Devil’s Son-in-Law


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Chen Rui, a gamer from earth, is reborn in a human body in another world, falling into the legendary, evil, brutal Demon Realm, inhabited by Devils called Mozu and where humans are treated as food. He has to survive while facing horrifying devils, poison dragons, and a variety of powerful enemies by using on a strange Super System chip and his wits, surrounded by the Devil’s beauties such as the black-bellied lolita princess, the iceberg queen, the violent scythe, and the charming succubus.

Wanting to live in the Devil’s world is hard! Wanting to live in the Devil’s world as a human is harder! Wanting a human to be the devil’s son-in-law is hardest!

Let us see how a small otaku uses his power and strategy step by step starting from an ordinary human to writing the legend as the devil’s greatest son-in-law.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chàng Rể Ma Giới
Devil's Husband
Ma Giới Đích Nữ Tế
Related Series
Pivot of the Sky (2)
Hail the King (1)
Release that Witch (1)
Demon King Priest (1)
Great Demon King (1)
Long Live Summons! (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels with big harem
  2. all of my 5/5 novels
  3. My Main Novels
  4. Seggs
  5. novls

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45 Reviews sorted by

BAttle_God rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: --
When a novel cant get you to read more than 10 chapters, you know there is something done wrong.

And I dont care if it gets better or worse later on.

Usually when I start a novel even if I dont like the beggining, I try to read a little further to see if it has any improvements and many times it does.

... more>> But this novels was boring and tedious as f*ck to even read the first 10 chapters.

So what did I do?? I went ahead and read some spoilers about the continuation of the story, and even read some chapters in the 100s+ and this novel doesnt change at all.

Author is still overpraising and overestimating the whole chinese culture thing, like its the best in the world, and the cruel demons who are supposedly the worst enemies of humans, find it interesting... Sure sure.

Also according to this author's writing in chapter 188, he is an obvious supporter of genocide...

I wouldnt read novels of authors with such a twisted mindset, not now, and not in 100 years. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: c415
Oh boy, this novel has flaws as deep as the ocean, and it still is one of the best novels I have read.

The author has a perfect sense of timing, chapeau! One plot follows the next, the MC always has stuff to do, it never feels boring. There are amazing cliffs everywhere, and I always feel compelled to read "just one more development".

The world is rich and vibrant, the characters are breathing and alive, there is depth in interaction, there are deep schemes, the enemies actually use their brain,...

The harem... more>> actually involves s*x (and not just one beta-otaku holding hands with twelve different girls for 1000 chapters), the girls are not just vases,...

The companionship is awesome, there are all sorts of characters. I especially like the quirky dragons and how they all share the same greed-trait.


  • The author sacrifices details for velocity
    • The MC never gave the hell-hound its bone : (
    • Why does the MC need a mare to ride?
    • Why do we need Dodo?
    • Why is the EXP always either 0% or 100%?
    • What happened to aura and star value?
      • Why do end-level skills need a mere thousand aura when the MC is already in the millions?
    • What happened to the potions? What happened to the imp servant?
  • The dialogues are often kindergarten-level simple, with the BBB explaining their schemes
  • The system is broken
    • Having the MC be able to disguise as everyone else kinda makes scheming easy, doesn't it?
      • But the system was intended to be broken, so I guess this is ok?
  • The fights are boring - SKIP!
  • The "having aphrodisiac s*x with the best lady" trope is old. Poor Catharina.
  • The MC is a hypocrite
    • Why does he not take revenge on the potion master that tortured him?
  • Why do demons suddenly have "human" morals? What is up with the "honor over everything" when everyone is a deep schemer?
    • Why does Athena suddenly become a morale apostle?
  • Does the world really need to be a rip-off of Warcraft?
  • Random Chinese nationalism
    • Uighurs are thieves
    • Complaining about theft of intellectual property. Lol.
  • The TL is confused
    • If someone gets assassinated, they are dead. It should be called "assassination attempt".
    • It should be "Pride royal family", not "arrogant royal family". Pride comes from the seven sins.
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Sololvl0 rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: c415
5-star: So far, it's really good. Characters will good development along the plot and good development in the MC strength or cultivation or evolution, the romance is slow-burn for some characters like Athena. The only thing I hope is MC Strength progress is even faster.

4-star: It's getting boring with all the other stuff. There are a lot of story fillers which include politics and all. I skip a lot of chapters cause of them

3-star: ... more>>

Ok so the ML is a fkin ret*rd. A lesbian gets added into the harem and she often teases and kisses the other FL's and what does the ML do.... Absolutely frikin nothing.. Like dude at least get angry. She's literally cuckblocking you... And the plot goes down as the chapters go on. It was fine at the start but it is so boring from the 400s.


The only good thing about this novels are some of the Female characters have a personality, but it doesn't last long. And he's too reliant on the system. If the system vanishes then he's doomed. <<less
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Shut it
Shut it rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Got a mix feeling, start out really interesting until 300~, than start to go down hill little by little which is a little sad since it start really well. Well recommend to read until around chapter 300 and afterward you have to decide by yourself wheather to continue or stop.
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SovereignDao3000 rated it
March 3, 2020
Status: c400
this novel is very good!

MC is very intelligent and scheming...

start weak, but become strong gradually. have numerous identities and of course charm High Class women..

... more>> the only draw back is the plot armor. Because MC is wise, the plot armor always make the reader feel sour.

Author will throw him in situations where powerhouses of the world face him in front. While his identity is obscure, the fact that he will act hot-blooded sometimes feel very forced and irritating....

But that doesn't stop the enjoyment, after all he is the lead, of course he should have all beauties and always have someone or something to save his ass...


Later his identity become more and more interesting, as it turned out that he is the third prince of one of the two most powerful empires of the surface world.

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stanljpierre rated it
April 7, 2022
Status: c407
Quite the disappointing read. Was already tempted to drop this shortly after I started reading due to the MC being no less than a s*ave when he started out and then just forgiving the dude who harmed him simply due to the fact that the guy decided to favor him because he proved useful. It does get slightly better over time, but there are still many glaring issues with this novel.

For instance, why exactly is the MC as a Demon King facing enemies that have already reached the peak of... more>> what was known at the time? Absolutely ridiculous and feels forced. Don’t know how many times the MC almost died due to such unreasonable circumstances. One to two major realms above him is understandable, but there’s no sense in making him fight impossible battles that he only gets alive out of due to plot armor.

Then there’s the issue with how the MC is prone to making a majority of his enemies into allies or his women. People that have tried to kill him on multiple occasions, but either because they have a pretty face or he can’t beat them he ends up completely ignoring the harm done to him and compromises. Seems rather pathetic.

The thing I dislike most is the MC hiding his identity and power for the majority of the novel. This is one thing I will never like no matter what novel it is. It’s one thing if he had to do so at the beginning of his journey to power to protect his life, but the MC does it repeatedly in each new place. So boring to read that I literally skimmed/skipped all the chapters that he was playing as someone else.

The romance/harem was has its issues as well. Besides Athena, Kia and Shea the rest of his women are quite annoying. Several of them treated the MC very poorly, but the MC never seems to retaliate or he simply can’t. Getting nearly killed, blackmailed, used as an experiment subject, reverse r*ped. Like come tf on.

Really not worth the read, don’t be misled by the positive ratings. <<less
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OutRange rated it
April 30, 2021
Status: c53
6 chapters in and I'm already skimming through..

(and I'm a very patient person!)

The novel started with the MC getting bullied the f*ck out while being forced to bow his head to a shitty young princess and her bit*h ass friends

Hopefully this gets better soon..

Edit: Sadly, it didn't get better but worse,
and "consumable" system wasn't interesting at all.
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Chill1 rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: c6
Im only at the beginning however its already too unbelievable, theres no way these great devils/demons can be so interested in some crappy wooden games the MC makes that, instead of being ruthless with humans like they usually are, actually treat him well. If this is the precedent for the how the rest of the novel will be theres no point wasting any more time.
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Raphael Shuya
Raphael Shuya rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: --
One of the most exciting and intelligent novels I ever read. Brilliant strategy and every twist and turn feels like a calculated chess move that leaves you marveling at MC's ingenuity.
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Xadro rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c137
My biggest problem so far (if I read more that is) is the power creep, MC is always fighting battles that he barely wins by luck or some shounen near-death breakthrough, it feels like all the training he does is pointless because he never stomps all over his enemies in every battle he almost loses until in the end he barely manages to win. It's fine if it happens sometimes, but so far its each and every battle.

Because of this it doesn't feel like there is progress because he always... more>> meets enemies that are stronger than him and never weaker. <<less
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rptr rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: c560
This novel is between OK and Decent for me. Sure, MC is a little bit s*upid and rash (thats why he often find himself facing enemies couple lvls above him which is infuriating at times). "Schemes" and "plans" in this novel often on low lvl and you cant take them seriously because author gave MC so many cheats.

I hate "Camouflage" skill and his artifact mask in this novel soooo much, well I guess not every novel can be like Lord of the Mysteries


Slice of life moments are very nice + dragons are amazing. Translation quality is OK with some problems like minotaurs/centaurs..

But major issue for me is "notes" in the end of chapters.. S*upid comments should be placed in comment section.

3 stars overall for novel (minus 1 star for translators "notes").
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May 23, 2021
Status: c93
This novel starts poorly, to the point where I'd consider it boring. I'd go as far as to say that it requires willpower to get through the initial chapters. And although the story begins to pick up, there are aspects of this novel that are super annoying. Mainly the fact that the protagonist has to remind everyone how amazing chinese culture is multiple times per chapters. I'm not one to normally criticize this but it makes the other characters in this novel seem super gullible. For example, why would these... more>> western-like demons worship Sun Wokuang (Journey of the west monkey king), Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, chinese chess, "peg solitare", etc.. as if it was the most brilliant thing they've ever heard/seen? It feels super forced/cringe and happens multiple times per chapter. Plus the MC is supposed to be an otaku but is somehow a master of weaving schemes...

Now you might be wondering why I've given this novel 4 stars. The reason is that this novel does in fact improve. What I like (up to the point i've reached) is that the author manages to weave plot "consequences". I'll update this review when I get to chapter 500 or so but overall I think this is a solid read. <<less
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Riondrial rated it
April 18, 2021
Status: c486
Was thinking about giving it 4 stars, but changed my mind, though it would have been objective of what it deserves. The reason for the change are all the other chinese novels which I read so far. These are mostly 1-2 stars, some 3s and I think about 2 4s. And this one does quite some things better than the usual tr*sh chinese novels.

The MC comes more than just once or twice back. The town in which he "starts" is not just some beginner village. It is developing and there... more>> he meets friends and wives again and starts many of his adventures.

These characters dont develop yeswhateveryousay personalities after the main arc with them is over. Friends and wives alike. They retain their personalitier and arent even blant, which is a feature that is really hard to come accross in chinese novels.

MC isnt always the strongest, even among his friends and wives. One of his friends is stronger than him as well one of his wives. The recent "bodyguard" is stronger as well, but it isnt well known how this char is for now. Meaning, the combat ability, if it sucks, is normal, or even genius level. Lets see.

So, what is controversial for me is the system of the MC. It can be seen as lazy and big plot armor, or the other way. Lazy because he just gets skills for free, even upgrades of these later on, which are unique in this world and let him get the ability to fight way stronger enemies for a time, or a genius way.... at least for chinese standard. Because in this way we dont get the usual filler chapters of how he meditates for who knows how many chapters until he learns and masters a new skill. It still happens, that he gets skills outside the system on his own, he is 3/4 through, but even then it doesnt take chapters until he gets one, which is really nice.

What I dont like is the inner char of Sura. An inner demon which was generated by the system but at one point suddenly gains personality and cant be erased anymore, only suppressed. Thats just bullsh*t for me. Dont like it at all.

Absolute cheat skill Deep Analysis. That skill makes him a jack of all trades. Just s*upid and thus wasting chapters with fillers for me in which he uses this skill and masters the gained ones.

So, a good novel so far, especially for chinese ones. Lets see if it can keep it up until the end. <<less
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Zeeksi rated it
December 13, 2019
Status: c51
It's not what I expected from a chinese novel, the writer obviously takes influences from various Isekai lightnovels and put his own spin on it.

I mean, a novel by a Chinese author that has business/customer service and wanting to open a 'Chamber of Commerce'?

Comedy is rather juvenile too, ... more>>

everyone thinks main character poisoned someone to death with another persons fart... It did get a chuckle but really?


The characters are ok, main character is way too wimpy for me, he is being bossed around by a lot of the main characters and being totally submissive.

Where's the arrogant MC that will prove to people why you shouldn't try to trick/boss him around?

The harem candidates are nothing to really write home about apart from some being 'loli' when their ages seem inconsistent. Alice is fine, Athena is simple, Kia is whatever, Shea is annoying.

The cultivation system is one of those computer-based ones which is really out of place in the westernised demon realm of the story but that's not a problem, just odd.

The series seems fine if you're after something light/juvenile/young adult/teen, if you want a slightly serious novel stay away. <<less
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September 4, 2023
Status: c175
This is plain infuriating. For some reason, he suddenly becomes mute only at important moments. This has happened twice in the last 20 chapters I've read.

First when Athena sacrificed herself to fight the Earth Emperor or whatever and second when MC was caught by Shea with the Beelzebub family mask on his face. For the mask scene, he simply could've showed the ring Shea gave to buy some time to explain, yet he chose to hide it 'cause he was afraid of being found out even when he intended to explain himself in the first place. Like what? What use is there in hiding his Aguile identity from Shea anyway. It just doesn't make any sense, and there doesn't seem to be any benefit. He even discovered Shea's feelings for him so he already knows that he at least wouldn't get obliterated outright.


Athena's power ups seem very forced as well.

The MC has an OP system ffs, but somehow this 19-year-old girl is able to keep up and even surpass his cultivation. I skimmed through a couple chapters and apparently she's on track to become a Great Demon King all of a sudden 'cause of some bloodline thing that came out of nowhere. MC doesn't feel all that special at all, despite his absurdly OP system. It just feels like the author is pushing this underdog narrative too hard. I mean, how convenient is it that a teenage Great Demon is able to advance realm after realm just by consuming some items.


For people that get turned off by dumb sh*t easily, I'd recommend skipping this to avoid some stress.
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November 11, 2022
Status: c1027
The title can be ignored. It's not at all about the MC dealing with being engaged/married to the devil's daughter. Basically, the human MC ends up in the demon realm and uses his wits, charms and cheat system to rise.

It's not a great novel. But it's readable, perhaps even enjoyable, and won't hurt you.

There is some basic kingdom building, political intrigue, infiltration, sabotage, warfare, etc. These take a back seat once he is stronger and faces enemies on a different level. The system's skills play a major role in everything,... more>> though some parts of it get neglected later. Looking back, the MC always uses disguises and aliases to interact with people outside his circle. Arguably this is done to advance the plot but it also limits the story.

The author acknowledges early on that the harem is delicate and cannot be expanded endlessly. But the number of harem candidates keeps increasing with no end in sight even after half a dozen. It feels like the MC always has his options available even after promising his wives he won't bring more members in.

The author had a couple of racist/xenophobic outbursts in earlier chapters but has kept himself in check since. IIRC, one was a monologue about Uyghurs and Xinjiang people being dishonest scammers and fraudsters who scam innocent Han people (LOL). Completely out of the blue too. Another was when he wanted to keep important technology from being shared with other nations. Author went and wrote a paragraph about how Japan stole IP from China in the 80s (LOL).

The author facies himself a genius at writing battle scenes. He's not. Maybe it's for the word count. He writes long, drawn out fighting chapters with all kinds of added commentary that is usually redundant. I always skip fights. I just scroll down, reading the "dialogue" and noting the [skills] being used.

The translator's way of using royal titles is incorrect and infuriating. 1000 chapters in and it's not rectified. Also, for several hundred chapter the TN remark at the end had no indicator that it was not part of the chapter and is easily confusing. Doesn't help that the remarks are usually not insightful either. No disrespect intended. <<less
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January 16, 2022
Status: c780
classic chinese novel when MC is low level all become low level when he become powerful the author for "unknow" reasons the powerful people will come like mushrooms and weeds im only reading only because the story is a little interesting but the battles are all the same and like all the chinese novels the rare become common and the legendary become always again common epic? Common.

... more>>

at the start I liked the fact that there where very little overlords f*ck it was hard even to find a f*cking demon king now common gardeners becomes GREAT DEMON KINGS!


but I admit that the story is very interesting above all when he interact whit the harem.

usually all chinese novels are all the same this is one of the few that has finally give me the impression "finally a chinese novel that is not identical whit the others" but only the story! The battles are the same of the other chinese novel read a random chinese novel read the battle 1 time and it will always be the SAME! Is like a curse I started thinking "maybe chinese people are cursed?" to write the same thing again again and again <<less
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KaSiGi rated it
January 12, 2022
Status: c754
After the strange starting that still isnt explained, the story picks up. The world building is amazing and the characters unique. Secret identities are fun, the romance picks up early and they trust each other. The dynamic of the harem is interesting too. MC has a unique cultivation method giving him unlimited potential. The world - its built up really well and had its own dynamics with other estates and kingdoms that came into play. The schemes - he played with people's heads left and right, people that were much... more>> stronger than him, pitting them against each other or straight up scamming them. That was fun to watch! <<less
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demongordon rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: 490ch
Do I recommend? And what this novel is really about?

Yes. But there is some suspension of disbelief in special at the start of the novel, as there is a big tone shift after like 3 chapters... more>>

In special how things change from grimdark human experiment and demons that eat people to slight more adult comedy/romance/action story like, by using some book chinese mythology and some wooden toys

. Because it goes from grimdark, to normal isekai fantasy lvl of dangers and comedy pretty quick.

The story is about a dude that got inside a human noble after it was kidnapped to the demon world. And in his weak body he has to bluff his way out of situations, until he can farm enough to become OP. There is more attention to other details, like politics, strategy, tatics, economic development. But because the MC is also growing there is pleanty of action and romance.

Why 4 stars?

Well first was the suspension of disbelief on some of the MC tatics, even if they are somewhat sound.

Then we have the problem that when you make a smart MC you need a Smart world and Villain to make the battle of wits, that sadly doesn't realy happen as there is no Villain that stood out and while they aren't dumb there was never any real threat to the MC plans, on the intelectual level, this also apply to many non-combate plans that the MC had.

And my own personal view on how the harem was handled, as it was more "realistic" than most harem novels and there is alot more characterization than the usual novel, it still wasn't satisfying.


Also the use of the trope of the s*x hallucinogenic drug, that was so forced that I thought if the author was afraid he had only a few chapter left, because there was a buildup of a interesting chemistry there.


However Overall it is a great novel that is above average the usual Isekai trope, the MC is inteligent, is neither boring OP or corwardly weak, the side characters are ok. While the plot is interesting with all the things I like, politics, intrigue and army management. <<less
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Prince Ozel
Prince Ozel
May 4, 2024
Status: c512
Eh. I've read hundred of novels in the past 5 years. Sadly, this one goes into my drop bin. Not really a fan of harem but I don't usually avoid them if its well written. I hate how the author intertwines romance and violence. MC just brushes it off because of love.

MC was also kissed by a 14 y/o girl. Man, that made me dropped it but I gave it one more chance and arrived at this point, ch512. Idk what happened, I just grew bored out of it. I... more>> can see that other people enjoyed it, thats fine, its just not my cup of tea. I also hate how the word 'loli' being used here. I can lists more things I didnt like but... meh. Waste of time. I have lots of expectation but got disappointed.

I'm leaving this review to whoever may need it in the future. lol <<less
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