Exiled in a Class Trial for “Poor Dexterity”. Because He Was Dexterous, He Lived on His Own. Because of His Dexterity, He Was Able to Use All the Skills and Magic of the Higher Ranks, Making Him Invincible. I Decided to Live on My Own, but the People Around Me Wouldn’t Leave Me Alone.


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The boy Leopin was born with unnaturally high dexterity. From an early age, he used his dexterity to contribute to his peers in a variety of crafts. Leopin and his friends entered the Royal Pioneer Academy. However, during the “Ritual of Ability Development” at the entrance ceremony, the status given to Leopin was disastrous.

“Occupation: Unemployed.”

“All statuses except dexterity remain at their initial values and do not grow.”

“Skills are poor dexterity*.”

Leopin’s classmates exiled him because he had nothing to offer other than his dexterity. Leopin is placed in the “Special Training Class”, a class for failures. Leopin is left all alone. However, he realizes that the skill he has been given, “Poor Dexterity,” has an unexpected performance. That is…

You can convert your dexterity status to any other status.
You can change your occupation to any one you want.

The first thing Leopin did was to become a lumberjack. First, Leopin changed his job to “Lumberjack” to get wood from the forest. He then became a carpenter and built the most magnificent house of all. He became an Appraiser to identify rare items, and a Battle Axe User to fight off students from other classes who tried to attack him. Become a Ranger to explore dungeons and a Ninja to get through traps with ease.

Leopin, alone (solo), had gained enough power to do everything.

As Leopin continues to be a warrior, he is adored by his childhood friend, a saint, and admired by a beautiful alchemist, and his activities become even more well known. On the other hand, the classmates who expelled Leopin regret their decision to do so when they witness Leopin’s abilities.

Their home remains a shack, they are unable to explore, and they gradually lose their place in the school and are ruined.

*Explanation: the skill is not “poor dexterity”, but “dexterous poor”, which is the japanese equivalent to a Jack of all trades, master of none; since they can do a bit of everything, they are “dexterous”, but since they have mastered none, they supposedly cannot make a living from it, hence they are “poor”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kiyoubinbou, Jou wo Tateru - Kaitaku Gakuen no Rettousei na no ni, Joukyuu-Shoku no Skill to Mahou ga Subete Tsukaemasu
器用貧乏、城を建てる ~開拓学園の劣等生なのに、上級職のスキルと魔法がすべて使えます~
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30 Reviews sorted by

December 19, 2021
Status: c1
Honestly it should be a crime to even translate. Feels like it's written by a 30 yr old child.

There's is so many things wrong that the cliche plot is actually the only thing sensible.

I feel guilty even leaving a review which would just add on to its views.... It goes beyond acceptable nonsense.

Even more simply put, invisible dragon is 2x times better than this.... atleast that is hilarious.
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memetichazard rated it
December 4, 2023
Status: c37

  • It's readable.
  • As long as you don't stop and think you can keep reading it. It's like watching a trainwreck.
  • The only pleasure to be had in this story is reading to find up what wacky powerup the MC will get next.

  • All the antagonists are idiots. They're too s*upid to be entertaining. The face slaps get boring after the third time you see it because they lose all meaning.
  • All of the guys hate the MC. All of the girls love him. Needless to say, there isn't a single character with more depth than a puddle in the sun.
  • MC keeps on levelling up to get just the right profession he needs for the next conflict. As a result there's zero tension.
Someone else compared this story to surstromming and stinky tofu. That's wrong, because... more>> those foods still have nutritional value. This story is like baby's first attempt at making candy, basically a ball of cheap sugar with no redeeming value. At first it tastes sweet but then it gets cloying and overpowering and you realize it's contaminated and it'll make you sick. <<less
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October 24, 2023
Status: --
Basically if you take this story seriously or even expect anything serious from it then well don't read this. Just imagine a dumb story, with a dumb setting, in a world that is all about greed and rankings and dumb it down.

That's pretty much what this is. MC is op from the start but of course get's underestimated and looked down upon. Nothing makes much sense like why the MC even stays at the school outside of the author wanting to keep it as a school setting. For whatever reason... more>> all the people in charge of the school can pretty much do whatever they want with the students, like they can sell off female students as a prize for school competitions and for some reason all the students have to work and earn money for the school while the school also get paid by sponsors so their pretty much milking money from both ways. But since this is a dumb story everything that happens and all the attempts at getting at the MC just becomes jokes. Also because the MC seemingly has the IQ of a brick he doesn't understand anything that happens around him outside of just doing whatever he wants.

In short you could sum the story up in that MC is OP but because everyone thinks he doesn't have a future cause he seemed to suck at his awakening no matter how much or what he does everyone looks down on him and tries to get in his way but they always fail because the MC is so OP, while at the same time all the girls falls for the MC. <<less
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Karch rated it
December 31, 2022
Status: c155
Honestly, I rarely log in to comment but this is a story that needs exposition. First and foremost it is a comedy. Structure wise it plays into a semi-modern fantasy similar to something like the setting of Zero no Tsukaima. It has established rules which are loose but the author has stuck to them as well as a comedy can. Yes, the MC is a blank, but it is intentional for the comedy setting. While there is a slight dip after the first major arc the author keeps it at... more>> least normal to flow. However... after that arc it takes a very step turn to something insulting to the reader. If it were just one or two chapters it can be understood as a write off gag and character development; but as of 155 it has been twenty chapters of pure insult to everything you may have read so far.

So, would I recommend this? Honestly, in it's current state, no. Story wise it is not intended to be taken seriously. Which is fine. Occasionally there will be rare instances where a chekovs gun will be brought up and promptly forgotten; this is mainly concerning the upper society and even the kingdom itself. As mentioned before it does stick to it's rules, however rules concerning other characters is rarely brought up. Aside from one person in the second arc how their abilities function is an afterthought that is never mentioned, in my opinion. By all means the story is not sloppy and does show an understanding of storytelling structure... until you get to the third arc which feels like an insult to pacing, structure, and the reader themself, in my opinion.

For now I'll keep an eye on this and simply wait for the next arc. <<less
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aybarra92 rated it
May 1, 2022
Status: c146
Do not go in to this expecting amazing plot or well thought out characters. This is from the start a comedy that exists to make you laugh at the ridiculous things the MC does. If you ARE looking for something story heavy maybe pass on this, but if you are looking for something to chuckle at read a few chapters of this laugh a bit and then move on to other things to come back later when you need another good laugh.

The plot does get a touch repetitive after a... more>> hand full of chapters MC is mocked, MC gets random new power, MC humiliates the person who mocked him. However its still a fun read for something like a side novel. <<less
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TimeVoid rated it
December 24, 2021
Status: c127
To simply put this novel is to plain repetitive and there are things to be mention in regards to the content and I could say the translator did a good job on doing his/her best in translating the novel which is readable to the readers.

i think there are 3 problem regarding this novel:

1. The development of the Characters are bean sprout pace. Of course, I was talking to the MC and his party. If you see on all this 100+ chapters, the growth were only noticeable in such degree which... more>> you would question to the author on how much chapters needed so the main characters reached their next growth.

2. The Protagonist is a pitiful character that stuck in the same spot, place and environment which he always be bullied, hated and scorn. He could have leave the school once and for all that give a new fresh environment beside the s*upid school/academy ground yet it sadly prevented by the author.

3. The villain or enemies is very repetitive which they consist of the principal, vice principals and teachers. Those three are keep on appearing that would make the author on running out of ideas on the variety of characters that this novel lack. <<less
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Ashenone26 rated it
October 21, 2021
Status: c22
This novel was meh the reason for the 3 stars is just that I like rpg like novels. The lack of background knowledge is very frustrating like there is zero information about the world they live in, the fact that only MC and other characters are normal the others just sound straight up s*upid is very unreasonable, I mean I understand that you want the MC to look good but damn put some depth into the characters. Well if you like rpg you can check it out but I bet... more>> you would leave for lack of story <<less
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GreenRiver rated it
September 29, 2021
Status: c90
As far as light novels go this one is VERY light, but sometimes that's a good thing. It's an enjoyable read with comical villains and a MC that could end the story instantly if he

explained to everyone how his abilities worked, and that he was not jobless.

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Rohan Hades
Rohan Hades
June 23, 2021
Status: c15
Its overly simplified and rushed. The author wanted the MC separated from the group, so he made the group of students dumb as hell. The author gave him the I can do anything skill with almost no barriers skill. His DEX being 2000 in the beginning was ridiculous since if you can distribute the stat points elsewhere he becomes op instantly. This is wish fulfillment to a level, I want this, BOOM, I did this. If you can get passed the students and the absurd skill, then the only reason... more>> to read this is to see where this train wreck is going. <<less
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Dcrangerange rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: c63
This is a good middle of the road story. It's not the best nor the worst. The story is exactly what the synopsis says. There are no surprises really so far at least. If you are looking for something that is not that deep with relatively easy conflict resolution and you like the synopsis then give it a try. It's a relatively quick read so give it a try and see if you like it.

update at c63:

Come for the synopsis, stay for the Team Rocket hijinks. At a certain point,... more>> the humor takes over and you just imagine them blasting off again from another failed thing. It's definitely pretty funny on that part of it. <<less
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