Dance With The Devil


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The demon who looked like an angel, Duke Valafar, was discriminated by other demons due to his appearance, causing him to become a shut-in in his castle. The only one by his side was an incubus subordinate. One day, when a blood-stained angel fell in his territory, he met Archangel Uriel. Kidnapped by Uriel, the fate of Valafar who was added to the harem is…!?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Akuma to Odore
Dance with the Demon
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Recommendation Lists
  1. ongoing works i want to read
  3. Western Fantasy BL

Latest Release

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TomiNdumplings rated it
September 22, 2018
Status: c4
Saying this from the perspective of someone who very much would like to get away from having to read mtl, as such I haven't read the raws, this story has started off quite good and gets through pretty quicky (idk what I'm doing, haven't really done reviews before) the main complaint is only that there aren't many chapters out, and it doesn't seem like there will be anymore out soon.

The so story so far is quite slow paced but quickly explains a lot of what's going on (kinda like in... more>> the intro arc if ya know what I mean). <<less
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