Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World


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“If he’s being badass, I’m gonna plant my own crops. If he messes with me, he will not live past next year.”

Homebody Zhao Hai brought ‘QQ Farm’ along in his traversal to another world and resided within the body of a fallen noble. His fief was a black land which nothing could be planted, and more importantly, he even had a peerlessly powerful fiancee, who was actually the successor of a duchy and future Grand Duchess!

Even more importantly, he is a magical and martial cripple who could not learn magic and martial arts. His crippling was very thorough.

“I can’t learn magic, but I have the farm. You dare attack me? I’ll release bugs to eat up your rations and crops, and put pesticides and weed agents into your water sources to make your lands grow weeds. See if you dare to attack me. What? You wanna hire killers to assassinate me? Hehehe. I’ll hide inside the little house in my farm and see how you can attack me. When you leave, I’m gonna terminate your country’s crop productions, and then all of your people will revolt. See if you dare to kill me.”

Watch how this somewhat black hearted hobo uses his QQ Farm in the world of swords and magic to become a globally known nightmarish existence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Transmigration with QQ Farm (17)
Release that Witch (7)
Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (6)
Heavenly Farmer (4)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (3)
Hail the King (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Magical Space
  3. My Fave
  4. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  5. i dont know

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/02/24 LightningFast BS c2143-2145
12/17/23 LightningFast BS c2140-2142
12/10/23 LightningFast BS c2137-2139
12/04/23 LightningFast BS c2134-2136
11/29/23 LightningFast BS c2131-2133
11/26/23 LightningFast BS c2129-2130
11/24/23 LightningFast BS c2127-2128
11/20/23 LightningFast BS c2124-2126
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10/31/23 LightningFast BS c2119-2120
10/25/23 LightningFast BS c2117-2118
10/23/23 LightningFast BS c2115-2116
10/20/23 LightningFast BS c2113-2114
10/18/23 LightningFast BS c2112-2113
10/15/23 LightningFast BS c2109-2110
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Lazy Dude
Lazy Dude rated it
February 22, 2020
Status: c1057
the story is as usual, an OP MC with too much time on his hands, has a harem, OP stat and a deus ex machina (if this is not OP than a normal OP MC I dunno what is). there are clear struggles but are not really. the MC is always REMINDING US that he likes peace and sh*t BUT he is a covetous bastard, he says things but its actually the reverse of what he actually does.

on one hand he likes his peace... yet when he hears treasure/items of... more>> someone else (even if it is a villain), he goes after it and risks his d*ck and life for it. I thought you like peace a**hole? I thought you don't want to worry your grandma/grandma and your harems? Why the f*ck are you going after someone else' shit?

his sinful covetousness is hidden by the lines "want to become strong and protecc my biatches"... when in reality he's not a good bastard but just a bastard... with thieving tendencies. I dunno why he even needs to cultivate anymore since his OP SKILL SPACE just needs new items for it (plants, alien species, drugs/potions, bones, dust, water, etc.)... anything literally. I'm surprised he hasn't found he-man's used toilet paper and make the space build castle grayskull inside.

when he ascended he just wants peace and sh*t and was "having a headache" because of all the attention he gets (which is also caused by himself!), well he literally just conquered 3 realms BEFORE ascending, if you REALLY WANT PEACE then stop and don't covet being strong anymore and just root yourself in one place BUT NO... this piece of sh*t MC wants to ascend.. which goes to show he's just a self-righteous, turncoat, selfish as*hole and an evil bastard who disregards the space, the people, his family and harem.

oh and add lying piece of sh*t as well... since he didn't say to anybody else (even wives and family), that he's a reincarnator... wants loyalty yet he himself is a lying sack of shit.

ending note is, turn off your intelligence, throw away your common sense, leave your smarts at the door... when reading this sh*t novel. believe me... it makes it edible to read the BS laden that is this novel... ignorance will bring you bliss. <<less
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November 29, 2019
Status: c1000
It started ok considering I had low expectations given the premise of "bringing a farm sim to your transmigration"

The plot and character flesh out is quite weak, every character is one dimensional and just exist to show the MC's OP-ness to the point of ridiculousness and in detriment to the character because there are never any "real difficulties", at least the chapters I read.

As a minor example, travelling at sea is supposed to be a dangerous venture because except for coastal areas, agressive sea creatures and pirates are rampant, but... more>> if you can just teleport the ship along with everyone else into the farm when danger ie. a storm hits and come back out later, or let the ship keep moving forward while you chill at the space that never runs out of food and doesn't get too hot or cold, then its never any hardship except that you couldnt teleport right to your intended destination (not to mention god mode is always there to steam roll everything if the MC feels like it). This sort of easy skip translates to everything in the story and it just feels bland.

The Harem is a very lazy construct, first, because the interactions and justifications for why they "fall in love" or sometimes "get married due to circumstances" are cringily laughable, it feels like it was written by a person who has never had proper contact with another human being. A fine example, minor spoiler, is a maid that gets added because "she is always with her lady so it was just a matter of time" despite having literally never more than a scarce number of 1-3 line phrases said between her and the MC before or after the marriage, so her addition was completely unnecessary.

The MC turns out to be quite dislikeable for me the further I read in given his lack of integrity, the earliest example is in the first dozen chapters where at some point it is said that he is set to only have 1 wife because he believes in true love or something along those lines and yet easily and repeatedly with shallow justification keeps adding on to his harem - such as the one mentioned above.

The women barely have any personalities, they are assigned "things they are good at" to make them seem relevant but its just a veiled setup so they can be eco-chambers of the MC, not to mention there are way too many of them and even their description is just lazy with something like "looks like actress X, has a nose, mouth etc. like this...)

It surprises me such mindless drivel has thousands of chapters but to each their own. <<less
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SmokinGalaxy rated it
August 8, 2019
Status: c1050
This is my first review of one of these novels after following several as they get translated every week. Normally, I wouldn't do something like this. However, I believe a fair amount of you leaving reviews for this are fairly shallow and this deserves another good review. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that. Now that the introduction is out of the way.

This is really not a bad novel and I will agree that it can get mundane and repetitive when some information is provided multiple times.... more>> I appreciate this as I am reading the story. Mainly because after hundreds of chapters with 8-15 pages each, a reminder is welcomed. I think that the character development with primary characters is on point with most of the characters MC runs into. They each usually have their own small part of the story arc until they are removed and the plot develops going forward. If MC had to keep referring to each and every family, business, or individual he had ties with as the story progressed it would be annoying. They should dissolve into the background as MC's presence moves on to another part of the story. Sure you can remember them as they reinforce the values he supports in life and how he interacts with them, this should be evident. If the MC constantly changed how he approached people and situations then he wouldn't be stable and people wouldn't depend on him. He has values and morals and really stays strict to them in almost every situation.

I am also not sure why people are so upset about the interactions with his wives. This is not a romance novel and at no point when I read the title of this did I go "Oh man, I sure do hope I can hear everything about each wife in this story every single chapter" I hope they all get to place an input on every single situation in the 8000+ chapters when something changes!" They participate just enough to remind you that the MC values his new family and they offer their opinions and a good place for the MC to vent his concerns and relieve stress from his daily life. Sure, some of them appear more than others, but that is also explained when reading the novel. Each one of them come from differing backgrounds and have entirely different specialties that assist MC in managing his pain points as the story develops. I appreciate that they all get a time to help, except for Nier. She just deals with the animals and isn't really ever spoken of. That's ok too though. She was mainly just for helping develop the character behind Laura in the beginning and didn't really have anything special about her besides the animal ability. He already has a "caretaker" wife and certainly doesn't need another one.

I would also like to mention that I think you need to have at least a fundamental understanding of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese culture to really appreciate this novel. The teams translating it do a pretty good job of trying to explain some of the idioms and values expressed in the original text, but this can easily be missed if you aren't willing to put in the thought yourself to understand them in context or at least Google them and gain a better understanding.

All in all, my recommendation to approaching this novel would be to think of it like Overlord. The MC does gain a huge power difference when comparing to other beings in the planes he visits, but that's ok. He didn't just immediately gain it like some other readers have mentioned. He was careful and planned ahead to prevent any obstacle in his path before setting out. In being careful and planning ahead, he prevented running into a situation that caused him great loss and that's important. There are literally COUNTLESS other lives depending on his life and if that were you then you would approach every situation with the utmost caution and care as well.

If you are interested in leveling systems, upgrades, collection, RPG mechanics and army tactics, then I would recommend giving this a try. I will add this to my dozens of tabs in my browser to read every week as new chapters are translated and hope that some of you enjoy thos book. Thanks for reading and I apologize I didn't go more in depth on the specifics of this story, didn't wanna spoiler everything out. <<less
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May 23, 2019
Status: c1050
You think that this is a story about farming, but it is not... MC farming cheat world is not reduced to farming, it does a lot of other things:

    • Helps him convert any undead/robot/animal (low intelligence) into loyal subordinates.
    • Turns him into an unlimited dark mage summoner. Dark mages have limits on how much they can summon, he does not.
    • Turns him into a all skills mage (fire, ice, wind, earth...), with unlimited mana pool.
    • The cheat world is a unlimited computer that can record everything and anywhere he has explored.
    • Gives him unlimited ability to create spacial rifts to transfer (space mages are extremely rare, MC hasnt met any yet on c1050).
    • Helps greatly on cultivation.
    • Can call pests, that are not normal pests, but blood sucking high level insects controlled by MC.

Resume: The cheat world is the biggest cheat ever in any novel, no jokes.

If you think that it will be a Kingdom Building novel... you will be disappointed... only the ~700 chapters there is some Kingdom Building, after that it turns into an adventure novel. And about Farming? Almost forgotten after chapter 600. His production turns so high that the author doesnt talk anymore.

So is it worth? If you are looking for Kingdom Building and Farming, for the first ~600 chapters, I would say yes. But after that, it becomes a pure adventure novel.
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LordGrim102 rated it
November 30, 2018
Status: --
I thought the title is "Bringing the cash farm to live a wealthy lifestyle (author edition) ". This novel only exist pay per word literally. The quality is very diluted that you will not feel the plot moving on, it is always rinse and repeat. I'm tired reading this novel so I will recommend other recommendations in here, its way more engaging than this novel.
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z3ta311 rated it
September 6, 2018
Status: c672
Excellent TL quality.

The story used to be good, now lately it's all filler, redundant info and full of plot holes.


He have 2 millions of 9-rankers, he could literally clear up the continent overnight with that force by surgically teleport them to wherever he want, but nooo, let's play with some s*upid ass 'formations' instead, and still struggle to deal with shit. I'm done.

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Higira rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c39
I can only read up to chapter 39. This novel is basically a one trick pony with really s*upid concepts piled on top of each other.

... more>>

How is this a one trick pony? If something goes wrong or something comes up, it is his farming skill that protects him. It is like the strongest Plot armor to ever have been made. Oh being invaded by toxic and necro monsters? Fear not! Come inside my farm land. Oh we out of money? Fear not lets sell some radishes from my farm land!

Now, what do I mean by s*upid concepts? Very, very simple. Greene the steward, Maylin (probably spelled it wrong and Meg. Greene and Maylin is suppose to have been in many wars and turmoil. Therefore, the author makes them sound super smart. HOWEVER, when it comes down to it, they are so bloody dumb. First with Greene, author says hes super good because he can delegate. However hes so damn skilled but he unconsciously follows the MC. WUT?! Maylin has seen through wars. Shes a lvl 8 water mage. Author paints her to be smart and strong, yet she agrees with him on the s*upidest idea that anyone with half a brain would know. This is a quote: "Maylin saw this, and she suddenly understood how correct Zhao Hai’s decision was. If these s*aves didn’t learn, there would be no culture. Their ability to help Buda family would be very limited. But if they learned, then they would be a greater help, and now, what Buda family needed was every single one of its members to give it their all, in order to restore the family’s glory. That was why Maylin was teaching very seriously." Wouldn't someone who literally supported a fief know this sh*t already? Or hey ok lets say she didnt. Suddenly f*ck boy here says it is and she sees an epiphany and everything just suddenly makes sense. There is no how she came to that conclusion instead it just is. WUT?! Meg is even worse. The author paints her to be super ignorant. For instance she has gone to school with rich boys, and they all loathe studying.. But then she sees s*ave learning so happily and quickly. She suddenly finds out how different they are. Really? REALLY?! /Endrant

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Chachingmel rated it
January 15, 2018
Status: c57
Im scrolling down the review section and I am shocked that people made it past chapter 100.

I didn't.

I only read up to chapter 57 before giving up.

... more>> This story starts of really well, until the Author has to constantly remind you, every couple of chapters, that the MC is an Otaku.

I'm pretty sure this story isn't aimed at kids with short attention spans so there is no need for this.

Its been over 50 chapters and I have not seen any fiscal progression the clan has from an outsiders point of view.

I stoped reading when the MC decided not to return home using his ability, but to play hero in something he has no business being in.

From the other reviews my worst fear for this story is proven correct, and don't say, im one of those people who want the story to go a certain way.

I don't, a author is god in their own story and they can do what they want, however if they want it to be read by somebody else and enjoyed, they should at least give them an idea of what plan they intend to stick with.

If you like this story, that is all over the place in plot then good for you. Just don't think to hard and ignore the flaws. <<less
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DungNguyen94 rated it
October 25, 2017
Status: c2889

This is a horror story of a Okatu who is also a kind tyrant. He kill people for his own personal reason of SAFETY, kill for his friends, and kill for just being a THREAT to him. He visit your world, and if he like it then he will leave it be, but if he hate it then he just kill every living being in that world. You will see so many higher world and higher cultivate level that you never ever need to remember them because he move up to different world so fast you need not to know. Around 900-1000 chapter you will definitely move up a higher level world. It is so repetitive that it drive you mad.

That is all I have to say about this novel, hope you bored out of your mind reading this!

P.S (I read this in Vietnamese language in Wikidich. Com, and if you want to find any erot*c chapter then find it else where, there’s none here).

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kossboss rated it
January 12, 2017
Status: c253
This is a solid 3 but could have been better had the author not been clearly writing by being paid per word. There is a lot of explanations that are completely unnecessary, they are also repeated in detail often, even from one short chapter to another giving you 80% garbage filler. That being said the other 20% is great, relaxing even, with lots of future potential. But this story gets 3 stars because the characters (especially the mc) says one thing then acts completely different.

One chapter MC says he will not get involved what so ever with another characters conflict, next chapter take a blood oath ceremony with that character to become like bothers and completely involved in the scenario. What happened to the 40% of the previous few chapters where he explained to everyone he would not get too involved or tied to this person.?!?!?!? Wtf

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Yashintoshi rated it
June 22, 2016
Status: v10c6
Guy wakes up in another world learns that he has a ability of having a pocket farm and then the story is about how he uses this farm to conquer exsistance one plant at a time.

So im at chapter 906 and am still enjoying it. To me it is slow but I read 50+ chapters a day, also im reading a mtl of it. I also understand how people dont like this. Its repetitive and has lot of redundant information.

Dont read spoiler if you dont want to know what happens.

My understanding is that he basically a god of his own universe that he got from his time playing a farming game on earth. He starts of with no powers but to collect unread and to farm basic items from the store on his farm. Then as time goes on he can collect things from his environment that he can then plant in he farm world to sell to his world or use in his cultivation. As time goes on he get people and animals into his world and becomes the spiritual god for these people.

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NoveLuber rated it
May 6, 2016
Status: --
This story has a lot of potential, right now the MC is pretty much like a cripple but he has a cheat ability that has the possibility of making him OP one day. The cheat ability is well his farm so it has no offensive abilities or defensive abilities but no one can touch him and he can raise his power by controlling undead.

I am unable to read the raws so I cant tell how it turns out later in the story. The development I would say is definitely slow... more>> but not extremely slow. I don't find this to be a bad thing though. Its quite a relaxing read also since the possible epic stuff will happen far in the future.

I wouldn't regret reading this, its a good story. <<less
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Addictedtoreading rated it
August 28, 2022
Status: c8162
I read this several years ago. I read most of it in MTL and stopped reading, because I had read all the chapters available.

I wanted to read the rest when author completed it, but I see it is still ongoing at 12.000 chapters, so I guess I will check again later.

The farming part only appears in the beginning of the novel. Later on it is mostly culivating to get stronger and fighting and adventuring. I don't understand how this is not listed as xuanhuan.

It has several aspects I have not... more>> really seen before like this in novels, so I liked reading it, though I don't always like MC. Because I enjoyed it very much I give it 5 stars.

The novel is a repeat of being on a world, getting stronger, visiting and adventuring on other worlds of the same level, then going through tribulation and ascend to a higher level world and repeat.

I kind of pity most people that ascend to a higher level worlds. Most of the time they are not treated correctly. Of course MC always overcomes that.

MC has several wives but after the first few worlds they don't get much attention. For example 1 wife


has some sort of insect blood in her parentage and feels the need to fight a lot. At a certain point in the novel MC apologizes to her for not letting her fight enough and promises to do better and after that she is hardly mentioned.


There are times I don't like MC very much, for example


MC has a large space in his body where people can enter. On his first world, the world is invaded by some sort of fog. MC sets out to save everyone on this world, which is admirable, but everyone is forced to enter his internal world, which I didn't like. It should be everyone's own choice whether to enter or not. We don't know what would happen if MC gets killed. Would everyone in his internal world be able to survive?

Later he finds out that people on higher level worlds can cultivate faster if they are worshipped by others, so the people of his world will never leave his internal world again. He sets up places in his internal world to promote people worshipping him. I admit they get to live however they want and he arranges things to improve for them, but they never get a chance to leave again.


What I found unique in this novel and I haven't seen in other novels as far as I can remember was


After MC ascended several times to higher level worlds, he reaches a world which is under influence of a higher level world I think. He fights and wins against those under the influence of the higher level world and builds a contraption to take everyone with hem when he ascends again. People enter on their own accord, but I did wonder what would happen to people who ascended from a lower level world and enter this world after he left. There were no people left on this world.

He takes these people with him whenever he ascends to a higher level world and they fight with him, which I liked. So whenever he ascends now he brings his own power along. After ascending MC and a part of his people will travel through this new world and find cultivation methods etc and share these with the rest of their people.

He creates a lot of departments where people can specialize in things they like or are good at. These people invent a lot of things that are helpful.

MC has a necromancing power. After research people found 4 ways to keep his people alive after they are killed. So they can get killed 3 or 4 times and still be brought back to life. I don't remember all of the ways, but 1 of them was through his necromancing power. All of his people are expected to agree with being revived after they are killed. At a certain point it is mentioned that people look down on others who don't agree with going along with this. There seemed to be a lot of peer pressure to agree with this. This last part I didn't like very much. He is almost considered a god among his people which is fine in itself but I didn't like the peer pressure.

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July 20, 2022
Status: c1800
I feel jabaited. Looking at the tags I see no villainous lead tag.

And that was fine at first. But the story is constantly trying to justify Zao Hai's actions of genocide. He eventually gets around to killing or enslaving whole races, then planets, and then realms. Hell, he literally killed off all the trillions of people in one realm because a friend of his was killed in a battlefield realm. Reasons don't matter, there's nothing to justify it. Thus Zhao Hai is so villainous that if the lightening tribulation was... more>> based off of deeds, he'd get hit with a magnetar's worth of plasma.

The fact that at the time of this review there is no 'villainous lead' tag really just shows the absolute state of this site and CN novels in general. <<less
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August 12, 2021
Status: --
The concept of the novel is really good and interesting. I can let go the fact that the supporting characters are simple and 2-dimensional however the MC is such a s*upid character. He keeps on thinking useless things like he don’t want to kill those who can’t fight back. That thinking is kinda ok however when people who want to kill hik appear, he still think like that. He also doesn’t have an authority as a Family Head!!! I understand that he needed advices and suggestions from the elderly however... more>> he doesnt even try to think and even if he did, his action is actually simple and dumb yet people around him think it was a genius way!!! Overall, I like the story but the MC is ruining this story. The only drive that allow me to keep on reading this story is the Spatial Farm progress. <<less
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Kort03 rated it
June 17, 2021
Status: c697
The author is drunk during the whole period of writing this novel. The prospect is very good, but the author destroyed it. Keep praising the MC at every other chapter and the MC is hypocrites. The revenge plot is very toned down. What happened to the crown price of Rosen Empire? I try my best to read more, but I give up as by reading more will make me angry instead of enjoying the novel. Dropped.
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December 8, 2020
Status: --
This was much better than I expected. It does drag on and in some cases the dialogue is rather monotonous, but if you push through it bounces back. After a while you’ll start asking yourself “where tf did meg go?”
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November 2, 2020
Status: --
Honestly this whole novel is compilation of different novels with some main characters. This should have been ended around 800-900 chapter but our author has short term memory and keep writing bs and forgetting the past reference. It is basically like you are writing and making stuff up without remembering previous events. So many characters are forgotten and never to been mention again.

And the story is very repetitive just changing realm and collecting wives. This shows author has ran out of ideas long ago and just dragging the plot unnecessarily.... more>> Just "fin" it and write new novel.
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phobos rated it
April 13, 2020
Status: c1283
this is a strange one on 1 hand its fun to read on the other hand are there so many issues with the story that could/should annoy most of the readers

i cant even imagine how many 1000 times (literally) I had to read "i have seen mister" when MC meets 5 ppl be sure this phrase is written there 10 times too (since he greets every single on and each one greets back)

quite often the author uses rather strange gigantism fly 11h upwards to reach the top of a... more>> tree or dive for several days straight, caves arent messured in meters but kilometers

but the worst of all this is the author lacks the control of his story

MC is smart, in the next sentence MC is ignorant, "they are on good terms" in the next chapter "they arent on good terms "

characters are introduced just to be forgotten (even 1 of his wifes disappeared after their marriage to never be mentioned again) like most characters will be forgotten after 100-200 chapters

his undead are sentient and on equal footing with the other races in his space but still its always the undead that are used as cannon fodder

words and actions dont match

out of the blue he increases his battle power by 2 points just this system was never mentioned or described before even several 100 chapters later it wasnt elaborated

skills are aquired and never used

there doesnt seems to be a script/plan the author follows and just writes whats on his mind and thats sadly pretty repetitive <<less
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Systematiq rated it
April 12, 2020
Status: c853
Question: How can a story exist without any stakes?


This story started out amazing, I can't lie. It was interesting, had decent characters with actual motivations, and his first female companion was well written. Then, I got CHILLS when I read about him reviving his clan's banner and the fight afterwards. So why does this get a 1 star review? Because he went from a "hard working man trying to find his way in the world" to OP MC that cannot be stopped. Once he ... more>>

figures out that he can take basically the entire world into his space, brainwash them into loyalty via said space, and separate them from the other races he brings in,

is ruined by the fact that literally he can never be harmed by anything at any point ever. How do you build tension when you can't hurt the MC or his loved ones in any meaningful way? I genuinely have no idea, but I'm not about to read 1100 more chapters of this nonsense. <<less
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