Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World


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“If he’s being badass, I’m gonna plant my own crops. If he messes with me, he will not live past next year.”

Homebody Zhao Hai brought ‘QQ Farm’ along in his traversal to another world and resided within the body of a fallen noble. His fief was a black land which nothing could be planted, and more importantly, he even had a peerlessly powerful fiancee, who was actually the successor of a duchy and future Grand Duchess!

Even more importantly, he is a magical and martial cripple who could not learn magic and martial arts. His crippling was very thorough.

“I can’t learn magic, but I have the farm. You dare attack me? I’ll release bugs to eat up your rations and crops, and put pesticides and weed agents into your water sources to make your lands grow weeds. See if you dare to attack me. What? You wanna hire killers to assassinate me? Hehehe. I’ll hide inside the little house in my farm and see how you can attack me. When you leave, I’m gonna terminate your country’s crop productions, and then all of your people will revolt. See if you dare to kill me.”

Watch how this somewhat black hearted hobo uses his QQ Farm in the world of swords and magic to become a globally known nightmarish existence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Transmigration with QQ Farm (17)
Release that Witch (7)
Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (6)
Heavenly Farmer (4)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (3)
Hail the King (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Magical Space
  3. My Fave
  4. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  5. i dont know

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/02/24 LightningFast BS c2143-2145
12/17/23 LightningFast BS c2140-2142
12/10/23 LightningFast BS c2137-2139
12/04/23 LightningFast BS c2134-2136
11/29/23 LightningFast BS c2131-2133
11/26/23 LightningFast BS c2129-2130
11/24/23 LightningFast BS c2127-2128
11/20/23 LightningFast BS c2124-2126
11/14/23 LightningFast BS c2121-2123
10/31/23 LightningFast BS c2119-2120
10/25/23 LightningFast BS c2117-2118
10/23/23 LightningFast BS c2115-2116
10/20/23 LightningFast BS c2113-2114
10/18/23 LightningFast BS c2112-2113
10/15/23 LightningFast BS c2109-2110
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177 Reviews sorted by

Decadere rated it
February 17, 2018
Status: c300
My own opinion.

As far as I'm concerned, this novel isn't bad but, it is rather average. Though whether or not it can at least keep that average lv for 7k chapters is another question. If you're like me, constantly exhausting your LN supply, then I'd definitely recommend this to you for one of the very same reasons most people seem to hate this LN (the length). Just gotta hope that the new TL sticks with it (LightningFast BS)

Currently, the main plot is just the MC trying to recover from... more>> some poison while making sure his family survives as they rebuild their foundation with the use of his cheat. I can already feel the repetitiveness 300chs in, but to me, that alone isn't enough of a reason to drop this so long as it isn't too obvious.

Take a look at things like Case Closed, Family Guy, The damned Simpsons. You can boggle them down to repetitive formulas, but they obviously have a following to survive so long. If you don't mind reading just for the sake of watching something average progress, albeit slowly, and the tags are your type, then this is for you. <<less
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Airlol rated it
April 24, 2021
Status: c800
At firts its an good novel but after that it go down very fast as the author just repeat the arc.

Nothing to say harem that I don't know what to say but it's just an rubbish. Same as other china novel, you had big fist but low iq, all woman like you..... Easy, just had big fist.

The cheat farm... I wonder where did the gone from farm to what... Sometimes the MC forget about the farm.

And more importantly, the chapter that still not ending and had 10000+ chapter. Any novel... more>> that past 3000+ is not an light novel or web novel but a dictionary book. <<less
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FirstShadow1991 rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: c1043
I don't know how people can rate this novel as 'bad'. The author starts with insecurity but as chapters go on you can find yourself in a novel with so much possibility... I saw some people commenting that the title of the novel is misleading-I have to tell them, the Space does start out as a FARM... What author did later with the whole 'development' and 'upgrade' of space makes me want to shout AWESOME, because it makes possible to do so much more and open so much development for... more>> story.

Some wrote that story is boring and that character is sissy... The character is OP and the whole good to friends/rutheless to enemy attitude he has is rly in line with the story. As the story progress you can see how author builds the character from insecure to confident, from weak to strong...

As I am only on ch1043 I still have a long way and it pains me because the translation is slow because of all those bar reviews... For all those bad reviewers-If you want different plot read different novel. <<less
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January 22, 2021
Status: c239
3 stars It's another one that opens really well but gets bad really quickly. I was comfortable dropping it when I did and left not caring about it.

Big problems

1 too many translators. I went through 3 or 4 and none of them tried to coordinate

... more>> 2. Too many authors. There were obvious breaks in style. The first 100+ chapters it was very refreshing, no "are you courting death" nor "if you're rude don't blame me for bring impolite". But before you can crack a fortune all the cliche phrases pop in

3. The farm is really too damn OP. By the time I stopped he had more agricultural production than the U.S.

4. The MC gives Otakus and NEETS a bad rep. In far too many ways

5. Exposition endless exposition <<less
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WangJuan rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: c422
I enjoyed the novel until the MC just starts the whole collecting women thing. The novel is actually well-written and translated. The plot has a few holes here and there, but still acceptable, sometimes thrilling even. But I decided to eventually drop this when the typical HAREM Plot unfolded. MC meets a woman casually, didn’t even talk four sentences with each other. Then the woman fell in love. WHAT?! This is seriously too much. I’m fine with both Laura’s and Meg’s part of the story since they have background story... more>> to develop their intimacy with MC. But what the heck is with Megan?! My head’s aching trying to rationalize this plot. IT IS NONSENSE. I’m really disappointed as I was really excited at the first 100 chapters of this novel since the MC is actually thinking (though sometimes OOC). Heck! Ppl should read HAREM novels with a grain of salt and a pinch of disappointment ready when “collecting” becomes superbly absurd. <<less
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yugmodnar rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: c41
This would be great if it was more concise and didn't have the frequent self-contradictions.
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MaceTheDon rated it
August 2, 2019
Status: c548
Too repetitive, contradictory, hypocritical.

Too much retconing, which I can understand from 8000 chapters! But even from the very first 500 chapters is unacceptable.

MC is too op far too quickly (godlike = unbeatable to the point he curb stomps everyone without facing any real hardships)
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randomhumor1610 rated it
June 3, 2019
Status: c650
At the beginning, it seemed like a nice novel with a relatively op MC, which is a good thing. But as you read more and the MC gets even more powerful it gets extremely boring. Nice world idea, horrible execution. An overpowered main character can only work if he isn't completely broken, if we get to see him struggle as he grows, and if he isn't flawless.

This MC is literally a god and somehow continues to get even more OP as the novel goes on exponentially. He doesn't struggle, he... more>> doesn't fight, he has a harem and it doesn't have any good characters. It's insanely dull.

I kept up because it had decent world building but its just a wish-fulfillment novel to the highest degree.

Read it if you're into that. <<less
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Dixi82 rated it
March 9, 2019
Status: c280
MC is extremely s*upid. He is so s*upid that I had to stop reading the novel.

Few examples:

... more>>

MC knows that he can become stronger if he increases level of his farm. To increase level of his farm he can collect new herbs, fruits, vegetables, trees, animals, water, soil etc. He does this extremely rarely. Why? Look first sentence...

MC wants to earn money. He can produce different crops. And he produces cheapest... I'm sure that if he got power to create ANY metal products in modern world he would choose something like nails. Don't you think that it would be wise to learn what products are more profitable? MC... *sigh

MC makes a random beastman his sworn brother and makes "Blood oath" to help him.


"None of the 2 would be able to betray the other. When the other was in trouble, one had to do their best to help. Even if it meant bankrupting the family fortune or shattering the body, there must be no regrets."


This sworn brother is weak, s*upid and arrogant. He is many times weaker than MC. MC knows this bullman for 2 days. Why does MC do this? Look first sentence...

MC can sneak almost everywhere if he use his farm. He can steal from treasuries of his enemies. He can steal from clans, Church, families. But he doesn't. Why?...


I really like the idea of farm. And I have tried to continue reading this novel few times. But intellect of MC destroyed this urge after 1-2 chapters. <<less
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asiankid526 rated it
February 8, 2019
Status: c700
I love overpowered MC's as much as anyone but man this novel is pushing it. Probably one of the worst plot armour that I ever seen with "THE SPACE". Literally everything can be found in the space as long as he needs it. Leaving that aside. The writing can be tedious at times. ... more>>

Almost every chapter, the action has to be explained by a paragraph. These people attacked my loves. "I am Zhao Hai and I won't tolerate it" "Zhao Hai does this because...... for 1-2 paragraphs" "Thats why I do this......1-2 paragraphs""Wow the space will allow me to do this, now I can do this.... 1-2 paragraphs

I can deal with it if this series was maybe around 1000 chapters but 8000 something chapters long. I seriously feel like the author is just doing it cus he's too bored with life. <<less
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BadDream rated it
January 28, 2019
Status: --
First of all I recommend it to those readers with willpower point 9999 (Max).

I like the premise of the story and setting. It's main plot is somewhat a revenge story like most other Chinese story, main character is or has become an ordinary person and he has to rise up and cultivate farms. Also he gets a cheat. Typical. It just suffers from a long winded info dump that won't be much use until later in the story which you will forget by the time we get there and I... more>> expect the author will let us read that thing all over again (I assume). Seven chapters in and we are still not moving in the story. Instead it repeats paragraphs that are obvious like he is a nerd, cheat spatial farm, and politics. There is a sort of sloppy backstory of the main character.

I know almost all chineCh LN is like this full of unnecessary information. But in this one it's too much. And get bored but still tryed too read till C400 but can't take it anymore.

  1. It's 8000+ but still ongoing. You can asume that it will suppress 10k chapter. So Best of luck wrighter.
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Fujimaru24 rated it
January 10, 2019
Status: c1817
its an ok novel...

started out feeling pretty excited starting out and fell inlove with the story due to its farming system and other boring things that are common in real life getting introduced to a cultivation civilization...

but later on you get less of this and and the story focused more on how the mc's system keep brain washing people for faithpoints....

MC got mad at higher worlds for treating lower worlds as sheep for slaughter but later on never realizes that hes doing the same... even worse he doesnt really do... more>> something about it and reasons that they are living a better life now without fighting so its alright to him...... and when he encountered some even worse form of gathering faith treating human lives like raising and breeding chickens MC only shows some minor reactions stating he cant do anything about it and forgets about it..... cant he like kidnap those brainwashed people and re educate them inside the space as the space also heals mental illnesses?

at the chapter no. im at MC has billions of undead and has also killed hundreds of millions of people and whenever someone asks the MC how many he personally killed in his unded army he treats it as a joke while everyone gets chills.... thought it was funny the first time, after the author keep making this as a punchline I realized how much of a psychopath the MC really is.

he keeps finding trouble at higher realms and keep getting involved in war and keep killing people while also showing the veneer of a friendly person which is scary cause I dont want this type of person to be my acquaintance whatsoever. also when he got the ability to slowly level up without doing anything that should have been the reason for him to stay low and just manage his space and maybe make an ideal civilization..... but no!, MC just goes keep getting involved in war keep killing thousands and millions as well as goes kidnap a lot of other races, brainwashes them for faith points and not stopping.... like WTH? he reasons that he doesnt want to be someones chesspiece... f*cktard doesnt realize he can live his life completely safe now but instead wants to involve himself in battles and keep killing. <<less
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Kurumi69 rated it
November 27, 2018
Status: c721
This novel started out decent and had potential, but the author completely ruined it.

  1. So much unnecessary filler
  2. All the rules set would be broken sooner or later. The author didn't even look back on the details he wrote himself. Previous chapter may say u need 1100 gold to level up, then next chapter says u only need 500. or 1 mu get u 1 ton of food, but 2 mu get u 4 tons. Way the go math genius. Also, I haven't read it myself but I heard the author even forgot about Ni'er, 1 of the MC's wives in the later chapters
  3. Too long. As soon as the MC finishes a world, he gets transported to another world, and another world, and another world... Have u ever seen a novel with 8000+ chapters? U sure u wanna read that?
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aname rated it
September 8, 2018
Status: c679
This thing is pure nonsense, a conveluted train wreck that I keep reading to see what daft or stereotypical plot point the author will pull out next. The romance is cringe worthy and chauvinistic, he uses real celebrates likenesses as descriptions for the girls on his harem. He goes into inane long winded and repetitive descriptions. And he constantly loads the deck against the protagonist and solves it all with idiotic levels of plot armor. I'll probably keep reading it though...
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DM8989 rated it
October 29, 2016
Status: c208
Pros :
- The story is good and interesting.
- The dimensional farm space element is interesting, but its too OP, but since there is 5000+ chapter, we never know what might happens.

Cons :
- Each chapter is too short
- And to make it worst the story is often abruptly stopped in the middle, just to be continued in the next chapter, meaning that since each chapter is too short, it feels that the author often cut a chapter into 2 chapter.

Overall: a good read, but have to wait for a few chapter to exist, before reading it again.
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Noir Paw
Noir Paw rated it
October 17, 2016
Status: c150
In the beginning I wasn't sure about continuing to read this because of the political like stuff but I did continue to read it and I am very happy that I did. Below are some of the reasons (in my opinion) I got hooked on reading this:

- Another world
- From poor to not
- Weak to Strong
- Intellectual

I know not everyone will like this read and that's okay but for those who are interested in the above topics and are willing to take the risk of reading this, I recommend reading it for yourself.
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September 9, 2022
Status: c1000
This novel started out great but at 200 chapters it starts to becone repetitive.

Story arcs are basically a repetition of the same formula, which is:

Get along with person A, person A belongs to family A, family A has problems, MC gelps person A solve problems.

... more>> The MC is basically running around fixing other peoples problemS while hisbown issues are palced on the backburner.

If his issue was really difficult this wouldn't be a problem but the issue is his problem, at some point became easy.

Basically what we have here is an author that does not want the MC to face challenges. If he does it would amount to something like stubbing his toe or stepping on a lego. Painful, annoying and something no one wants to experience but not life-threatening in any way.

This ultimately leads to mixed signals where the author wants to create tension where there is none. Sometimes going as far as to force personality changes on characters or forcefully making events occur just to progress the plot in a certain way.

But this novel is not bad because of the illogical story but because it is repetitive. I know some may say tuat since the novel is what at this point 12k chapters long being repetitivr is inevitable virable but the novel started being repetitive in its plot devices and progression since ch200.

Up to ch1000 its the same old storyline with different powers, characters and scales.

Basically the author simply renamed characters, added new powers and tweaked the power scales and rewrote the whole previoys arc.

Whats worse is a lot of background characters whether they are important or not become forgotten.

With all that said this for me is a read tha could be gone through if you turn of your brain and avoid getting attached to any character save for tye MC and his top 2 harem members, Taylor swift and Maid girl (Meg) <<less
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NightBird68 rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: c45
Very hard to read I say at least in beginning, very slow paced and without even minimal action scenes. Very boring, I dont understand why some people like her, still because of this try read a little more maybe author finnaly do changes, and not this farm only related descriptions
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Mamasere rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: c1495
It's an OK novel I guess, if you like an MC that always wins no matter how big or small the battle is and just want some generic fun, then sure, go for it. I personally enjoyed reading this up to c1000 or so before it got kinda dull.

Let's start with the good parts:

- MC has no qualms about killing. That's a plus in my book no matter how completely unrealistic it is.

- The parts when MC uses his god power QQ Farm, or simply known as 'Space', to either... more>> spy on his enemies through walls and sh*t or using his s*upidly big army of undead to utterly obliterate everything in his way is hilarious.

- MC collecting various races into his space like pokemon. I found that pretty funny.

- Every bad guy raging at MC when they find out that he messed up their plans. My best part.

Now the bad parts:

- Exposition, exposition, EXPOSITION! Stop talking already, I don't want to know about the entire history of s*avery, the sea, this damn group of side characters and what not! There are entire f*cking chapters wasted on just author explaining the history and the use of items, the entire biographies of enemies that die the very next chapter, random people talking among themselves about how awesome MC is because of his farm... No one cares! It's pointless! Stop it!

- The romance is utter tr*sh. MC has no chemistry with any girl in the story and they just feel forced. Half the time I even keep confusing them for each other and even other characters that aren't his wives.

- Every enemy behaves in the same exact way. If you ever see that some character is looking around "with a weird glint in his eyes" or isn't outright praising the MC like a god, they're evil and there's no exception to this rule.

- MC keeps calling himself an otaku but he never behaves like an otaku. Instead he behaves like a generic ruthless OP MC. The otaku thing just exists for the first 20 chapters to show how MC doesn't care that he is now suddenly in a new world. And of course, he has absolutely no ties to his past world, only some friends with whom he played games and are never mentioned ever again.

- 90% of characters that get introduced are completely forgotten by the time MC ascends to a new realm. MC even befriends some of those characters and is shown to care about them, but the moment they go inside the space they leave the story entirely. Even one of the wives got completely forgotten by the author.

- Author also makes the space way too OP too early on with all the minions and new properties, allowing MC to teleport infinitely in a certain radius, making him omnipresent, he can also instantly brainwash monsters, undead, golems, familiars, spirits, animals, he can scan through buildings and listen in on conversations without limit, he can absorb ores and plants and reproduce them indefinitely, he can absorb a little magic or qi and instantly gain an infinite amount of it so that he can cast spells without cost, he can open spatial rifts and absorb attacks too powerful for him, and he can also instantly control an artifact the moment it goes into the space. And let's not mention the fact that he can just hide inside the space without anyone being able to attack him and just use hordes of undead to kill stuff. He's pretty much unkillable already.

- Which brings me to another problem: MC behaves like an idiot. With so many minions and animals and stuff, the only thing he ever uses are undead, which over time become weaker and weaker with every new realm. Right now, the undead have become just low level minions that are only useful for distracting opponents, and yet MC still keeps throwing them at strong opponents to die pointlessly. All of the other things that get their entire biography explained for an entire chapter are just forgotten and never used.

- But don't worry, because every enemy in this story is a complete brain dead idiot who always gets outsmarted by either the MC or a friend of MC's. Seriously, the plans these people make serve more to harm them than MC, especially the last enemy, the Giant Spirit Realm, whose every action or plan is completely moronic and makes me scratch my head in frustration. When the author starts praising these idiots as "veterans", "ruthless", "smart", "genius" it's just unrealistic. They have the brains of toddlers.

- The conversations between characters are ABYSMAL. Example: X person laughed out loud. "Haha, little Hai is so strong, he sent them packing!" Y person drank another cup and laughed as well. "Haha, of course, little Hai is the best!" MC merely smiled and replied. "Haha, brother X and brother Y are over praising, I was just lucky." Every single conversation is just "Haha, this", "Haha, that". Even if these characters aren't written to be laughing, the author always puts "Haha" at the beginning of a sentence. It's f*cking triggering and I hate it. Also, this novel made me hate the word "said". I can't even begin to count how many times this word is used in a single chapter.

- The worst part of the story was undoubtedly the O'neal family and the whole Atlanta plane stuff. It's like the author wanted to have an arc dedicated to this plane, but just scrapped it in the middle of the writing and ascended the MC to the cultivation world. MC accidentally meets O'neal family people and says that he'll explore the plane later. The O'neal family wants to take over the MC's plane for resources and they decide to invade. MC leaves his plane to go and exterminate celestials, and you know what the O'neal family does? They talk among themselves, walk around like buffons, some people want a promotion (no joke, we waste three chapters on this), author explains the family's situation and stuff (two chapters), they see a black mist from another plane and shoot it with tanks (three chapters), never even see an undead with their eyes, and then they go to the celestial realm when the MC already left and fight with the elves and beastmen (three chapters). THAT'S IT. To any new reader, please just skip any and all chapters related to the Atlanta plane. They are pointless and serve no purpose, and MC never even speaks to the O'neal family ever again.

Overall, a pretty shitty and generic novel written by a forgetful author who doesn't bother refreshing his memory about stuff that he forgets and just keeps going. This novel has over 10 000 chapters, people. That's just crazy. <<less
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scotty96s rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: c500
I've never read something so uselessly redundant and hypocritical in my life. The idea of the novel is great, don't get me wrong, but the author repeats these small useless details so often that it takes up most of a chapter. Not to mention every character is so flat and useless that it just hurts to read. I've read shitty fanfiction better than this bullshit. It's a great idea for a story, but this author just didn't deliver for me.
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