Emperor’s Domination


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A boy that was imprisoned for millions of years has regained a mortal body.

He became a disciple of the declining Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect where its patriarch used to be his disciple. Now he will bring this sect back to its former glory.

This is his journey to reach the apex and take revenge on those who had imprisoned him.

This is his story of meeting old friends and making new companions.

This is his path of traversing the Nine Worlds and becoming the next ruler of the Heavens.

Several millennia have passed and the golden age of experts has passed. A master whose disciples once were the most exalted Immortals among the 9 worlds had all left him. With his mortal body, mortal physique and mortal life wheel… he shall sweep the 9 worlds and take what is rightfully his.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Di Ba
Emperor’s Domination
Đế Bá
İmparatorun Hükmü
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My Journey into Webnovels: Discovering Wuxia
  2. Code's Masterpieces
  3. ALLCN+
  4. all of my 5/5 novels
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

Latest Release

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332 Reviews sorted by

iamgarni rated it
October 12, 2018
Status: c3588
I want to change it to 1 star.

Just don't start this novel if you're a completionist, 3000 chapters into the raw and progression is absolutely zero. Every time you think progress is being made, the author bloody restarts his crap.

Cultivation reaches the apex? Destroy it

... more>> Every character you've grown attached to? Leave them

Idiot Mob enemies? Keep that stuff on loop

The problem is, when you start the novel every chapter has useful history and is full of content. Then at about ch500, he just slows it down and starts writing whole chapters about mob reactions!!! Hammers home the same information dozens of times and then never again uses it.


Where I've gotten to, Li Qiye has been to about 4 worlds outside the Nine Worlds and every damn time, he's either had his foundation destroyed or sealed or has posed as a mortal for bloody s*upid reasons.

At some point he forges a kind of immortal true fate (which should allow him be reborn should he die), destroys the world and comes back but somehow didn't save his cultivation. And this was the point where I quit this novel


Update: I came back at Ch 3580 and it's even worse with the padding. There can be over 8 chapters of absolute nothing, the author has slowed down to a chapter a day and explicitly says he doesn't know which direction to go for now. <<less
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clowred rated it
May 16, 2017
Status: c2000
While this may sound surprising for many, Li Qiye is most probably the best protagonist for a Xianxia novel. Why? Because a xianxia novel describes a protagonist that tries countless times to overturn fate. Yet, we always expect to see a protagonist that starts from zero being capable of doing miracle after miracle even though that protagonist isn't much older than a teenager. We expect to see a young protagonist showing the same amount of adult charm as a character that lived for thousand or maybe even more years, the... more>> same amount of courage, boldness and will. But no matter how we see it, that kind of thing is impossible unless the author uses certain cliches. "The ring", "the purple card', "the cube" and so on. But this novel decided to embark on a completely different path. A path where the protagonist is proud and arrogant while creating miracles at every step.

Wait, proud and arrogant? Wouldn't this make an annoying prick instead of an interesting protagonist? Yes, 99% of time yes, but this is that 1% that defies this generality. And for a very simple reason actually. Because he lived for long enough to see and know more than everyone. He knows what he has to face at the end of his path, so he wouldn't allow his will to bend down in front of anything, for his nemesis is something that surpasses everything else. It's like telling yourself 'you can do it', for thousands of times. Once you understand this you actually see the protagonist in a completely different light. You see him as someone who had to walk on the bones of his friends, his pupils and his loved ones. And no matter how sad and lonely he is, to be able to not bring shame to those that sacrificed a lot to give him a path to defeat his nemesis, he is not even allowed to grieve for that would be the end of his path of domination.

For this reason, I came to love this novel as more as pure entertainment at some point. But, of course, the enjoyment of this novel wouldn't be worth that much only because of the protagonist by himself.

We have some of the best women in xianxia. Since I had the ill fate of reading Coiling Dragon as my first xianxia I became deeply annoyed by how easily can a love story become the weak point of a xianxia. The harem is always the redeeming factor. Yet, going after each woman without considering her talents and only caring about her looks doesn't work that well. Read MGA if you want to deny my point of view. I especially enjoy the introduction of 'sword maids'. I couldn't stop myself from laughing seeing how interesting it is to give something unique not to obtain beauty but maids. Many novels either present completely innocent protagonists that are as dense as dark matter, or pimps that give priceless manuals, weapons or medicines just to enjoy some fuk.

The world building is the most serious part of this novel. Everything moves according to lines drawn before Li Qiye managed to recover his mortal body. While this may seem annoying as the author can always give the protagonist the plot armor known as 'the plan', at some point you understand that there is a different line of thinking used by the author. But, well, some people may understand it faster than others so I can only recommend everyone to read it and try to find it.

Lastly, the side characters, which include the beginning weak and not extremely important characters that have some good will towards the protagonist and the high amount of enemies. Here we see something extremely good and something good. First, extremely good. The protagonist is not a saint. Even though he appreciates loyalty, he only grooms those that deserves it. So at some point he starts discarding those that are not that important. This comes as a surprise, as some of these people are good friends. Next, the enemies are mostly the same pricks we are generally annoyed by. Yet, seeing how they are killed in masses somehow gives a refreshing feeling.

In conclusion, this novel is full of jewels, and it's truly different from the general xianxia. Some will understand why, while others will just see it as another garbage can full of cliches. Both views are right. This is just a novel that appeals to you only if you search for a specific something. For me, the calm yet ruthless protagonist is 'my cup of tea'. For others this would just be a plain psychopath. So, read it, if you like it, then congratulations, if not, good luck with the next one.

--> update after reaching 2000 chapters.

I have to say that while my opinion doesn't changes in regard to Li Qie as a protagonist, the story instead is moving forwards only because there is some sort of conflict. This is not a bad thing when it's part of the bigger plan, but most of these conflicts are of lower importance and make the story move from side to side instead of progressing at a steady pace. And so I finally reached a conclusion... This story is Li Qie's story, it's not Emperor's Domination, no, it's just another form of story telling. If other authors develop the story with a central mysterious object capable of pulling all kind of rabbits from it's ass, in this story Li Qie is the object. Characters that no one mentioned before suddenly appear and represent the peak of power until suddenly even stronger characters appear just because Li Qie knows of their existence. Same thing apply for items, cultivation, manuals, scriptures, epochs and so on. This story is not built with a clear design only the main frame remains steady.

The strongest card this story has in my opinion remains the lore, the legends and events of the past that still influence the present. Beside this sadly the story is quite bland. I'm still interested in its conclusion but no in its progress. I will reduce the score from 5 stars to 3 stars. <<less
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glowku rated it
July 6, 2018
Status: c3247
Probably the most repetitive novel I've ever read. If you've read the first arc, then you've read the rest.

Most of the arcs don't even have a connection with any of the others...

... more>>

Majority of characters have a lifespan of 1 arc, despite some being "predestined friends". The author honeypots his readers with promises of seeing them again. It's been thousands of chapters since he wrote the author's note about how we would see Chi Xiaodie again lmao, she gone.


You could literally skip most of the arcs and pick up the latest arc with previous arcs having no relevancy or impact at all.

This novel has an insanely high young master turnover rate, popping in and then promptly getting crushed every 30 chapters. This is not a good thing. No matter how many young masters are disintegrated into a blood fog, everyone talks sh*t to him until some world calamity conveniently appears and he saves the day, and then it goes back to sh*t-talking him in the next arc, where he is a nobody again.

If you want to get an idea of how repetitive this novel gets:


His cultivation is "reset" 3 times (10th World, 3 Immortal Worlds, and opening new era).



The shamelessness of this milking is something I have yet to witness in any other novel.

Technically everything resets every arc because he pretends to be a bloody mortal every damn time.

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Azureus rated it
April 16, 2017
Status: c2388

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love ED and it used to be my undisputed top 1 novel before and I would have given it 5/5 stars easily without the slightest bit of hesitation, but it just went downhill after 3 immortal worlds arc. Fights/dialogues/interactions are all repetitive af and Author just keeps milking the novel by unnecessarily dragging the plot. He takes 1-2 chapters to explain how amazing an artifact is and what kind of impression the cultivators in the audience have about the person LQY is facing and how amazing he/she is and how LQY will get insta-slaughtered, not to mention pearless beauties with jade-like skins and slender legs. No matter how much battle prowess LQY shows, people are just too blind to see Mt. Tai, until he completely eradicates a few Sects. Even with that, some people are too blind to see his brilliance and keep provoking him.

Everyone except LQY and his subordinates are brainless ret*rds who don't know what is good for them and keep underestimating the MC, it is the same sh*t since chapter 1 till latest raws (c2388). When MC kills some arrogant young master who provokes MC just because he looks ordinary and for no other reason at all, people are like "Oh look, that ordinary looking guy just killed Young Master of Wang Sect, Wang Sumting, who tried to create problem for him just because his was taking a stroll with the Goddess of his heart, how dare he! Wang sect will never let him off." And when MC easily kills all the guys who come after him and even destroys that sect itself, people are like "What? He easily destroyed Wang sect, one of the strongest sects on this contintent and didn't spare even the dogs and chickens? Well that is too bad, but Yang sect who had a good relationship with Wang sect will never let him off" and so on, same sh*t recycled all over again and again even till the latest raws. Author wastes tens even hundreds of chapters on irrelevant ret*rded/arrogant/pampered young masters who barely affect the plot of the story. ED no longer possesses that adrenaline-like sensation it used to give before and now it is just a painful read. I know it is Author's story and he can do whatever he wants with it, but I hope he steps on a lego for ruining such a good story.
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Water rated it
June 13, 2016
Status: c550
One of the usual cliches in xianxias is to include a "shitty geezer" who's past prime (or loli), usually stuck in the heavenly defying treasure that MC coincidentally finds who then happens to be some ancient expert becomes a mentor figure for the MC.

Except the said geezer has raised only one but hundreds of MCs over hundred thousands of years, acquires a body and is himself the MC of this story. That's Emperors Domination. The story is pretty much typical revenge xianxia with the baddies being arrogant until MC stomps... more>> them while breaking peoples common sense. Except it's much more easygoing since it doesn't have the typical "I NEED TO CULTIVATE FASTER WILL I BE STRONG ENOUGH TO BEAT THIS GUY BEFORE DEADLINE" stuff.

Very much superficial knowledge, well world building or rather traveling around and revealing various mysteries of the world. The character aren't overly deep and there's very little character development. It's done like on ISSTH where the MC goes to a new place while leaving the companions behind by the end of an volume.

There's pretty much zero romance in the first few volumes. There's peerless beauty that could cause downfall of cities but well, imagine dating the great great great great great great great great great grand daughter of your dead disciple/old time friend. That'd certainly be awkward, right? <<less
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Nerdivist rated it
December 13, 2017
Status: c2726
This is a novel where you switch off your brain and skim, and if you attempt to actually read this properly, you may end up losing a few brain cells in the process.


I absolutely do not recommend waiting everyday for releases, as this story moves at an agonizing snail's pace. For example, there was an entire chapter dedicated to the enemy SWINGING HIS WEAPON DOWNWARD, not even reaching the MC yet. Like, this is the most blatant money milking from word-count I have ever seen in a CN. I urge readers to bulk up on at least 50 chapters when fights start, to avoid becoming suicidal.


Enemies in this novel are outright brain-dead. In this novel, like many other xianxia, expect the decomposition of the characters' brain matter as the cultivation climbs higher. Every cultivator and their mother are easily triggered and offended at the slightest whiff of insult, that I just don't know how the entire cultivation universe hasn't imploded from overflowing s*upidity. It is just something you have to accept in almost all xianxia, unfortunately.

There are many characters that the author creates, but in the end all interactions between the MC and them are extremely shallow, with them most likely being taught by MC, where he spews crap about the dao heart, and then they are forgotten forever. At the end of every arc, the MC says that they are be predestined friends and will meet again. Unfortunately for them, the only thing they are predestined to be is lost in the void of side characters. Again, this is something that most experienced xianxia readers will come to expect when reading theses types of novels.

The MC, Li Qi Ye, is set up as an uber smart dude who carefully plans out all his actions, and has been doing so for a long ass time. It's actually quite entertaining in the beginning arcs, but then his 'plans' become total ass-pulls. For example, the MC is in a bind, and then all of a sudden some random [insert deus ex machina] saves him, or the situation conveniently falls into MC's favour, and MC says "Yeah, I totally expected that to happen, I totally planned all this sh*t out", and that's the end of that, MC is just too much of a genius for us plebians to understand his grand schemes.

The MC is a massive prick, and goes out of his way to provoke people. It's hard to cheer him on because of this. On the other hand, the enemies are too moronic for me to give my sympathy to. Side characters have a high turnover rate, with new ones being introduced and old ones discarded constantly. There is basically no one I give a crap about in this entire novel.

Oh yeah, the main enemy:


Big bad boss, Old Thief Heaven, vaguely described throughout the novel, nothing concrete as of 2500+ and I don't expect the final confrontation until 5000+.



Every arc repeats itself.

  1. MC arrives to new world/realm
  2. Pretend to look weak
  3. Insult a few people here and there
  4. Everyone underestimates him
  5. Kill strong people
  6. Everyone still underestimates him
  7. Unleash powerful body slams
  8. Everyone still underestimates him
  9. Wipe out a few sects
  10. Everyone still underestimates him
  11. Occasional s*xual assault
  12. Fight strongest person in that realm
  13. Disperse about 20 chapters of cultivator's reactions throughout the fight
  14. 50 chapters later, reader contemplates blowing their brains out
  15. Strongest person has conveniently saved up 10 trump cards to continue fight for 30 more chapters
  16. MC f*cks off to a new realm

This is exaggerated, obviously, but I wouldn't say it's too far-fetched. Repeat this for pretty much every single arc, and you have Emperor's Domination. The frustrating thing about this plot is the emphasis on EVERYONE UNDERESTIMATING THE MC. Story arcs last approximately 300 chapters, and I'd say 250 of those chapters is the MC pretending to be a weak-ass b*tch, just so that he can finally show his true strength in the last fight. The MC doesn't even unleash his full strength until about tens of chapters into the fight, where all spectating cultivators collectively blow their qi-infused loads in disbelief at the MC's strength. The hundreds of chapters wait, where the MC is dissed non-stop, is not worth the final unveiling of his true strength.

The cultivation is total crap, not even going to spend time writing about it.

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D.O.A.F.S rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: c3000

Do not read! Stay away from this Novel or I promise you, you will regret it!

If it was possible, I would have given it a Negative 5 rating. The author only cares about money and not the readers.

The Novel currently has almost 4000 chapters, but more than 60% of them are irrelevant filler chapters the author uses to prolong the story so he can get more revenue.

Every time the MC goes to another world, he loses all of his cultivation and starts all over from the beginning.

And it happens three times!!!

The first time he went to another world, he lost his cultivation and started from the beginning and the author used it as an opportunity to write hundreds of filler chapters where one-time arrogant young master characters and their foolish ancestors always target the MC because he looks like a weak nobody and MC ends up destroying their sect in retaliation.

The second time he went another world, the same routine happened but the amount of filler chapters became much worse. It was so bad that the arc had over a thousand chapters and by reading only a hundred or so select chapters from the beginning and middle of the arc, plus the climax of the arc (which had only a few hundred chapters), I had skipped hundreds of chapters in that arc and still didn't miss anything important and relevant.

And just when we thought we were finally approaching the long-awaited final arc of the story, the author slapped us in the face big time!

He killed off the MC and let millions or even billions of years pass before he was revived in another world (his original world) and just like usual, he lost all of his cultivation and now has to cultivate back to the peak all over again, for the third time!

And just like before, the author is taking the opportunity to write even more hundreds - thousands of filler chapters, where the same one-time arrogant young masters and their s*upid ignorant ancestors who don't know the MC's true identity and ability (because he likes to pretend he is an average teenager), disregard him as a weak nobody, and MC ends up destroying them as usual.

Another thing you'll hate in this novel is Obscurity. The author makes everything frustratingly mysterious. From cultivation, to concepts, themes, history, geography... Everything is extremely vague and impossible to understand. The author makes it so by not explaining next to nothing.

You can have a million guesses on what the answers to those questions are, but they'll forever remain guesses as the author makes us believe we'll never get answers.

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GabeZhul rated it
July 23, 2017
Status: c310
Let me sum this novel up for you in just four words: Great premise, bad writing.

First off, the description here on NU is horrible and barely reflects on the actual story. Here's the premise in a nutshell: The protagonist used to be a common shepherd boy who died in accident. His soul was then ens*aved by an evil force and transplanted into an immortal crow. As the crow his job was to go into the world and gather cultivation techniques and treasures for his masters. Over literally millions of... more>> years he slowly put together a plan to rebel against his masters, train the most powerful experts the world has ever known, and with their help he finally freed himself, only to be reborn into his original, completely unremarkable body.

In even simpler terms: You know the xianxia cliché where the scorned MC stumbles upon a "grandpa", a great expert sealed in an object or otherwise under duress, who sets him on his way to greatness? Well, this time around our protagonist is the grandpa who had already trained his fair share of legendary experts and finally sets out to write his own legend.

However, while the basic premise sounds really interesting, this story is full of problems:

-The cultivation system is over-complicated and hazy. There are different cultivation levels for Physique (read: body) Life Wheel (read: the amount of chi/power/mana the character has) and Fate Palace (read: cultivation power level), but then there are the different levels of cultivation techniques (that are often four-to-six words long and get repeated ad nauseum) that follow a different naming scheme, and then the treasures that also follow a different naming scheme, and then there are the merit laws, and then there are sub-tiers for the three big attributes, one of which even creates compound names for the cultivation levels (as in, there is a character whose cultivation level was referred to as a "five fate palace minor completion saint physique heaven rebelling noble level royal noble"), and then there are attributes that don't even fit in this system (just what the hell is an Immortal Dao Bone?) After a while you just get a headache from all the damn long-winded and jumbled terminology.

-The MC is arrogant the wrong way. The thing is, his arrogance is well-deserved, as he is literally one of the oldest living beings in the setting with near-infinite knowledge. The problem is that instead of being above-it-all, he is a childish, long-winded prick who keeps posturing all the time and picks a fight with every traditional arrogant genius he meets for no reason whatsoever. Not only that, he is constantly signaling his true origins left and right, an extremely s*upid thing to do especially early on when he is fairly weak, and yet gets away with it because all the other characters are even s*upider. Speaking of which...

-The other characters are s*upid with a capital S. This is mostly so to make the MC looks smarter in comparison, which is already bad enough, but then there is just being too dumb to live, such as the copy-paste antagonists. However, the most painful part is how clueless everyone seems to be about the protagonist's danger level. I mean, come on! Around ch100 the MC has already single-handedly killed a bunch of powerful students and masters after cultivating for less than two years, yet everyone keeps insisting that he is insignificant because he has tr*sh cultivation potential. Seriously? That's like looking at a car going past you on the highway and still accelerating ahead of you, and then scoffing at it for having a weak engine and never being able to get ahead of you, while it already is! I was hoping this problem would solve itself with time once the MC became incredibly famous for stomping a bunch of OP sects and their elders, but then the author pulled a fast one on me and had him move to another part of the world where no one heard of him before so that the cycle of underestimation could start anew.

-Repetition, repetition, repetition. This is a problem I noticed with a lot of CN works, but this is one of the worst cases I have ever seen. We are talking about repeating information withing the same chapter, sometimes in the very same paragraph, multiple times even! Now granted, this repetition can be somewhat justified when it comes to the aforementioned obnoxious cultivation system, but when the author starts describing the characters and their background the fiftieth time using the exact same words, it can get more than grating. I swear, if I hear the term "heaven's proud daughter" one more time, I will flip right out... [Edit: I found a worse one. The author repeated the phrase "Refining dan pills like roasting beans." about twenty times in three chapters, and I am not counting the titles, which were exactly the same. Seriously author? Seriously? ಠ_ಠ ]

Overall I still give this work 3*, because as a light read it is fairly entertaining, and the world-building is actually pretty great, with some nice and even innovative ideas here and there. Too bad the overall writing is so bad, otherwise this would be an outright classic. <<less
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xheah rated it
July 31, 2022
Status: c20
Li Qiye calmly walked into a sect past all it’s defensive guards, despite the fact that he was only at half-step butt-slapping realm. Any other half-step butt-slapping realm practitioner would be immediately halted by the barriers no matter how much they tried to ran through it. This was because Li Qiye had the Heavenly God Slaying Demon Defying Face Slapping Universe Devouring Merit Law which he had obtained from teaching Immortal Emperor BobMcFlurry several million years ago in the Ancient Era.

(10 paragraphs explaining the HGSDDFSUDML and its origins, who... more>> used it before, how many times used in history, every single time it appeared in a book and that one time a mortal obtained it and was hunted down by 100 million experts for it)

Guard Disciple 1 appeared in front of Li Qiye. “STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU PATHETIC tr*sh, HOW DARE YOU TRESPASS OUR HOLY SECT, tr*sh. Tr*sh. Tr*sh.”

Li Qiye remained indifferent to all this. Any other person would have been unable to tolerate any of this and immediately lashed out the guard disciple, but he, having lived millions of years, was impervious. He opened the holy cool awesome facial cavity that was on his head. “Duel me right now and see who’s the tr*sh, if you lose you crawl underneath my feet. Even your great ancestor would not dare to speak to me in such a manner, he would have to lick my fingernails and eat my sh*t in order to even have a chance at talking to me.”


(5 unnecessary paragraphs detailing how Li Qiye kicks the ass of a random nobody)

Suddenly, an alarm sounded and 100 Guard Disciples + 1 Guard Elder appeared in front of Li Qiye. The elder opened his mouth. “How dare you, small fry, attack our Holy Immortal Heaven Defying Sect’s disciple and trespass into our territory. Truly a fool who has eyes but unable to see Mount Tai. I don’t even need to lift a finger to kill you. DIE FOR ME!” The elder lunged at Li Qiye, who simply watched with a calm face. The Elder, with a Seventh Rank Heavenly God Doghouse Realm cultivation, pressured him with his aura. Any other half-step butt-kicking realm person would have disintegrated into mustard by the aura but Li Qiye simply stood still as if nothing was happening. The Elder, seeing this, was shocked. However, thinking about it, he realised. “He must have some precious Immortal Emperor treasure that allows him to withstand my aura! I will take it and become a god of the new era!”

Suddenly, Li Qiye pulled down his pants to reveal his mighty longsword. It’s aura alone vaporised all 100 disciples who you probably forgot about but the Elder treated it as thin air. “Ha! Merely parlor tricks won’t work on me!” However Li Qiye simply lifted his longsword up and stabbed it into the Elder’s an*l cavity and he immediately melted into puddle of blood, unable to say a thing.

Li Qiye sneered, “A mere elder dared to challenge me, he deserved his death.”

The story has 0 substance. Sure the worldbuilding is pretty good but author just dumps a bunch of unnecessary names and things to remember all at once for no reason at all in the middle of a fight. Actually, the MC never really fights, all he does is destroy enemies with his unfathomable past and a stick that he pulls from his butthole whenever he feels like beating someone up. The whole world is supposedly unworthy of MC since he goes around everywhere to flaunt his power and unfathomableness. You’d think after a million years of living he’d be tired of it. The story has 0 suspense whatsoever since you already KNOW the MC will absolutely decimate all his enemies. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t like domination, it’s just that the MC never really struggles and all he does is attract fights and whenever he seems to be in trouble, he pulls some obscure ability from his past that was never mentioned prior to now which completely ruins the story. I honestly admire the author for having the patience to keep writing this empty load of narcissism in the MC. Unless you’re looking for a novel that has 0 substance and only MC destroying everyone he meets and getting shocked pikachu faces from his attackers, don’t read this. 1/5. If I could I would probably give it. 0.1/5 purely from how lazy the story is. The most effort the author puts in is probably creating all the names for his novel. <<less
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April 18, 2021
Status: c3000
Well, this toy is something. IMHO - almost all reviews from here made before ch2000-ch2500 could be thrown into tr*sh bin. There is reason for this.

This story not about generic xianxia, where MC power up, got harem and beat bad guys. This story is not about reincarnated MC who had cultivation somewhere in middle stages and was thrown to the bottom. This story is not about sly trickster who trying find a place under the sun for himself and his family.

This story is about guy who witness hell. This story... more>> is about a man who made an epoch. This story is about someone who have purpose behind any of his actions. MC had seen any pleasure in this world, as well a pain. He was ruler whose name was whispered as night stories to scare little children, but old fossils who had all power in the world trembled more than kids.

Many xianxia stories told us about passage of million years - but this story about someone who already lived so much, and not in 'seclusion', but, well, somewhat active - saved the world from quite terrifying alien invaders, left ample (and ample means enormous) preparations for their return, made a trend in alchemy, visited and ravaged places from another epochs, got a title of 'sacred teacher' and so on. He is bored and only one thing make him move forward - his crusade against heaven, and this is something that take quite a bit of his time and funds (million of years, innumerable resources, old and new debts, preparations all over the world). Why? Still unclear. But this story from viewpoint of guy who already lost any interest in secular things - women, riches, friends, power.

Many people in reviews here wrote - Li Qiye is arrogant a**hole. Well, yes. But from his standpoint this is something quite natural. Take, for example, any random guy who offends MC. MC is someone who started Immortal Hunt, someone who unified all nine realms (few times) and in process killed quite a big part of population, someone who started at least two marches against the heaven, someone who have a whole book of achievements on same scale. How he should look on man who was born after Li Qiye got to his last nap?

This lengthy wall of text is about one thing - don't look at this story too stereotypical. Well, two things - just enjoy the story, since there is quite imaginative and rich world, good story, and quite a few moral, ethical and philosophical questions. Just burial grounds arcs already worthy of reader's time and attention. I especially like scenes where MC got in touch with old friends or enemies - it open many knots in plot and sometimes make a few new ones.

Summarize - 4.5/5, golden tier. <<less
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prav92 rated it
August 12, 2020
Status: c1959
ED is a gem hidden in plain sight. Only those who persevere and have strong dao heart gets rewarded and Frankly, everyone who dropped the novel just because of MC's attitude or because they "think" the plot is "rinse repeat" can't reach the apex

This story seemingly follows the popular plot of - ancient/OP MC who "finds" himself in younger body (reincarnated/time travel/transmigrated) etc etc. BUT unlike those other novels where MC has to

1) prove himself to clan/sect/family
2) accumulate power and followers and build influence and prestige etc etc

here MC
1) has no interest in proving anything, the only reason he "requests" (more like order and not even remotely respectful) is because the sect was build by his disciple with his support. Due that reason only he appears border line amicable but still treats the sect as his own backyard and the inhabitants as his followers/servants/students etc

2) he is in his own world and rather than reincarnate/time travel he just got his real body back. That means that all the prestige/influence/followers he built across millions of years still exists in present. but his "existence" is treated more or less as mindless legends/myths and it doesn't help that he keeps his identity secret and acts aloof (though ppl close to him friends and enemies alike almost instantly recognise him)

Now, moving towards what ppl call rinse-repeat situations. Though like many novels the format may seem to follow

visit new world -> provke someone -> crush them - > go to another world -> repeat

that's by far NOT the plot, they are just byproduct of MC acting aloof and can more or less treated as fillers. The main aim of MC visiting these worlds are, because he more or less planned them, to meet someone, to collect some item, to check on certain situations etc etc based on information he collected for millions of years. None of these worlds are new to him. he has either visited them before or knows of their existence and above all he has atleast fee connections/ppl in each region.


The main and ONLY plot of novel and aim of MC is to fight certain someone who is literally an apex creature that has existed across time and more or less lords over the world. Many strong existence (MC's disciples n friends) have fought/are fighting this being and none have won so far. This is the reason why MC refuses to give face or acknowledge or take anyone seriously as he has not only seen and been at the pinnacle, he has also experienced brutal war waged among those at Pinnacle.

Even MC has been defeated before by this apex being. So once MC gt control of his real body he has embarked on an quest to collect every form of advantage he possibly could like not only weapons/items but also secrets/informations about this being. This is the reason why he visits different worlds and peoples.

Like I said the "conflicts"/"fights" with ignorant young masters mostly arises because MC always pretends to be ordinary person (not weak but ordinary) while trying to solve mysteries or collect treasures. These so called ppl more often than not gets ticked of by MC ignoring or not giving them any attention. But again the main plot is "why MC is here and what's he doing", "what's the story behind this place/person/treasure" "whats the secret" and not who is provoking him or for whatever reason etc etc

There are multiple side plots and foreshadowing and ominous encounter/warnings that get resolved as series progress.. like seriously a plot thread that seemingly is "forgotten" in next subsequent arcs gets revisited sometimes 100s of chapters later (one got explained only after 1500+ chapter. Like it was just a vague conversation about impossible world with a prisoner trapped in an underground location gets explained in detail... Much much much later). The author of this novel is known for their uncanny ability of foreshadowing/dropping vague hints on what can happen in novel.

And Last but not the least, but perhaps one of the most IMPORTANT thing. The translation is of TOP NOTCH quality and the translator himself stays true to their schedule and any (very few) missed schedules are compensated as soon as possible by him.

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Novel hater
Novel hater rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: c900
Another intresting turn tr*sh novel... the three things which are seriously wrong with this novel

1) ego... egoist... egotist... anything related to these words is frankly like an ant compared to the MC's hoola laala...

Initially it was very good as he was supposed to be the million year old oldman so it got justified but author takes it to whole another level... which can't be put into the words. He's like god in between mortals or should I say, a human armed with insecticide bazookas in the world of insects.

Random character... more>> 1: I'm such an such million year old super powerful insect n I'll drink ur blood.

MC: haah, when ur grandpa was alive he was once allowed to bite my ass n drink some blood. Do you think u can do the same, even though I'm piss poor n weak as hell but somehow my plot armour will give me so many out of this world weapons that u'll die bleeding from ur luck?

No matter where MC goes n who he meets, everyone is an insect. Which kinda makes it a s*upid story as killing insects isn't fun at all, that too again n again.

2) characters :

chracter of MC: which started out something like badass n later turned into a obnoxiously perveted scatterbrain. He has a fetish of collecting maids n stunning them again n again by killing new insects.


Initial MC: I'll give u only one chance to follow me as a maid....



Later MC: plz follow me, I beg u.... I'll give u infinite chances to say yes.

He was someone who lived for millions of years but somehow when he gains his body n returns back to 13 year old. His personality also changes back to 13 year whiny kid.

Author initially starts introducing some good characters who have the potential to become something rememberable but alas how can Mc's existence tolerate it. All chracter even though some of them have lived for millions of years, behave as h**ny teenagers going through rebellious phase.

Women in this novel have heart shaped eyes.... they are there for showing surprise, asking MC some random questions then behave like maniacs...

Woman 1: omg! How could he knew something like that? It's not even written in history........... (always ending at) but he only 13!!!!!!

Woman2: how? Just how? He's only 13. How does he know something like that.



Woman 100: omg!is this for real? He's just 15 or 16 n he knows this too....

They don't have emotions apart from wholeheartedly devoting to the MC n following him word by word. They're like marionettes.

One woman had a potential but she too became like this after MC randomly taught her something (gain immortality) in his crow form. Author has some serious problem with cross dressing. MC constantly issues threats to women cross dressers that he'll rip their clothes n spank their asses. (this is what u do when u lived for millions of years)

Villians: they're as usual pea brain hulks who are there for issuing random death threats. They've a compassionate heart for not attacking MC or his followers while he's weak or away. They will wait till he comes back or becomes stronger.

They know that MC's gonna kill them thus they should use full power from start but hell no!! They've excuses for every situation.

Villian 1: super ultra bad dude is in close door meditation

Villian 2: let grand pa break into such n such cultivation as only grandpa can kill MC.


Villian 100: so he's not around that means he would've left some super ultra one shot killer treasure to kill us... thus we would wait..

Apart from background raping, killing, kidnapping... u can't hold anything against such sweet villians.

3) the real villian in this novel is audience or crowd: the level of street chatterbox is exceeding wumao level. From the first fight, street chatterboxes include from a insect to some super ultra powerful grandpa doing running commentary.

In this novel there's something called coffin grandpa (since none canbe immortal so major powerhouses seal themselves into the coffin to save their clans from some shitty situations, them coming out will be like u just fired a nuke for a gun shot) but for running commentary they'll not mind anything as commentary is more important than their life.

P.s. author tries to kill the reader with infobits. He tries to introduce a objects with ancient history to get ur attention n when he becomes successful he tries to slap readers with, "knowing more can kill u".

Eg- girl 1: seeing MC reminiscing about something while looking at an ancient object, will ask a question.

MC: tries to answer with the hint of getting ur attention like including a past student's name, his own history... blah blah.. with 3-4 paragraphs into it, he suddenly slap the reader n the girl with- knowing more can harm n that's it... then that thing will become mystry for u just as much as it's for the author. Never to be introduced again.

U can live with it if it happens for one or 2 times but author keeps doing it til he make reader annoyed.

Apart from some s*upid dialogues I'm still not clear what he trying to do (to some smart asses I know about that damn grotto he wants to destroy). But it's getting boring with same repetitive plot of MC travelling, then get a maid side kick who'll be so dumb to say he's just 16 n he knows this, then face slapping bad guys n moving on to do the same. <<less
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General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: c2400
I might as well complain a little. This use to be one of my favorites novel and once I even praise it to the heavens for the awesomeness, but that was like 3years ago. Now the novel just irritate me and I kinda want my reading time back. It was great the first 1500chapters, but after that it turn really into a situation where author just ran out of idea's and decided to just write chapters to waste the readers time. I don't even remember what's the real plot is... more>> about anymore and has forgotten all the names of the characters from the first 1000+chapters. The first thousand chapter was great. Characters where introduce and were properly develop, there were obstacles along the way which can still put the MC into danger because of his mortal body. He has to make use of his brain, tricks and schemes to pit his enemies while finding allies and students willingly to learn from him. Then the MC decided to ascend to the new world with his comrades and continue his journey. But he left some people behind in the mortal world and also some hidden danger that he hope they might survive the calamity because he gave them some trump cards.

In the immortal world he separate from the others and travel alone and meet new people again. The next few arcs is still tolerable, but then the story just goes downhill after he decide to head to another world and leave everything behind. Then the plot just turn repetitive and all the characters turn into 1 dimensional characters. Terrible things you can expect from the plot from then on:There are so MANY people introduce that you basically don't have to bother remembering them anymore. Because the author just don't care about them and would just forget about them later on. Also you can forget about any girls he meet, because they are just there to make the MC look great and later be forgotten. The villains have no brains and knows only how to do su*cide attacks. The story plot isn't going anywhere and is just for amus**ent seeing how villains get killed. Basically the 3000+chapters can be summaries into a couple of sentences:

    • MC meet a girl and boast how great he is (he is very arrogant).
    • girl test him and think he is boasting. She then get attracted by his greatness and knowledge. He then goes around to find some great treasure.
    • along the way many arrogant villains either look down on him or want to kill him because of the girl or for the treasures he has
    • somehow the girl is involve into some trouble that might put her or her clan in danger
    • MC then start boasting in front of his enemies how insignificant they are and how he would crush them with barely any effort.
    • then he would let his enemies show off all their ultimate moves and act arrogant how he could easily counter them.
    • after dozen of chapters how the enemies can't injure him, he would finally kill his enemies.
    • then the big boss would arrive and expect revenge for MC killing his pupil/relative/underlings.
    • MC also let him attack first and easily counter and kill him.
    • then he bid farewell to the girl and goes to his next destination.
The things I most hate about in ED after 2000+chapters:

    • MC also say how he will skin them, drink their blood or use their head as chamber pot but never ever does it. He literally almost say that in every arc at enemy he meet. He boast a lot to his enemies how he would torture his enemies but at the end he only kill them.
    • he always let his enemies talk or strike first and them counter their moves. Which basically wasted so many chapters unnecessary
    • he always say he is not a savior, but always appear at the right time to save the girls. Basically his allies always has very thick plotarmor and never really in any harm way and is waiting for the MC to appear.
    • all the enemies he meet has no intelligence and he just kill them off without ever getting into a situation where he could die or get heavily injured. Their way of thinking is that of immature kids
    • there is a LOT of cliffhangers
    • MC tried to act very wise, but it just get annoying along the way. It irritate people to keep hearing him every time come up with mysterious words
    • he is a very big hypocrite
There is 1 thing I do admit that hasn't chance much from the beginning till now and is still the only thing left that is good about the novel. MC killing a large amount of his enemies and wiping out clans at the end of every arc in a great awesome way. The whole story can be sum up into 1 sentence actually: MC act arrogantly and boast how weak everyone is, then at end kill off all his enemies (in every arc). Ps:to tell the truth I really miss a few girls characters from the beginning of the story. The bow girl was the one I like the most. Should have dropped it long ago. I wouldn't recommend this novel to anyone. <<less
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phantomdemon rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: c1222
This novel is one where you either love it, or hate it.

First of, you most understand something. This isn't the story of Li Qiye. This is the Culmination of Li Qiye's life story.

Li Qiye starts off by getting himself trapped into the body of the Crow. An immortal, unkillable body. Then, we immediately get a time-skip. The next we see of him, Millions, possibly billions of years have passed, and he's finally back in his own body.

He has been apart of history, battled in every ancient battle of legend, and... more>> done so much his experience is insane.

As such, he's arrogant as all hell.

More than that, he's prepared. He's been preparing to get back in his own body for years, to the point that every place he goes has something he can pick up to use to kick ass, or help him grow.

And that's where people will be divided.

This is either a story about an invincible, arrogant MC, OR, it's the story of a being who's spent thousands of years preparing, and all that preparation coming to fruition. <<less
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VvAnt rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c3700
Sorry bad english
[UPDATE C3610]

DAMM!! I STOP READING THIS! its so much frustating with so much repetitive faceslapping young M idiot.... after billions year sine last battle MC still act like sh*t kid! Author drag his story too much... where the f@cking HEAVEN?!! its just like reset from the begining of the novel, where he free from demon grotto. MC didn't go to Expedition, but strolling while acting like idiot (maybe he only free some tied knot before go)....i said no... just read then u will know.. he isn't doing that....i will only read the important chaps till end......... so sad such a great novel ruimed by another foolish, quantity-over-quality Author. :' (

RIP ED.......

This will be a GREAT story IF the author not wasting time for F*** young master bullshit, and repetitive plot... power up, beating YM, reset cultivation (but still op), move realm, again and again.... this cycle seemed endless

If you ignore that, well~ you will see the great journey towards the heaven....

i really like MC, he simply BADASS.....

As for romance: none

The MC too busy and old to think about romance, almost all female chara become either maid or maid and disciple~

For me this really a great story...
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Just Sam Random Guy
Just Sam Random Guy rated it
November 14, 2016
Status: c272
Emperor's domination? More like Emperor's Reminiscing. If lighthearted, slice of life, cultivation, and harem novels had a baby, this novel is it. And trust me, this baby looks pretty disgusting! Skim read if you have nothing else to do.

Story had interesting premise and great potential, but the author derped soooo hard and now the novel is pretty much sub par, annoying, and tedious. My initial impression upon reading the synopsis and a few chapters of the novel, was that the story would revolve around uncovering the mysteries of the past... more>> and the forces that captured him, while leveling up. As well as being all detective and investigator and stuff like that. Also puzzles and challenges to display his accumulated knowledge and wisdom. If this is what you're expecting out of this novel as well, then you're in for a huge disappointment.

Why? Because somewhere along the story, the plot vanishes all of a sudden. The story suddenly transforms to the every day life of derping around by the MC. The MC playing god, constantly picking fights here and there. Looking for someone to make a fool out of. Looking for maids (I don't even know why). Looking for trouble, stooping to ant's level all the time. And most of all, looking for somewhere or sometime to REMINISCE, all the f***ing time. The MC has no plan at all. Aside from the clever memory unlocking for his present body, he has nothing else planned. He is pretty much just winging it, living his everyday troll life.

Also, almost every chapter is filled with the MC reminiscing about the past. Chapters are either reminiscing time, or reaction time. But the problem is that his "past" reminiscing doesn't even connect together. He goes way back to million years ago, then to 100+, then to 50k+, then to millions again, then to whatever. The only thing that connects them is either lineage or dead immortal character. All the talk about the past doesn't even give you a concrete story about the past. Just fragments and disposable information, just to show us that he was there at that time. <<less
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marchex rated it
September 8, 2016
Status: --
If you're tired of mc's addicted to pills and cultivating in caves for years to get stronger and takes a hundred chapters before kicking ass. Then this story is for you. Due to the MC being millions of years old. When he regained his original body, he knew all the tricks to be op and kill his enemies. No boring monologue before the action starts. This is not a deep novel, but you can just relax and enjoy it for what it is. The arrogance of the MC is a... more>> big part of his charm. The translation is very good too. <<less
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LordMignion rated it
June 30, 2016
Status: c62
You know how in some xianxia's the MC is like this super old and powerful cultivator who is reincarnated into a new body. But when the story plays out he just behaves like a normal guy with tons of high-level knowledge. But this story is different. This MC is on another level of badassery and op-ness. This is probably THE most OP motherf*cker you will ever read about. Oh and did I mention that he's arrogant as f*ck!?! Like so arrogant, all the arrogant young master can only be called... more>> shy in front of him. He's pretty much how you would expect him to be if you look at his backstory and the fact that he's a chinese MC. <<less
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Vipe rated it
February 6, 2017
Status: c333
I'm tired of these Chinese novels that start out good but turn out boring. This novel used to be interesting, like most others, but end up very boring. Overall, very repetitive with no interesting development. If I have to read the same sh*t for 1000 more chapters then I don't see a reason to continue reading this. I'd rather see 200~500 chapters of interesting content and story-line than a stretched out story-line. I'm tired of dropping novels left and right because of these formulaic story-lines these Chinese authors tend to... more>> go for. <<less
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SleepyFox rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: c2399
I'm... I'm just tired.

I've read close to two and half thousand chapters with no end in site - 4k chapters and still ongoing ;-;

The novel is good but very repetitive. As much as I love face-slapping and stuff, there's only so much I can take from a novel; and when every arc is the same formula... I'm just so tired.

I don't think the MC was ever insufferable, at least he has a reason to be arrogant and not give a damn. In his eyes, everyone is akin to ants, and... more>> for good reason - he's basically a god. Compared to other novels, where the MCs are force-fed power ups from the author and get their arrogance from luck and ass-pulls, at least this MC's background checks out. <<less
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