Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter


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When a young woman is killed in a traffic accident on her way home from work at a tax bureau, she suddenly finds herself transported to the world of the otome game she was playing the night before – but instead of the heroine, she’s been reincarnated as the villainess!

Using her knowledge of the game, “Iris” manages to avert personal disaster and decides to rebuild her life with her modern-day economic know-how. This is one mean girl who isn’t going to let her perceived reputation stop her from being a heroine!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter
Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami
Related Series
The Manual of a Duke’s Daughter (Spin-Off)
Common Sense of a Warrior (Prequel)
Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter (LN) (Light Novel)
Release that Witch (17)
Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (10)
Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru (9)
I Reincarnated as a Noble Girl Villainess But Why Did It Turn Out This Way? (WN) (8)
Haunted Duke’s Daughter (7)
Okoborehime to Entaku no Kishi (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my reads
  2. Drama Supermacy
  3. Het & Gen To-Read List - Translations complete
  4. Ready
  5. I hated it !!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/15/18 djurasico c194
09/14/18 Asian Hobbyist c137
09/12/18 djurasico c193
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09/12/18 Asian Hobbyist c136
09/11/18 Asian Hobbyist c135
09/10/18 djurasico c191
09/10/18 djurasico c190
09/09/18 djurasico c189
09/07/18 djurasico c188
09/05/18 djurasico c187
09/05/18 Asian Hobbyist c134
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193 Reviews sorted by

natasha_habib rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: Completed
Thank you to Author and Translator (s) for your hard work~

It was alright. The politics wasn't too interesting or eye opening. The first half of the book was too slow, and the second half too fast. Nearing the end, the pace got alright but surviving the start was a big deal.

The characters were alright. I liked the MC and her subordinates. ML wasn't interesting to me at all. To be honest the character I found the most interesting was Yuri~

... more>>

she was a really complex character. It was easy to hate her but she had her reasons. The way she grew up, the way she ended, all of that was really interesting.


A lot of characters and things weren't mentioned again. I disliked Edward's end too


Before dying I wanted him to see Yuri's true colours. I wanted him to know that she was only using him. I wanted him to feel regret. Even from her whole group of admirers, only Bern found out her true colours. None of the others did before dying. Which was really unsatisfying to me.


So, for those of you wanting some interesting political schemes, there aren't any good ones.

And for the ones reading for R-Harem, the only R-Harem I saw was Yuri's.

3/5 from me.

Read it only if you have nothing else to read, or maybe not. I could be wrong because there are a lot of people who loved it a lot~ maybe I'm being too harsh because I read it for the political schemes and conspiracies, and my standards for those are high because of some Ancient China based books. :) <<less
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Rouxd rated it
July 15, 2020
Status: --
I wish another group re-translates this novel. The English is horribly butchered and creates convoluted sentences which makes the story that much harder to understand. I'm going through on my own and editing the nonsense as much as I can, while trying to understand the story line.

Aside from the abysmal translations, the story seems to be well executed. I usually avoid otome story lines, but this one breaks free from the stereotypical 4 targets, and focus more on the main character.

Still reading through the first volumes of the novel and... more>> will update my review accordingly. So far it's 2.5/5 for all the hard work I have to put in reading this. <<less
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sheehan0915 rated it
September 30, 2019
Status: v1c1
the story is bascically about the MC getting condemed because of being headstrong in displaying her displeasure to the FL (fake). With her status as dukes'daughter she fell from grace, with her arrival it is in turn become milder than the original. (This point is ok since it started with the plot of the game/novel, do not know why others kept seriously critisizing)

... more>>

she goes to her father 's dukedom and manages it, creating innovative products with the products existing in both worlds (i do mot understand why people compaling here, maybe she was interested in how chocolate was made, that is why she knows, and conditioner could be made naturally as well, she is female after all does she not like to beautify herself with natural goods? We do not know as her past was not delve into, but see my point?) banking is easy as well, its the idea of it and execution that was hard, watch youtube videos on how banks came to be or watch how paper money came to be)
them hating her is acceptable due to the premise of what she may or maynot have done in the academy

lastly the case about not knowing the other characters is fully acceptable since we are viewing the world in her eyes. Its up to the author when to shed light. It could be done in an epilouge at the end why so picky? It does not affect the story, infact it creates a mystery.

im at the part where she is accused of being a herectic.


hope this review/rant brings justice to this good novel. <<less
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Arha rated it
July 13, 2019
Status: --
This is basically Baby's First Villainess Isekai and doesn't really feel like the author wanted to write one to begin with. Instead, he just kind of picked up a new fad and told the story he wanted to tell anyway while kind of shoehorning the villainess bits into it. It's not bad by any means, but it leads to a feeling that it's a bit of a waste of the premise.

As far as the story itself goes, it feels like Iris is overpowered even though she has no fighting ability.... more>> She just has too much money, influence and authorial support to ever struggle much or for long. <<less
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Ubiquitin rated it
April 27, 2019
Status: v4
I love this story. There are tons of story about those who are being reincarnated or transported to another world or isekai genre. And this novel is one of those who take it to the top. The plot construction and flow, the character development as well as its introduction, the foreshadowing, integration of modern knowledge, the realism and logic is true and superb. Why? Because there are isekai novels where the actions or the reactions from a certain event or something is far off from real. They go beyond such... more>> that it is creepy and cringe that would make you drop the novel. As observed, this story is focused more on political struggle and fief management since the protagonist is the daughter of the duke. Though as read in other classical literatures, daughters of duke is certainly made for romance as a heroine or a rival or whatever. Since this is a novel, you may could find some trivial problems or plot holes but nonetheless, I love this novel.

Thank you for those who read and I hope that you'd find this review helpful.

Some of you may agree or disagree but nevertheless, I accept and respect them. <<less
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January 6, 2019
Status: c160
I stopped reading the WN for now while waiting for more translated chapters to pile up (reading via AH's translation for reference to chapters that I've read).

I also won't be leaving any star ratings for now, as I feel like it's unfair to rate it when I haven't read the complete work.

Personally thought this was going to be another one of those Otoge styled WN where the female protagonist just changes her personality and suddenly everything goes right. It's true to a certain extent (to go with the general... more>> plotline/hook of this sort of a WN), but I personally felt very intrigued by the female protagonist's way of conquering this. While intrigued, that definitely doesn't mean it's perfect by any means, but it still left me feeling content with every chapter, and I am only agonized over the inevitable slow rate of translation to sate my recent addiction to reading WNs/LNs.


What I liked - I liked how the protagonist uses their older knowledge without any other overpowered 'cheat' abilities that most characters usually get. You find out early on that this female protagonist comes from a business-like background (Accounting if I'm not mistaken) and their business mindset along with some general 'modern lifestyle' common sense, she introduces a plethora of improvements. I honestly thought it was refreshing to see this without the character having to get some insanely overpowered ability. Don't get me wrong, I love those wish-fulfillment stories with overpowered characters too-- but it was refreshing to see this take on a Otoge styled WN. It's definitely not a unique aspect (since I know it exists in other works), but still satisfying to see since each author will depict their take on it differently.

What I disliked - Similar to what I liked, it's more of a 'cause-and-effect' sort of a deal. With all the improvements she's bringing to this world, I'm curious to see why there's no real consequences. I know it's a fantasy world-- but it would be nice to see some more realistic things such as how her improvements can lead to a number of changes that even she cannot foresee with all her modern insight (i.e. Imagine introducing some foreign idea that never existed to an established world, shouldn't it impact far more than just a few neighboring states/the royalty? What of the merchants, the underworld and probably its own web of factions, the nations far away from the source of all this improvements, etc).

I understand it's probably a bit unrealistic to ask for this-- but still it's something I expected, if the author chose to go for a little more realistic approach to changing the world via 'modern knowledge' alone, I would hope they thought about how this would affect their fantasy world. If it's not showing any blatant negative effect and only positive effect, I honestly think it just means the writing lacks a solid world-building knowledge as one major possibility.


Overall, I honestly feel that this story is definitely a recommended read even with some evident flaws that I've outlined above. These are just my opinions however, and probably I'm just nitpicking on a very decent WN. <<less
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Yuuasa rated it
November 1, 2018
Status: v1c1
Great story; the plot of avoiding ones otome villainess doom is the usual but the execution and development of the plot is very different and refreshing. The MC is great and pretty much all the main characters (even side characters too) have great character depth and growth as the story goes along. The only downside to this story is the new translator; not to be unappreciative but the quality has had a severe drop since about chapter 125. (It's almost to the point that I just read the original Japanese... more>> chapters until Asian Hobbyist translated another chapter here and there.)

If you're ok with a sudden downward shift in readability halfway through then this is a great novel to pick up! <<less
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Aigoodantat rated it
August 7, 2018
Status: c68
I like the refreshing general plot of this novel that doesn't play into the typical romantic otome genre. There is some mild romance so far, but the story focuses on how the supposedly "villainous" MC got back up on her feet and moved forward after bad ending.

What I don't really like is the writing style. As many other reviewers mentioned, things get skipped quite a lot in this series, which can be confusing at times and it is also unclear who is speaking which lines sometimes. But some translators did... more>> a great job to help resolve that. Overall this writing style feels like a manga where the little details are left out due to quickly move the story along. Thus, the full potential of this novel did not get flush out despite having an interesting plot. <<less
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ChefofChaos rated it
July 15, 2018
Status: --
I love this series. The only reason I gave it four stars was that some characters seem to pop out of nowhere like Dean or the priest and then it's like "whoa! Wait who's this? When did they show up?"


I really appreciate how this story addresses the games heroine and her motivation for pursuing the capture targets (how each of them are in influential positions to the country).
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JinVodka rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: c120
I really like the story about this since I can how dedicated the author is in creating every character. They all feel like a human to me and the writing is easily readable. Not only that but I found it nice to see the MC having a maid who looks after her. The romance is slow but I like how it builds up and how it progresses. The drama is good and got hit by feels. I also recommended the manga since it is a nice artstyle~

10/10 I sleep late... more>> to catch up even I have a job tomorrow lol <<less
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June 21, 2018
Status: v1c7
I prefer the manga. If you're interested in the plot but find the novel slow/boring, I would still suggest checking the manga out.

I ended up dropping this after only a few chapters. It has nothing to do with the plot -- it has to do with the writing style. It just doesn't really have any visual impact -- no vivid descriptions, strong emotions, or clear imagery. The chapters drag and the character descriptions are vague and aren't fleshed out. (You can only figure out what they look like via the... more>> illustrations.)

It honestly felt more like reading a conversation/chat log than a novel. (I find this common in a lot of Japanese novels.)

Since I dropped it so quickly, I will withhold rating this unfairly. <<less
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OfficePony rated it
March 21, 2018
Status: --
Honestly, I'm just not liking the method that the latest translators are using to increase their website hit counts. Splitting a single chapter into two or three pages to make it seem like they are getting a lot of ad rev and traffic does nothing for them as what the companies are looking at are unique IP access, not total page hits anymore (at least most of the major ad rev and data companies, not sure about the little guys).

Aside from that, I like this series quite a bit, but... more>> have some issues with the later translators after Japtem. Lots of grammar issues, word flow stumbling, and some places where an editor would have really shined through. Aside from that, the translators are doing a very great job :D Not going to give a proper rating since I'm fairly biased with this series already. <<less
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happy_panda rated it
January 16, 2018
Status: c84
2.5 star. Very weird novel. Bad writing style with unnecessary information as "i sat down, ordered a tea, drank the tea, stared at the empty cup blah blah blah" which is very tiring to read. No emotional depth, romance is stagnate. The female lead is not all that interesting, other than thee first scene her life is filled with allies, rich land, and everything a ruler would need. She is depicted as a Madonna and everyone is overproctive over her. She is like the Queen that is surrounded with servants... more>> as she picks up strays on the way: people that act like s*aves who feel morally indebted to her, instead of friends. Also too self righteous. The business and govornment aspect could be refrshing but fails to be, as very often it is stated how she reads all the reports and works alot, but doesn't explain in depth how the changes are made, except for descriptions in the lines of "silk is very hard to obtain and although she doesn't know how to produce, magically in the next scene she is wearing a silk dress". The only thing interesting in the novel is that you get to know other peope's perspectives as well. <<less
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Walkingpineapple rated it
July 28, 2017
Status: v2c51
Love reading the Light novel and also the manga. Whats great and also different, about this particular villainess noble story is that there isn't much physical action as there is mind (?) action (?). The story goes more depth with how/whats making her business go boom! Very interesting and I like.
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Maiasia rated it
July 12, 2017
Status: v2c51
I just couldn't go on anymore. I agree with one of the reviewers said, the MC is just too smart for a former tax accountant that (for me) it feels fake and unrelatable. Yes, I would like my MC to be clever and resourceful but this is way too unbelievable... Unless she was a freaking genius who worked as an OL cause she liked it. I don't find the MC charismatic. For me there is just no spark. Her world is just too inconsistent and unbelievable for me to get... more>> fully immersed in. Frankly, I'm surprised I even went to Ch. 51. <<less
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EdemaRuh rated it
March 30, 2017
Status: c70
It's another example of a great city-building novel. But generic it is not.

I have a lot of complains with this book, but it's 5 stars?? Idek why tbh, it's a really attractive read. The novel does have some huge issues, for example, the time jumps for instance, terrible idea, it results in the novel losing its elegance in a sense. (E.g. I implement plan, and bam a week later project is done) it's as if the author realises the something was required, so let's introduce it in so that I... more>> have it available. Tbh, it doesn't really affect the story too much, just me nitpicking.

But then, the plot!!! Ingenious I tell you, truly a spectacular!

To me, the author doesn't seem to present them too well, lacks a bit of tension, especially when the plot twists are sometimes a tad bit too transparent.
Of course, it's just a personal opinion. However, it's fresh. And there's nothing worse then picking up a book and finding it similar to the past 100 books you've read. The storyline itself is what takes the cake. Albeit the character development is a bit lacking, the author introduces heaps of spectacular scandals and twists. The economic ideas and what-nots (the city-building aspect of the novel) is the best I've ever read.

Finally, here's a necessary non-spoiler. To those of you complaining about the missing romance aspect of this book. I'm at chapter 70, read till chapter 70 and you will complain no more. <<less
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balbonits rated it
January 13, 2017
Status: c59
Good "Isekai/Management" JP novel, with a very bittersweet "shoujo" flavor as aftertaste. I say, it's perfect for teens and young adults to read while relaxing in a library or park, during a commute to work or school, or just for scratching that itch of wanting to read a not-too-shoujo-but-still-skips-your-heart-a-bit type of story.

And to the boys that wants to just try and appreciate other genres that might be more female-oriented. Give this one a gander, you might be surprised to find yourself getting titillated at certain scenes or start shipping some... more>> fanfic pairings. ;) <<less
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luxe rated it
November 22, 2016
Status: c53
Have you ever played an otome game? Well, the main character reincarnates into the villian here, and manages to get out of situation after situation with little difficulty (thus far). I really like it because it features a strong female lead, though the other characters do kinda get lost. I'm not usually fond of 1st person POV, but this is better than most.
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slay_mithos rated it
July 8, 2016
Status: v2c43
Read it all in one day, and was left wanting even more.

A girl protagonist going heavy on administration of the territory is a nice background, it's just technical enough for most people to be able to mostly understand (taxation, education and all that), and keeps a somewhat believable world without any godlike beings that can destroy armies single handedly.

The whole story is certainly not exempt of plot holes, and nothing the protagonist does ever goes wrong or deviates from the plan, and most people are overly nice, but if you... more>> don't look too hard, it makes for an enjoyable read.

I'm not saying I want deep betrayal or anything like that, but it would be nicer if there were some things not quite going as expected, forcing our girl to meet more diverse people and to understand various sub-cultures of the kingdom and of the various kingdoms they trade with.

For example, it is made obvious that despite human traffic being forbidden, it still does happen nearly in broad daylight, but the story doesn't touch on that after stating "we caught the people that tried to capture the main character to sell her". An other example is that all of the "new" products are huge hits, with barely any concurrence, and it's all explained by "It's ideas from the previous life" and "mother is OP at setting trends so nobles will accept any new product she pushes".

The translation is as expected from Japtem, meaning that there are no overly glaring errors of grammar or meaning.

If you are just looking for a nice story, it's definitely not bad, but don't expect a masterpiece worthy of a full score. <<less
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icecream rated it
June 23, 2016
Status: v2c43
Some problems people have with the story is that there isn't any major conflict for the MC. However I find this entertaining because of the pleasure I take in her destroying her problems and foes fairly easily. If you want a interesting, light and intelligent read this is good for you
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