Chronicles of Primordial Wars


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Shao Xuan joins a friend in his expedition to a recently discovered archaeological cave. After he picks up an ordinary looking stone he is teleported to a different world and wakes up in the body of a small orphan child. The world he is in now is still in its stone age with primitive tools made of stone and the ways of the people are savage. Savage isn’t the only thing special about the people though, because they have superhuman strength, jump higher than trees and punch stones. In short, they are able to cultivate their bodies. Despite all this, it is a real struggle to survive because of the scarcity of food. Together with Caesar, his pet wolf, he tries to survive in this cruel world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Yuánshǐ zhàn jì
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Date Group Release
10/07/18 WangMama c269
09/28/18 WangMama c268
09/18/18 WangMama c267
09/06/18 WangMama c266
04/09/18 Lesyt c265
04/08/18 Lesyt c264
04/08/18 Lesyt c263
04/02/18 Lesyt c262
04/02/18 Lesyt c261
03/18/18 Lesyt c260
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164 Reviews sorted by

runningoffline rated it
May 28, 2023
Status: epilogue 2
4 stars

not that bad. Story tldr is MC goes back in past and becomes part of tribe but of course MC is special because MC ... more>>

can use all of the different tribes power (totemic powers)

basically an exploration, world-building novel. Pretty chill. A LOT of face slapping.

its kinda like if dr. Stone and lotm had a baby but focuses more on tribal aspects and slice of life type shit

MC is smart and fun to read, supporting characters also feel real and are cute ngl. Spice it up with some comedic undertones (but not overwhelmingly too much it hurts the plot kind of comedy).

A LOT of info dumps, but I like that sh*t so more of a plus for me personally. Also, non-existant romance or focus on it. Fantasy plot sh*t yo. Also, its the SLOW kind of novel

ending feels weak asf tho so if your enjoyment is IMMENSELY affected on whether endings are good or bad, don't recommend it. This author is weak with endings but good with plot (this and stars of tomorrow)

although I care about endings, its not a dealbreaker for me so novel is still enjoyable and fun to read. <<less
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AnimatorOfSouls rated it
May 12, 2023
Status: c224
Pretty good, nice world building and a smart and rational MC. Wish there weren't other human tribes though, I found the interactions pretty boring.

Romance: none

Dropped because they start interacting more with other tribes.
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puregarnet rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: Completed
4.55 Stars

Writing/Translation: 3.5/5

The translation I read is from C1 to C265~ is by lesyt. It was pretty good. Very readable with some errors that are not really noticeable. However, after 265 ish, the translator is FangMama and it's such a whiplash from the previous translator. Some names and important terminology were changed. Some snippets of the story were also removed. Also, there are more errors. In the end, I also read from the novelhi website. The names and terms are more consistent with the previous translator and have the missing... more>> tiny bits of text. Less errors too. Not the same or as good but much better than the new translator. It was weird. It was like reading two different descriptions of the same event. The WangMama one is missing so many details and even has different meanings. Like Gui Ze was peeking at our MC having trouble tying knots and wondering what happened in the novelhi website translation. But the WangMaama one skipped all the lead up to this scene and then translated as the MC was staring at his knotted hands and wondering if he is s*upid for not being able to tie knots. Two different meanings here. However, I also basically read the two translations side by side because of some slightly awkward new terminology.

At C286~, the quality of both translations kinda fluctuates. Some parts are better than others. So, again, highly recommend reading both side by side. If when reading one translation something feels off, it is highly likely the other translation is a bit better. And vice versa from this chapter on.

Ahh, I’m too lazy to note down all the details anymore lol. Basically the first TL was the more easily readable and enjoyable one while the rest had all their own little issues. So it's best to read the other for more info when the current scene or whatnot is confusing or seems off somehow. You won't regret the extra work because it clears things up. But anyway, please read the story! The different TLs aren't a deal-breaker! Most of the details are kept, so it's still quite enjoyable!

Pacing: 4.6/5

The pacing is pretty smooth, except for the last 40 chapters and especially the last like 5 chapters. The ending was kind of perfunctory and things weren't as detailed or explained as much as expected based on the previous parts of the story.

Plot: 4.8/5

The setup is pretty good! I like how we are thrown right into the story after the MC is transmigrated in. I also liked how we followed the MC 6 months after he arrived in the new world because we immediately got into the juicy details of this new place haha. This was my favourite part because we saw things through his eyes as a 6-year-old child. So he's basically at rock bottom lol. He has to learn everything from scratch. This intimacy gets less after the tribe achieves one of its major goals. Then more characters appear, so it's less just him and his mind haha. This part just sets up so many mysteries to learn about and explore! I love the anticipation of it all.

After that, in the middle, it was more about setting up their base and foothold. They are kind of an underdog because everyone else has progressed more than they have. This section also had a lot of group and togetherness feels.

The last third of the story was a bit more tribal politics with their various tribe mysteries in this vast ancient world as the Flaming Horns really builds up their tribe and deals with tribal politics which wasn't quite my thing but still very enjoyable just because of the setting, their unique thing and all the worldbuilding along the way haha.

Sadly, the ending was too lukewarm for me. I also don't understand how that thing is somehow the cause of the MC landing in this world. How did that thing appear in the modern world? Does it mean the MC was transferred to the ancient past then? Why would this thing have the function of transferring people to that era? Also, that last scene with the MC flying over the "edgeless" river. Isn't it just the Flaming River? Why suddenly call it edgeless? Since the disaster had already happened and the river shrank? It felt a bit like the author really wanted to include this thing in the story but it was already ending, so they had to slot it in willy-nilly at the end lol. Also, the final big bad. I just don't really get him as a villain. What was his goal anyway? He planned many things over so many years and did all this stuff supposedly for revenge, but then we see that he actually doesn't really care about it and treats the targets as tr*sh that is so useless that they might as well not clutter up the world? Then why did he go through all that 1000 years of effort?? Also, I feel like there were one or two plot threads that didn't get used? For example, Sapphire’s last shackle and its cult. I thought they were going to have some important role in the final battle but nope.

Setting/Worldbuilding: 4.9/5

So good! The worldbuilding is fantastic! So far, the best worldbuilding in a CN novel I've read! Mostly because it hit the spot for me, ancient world, mysteries, adventure, wonder and unexplainable awe over nature everywhere! I love the feeling of not knowing what is beyond! Most of this was focused on the first 300 ish chapters but there are all kinds of new things to discover in all the later chapters too!

Characters: 4.5/5

The MC is a quiet, smart, calm and silently adventurous guy haha. He's older than his physical appearance so he's more mature. I liked following him around :) The cast of characters is quite big, all have their own quirks and feel real. Especially the various tribes. They all have their own distinct beliefs, traditions, oddities and what have you. The only issue I have is that the longer the story is, the less quality time we spend with any character.

Personal Enjoyment: 5/5

Sooo much fun XD. I read a good chunk of this during my first and so far only, COVID experience XP. So there was a lot of time alone that I willed away in this world, exploring things bigger than myself. And it's so deliciously long too! I think I spent two good weeks on this, so fun! This is my second tribal story I’ve read (I think lol). The Stone Age Husband Raising Journal was the previous one. That one, the world was super vibrant and I loved the whole setting. Their special characteristic was the dinosaurs as the animals haha. I love nature-focused stories so XD This. This is like an upgraded "real" tribal story hahaha. Just about every aspect is at least a little bit better than that. Except for the romance lol. Here, it is non-existent, while the previous one was a BL novel. This one is so much longer with so much more content; the MC has actual drive and is an active main character; the focus is on clan building which is executed far better; and the world is more vast, unfathomable and rich. I would like more deep character development too though ahaha.

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Family/Village/Wealth Building, Poor to Rich, Business Management - lots of nothing to something type of stories, like this one!
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated hah
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Odd Stars
Odd Stars rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: c288
So I’m the type of reader who reads very slowly and rereads sentences when I don’t get them, and it gets more disinteresting for me the further I read, so sadly I couldn’t finish this one, mostly because I just got too bored, I liked the slice of life feeling it gave at first but after two weeks of just reading the same story, it was ready to read something else, I was getting distracted more while reading and thinking about other novels (Gasp sorry wife but I’ve been thinking... more>> of other women) BUT it was good novel and very much recommend for you to try it.

what surprised me about it is probably the setting of the story which is a the Stone Age, but instead of going with clichés the author actually thought out the world building and weirdly the characters didn’t feel fake either, like we don’t know them well but still feel attachment to them it’s so strange for me but anyway it’s great I really recommend you give it a try! <<less
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Queen77 rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: Completed
You've never probably read a novel like this and you'll probably never ever.

This is a gem. I really enjoyed reading it, There's not much to say but that I am really impressed. I do recommend it, for new readers. You might get tired of reading about arrogant young masters, arrogant or cold Protagonist or if you are by any means tired of seeing "Handsome" protagonist or good looking characters everywhere. This novel does not have any of those ridiculous things.

Mc's looks aren't described as anyway good looking or ugly, in... more>> fact I don't recall anything about what he looks like. The author leaves it all to your imagination and I bet it's all in line with that he/she wants, that's how good it is.

Storyline, the world building and of course the MC, was all perfect.

It really deserves a 5 star.

This novel isn't actually hyped up here like Lotm, Or others like warlock of magus world etc.

But it deserves to be.

I would put this on my top 5, its excellent, different. I ended being really too immersed in it, and it made me hope for more novels like this unfortunately, there isn't another like this. <<less
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trash_generalist rated it
October 16, 2022
Status: c786
I was mainly interested in this novel because I was looking for a good infrastructure story. This ended up being more of a Clan Building Novel though! As in, the focus is mainly slowly enriching the livelihood of a tribe, as well as exploring the various other tribes. In short, it’s a novel that is very rich in world building — which is one of my own personal favorite aspects in a story. There’s also a strong action adventure feel to it, as the main character explores various places and... more>> meets lots of new people and experiences various incidents while trying to improve his tribe.

The main premise is as stated in the summary. The MC is thrown back into ancient times. But these ancient times are a little weird. The people here group themselves in tribes, which is pretty normal. However, each tribe has different powers based on the totems that they support. The MC’s tribe, for example, are people with enhanced physical bodies. Of course, to counterbalance the strength of these super humans, there are dangerous beasts and environments that make it difficult for them to live — despite the fact that, if they were thrown into modern day society, they would be absolute kings LOL.

The situation of the MC’s new tribe is not optimal. He arrives as an orphaned kid and is forced to struggle to survive like all the other children in the tribe. As they explore new opportunists, their situation will of course improve! But unlike most clan building novels, which focus on the MC using their modern knowledge to build infrastructure, this MC focuses more on assimilation into tribal society and learning a little bit at a time.

The story starts off slow-paced before becoming faster near the end. I ended up quitting just before the end (not strange for me, I have a tendency of doing this with long stories *sneezingface*) but I really liked this story!! It’s not what I usually read, no romance, for one! But I loved it regardless! And I would definitely want to read this again in the future. I can’t really rate this based on my usual criteria, so I’m basing the rating for this novel jusf on my personal enjoyment—which is a solid 4.75/5! There were parts I skimmed through (mainly the action parts), that I think some may like or dislike based on their preferences, but for me the rest of the experience was pretty great! <<less
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VadimPutsick rated it
January 22, 2022
Status: Completed
I like this novel. Very fresh to read. There no s*upid conflicts with clan extermination. Quit logical behaviour of society.
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January 19, 2022
Status: epilogue 2
This novel is a satisfying read, if you're looking for face slapping, suspense and intrigue without the romance getting in the way this is it.
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PoSunBanYi rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: c64
This one's simply not for me...

I know about slow starts, and I enjoy them the most, because most fast-pacing beginnings tend to be destroyed by their own creators (korean flashbacks* mediocre chinese novels flashbacks*)... anyways, this one doesn't seem one that is slow, more like a normal-current speed and anything else is adding to the story and character progression (our MC is a complete nay-sayer first few dozen chapters, is nice how he changes from detached to becoming such important figure for the tribe). But it is more than 846... more>> chapters long and still not even 1/5 of it is about such a main genre such as Xuanhuan, and though I'm not disappointed in any way to the novel, that does makes me feel utterly left around ch 300's.

Slice of life is the main genre, even when there is fights it feels... weird, like how I get to feel whenever I read another yet self-plagiarized MC's motivations and goals from IET in each of his novels beginnings... It just doesn't feel authentical from its author and its supposed-to-be-genre, I feel complete detachment from the novels' roots, is just slice of life.

As for slow starts, many die hard fansos always say that IET's novels are slow at the beginning, but i've never seen them anywhere close to a slow beginning as IR, Immortal Mortal, even AWWP and to stop mentioning let's say; also- Terror Infinity, like, it took a lot of chapters to get where the author wanted it to get and another similar like Global Evolution, 900 chapters to stop repeating the same formulae of going in and out of *^special world^* and going to another movie franchise, like, that's slow development. This isn't.

Or you do Slice of Life (or more relaxed and "how life is" similar genre there are), or you do Xianxia or Xuanhuan, even Wuxia. If you do both, you're insulting both. <<less
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November 7, 2021
Status: epilogue 2
I just finished the great story a little while ago and thought this truly does deserve 4/5 no 4, 6/5

It has a slow built op without

All the famed powertropes like being the strongest in 80chapters

... more>> Female characters aren't empty trophies only there for mc

His rise from boy to man to older adult is truly well thought out👏

If you have the patience when this story will still make you feel the joy, excitement & the action still mostly favor the MC, but well that an MC plot were always gonna get.

Romance is only hinted at in the last 100 chapters and only unravelled in the last 10.

It took my 5 years to finish reading this and I'm sad it's over.

It's become something I could sit and enjoy 1-3 chapters of on a quest Sunday. Now I feel a little wistful an some emotional emptiness thinking back to when I started reading this in 2016 and done 2021 <<less
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fangyuan rated it
October 21, 2021
Status: c649
Had high expectations for this novel because the author was the one that wrote Superstars of Tomorrow but kinda felt disappointed with this novel. The novel, quality wise, is better than your average Chinese web novels but my gripes with the author's way of storytelling made me disinterested to continue reading the novel. I'll highlight some things I dislike without spoiling much.

  1. Author conveniently 'forgets' about cultivation realms. Sure, it's a 'slice of life' novel with some action but have you ever seen a novel in which the MC's cultivation is kinda capped one third into the novel?
  2. The portrayal of tribal life seems highly unrealistic. The tribe is more disciplined and united than the Red Army.
  3. Too much emphasis on MC's tribes. I personally feel that his solo adventures or his adventures away from the tribes were rather interesting.
The novel is readable and I just think that it is a matter of taste. Do give it a chance.
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llxamllz rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: c787
  1. Theme of novel emphasis tribe which is a group of people. But MC is always one-man show.
  2. MC did not make a make-sense judgment according to the situation many times.
  3. Good plot, good detail about the stone age and so on. But the other things are inconsistent in their own.
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Fast_sec rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: c821
This novel is good, but I have one big fat complaint about it. WTF is up with the robbers always escaping when they've already been captured, just kill the captured mofos and be done with it. Cause we all know if they rob u once they'll rob u again, and again.

Actually one did die but that's no reasonable excuse since the ones that got away did more harm.

If the author is allowing the robbers to escape, then why couldn't he write about the robbers stealing all the flaming horns valuable things, cause the only one that can capture the robbers is the MC. Since MC goes on long trips who's going to stop the robbers doing what they want in flaming horn base. The robbers are not scared of the flaming horns people, they are only scared of the MC.
The explanations for MC becoming OP is reasonable to me. Overall I would recommend this novel.
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write rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: c649
Different. Very little happens on a major scale. Majority of the story is like most say, slice of life. If I had to say plot of the story it would be to live. Might be small situations with actual goal but for most part just living and trying to live better.

Main character is extremely overpowered. I am wondering which novel people saying hes not are reading. Just because main character doesn't use a finger to kill things doesn't mean anything when main character basically succeeds at any and everything he... more>> does without fail. Power levels are explained then completely ignored and utterly pointless and would have been better if there weren't any, instead of being so half-assed as they are. Would have felt better if power levels were not able to be measured. Later into the story it becomes glaringly obvious of this. I read for over 600 chapters so I can say its not a terrible novel. Yet stopping near the end can't say its a great novel either. For most part I enjoyed, though I will say I personally like romance, not harem, and it really does feel extremely lonely.

Part of this probably has to do with fact that its slice of life that has no real plot or goal outside of small arcs that are without a single set back. This hole could of been filled with numerous things, not necessarily romance. But outside of real goal that could hide the glorifying of main character might of helped me make it to end of the novel. To make it clear the main character is simply himself and it isn't a character defect but a slight on the author that there is glorifying of the main character. <<less
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Monomololo rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: --
The first 150 or so chapters were a real slog, after that it was 5/5, before that 2-3/5.

People complaining that people didn't read long enough to give it a chance have a point, but at the same time the start is slow to the point of being boring, for me at least.

I get the feeling that this is one of those stories that is much better untranslated.
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stripedkangaroo rated it
August 7, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the better novels out there. The story is quite good, the world building is nice and there is a slice of life feel rather than a xianxia feel.

Spoilers ahead

I reduced stars because of the glaring flaws.

... more>> 1. The story started getting fast paced some mid way around, and rushed towards the end. There was no definite conclusion.

2. There was a lot of potential for good development, especially regarding the tribe powers and specialities, but those were not taken up.

3. Some story lines were dropped midway or there wasn't much relevance. Crystal Tribe and Ceasar's third eye, the only reason for that plot was to day about the shadow and that was dropped later.

4. There is no clear explanation for many things. Is the stone only the reason for Shao Xuan's powers? How did that reach earth then? What was the power behind the tribe agreement? Does King beasts have fire seed? If they have, that doesn't go hand in hand with the meteor explanation.

The first translation was quite good and when veratales picked it up, the quality dropped a little. <<less
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April 5, 2020
Status: c408
hi fellow readers,

Partial review, I saw this title and I tried to read this

It's very readable.

You won't find it hard to imagine the event in the story.

The MC, in about this title the Chronicles of Primordial Wars, it fits it very well.

Ancient time, dwells with worshipping the nature and others.

It's not a boring novel I would say.

And I like it very much and will be waiting for more updates.
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TheBingeReader rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: --
Not a lot happens...

Comes across as caveman slice of life, yet these caveman/tribal types chat away no differently to modern era earth humans, ofc 95% of them have Chinese names, you know, on this alien world of creatures that look like humans but kinda arent.... thats all pretty convenient isnt it, another reincarnation trope where the reincarnation plays zero role/use whatsoever, so why even have it.

Also far too many instances where his "power" just happens to autopilot him to a place that he needs to be when he just happens to be wherever he ends up without him actually doing anything out of skill/ability of his own, he is basically a walking vessel for the real MC which is the power/ability he holds onto.

Also why does it state here current chapter is 345 on veratales yet other sites have chapter 367? also is this dropped given the lack of updates either way?
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rhianirory rated it
January 10, 2020
Status: --
this was really good until it went from adventure/survival/getting stronger to a civilization-building novel. Then it got boring af. If you like that type of story that you might like this. I tried reading it twice and both times my interest just peetered away once he focused on building up his tribe

and dealing with the other tribes in their neighborhood

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slouchking rated it
July 15, 2019
Status: Completed
The first several hundred chapters involving monster hunting are good if not great. Especially since it felt like a novelization of a monster hunter game. But when it moves past monster hunting and more into developing the tribe the novel just kind of putters along into a unsatisfying ending with too many loose ends.

... more>>

Also the special power that the MC awakes with seems poorly handled in that it feels like it belongs in a cultivator novel more than a building a prehistoric civilization.

Also there never being a level above a advanced totem warrior left a void for the rest of the novel. Since all sense of progression towards getting stronger became very vague.


I can recommend reading the first several hundred chapter that pertain to monster hunting but can drop it afterwards since not much happens. <<less
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