his shameless attitude to his timidity getting scared of ghosts! His interactions always brought a smile on my face. He wasn't nice only to the MC rather he was a really frank, friendly and outgoing dude that would lighten the atmosphere just by being there. He joked a lot. Messed around a lot. But he was henpecked around the MC. Not only that, he never forced the MC about anything.

Both of them truly were equal of each other whether in fighting or during exams. And that pleased me a lot!

Side characters:I really damn loved their class first of all. Even though they were scared of the two leads at first. They got so friendly with them later on. Casually joking with them. And messing around as a whole class. They even caught their bad habits of being shameless and beating up people without much talk. They pulled quiet a lot of mischiefs as a class xD. They didn't over react after discovering their relationship rather they even tried to help them cover it up. The teachers were strict yet affectionate too. The parents shown were supportive of their children and loved them a lot! It was really touching reading about these

The ending was quite good. Ending with the class pulling more mischief and ML and MC thinking about their future together. The extras even showed their university life and professional life. They were extremely heartwarming!

It was really different and better than typical highschool romances.So I do think its worth your money. <<less
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XianYiXi rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: Completed
(4.75 for me)

Honestly I will admit that I got little bored while reading at first. It was slow paced.... quite slow but as I went on and reached to the end I can finally say this was the best mordern highschool novel I have ever read.

It was kind of nostalgic feeling for me as I used to be a fake slackers too (but I wasn't like ML or MC smart) and lot of reality that happen in our student life like (Teacher behavior and treatment towards good grade... more>> students and bad grade students) and some of the things that I wish really did happened with me but didn't happened:
The age-coming ceromony or whatever..... it was so beautiful and emotional. I wish I too had that but there isn't any ceromony like this in my country..... Sad ‪ (•̥ ˍ •̥) ‬ and also ML dad is the coolest dad ever.

(A Shameless, Cheerful, Funny Smart ML) X (A Cool, aloof, killer, Smart MC.) Honestly I think it would have been even more better if we all didn't knew and didn't got hint that ML was smart too. well, it's not bad like this too.

The romance and relationship between MC and ML........ It was really sweet..... so sweet that it can give me cavity (I don't know why it got tagged in Shonen ai Genre when it clearly should be in Yaoi Genre but whatever). I was waiting for MC to introduce ML to her god mother and his friend as his boyfriend but it didn't happened (¯^¯).

It was pretty interesting to see all other side characters and their interaction and thoughts. It was a fun and nostalgic journey almost made me want to return back to the time of my highschool days.

PS: I was hoping for getting Tang Sen story too, the reason he came to their (MC) school.

Love and Peace. <<less
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Indelible Faith
Indelible Faith rated it
September 6, 2020
Status: Completed
A humorous and sweet story about school life, growing up and the friendships forged along the way.

Xie Yu and He Zhao are two notorious slackers of their school, with a bad reputation for fighting and beating people up. So seating them side by side in class is a recipe for disaster - until they completely flip expectations and become friends.

It was hilarious watching them try and help the other along in studies while having to hide the fact that they're smart. And even more when others in class tried to... more>> give the two genii tips about studying.

Character development was also well done, and seeing how far they came from

competing for last rank to competing for first rank

was a delight!

The side characters were entertaining, the family dynamics were complex yet sweet and the friendships shown were some of the best! Over all, a lovely read! <<less
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Christina Gordon
Christina Gordon
September 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Love the novel though a bit slow in some chapters when the focus is too much on their school activities and not on them. But overall I love their stories, their growth and their love and trust despite being in their adolescence. I like their straightforward characters and no pull and push in their relationship. I also like that there is no 3rd party scumbags to make a drama out of a beautiful love story.

PS I managed to read the whole novel sans the 3 extra chapters.
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August 4, 2020
Status: c83
The novel itself is great! Very sweet, very cute. It earns 4.5 stars from me (so far). However, none of the links work and it doesn’t seem like any of the extras were released (unless they were included in the 112 chapters). I read up to chapter 82 (waiting for 83) on a different site which I had to Google, myself. Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the novel isn’t completely translated and, in addition, updates slowly. Oh well. To clarify, the only reason I’m giving this novel a 3-star... more>> rating rather than a 5-star rating is solely the updater’s blame. <<less
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cocoajuppie rated it
July 15, 2020
Status: c112
If you like/know the web comic 19 days, it's that sort of feel once you get past the first few chapters. The ending made me feel a bit depressed that it ended just like that. (I wanted to read more!) Good book, but it might be better to wait for the extras.
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YoriMei rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: c112
It’s a very fluffy story, if you’re into school settings then this one is 100% up your alley. Both MC and ML are very funny and I like how even though they’re described as cold or silly they still show moments where they joke around or get serious. While I wish we saw more of the Black Water Street people, I really liked the background characters and the character interactions.

Plot-wise there’s not much, it’s a very fun and light hearted story with very little drama. For better or worse, the... more>> story and the character interactions are very very reminiscent of OP teacher mangas. Think ‘Assassination Classroom’, ‘Gokusen’ or ‘Greatest Teacher Onizuka’. The feel is very very similar and while you don’t have the teacher character as the central figure, the whole class being friends/banding together feeling is there.

Overall, it’s a very solid high-school story with lots a humor and fluff. While it wasn’t some mind shattering, life altering reading experience for me; I still had a very fun time reading and recommend you give this story a shot. <<less
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gremlinbaby rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: c112
Cute. Definitely funny as well. Found myself laughing out loud at certain parts. Quick easy read. I also love the more flowery descriptions of things. It goes well with the high school setting. Sort of ads a whole air of nostalgia.
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springday21 rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: 110
edit- my brain deadas thought the trans r complete. Here's my review anyway I tell you this is pure comedy! I laughed most of my read and I really enjoyed the entire story. I barely read modern stories now that's why I have low expectations but omggg I didnt expect to enjoy it so much. Trust me the romcom will make u stay. Even the side characters blended so well. The leads' endless bickering and showoff attitudes were so entertaining anyway im glad I stumbled upon this story by accident,... more>> it was fun~ <<less
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as per my last email
as per my last email rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: Completed
very funny, the misunderstandings at the beginning about their relationship is hilarious. Lots of fluff and very cute.
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A1N6G1E1L9 rated it
April 3, 2020
Status: c72
This is my first time writing a review and that is because I love this novel?!!. The plot is fantastic its not like any other stories which puzzled our minds because its unrealistic but this one has a simple theme and setting which we can imagine it in our minds. I might say it doesn’t have much of a romance/fluff, It has one but it kinda slow? I guess but that is how love works and it is telling us how the MC and ML care for each other. I... more>> can’t wait to read the next chapter!!. If you haven’t read it yet your missing a lot of fun. So Im suggesting you to read it now??? <<less
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rokiroki rated it
March 12, 2024
Status: Completed
Great read for those who are missing youth and school life! ;W; The development, both in the relationship of Xie Yu and He Zhao, and of the characters themselves, was so satisfying; it makes the readers want to cheer them and the rest of their class on. It's a little slow at the beginning, but there's lots of comedy and shamelessness (especially from He Zhao), a really great heartwarming story of teenagers trying to do their best and enjoy life.
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DewiA rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: Completed
well, its a good novel, the writing was good enough, maybe around the top 10 MTL that I read... from one ch to the next one was smooth. its easy to read, light not too deep story also a little bit humor there.

its a campus romance in anyway, but what good is the story really going around campus story, class, friend, study, and school... it didn't tell much about story outside campus.

purely revolved around the protagonis of the story if I had to say.
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kromeee rated it
December 19, 2023
Status: Completed
So good!! So, so, so good!!!!!! I can’t put into words how amazing this novel was. Perfect slice of life and coming of age romance, it’s unbeatable. I really wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it when I first began, but by the end it completely had me.
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Farrin06 rated it
August 20, 2023
Status: Completed
... this really surprised me. At first I thought this novel would just be a comedy about two fake slackers that fall in love -it was, but I also found a lot of different things with deeper meanings. The plot was expansive: about moving forward, past mistakes, growing up and having fun. This whole entire novel was just really sweet and I'm glad I read it. It felt real -like something that's possible to come across in the real world and that really hit me. I hope other readers can... more>> enjoy it as much as me. <<less
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