Buying a Weeping Girl Under the Wintry Sky, and Making Her Too Happy


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One day, under a wintry sky. Kuroshima Kazuya encountered Shiroyume Miyu, who was crying alone. Although they were only classmates, Kazuya couldn’t leave the crying girl alone, so he talked to her and asked her why she was crying.

The reason was because her parents had cast her away. She had been discarded as an unwanted child because she was the child of a mistress. And then Miyu said that she would just die.

Kazuya, who couldn’t just leave her alone, suggested to Miyu for her to come to his house. And with that, the two of them began living together.

This is the story of a girl who was abandoned by her parents and a boy who bought her, and how they became happy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Samuzora no Shita de Naiteita Kanojo wo Kattara, Shiawase ni Narisugimashita
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/11/22 Zetro Translation c60
07/11/22 Zetro Translation c59
07/07/22 Zetro Translation c58
07/07/22 Zetro Translation c57
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06/24/22 Zetro Translation c49
06/22/22 Zetro Translation c48
06/22/22 Zetro Translation c47
06/20/22 Zetro Translation c46
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MungMan rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: c20
Starts off fairly sweet but devolves into tedium. Characters are painfully generic. The protagonist is a cardboard cutout beta nice guy who wants to do the right thing but cant read the mood properly. He is surprisingly spineless and easy to provoke despite claiming to have good morals. The girl is really strange, technically she should be sad and broken and dealing with several mental health issues considering her circumstances, but she just eventually turns into a standard waifu character and becomes really too unreal and tropey fulfilling whatever "dere"... more>> type there is to be cute for the situation. Overall very mediocre romance novel that follows a very standard set of cliches, there's already several other novels like this and they all have similar problems. <<less
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