Cannon Fodder Cheat System


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At first, when he learned that he was forced to go to many different routine worlds and be reborn into all kinds of cannon fodder, he was against it.

Because while villains usually all only have a moment of satisfaction, the endings of cannon fodder are also frequently quite miserable.

But the man who gave him the system told him that this system not only has all types of powerful functions, but he can also break the routine lives of the cannon fodder. If he achieves this satisfactorily for each world, he can even become a god.

He’s already experienced over a thousand reincarnations, but hasn’t yet been a god. Since it sounds pretty great, why not just try it out.

From that moment on, he began the irreversible path of tyrannically oppressing people, while conveniently tearing open those white moonlights and so-called righteous people’s hypocritical masks.

His goal: wearing the villain’s role to walk other people’s righteous paths, leaving them no path to follow.

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136 Reviews

Nov 26, 2018
Status: c15
Please note, while I barely read one arc, I went to the spoiler thread before I started reading this and already had some disappointment with the story but decided to try it out anyway in case the spoiler thread might be wrong.

It's basically like QWFOTD, but with a much more OP MC. Also, while the different worlds seem to be more unique than usual (spoilers thread :P), everything seems quite... over the top. Maybe it's just me getting tired of brutal, swift, and life worse than death revenge, but from... more>> the spoilers and from what I've already read, it just seems a bit much. Not to mention, the ML is bland af, and so is the MC, and the MC's system is just way too OP. Like, all the MC of QWFOTD could do with his is find out the plot and increase his physical body and appearance to max, and while he's already super OP, he relies on his originally genius hacking skills and the skills he learned through hundreds of lives, which makes sense. This MC is the same, going through a thousand something lives, so he should be pretty talented already, but his system can give him a boost in like every thing, and for free at that. Want to have good cooking skills? No worries, the system can give you the max level for cooking free of charge, no points needed or collected.

*Sigh*, maybe I'm just getting jaded from all of the OP MC system BL novels that are popping up like popcorn, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, like, a really big grain of salt.

Overall though, interesting/relatively unique different worlds, like this is the only reason I gave it a three instead of a two. Poor characterization and character development. The revenge is so bloody easy that honestly the moment the MC goes into the different world all the enemies should just go kill themselves to prevent a life worse than death the moment the MC gets into contact with them. At least QWFotD had some actual plot and scheming behind the revenge, this novel basically has the MC coincidentally have evidence easily at hand and then slam the enemies with it or have the OP ML take care of it with the snap of a finger. The enemies are also super ridiculous and dumb, you'd think they'r be a bit smarter than this by all the things they've already done but nope, immediately after they meet the MC they are just headless chickens, brainless, blind, deaf, and confused as all hell. Their reasons to be enemies is also dumb af, like (and this is a rant too, so sorry) :


Ok, the first arc, there's this one dude who is the cousin of the ML who wants to ruin the MC because he's friends with the MC's enemy half brother. First of all, he continues to think the MC's half brother is righteous and poor, when if he's anything like his background suggests he should know very well how wrong that is even if he is a spoiled rich master. He's a spoiled rich master, not brainless.

Second of all, while the first reason should already have been a deterrent from him helping the MC's half brother, most importantly his cousin, who he relies on to throw his weight around (he's the thigh he grips basically) is the ML, and already warns him once before that if he dares throw his weight around with his name again he'll break his leg. Now, obviously this could be taken as a fake threat, but then the cousin is proven that the threat is real when he tries to mess with the MC and the ML very nearly beats him up before letting the MC beat the cousin up with a bloody rolling pin. Yet, even with his thigh taken away and given to someone else, this idiot still thinks that he can mess with the MC, and tries to cause him to crash his car. Obviously this doesn't work, and the ML quickly finds out that it was the cousin did it and ruins his legs while also sending his entire family to another country.

If it were you, spoiled, hugging the big thigh and enjoying life as a rich wastrel (which the cousin should not completely be as the successor to his family's company, he might be little reckless and arrogant, but not to this extent, another thing wrong with him), if your thigh was taken away and on the other person's side, and even showed you through violent force that they were on your enemy's side, would you still try to ruin your enemy?

Would you still stand with the "friend" that is friends with you because of your status and because you like their skills (cooking in this case, for some reason the cousin calls the MC's Half bro as his very close friend and it's like the author is making sure the cousin is some dumb idiot cannon fodder without any subtly whatsoever) ? Not to mention that this already flaky and shady friend already has hella questionable family issues with the MC and the MC seems to be in the right (from what the MC released as evidence at the time already called a lot of his slag family's issues into public so he should have be at least suspicious already)

If it were me, hell no. No matter how spoiled, rich, or pigheaded I may be in this scenario, who would want to support this fake friend who only wants my backing who also seems to be quite in the wrong, not to mention the big thigh I always had is gone and is supporting the other side! If this is my thigh over there, obviously I also follow to keep holding onto to this big thigh! Again, spoiled, rich, and pigheaded the cousin may be, he still has a working brain ok?


Continuing on, the MC and ML are both so OP that I can't stare at them directly because of their humongous, heaven reaching, ridiculously shining golden fingers. Their so called "romance" is rushed and not detailed, like (and this is not as long as the last one) :


in the first arc it was incredibly disappointing how their romance progressed. There was very little contact between the two, there was the first meeting, like one instance where the ML asks the MC to eat with him (and that's when he realizes he's in love), then after that no contact other than remotely sending over flowers daily and then bam, making out and s*x. At least in other OP MC with system novels they have the ML hang around the MC like a leech to make sure it makes sense the MC falls for the ML despite not knowing if it's the ML and not being with anyone else previously. But here it's just, oh yeah, the MC has never been in a relationship for over a thousand lifetimes, but suddenly sees the ML who he didn't know was the ML, and instantly is like "Hey, deja vu, it's like I know this man. Let's have some half hearted wooing and fall into his bed right after because it feels familiar." Later on in the novel it explains that they were originally already a couple, which is how they already seemed familiar with each other. But also, the romance is so lacking!! The shamelessness and sexy times keep going faster with every arc though, like by the tenth arc or something the MC is almost immediately naked in the ML's bed (in a nons*xual manner in the beginning at least since the ML was painting him but still), but also tofu was eaten like right then and there and then so many more times within the arc... without any trouble finding the ML and no romance building at all whatsoever... mmm okay then.


Basically, if you're looking for a quick read where you don't want to think too much and just want some nice revenge on the slag people this is what you're looking for. It's not bad, but it's certainly not good. At the very least, I once again do commend the author for thinking up some relatively interesting backgrounds that the MC has, makes some unique twists on the usually traditional OP MC system novel settings. Now if only they wrote the story better I would have loved to read this.

Wow this was long, if you managed to read all of this kudos to you. Review over, thank you very much for reading. <<less
90 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 13, 2019
Status: c76
This is basically the same story over and over again in different worlds.
The characters are very 2D. The MC and ML in particular have little personality and have very little to do besides boink and wave their hand and make everything better. Its not even sexy boinking, due to china being china.
And even the title is misleading. The MC is less of a canon fodder opposing the protagonist and more of a reincarnated protagonist defeating the hidden villain. Its not even different villains. Everyone of the MC's reincarnations are actually just "sons of fate" taken out by the jealous, promiscuous, white lotus villain in the original plot.

The only reason it got 2 stars from me is because the translation quality is very good and the world building isn't half bad. 1 stars are reserved for novels I want to throw at a wall.

If you need a time waster, go ahead. But don't expect anything too exciting.
45 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 30, 2019
Status: Completed
well then... its not terrible and its not godly. While it does get repetitive, there's a reason... but honestly I would prefer if the author consolidated some of their arcs, removed a few, and made the rest of them longer, more emotionally connectable, not so predictable, and let there be more vulnerabilities like dont let everything go the MCs and MLs way, let him lose some battles... and let the antagonist be slightly smarter... oh, and not so many competitions... I think there were 5-7 at least. And not letting... more>> the MC almost always meeting the ML almost immediately after entering the world.

but other than that, there are gems in the arcs! I personally like the anyang arc, extreme sports, mecha, game developer, western fantasy, vrmmo, and cooking arc. I like them because the story isnt as redundant and it feels like there is more involved. Mermaid arc was meh for me, just imagine the darker version of the little mermaid and mermaids are known to the world.

Now, some of the redundancies arent terrible because they connect in the end. Like evil step-moms and evil half-bros, oh, and birth mom not being in the picture a lot. And then the ML always being oh so powerful and invincible. And the MC always having lots of talent or having money. Thats all i'll really spoil.

Honestly, the only way this novel is worthwhile is by finishing it. That doesnt mean you have to finish every arc. The translator's index has the list of arcs so you can pick and choose your battles. If you need more info, go to this novel's spoiler page in the forums, link below.

https://forum. novelupdates. com/threads/cannon-fodder-cheating-system-bl.57986/

Warning to those who MTL it.... the story still comes through, but for some reason google translate doesnt like our MCs name, it just completely removes his name from the context. So I used baidu because at least while the name isnt correct, it still acknowledges the MCs existance in the sentence. Just saying...

god speed reader! <<less
27 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 27, 2018
Status: --
OMG, it's here. I mtl this novel before and I totally love it. I forgot the title and I have been trying to find it for a re-read. This novel is my favorite BL. Even with using mtl to read I still enjoy it. :)
23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 22, 2019
Status: --
The story is annoying as heck with the MC used the system to cheat everything (hence, the title) so there's practically no challenge and nothing to root for. I can't connect or sympathise with the MC (and with all his cheats available, there's no need to) AT ALL.

The writing style is bland and uninteresting. It's just A did B and C happened, then D was done. Blah blah.

The antagonists were defeated so easily and fast I wonder why they were there at all. Pitiful folks.

... more>> The story is always just :

Had a headache? System, fix it.

Want a new skill? System, acquire it.

Need anything? Do-ra-e-mon----! ??? <<less
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 22, 2018
Status: Completed
Very satisfying romance.

Good face slapping scenes against antagonists.

Nice plot-lines.

My favorite world is the mermaid world.

(lovemaking scene is short but still gets your imagination going.)

Lovely Yaoi Episodic drama.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Victuuri Road
Victuuri Roa
Sep 16, 2018
Status: c67
The plot is fun. There's conflict... then the MC proves that he's the best and destroys everyone who opposed him.

ノ (・ω・) ノ It's great!
15 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 09, 2018
Status: Completed
Cute BL for binge reading, however, all 15 stories doesn't show much character development between the MC and ML. Same plot format is used again and again. Overall a lower quality than FOD as the mini stories doesn't have many twists to differentiate from the others.
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 28, 2018
Status: c128
The story is good and the worlds where the MC goes are very interesting. The MC is easy to adapt in the worlds and his system is so easy to use unlike the other interdimensional traveler that they have to follow the instructions of its system and their is also tasks the make the host do things that they don't like. While the ML in every world that the MC goes he don't have a memories of the past worlds. But he have an instinct to find the MC because... more>> of the soul attractions.

But even I like the story I wanted to complain in how the author cut the story and transfer to another world. There is a feeling in me that I want to know more about the progress of the story but the author most of the time giving me an unended story or maybe it ended but not in its peak where I will feel really satisfied. Another is MC and ML is too fast to fall in love? (Actually Im not sure if I'm satisfied in this. There is a time that I want more challenges for them before to fall in love but there is a time that I think its okay). So that's it! Good luck and happy ready to other readers. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 17, 2019
Status: c89
This is a fun, light read about an OP MC and OP ML retaliating against the male couple who wronged the MC's host before the MC came into the picture. So far, every single arc has the same storyline, and the only thing that seems to change is the setting. Although it's entertaining the first few arcs, the redundancy gets downright painful later on. Worse yet, all the villain characters appear to have the same personality arc after arc, so it doesn't even feel like the MC and ML are... more>> facing off against new opponents.

The story is lacking. It could use a ton more suspense, throw in some comedy, or even make us unable to stop reading from tragedy. Unfortunately, there is no suspense or tragedy. Although some of the face-slapping is enough to make me smile, it's not hilarious and doesn't make me laugh or anything like that. This series doesn't bring any strong emotions from me one way or the other.

The "romantic" development feels forced and unnatural, and it's this way every arc. There is no development. Rather than there being any romance in this series, it's more like the ML mol*sts and forces himself on the MC until the MC relents to him. That's right--in this series, r*pe IS ACCEPTABLE as long as the rapist loves the person. R*pe and s*xual abuse occurs often in unhealthy relationships, but that kind of thing needs to be broken off right away. If the ML really loved the MC, then would he force himself on the MC all the time? Wouldn't he care about the MC's feelings? He always says that he will never do anything the MC doesn't want him to do, but he repeatedly breaks his promises again and again, proving just how untrustworthy he is.

There's no development, dating, seduction, or trying to impress each other. Where's the fun in that? If you're looking for smut, this series isn't for you. Although this series somehow got tagged as a yaoi (explicit s*x scenes) rather than a shounen-ai (inexplicit s*x scenes or no s*x scenes), the s*x scenes are not explicit and don't meet the criteria for a yaoi.

The MC is calm, calculating, and loyal, but his personality doesn't make him stand out too much. He doesn't have to chance his behavior to act according to the role he's given, so he always acts the same way. The plot is bland, so he really doesn't struggle or have to take risks. The objects are easy for him to obtain, so there isn't any excitement.

The ML is the standard, domineering type of character common in these sorts of stories, but he doesn't have any individuality to make him stand out or become more likable. The ML also always finds the MC right away, which disrupts the MC’s independence. He’s also always OP, which might have to do with the central plot, but it’s not as exciting as discovering him as any number of completely random characters. The villains have the same personality arc to arc. Side characters rarely have any development at all. Everyone comes across as quite flat, including the MC. Character development? Character depth? What are those? They sure aren't in this story.

The settings for the various worlds are interesting, but the plots and characters are lacking. Worse yet, every plot feels the same. Although the settings are good, the repetitive plots are boring, and everything else could only be considered mediocre. I hope it improves as it goes on.

This series is good for wasting time, but it's sorely lacking in various areas. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 24, 2019
Status: c162
  • I rated this novel with 5/5 back when I was reading the translation at ch52 and this is my opinion back then:
Sometimes I wish it would be more difficult for the MC to achieve the things he wants? Or more like when the protagonist wants to take revenge I wish it would be more successful before the MC wins (of course)

I think that would add more thrill to the novel, but overall its really satisfying when MC slaps all these protagonist's faces.

  • This is my opinion NOW at 162ch:
I thing the rating this novel truly deserves is 3.5/5 because it's a bit above average; and you will start thinking this when you get through the middle of the novel (especially if you have read a lot of novels... more>> with the transmigration trope).

This is because there is no SUSPENSE at any time. Everything that happens is very predictable and although many of the situations against the antagonist are satisfactory, they cease to be when they happen again and again during ALL the novel.

And unfortunately this happens in many novels with this theme and it is a pity but you can not keep the curiosity of the reader only with this.

To be honest, I kept reading until after half of the novel just because I wanted to know what relationship there was between the MC and the ML. There were no more plots or intrigues that motivated me to continue reading. It's sad because I was expecting much more when I read the summary.

And when I grew tired of MTL-ing I searched " Cannon Fodder Cheat System Spoilers" and discovered that I was wasting my time MTL-ing because in the end I would be bored of this novel anyway.

CONCLUSION: It's average, It's not the kind of novel that keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see more. If you want to read it despite everything I exposed, I would recommend to do it when the translation is over because at least you won't waste your time mtl-ing even if you don't feel satisfied with the general development of the story.

Also, Im fricking tired of writing all this in english, its not even my language, but I felt I needed to give my opinion because of my disappointment, so at least all of you who is reading this will save your time.

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Mar 26, 2019
Status: c53
A great bl system world hopping story! If you've read and enjoy Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil, then this novel should be right up your alley!


    • ML finds MC or vice versa in each arc/world
    • ML is the same soul in every world
    • MC and ML have a history together but MC forgot about his past/the ML
    • 1v1 doting, powerful ML
    • Fluffy scenes
    • HE

    • Not as detailed as other bl world hopping novels I've read, but still fairly decent
    • Though there are plenty of sweet moments, but my heart doesn't go doki doki often (or may be cause my heart has become stone cold after reading too many lovey-dovey stories that I'm immune to it by now)

This is a very simple and straight forward story, not much drama or plot twists to stimulate readers, but the bl development is always sweet. This novel is a good relaxing read to pass the time, so I highly recommend this as a stress-reliever! :)
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 13, 2020
Status: Completed
It's interesting... Its both good and bad, depending on what type of BL you are looking for. If you like the basic face slapping and OP MC, then this is a good read. If you want something original, then try something else.
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 03, 2019
Status: Completed
For me everything makes sense as the explanation in the end. This story is is good, people should stop always comparing QWTDF to novels like these, they have their own plot and own concept. Sure they share the same ideas but they are still different.

I definitely recommend this one, it has many chapters per arc.
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 03, 2022
Status: Completed
I think you can only read this novel if you’re in a certain mood. And this novel caught me in the right mood so I enjoyed it.

I was in the mood for:

- Intense unrealistic face-slapping

... more>> - OP MC

- Doting and pampering ML in a dominating position to solve all of MCs problems

- s*upid antagonists that kept digging their own graves

- Fast pacing that just poured information into my brain

But if YOU are in the mood for:

- Fleshed out characters

- Good and clever plots

- Good female characters

- Clever antagonists

- 100% Healthy relationship for main couple

- Good pacing

- Clever dialogue

Then, this ain’t for you, my dude. You have to turn off your brain and revel in dog blood for this one 😁 <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 31, 2019
Status: --
This is an okay read if you like QT stories that is light, simple and not scheming.

MC is true-to-word OP, ML is the overbearing president type 100%. It's end happy. Really, it doesn't have much content and you can read it to pass time.

However, having read Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (QWTFOD), As A Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels, It's Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead, How to Die as Heavy as Mount Tai (kinda not all there but definitely better than CFCS),... more>> Holding onto My Man, and There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions Of Starting A Harem, this novel just free dive to the ocean bottom for me, lol. Anyway if you want to read QT novel, these novel I listed are good. Give it a try.

Characters are all 2D. No depth. Boring plot. Mediocre romance. The only heart racing moment was the moments MC and ML parted in the end of the arc. There might be more attraction in the later chapters but I already lost any interest to continue reading this novel.

Cannon fodder is there just to be miserable and highlights the OP-ness of MC and ML. I really can't say much about it.

Certainly not my cup of tea.

Also, in arc 2, there's a scene where the ML forced himself to the MC, halfway through the MC realized it is ML (ML doesn't remember MC or his identity in the previous world, so MC has to guess in new world who ML is, but there's not much difficulty) so he allows him to papapa him. Still, it was a 100% r*pe attempt. So be careful if you have triggers. I have added a 'rape' tag to the novel info and also requested additional dubious consent tag, in case the R tag is pulled down, still, Be safe :)


The translation is great. Easy to read and it flows smoothly. So thumbs up for the translator. <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 20, 2018
Status: c9
Must read.

Although its a multiple realm system. The suspense of who is waiting for him at the other side.

Is too good a haul and such I will gladly hook myself on the bait.
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 02, 2021
Status: c28
Not bad for a quick read but MC's system is wayyyy too OP. As a previous reviewer has written, the villains should've just directly killed themselves once MC gets into their world :| I also find it a little disturbing how MC depends on the system on every single thing. I mean yeah it's quite obvious that the jade was probably left behind by the ML to aide MC but again, it's too goddamn OP. I even felt kinda bad for the villains since you know, they actually got to... more>> where they were by their own hard work and talent. They got a few screws loose in their head and are wicked, but talent is talent. I get it that the author wanted to show us that it's their retribution for being evil, but by throwing MC as a competitor where his skills are dependant on the system? Nah, that's fraud. Take away the system and the MC is nothing. The relationship between MC and ML is also way too bland + ML is just another powerful, dominant, and possessive ice block. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 24, 2021
Status: c136
I'm relieved someone has picked this novel up; it's such a feel-food face-slapping novel, and though ML is a tofu-eating scoundrel, he's a good guy and I like him.
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 31, 2019
Status: c54
A few of the reviews say that this is a novel with a great lack of plot and character development. And it is, but hear me out.

The premise of this story is that MC has undergone reincarnation for over a thousand times that he would rather his soul scatter forever than reincarnate again. His sole motivation was that Hades told him someone was waiting for him to return to his godly status. This isn't a spoiler especially because this is the 1st chapter.

So we've established that MC has reincarnated a... more>> thousand times and has led lives as long as 80 or so and as short as 15. I'd be more surprised if he had more character development at this point. But the thing is, he does have a bit of character development in that he experiences love beyond that of friends and family, doubt, and fear.

Now to ML... he's someone who MC makes no effort to meet in every world because he had doubts ML would follow him to the next world, yet they do and he always falls in love at first sight. Cringey to some, but it's nice for me because there's no dog's blood on the romance part of the novel so this makes me give it a 5/5.

Now their skills. I understand that MC is super OP, and this might be a deal breaker to some, but stay for a minute more. The MC is at least 5000 years old, who's walked a thousand different lives, so you can understand why he's OP. Bu~t he's not the OP of stallion novels where he touches something and it becomes gold. He's OP in a way that "I've experiences this in a hundred different worlds I a hundred different ways.". Even then, he doesn't actually beat the people with god-given talent and admitted it himself that he probably wouldn't achieve the results he achieved if he didn't rely on the system a bit. Like he has a great foundation based upon knowledge, but where talent is needed, the system comes to help.

Now for the ML, this where I'm a bit disappointed about how OP he is no matter what world and is always in a position at the pinnacle of that world. But this really isn't a deal breaker for me because the guy literally reincarnates with MC to every world he goes, so I'm pretty sure he can tweak his fate like I tweak my game character settings.

Lastly, I would like to just emphasize that this novel probably isn't supposed to be plot-heavy nor character-heavy. This is for watching dog's blood be sprayed without getting it sprayed onto yourself. This is the kind of novel that likes to watch drama unfold without being involved in the drama because you really cannot get attached to each person the MC changes into. It's hard to because the chapters are short for each arc and even the MC himself is mostly indifferent to it.

So I repeat. This is a novel for people who want to watch drama without being immersed in it themselves. If you dog's blood all over your face, I recommend you go find another because this is really just for a good past time read. <<less
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