Damned System


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[The characteristic ‘a**hole’ is activated]

Every time I see that sentence, I have something to say.

“f*ck this system.”

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Kakipii13 rated it
April 2, 2024
Status: c11
Leaving a review at chapter 11 for those interested. MC is one of many people chosen to undergo a "tutorial" after falling asleep. He's transported to some video game-like realm to train in preparation for... something. Of course, if you die in the game, you die for real, or at least wake up with serious injuries.

While MC gains a lot of strength thanks to his new player powers, he doesn't get OP right away and gets torn the hell up. I haven't seen "going back-and-forth between a fantasy dream world... more>> and the real waking world" used in hunter/gate/tower-type novels before. The MC being unable to escape violent and traumatic experiences that happen when he sleeps, waking up the next day with real wounds, and having to deal with the aftermath of getting blood everywhere and be unable to explain what happened is an interesting spin on the genre. Not a lot of translated chapters so far but it's intriguing and written well - I need to find out what happens next chapter!

Edit: Having read ahead via MTL, I want to mention that this premise doesn't disappear exactly, but the focus does shift to the players going to the world the monsters originate from to annihilate them at the source. It's a bit of a shift in genre, but the "person with video game powers saving world from invading monsters" is still there. The exact scene from synopsis hasn't happened but MC does say "goddamn system!" a whole lot. <<less
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