Black Lotus


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“I can’t bear your hypocritical actions any longer!” After Wen Niannan married Gu Yansheng for three years, this is the sentence that he had heard the most.

Ever since their wedding, the moment when Gu Yansheng poured wine on his head in front of everyone there, he realized that couldn’t ask for much more.

“Sign the divorce agreement and be gone!”

However, just months after they divorced, Gu Yansheng, along with some bodyguards, came rushing into his room.

“Nian’nian, you are the best! Let’s not mess around and go home with me, alright?”

“President Gu, have you forgot that we are already divorced?”

“Then we can marry again! But this time, I’m the one after you.”

Gu Yansheng, he thought, you are living a good life and getting what you wanted, but have you considered my feelings?

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92 Reviews

New 97jk00k
May 30, 2024
Status: --
Biggest piece of dogsh*t ive read in a while this mf makes sangwoo look like an angel like no kidding, the author should come out as a machoist or seek therapy cause she really needs it ? Like even Wattpad writers won't make y/n suffer soo much

And why do ppl most of the 5 star reviews sound like bots like scum but changing ML so good 👍 kinda reviews lol, all the PPL who like this novel and think this as a masterpiece need group therapy session like ???y'all be... more>> calling everything masterpiece nowadays. Like even an avg Indian serial heroine didn't suffer so much and even Gopi bahu being the dumbest one there got more revenge from ahem ji by washing his laptop than this MC, that should say u how the standards are way below the sea level. And the amount of PPL victim blaming in the cmmnts is crazy

The ML beat the MC to death send him to hospitals several times his relatives and friends be like "it's just a phase", 'oh, he bullies u because he loves u', 'don't worry he will treat u right in the future if u take care of him properly' and treats all this sh*t as just as normal, And when he finally breaks up everyone to the ML was like 'oh pookie is sad, he regrets it', 'did u see the single microscopic drop of tears he really regrets it why did MC leave him he just abused him no big deal '

And also let's not forget MLS lover boy, while MC got beaten up daily when everything came to light ML didn't do sh*t to his annoying ass lover boy to be fair they shouldve been the final pairing cause they suit eachother cowdung with apesh*t match made in heaven made MC suffer but didn't touch his Loverboy when truth was revealed like ???? Mf has priorities straight

And also he actually has the audacity to blame everyone for his mistakes including the MC and then say he is regretting it ?? Like if u really regretted it why do u wanna get back with the MC ??? A bit of self awareness would really help to know ur place ml

And I would like to think ML ended up with that lover boy and MC took 50 percent of MLS property when he left, and married the lover boy and after sometime ML became broke and his loverboy took his another half leaving him in the streets and MC got his own Chinese dongshik who cares for him, and his lover boy also gets his karma because ML kills him for revenge and he ends up in jail now that's the plot I would give a 5 stars <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 16, 2021
Status: --
If you have any moral decency, I would advice you to please skip this novel considering how it shames and undermines domestic abuse victims.

There are absolutely no redeemable characteristics of the ML unless you count verbally and physically assaulting the MC, being a cheater, being manipulative, a public humiliator, and being an absolute deplorable excuse of a human as being great qualities of a loving spouse, then sure.

I absolutely abhor how the author tries to justify the ML actions by saying that he just has a "temper." The ML's family... more>> members and friends even try getting the MC to get back together with the ML by saying not to blame ML because he just has a bad temper. Like excuse me? There is a huge difference between having a bad temper and domestic assault. You can have a bad temper but have the basic human decency to know not to physically assault someone.

In addition to this, they tried to justify that all of these events happened because of a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding is NOT a reason to commit domestic violence.

Once the MC realizes the ML faults and finally leaves him, they take advantage of the MC years of unconditional love to get him back together with the ML. When the MC repeatedly states that he does not want to be with the ML again, the ML will say "When have you become so heartless?" That just sends major red flags considering how manipulative that sentence is. I'd like to reiterate how the ML cheated and abused the MC. Where was his heart when he basically committed crimes that could literally land him in jail? And now he's the one who's suddenly compassionate? Make it make sense.

The only punishment the author gives the ML is guilt. Which to me, sounds like a pretty lenient punishment considering how his actions eventually lead to the MC to suffer from PTSD, depression, physical challenges, etc...

And heres the oh so happy ending: the ML and MC get remarried. Being married and stuck with an abuser who's repeatedly assaulted, harassed, and cheated on you is not something that should be celebrated.

The only match made in heaven I was rooting for was the ML and prison.

I honestly hate how the author belittles the trauma. It does an injustice to victims who have suffered from abuse. Committing abuse is not simply a mistake. It is enforcing trauma on someone else.

I read a review on here that said that the MC was partially at fault for suffering from abuse. Talk about victim blaming. It was 100% the ML fault. There was absolutely no reason for him to abuse the MC. In fact, a reasonable excuse to abuse someone does not exist. And every excuse he gave to do so, made absolutely no sense. Talk about being a tr*sh person and victim blaming. Hating someone because of a misunderstanding does not equate to a reasonable excuse for abuse. Watching someone you hate play the piano does not equate to a reasonable excuse for the destruction of property. Disliking someone does not equate to a reasonable excuse for cheating. Finding someone annoying does not equate to a reasonable excuse to break someone's legs.

This author sends out the wrong message with this novel. In fact, it's disrespectful to even call this a novel. It gives off the idea that the victim will always be tied down by their abuser. This is enforcing the concept of learned helplessness, which is a serious matter.

Honestly... Screw this author and the stigma they instill. <<less
249 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 07, 2021
Status: c68
I put this as a 2 instead of a 1 because the author has such a way of making the ML the most detestable scum on earth!

Can you imagine putting your spouse into a coma and then running off to cheat with someone else? Me neither! Well, can you imagine the way you put him in a coma was by abusing him (which has continued for the past 3 years, all injuries were not treated in time, thus left physical trauma) and emotionally scarring him? Oh by the way, you... more>> were trying to force him to sign a divorce agreement by slamming him head into the floor!

Well, then can you imagine using a bat to destroy a piano his mother left for him? What about blatantly cheating on him, but then getting angry if the MC even shows a sliver of happiness to anyone else?

What irks me the most is the normalization of this domestic abuse in the novel. The friend that covers for the abuser's action, only to reprimand him but never notify anyone until the very last moment. The grandmother/mother of the ML who was oblivious to everything and found out, thinking that the relationship would stick if the two just "got to know each other better, " (and VERBALLY COERCING HIM TO STAY TOGETHER???) And the servants of the household... they've first hand witnessed the ML abusing the MC, breaking bones, bleeding on the floor and all the hurt imaginable. They would support the MC, but never really go against the ML.

I dont even know why this story is labeled "romance" and "slice of life, " in fact, I think this story should have an ABUSE WARNING??? I was expecting some dumb rom com by the way the description was written.

What even worse is that I KNOW the abuser will be forgiven. I KNOW he'll suddenly regret his actions and beg for forgiveness. As long as he shows affection, like, a minimum of 3 times, the MC will forgive him and love him. Because that's how normalized abusive relationship troupes are in romance novels.

There's misunderstandings in romance novels and then there's just straight up hate. The only times the ML seems to not hate the MC is when he's attractive.

SIXTY EIGHT. SIXTY EIGHT CHAPTERS (possibly more, I just can't stand reading this anymore) OF THE MC SUFFERING. IT DOESNT MATTER IS THE NEXT A HUNDRED OR SO CHAPTERS ARE SWEET AND LOVEY DOVEY. The ML puts the MC into the hospital so many times and even pushed him to death and to relive his trauma more than once, I cannot see these two come together. In fact, I think itd be more satisfying to put him with the second ML (like most abuser x abused "rom" stories) and to continuously face slap the ML.

Highly recommend to anyone just in the mood to cry and scold a slag. Don't recommend to anyone that want to actually see a healthy relationship built on trust and love. <<less
111 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 01, 2021
Status: --
I really don't recommend if you've ever suffered any kind of abuse IRL; trust me, you don't need this sh*t and it will make you feel angry and helpless, and possibly trigger a PTSD episode or panic attack.

a story like this, with such an a**hole ML, should not end with enabling the abuser and placing his victim back into his hands. It should end with a huge lawsuit, jail time, and the MC moving on as best he can with his permanent physical and psychological disabilities.

it's great that the ML realizes he's sick and gets help, but there should be serious consequences for his actions; he had his chance with the MC and f*cked it up. Maybe he could have a loving relationship later in his life, once his treatment is finished and he's redeemed himself, but it should NOT be with the person he abused and damaged. There is no way the MC would ever be able to feel safe in that relationship.

on the MC's side, I have little understanding for anyone who willingly stays in an abusive relationship like that for three years. I have zero respect or sympathy for someone who escapes such a situation and then gets back together with his abuser. I think we're supposed to think it's a HE but it just churned my stomach and made me nauseous.

68 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Captain k
Captain k
Apr 18, 2021
Status: --
Please excuse my language but WHAT THE FLYING f*ck IS THIS?!

I just don't get it. I came here because of the manhua DESPERATELY hoping that ML would suffer so f*cking much before the MC would forgive him. But! All I got was a slap to my face!It infuriated me so much that I almost killed my poor phone!

This novel gave me nothing but absolute frustration towards the a** ML.

-1000/10 😤😤

Gotta go and read some fluff for my abused heart.
61 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 26, 2021
Status: c66
Stay away.

The author probably is in an abusive relationship as a doormat and this is his way of hoping his scum bf will love him in the end.
58 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 30, 2021
Status: --
This author is a real piece work. Glorifying abusive relationships and undermining domestic abuse victims is such a huge low. I can't believe there are people here justifying this behavior by saying that the ML changed. The MC is being tied down and stuck with someone who did not give a second thought to physically abusing him and cheating on him. The ML only showed remorse to committing abusive and criminal acts towards the MC when the ML found out the man who he had an affair with was lying... more>> to him. While keeping all this in mind, since the ML did not give a second thought to assaulting and cheating on the MC, what makes you think he wouldn't do it again? The ML claimed that he wouldn't do it again, but it a common thing to relapse.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

I hate how the ML was constantly calling the MC a hypocrite even though he was the biggest one of all. He promises he'll treat the MC better if he dated him, but also threatens to destroy the MC's father's company if he doesn't comply. Absolutely disgusting and he fails to even recognize it.

And here's a little rant I have to have about how this disgusting author and novel could have towards people who have suffered from domestic abuse:

Imagine that you are stuck in an abusive relationship and you suddenly find this novel and decide to read this. You find out that the MC is on the same boat as you. Constantly being belittled and physically assaulted, both you and the MC wish to get away from this abuse. But when you see that the situation for the MC gets better and he lives a better life together with the ML, you think that it could also work for you. So instead of leaving an abusive relationship, you continue to stay in it. Why? Well if it worked out for the MC, it could work out for me!

Do you see the problem? It creates a cycle where the victim of domestic abuse is unable to get away from their abuser because they think that things will get better for them. Even though a majority of the time, it will not.

And it seems to me that this is the type of message the author wants to send.

If you're a victim, you will always be tied down to your abuser.

This is evident considering how after the divorce, the ML will stalk and harass the MC. Constantly asking him to forgive and date him again despite enforcing mental and physical trauma towards him. This causes the MC to feel guilt for leaving him and relive the moments where he was in love with the ML. As a result, the MC feels compelled to accept the ML again.

Of course I am going to be quick to give this tr*sh a low rating. The fact that this novel is adapted into manhua is beyond me. It definitely does not deserve it. <<less
47 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 08, 2021
Status: --
Quite frankly, I don't understand the people who give this a high score. A person who loves mental torture, minimization of abuse and trauma, and s*upid dogblood drama may praise this for its Entertainment Value, but how can anyone in good conscience give this a good score for the plot?

To be honest, the author probably just wanted to write an incredibly dogblood BL that sells well. Similar to the writer of Redo of a Healer, if you may. They don't really believe what they write, they just know that what... more>> they write will sell well. Considering how this webnovel had a manhwa adaptation that has really good art and color work, this does sell well despite its flaws.

I really hope this is the case, and that the author is in a good place regarding their beliefs and mental health. However, as I am of the opinion that some readers don't see this as a cash-grab but rather a serious piece of literature that raises some good points, I'll rant my anger and disappointment towards fellow readers out.

1. MC


MC has major problems even before meeting the ML. These problems lead him to not telling the ML that he was the one who saved him and forcing the everyone around the ML to lie and not tell the ML the truth. MC says it's because he wants the ML to love him for him and not because of gratitude, so he just lets the ML be in love with a horrible liar, because that's so much better for all of them, honestly.

To be frank, the MC needs therapy. The fact that he allows the ML to abuse, humiliate, and cheat on him AND STILL LOVE THE ML AGAIN eventually is not a sign of innate s*upidity or an admirable capacity for forgiveness, it's a sign of unresolved trauma and internalized self-hate and self-blame.

A true happy ending for the MC is for him to go to therapy and live far away from all the toxic people in his life (not only the ML, but the ML's family and everyone else who, despite giving him pretty consoling words, ultimately just stood by and allowed the MC to be abused.

If he and the ML must really be together, it should be after years or even decades of mental and psychological healing. A huge part of MC's trauma comes from his childhood, and it'll take very long for him to sort it all out.


2. ML


I don't know what else I can say about the ML. If the MC's behavior can be explained by his childhood trauma, then the ML's behavior can be explained by the appalling upbringing he received.

I see many readers justifying the ML's behavior, but in essence, he's just an entitled spoiled brat who doesn't care about anyone but himself because he has never had to think about anyone's wellbeing or feelings all his life. He has Anatole Kuragin's unbelievable capacity to only care about himself and what he wants and still believe that HE's the victim except he's worse because he's also physically and psychologically abusive. It baffles me how other readers cannot seem to realize this.

ML grew up with parents who gave him everything he ever wanted. The only thing they never gave him is the right to choose regarding matters that they think is best for them to decide on. Because of this, all that the ML focuses on is those matters, because it's those that are the only things he can't get.

Yes, the ML's parents are to blame for his upbringing, but our childhoods only explain our actions, not excuse them.

A lot of people grow up under much worse parents, but they still become good people in adulthood, because they realized their own mistakes and they correct their internalized wrong beliefs.

What is the point of having a legal system if we're going to forgive all sins on the basis that their perpetrator was not raised well? Search about any well-known dictator and you'll discover that they had f*cked up upringings too, but we don't condone their actions nor excuse and forgive them regardless.

Going back to the ML, all that he focuses on is his own problems and his own wants. He never self-reflects properly. Everytime he ponders over something, he always never considers the possibility that it's him who is the problem. And that is why even though the ending looks happy, it still has a large chance of eventually being bad down the line.

Yes, the ML is receiving therapy. But that isn't a 100% guarantee of him becoming a better person. He still has to realize that it's his fault, and he has to realize that he has to change his way of viewing EVERYONE. Not just MC, EVERYONE. Including himself. And honestly, I don't think he'll do that.


3. Side Characters


There's nothing I can say about the characters except for the fact that they're pretty much all shit. They're like White Lotuses pretending to be kind and concerned yet doing nothing and even actively making the situation worse.

They keep saying they sympathize with the MC but what do they do aside from saying consoling words? Nothing.

Readers may say "Oh, but it's the MC who insists on staying and not saying the truth." To that, I answer: THE MC DOESN'T CONTROL THE SIDE CHARACTERS. They have their own thoughts and capabilities of making choices. They don't just obey the MC, they're actively choosing to ignore the mental instability of a traumatized abuse victim so that the status quo they're living in don't get shattered and they don't have to make their own compromises.

All they do is act sad. They don't do anything to really help. They could have chosen to tell the ML the truth instead of watching the MC get hurt, but they didn't. Not just because the MC told them not to, but because they didn't care enough to displease either the ML or MC in order to ensure the MC's overall wellbeing. They didn't take him away from the ML not just because the MC wanted to stay, but also because none of them had the necessary will to anger the ML and let the MC, though initially reluctant, receive the help and counselling he needs.

All of them are selfish beneath their facades. Morality is gray and not all of them are evil, but none of them can and should be depicted as helpless angels who did all that they can.

You don't give whiskey to an alcoholic if you really want them to get better. You don't give a gun to a suicidal person if you really don't want them to kill themselves. You don't give an abuse victim the choice to stay when you know that they're too damaged to make the decision that will improve their wellbeing the most if your truly care about them.


If you read my other reviews, you'll realize that I don't really care much about immorality in fiction when the stories they depict are impossible to happen in reality or are obviously stated by the author to not be meant for serious appraisal.

What bothers me is when the toxic themes are not only all too real problems, but when they are presented as ultimately alright and when their effects are minimized or excused. Why? Because it's those depictions that actually have a fighting chance of changing the perception of their reader. That's why I'm giving this an uncontestable 1/5. <<less
33 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 13, 2021
Status: --
Who is this type of stories for? It's not the "abused MC overcomes his situation and gets away from abusive a**hole", it's "abusive as*hole ends up getting his way after torturing the MC"... like who enjoys this? I don't fan shame anyone, you can be into whatever you are into as long as it's not abuse stories. I can get people liking "abuse to freedom and getting empowered " in which the abuse is just the starting point to show how to overcome adversity. But an abusive guy getting his... more>> way in the end... what is the purpose of this story and others in this genre ? That you can cheat, beat the sh*t out of people and almost kill them and then all will be forgiven in the end?

And before anyone says "oh he tried to redeem himself and get help"... yeah well, then good for his future, just because he did that, it does not justify the fact that the MC went back to him. He could have killed the uke from the brutal beatings he gave him. If he sought help, it does not erase that... honestly this type of story bothers me so much especially the way it ends. If this ended with the uke finding someone else and slowly learning to be loved back, it would have made all the difference to show how an abuse victim overcomes their fear and all... <<less
30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 18, 2021
Status: --
Don't mind me, I'm just here to express my utter shock and hilarity at the rating HAHAHAHA... it's the first time i've ever seen a novel rated so badly... And with so many ratings at that! It almost makes me want to read it... but I cannot bear to put myself through it.
28 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
dead water
dead water
Apr 02, 2021
Status: c80
Honestly I'm just going to give up on this book — I kept waiting on the scene where MC would finally divorce the ml, but that scene barely came. The ML is a huge A-hole, cheater, abusive, and etc; however, the book itself is very pleasing to the eye — if you feel like crying, or even cussing at the same time.

The ML truly doesn't deserve a second chance even if it occurred from a misunderstanding; I really applaud to the author who did a great job on making you... more>> feel aggravated by reading this novel.

I recommend this novel if you plainly wanna cry and cuss at the characters, haha. <<less
27 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 10, 2021
Status: c214
The abuse in this is real, but it is not reserved for just the MC. If you can't handle extreme violence... more>>

towards just about every character

and dog blood drama, stay away from this.

However, once you get past that and look at the actual story, it's really good. There's barely any plotholes that I've found

if you even consider it one, I don't recall the author mentioning when Xiao Li woke up, just that he's awake.


The author wrote this story super tight. If something is mentioned in the beginning, there's a reason for it. The side characters don't randomly disappear, they're part of the story, not just a plot mech.. even if you don't necessarily like the story, it is very well written. I even kept reading just to find out what would happen next.


Also, the MC is partially at fault for the abuse (not saying I condone it at all. I don't). If he had just told the ML that he's the one who saved him, none of the mess would have happened. And he actively chose to save the ML during the kidnapping. ML only knew he was saved by someone, not that MC was caught and tortured because of it. No blame can be placed on ML for 1st kidnapping.



The violence he gave to MC, it gets returned to ml, sometimes even ML doing it to himself. Also, first time I've seen a ML admit he has a problem and goes to a psychiatrist. 4 stars for that alone. Most of the time the ml's mental issues are glossed over because MC is ok with it.. or scared of ml... that does not happen here!


If you like well written stories, give this a chance. <<less
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 26, 2021
Status: --
I can't with this anymore. I know it's a "ML abuses MC, ML regrets, they get back together" kind of story but I just can't with it. The amount of abuse the MC has received had me screaming at my phone.

... more>>

The ML was so shameless. When MC was hospitalized, he wasn't even guilty about being the cause of it and went off with his lover. He accused the MC of cheating when he himself was with his lover right at that time. There was so much more than that but it angers me to write it.


I appreciate the translation though, thank you translator. <<less
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 18, 2021
Status: Completed

KIDSSSS!!! wtf is this low rating??? I finished the story, and YES its hard to bear, for you who give sh*t ratting because the ammount of torture the MC have so far? Dude.... That's not fair at all.

Yes its brutal, because you need to endure up until chapter 201 LOLOLOLOLLL! (Talkin about angst right ?? XD) after that it will be toned down... much much better toned down... Before the last final swing of angst, and its gonna be a full redemption one.

But the redemption story from GYS are... more>> totally worthed, because the amount of angst you already endure so far, you practically become niannian, you hate GYS but in the same time you know GYS is your man, so every little action, little coax from GYS feels like cool breeze for niannian (You) after a rampant fire storm. (Don't worry, it will be a grand coax gesture from him, not a small one)

I guess why the author make the plot like this, is because he/she want us to feel how our MC feels, and in the end become him when we read the story.

I will give this 5* because I want to bump up the ratting hahahaa.. but yes, if you can't stand hardcore angst, then don't read it, but if you can endure and curious why nian nian can forgive GYS after he being such a SSS class A-hole, this novel are worthed

*The extra chapter will also conclude all the side character story as well

*You hate GYS so much = author is just brilliant

* The one who put 1 star, how old r u? 12 ?? Geez. <<less
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 08, 2021
Status: --
I hate it.....I can't man...I can't *SCREAMS*.... yeah this is a big fat NO from me. First of all I....I want to ask myself why? Why did I do this to myself is what I asked when I finished reading this.

There are no good characters like none...... There is no good character development. Honestly saying..... The MC is not at fault. Thats victim blaming but yea all of this could be resolved if Wen Niannan just divorced him faster. The author belittles trauma.... They show that ML has a little... more>> "temper". Yea that was the last straw....I combusted... like literally. I can't even....I'm so angry that I can't form proper sentences to explain and that's when you know someone is angry like HELL.

HUFF HUFF (*taking deep breaths) Ok I think I can continue now.... So as I was saying the author belittles trauma by making the MC and ML marry each other again.

The ML is tr*sh... pure tr*sh. He's the one who was abusive first and then he can't even handle it when Wen Niannan says "NO". He's so shameless that I feel so angry. He low-key says "Wen Niannan... when did you become so heartless?"... bit*h the moment he realised you were tr*sh I tell you.. (excuse my language). He was a bit*h first and now he acts all compassionate. I hate characters like this. The "TRUTH" made him change. Side note Gu Yansheng had plenty of chances of getting to know the truth. All he needed to say was "Bring me all the file containing the truth" but like he didn't even try. I need to know why? Why didn't you try at least? AND CAN I POINT OUT.. Wen niannan got PTSD, depression, trauma and a lot of illnesses and all Gu Yansheng got was guilt? Sounds very lenient and I hate it.

I CHALLENGE YOU!!! Name a better pair than Gu Yansheng X prison! I promise you can't find a better one! They are the only match made in heaven. HAAAAA.... If your like me who gets angry really fast I advice you not to read this story.
By the end of it I was bleeding from my nose because my BP went really high. So if that happens to you often don't read it. I lost a lot of blood and I can't afford to lose anymore so I leaving this story. I hope that this story goes extinct..... Never to be seen again on the surface of the internet. Who thought that making a manhwa out of this would be a good idea? I swear I won't beat you just tell me. Anyways lol..... ranting felt better. If your reading this then read it with a screaming tone cuz thats how I want to say it out. <<less
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 06, 2021
Status: --
Another brainless grade novels found everywhere in my country. (I'm Asian)

Let me tell you this is quite a normal plot in my country, which many high schoolers like to read, but I absolutely abhor them and wage many flaming wars against these brainless authors.

Why do I have to lose my precious braincells over this piece of garbage WHY? I have to find something to cure my soul right now.

Have a good day everyone.
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 27, 2021
Status: comlpete
You guys are really quick to give 1-2 star review huh -_-

This is such a great story for me! The character growth of Gu Yansheng was so satisfying I could cry myself to death, the love story of Gu Yansheng and Wen Niannian was beautiful! 10/10 will read this again.

Gu Yansheng actually redeem himself for our Nianian that I forgive him, he's willing to do everything for Niannian now! QAQ Looking back I really want to cry out loud for these two.
The writing for Gu Yansheng and Wen Niannian was so beautiful I'm very satisfied!


He became such a sweet guy that he's willing to sacrifice himself for Niannian, it's so sad QAQ.
He became so regretful after understand and realizing what he did, that he told Niannian he want to disappear and erase himself T^T he fortunately came back and they got the happy ending that everyone deserved!

Gu Yansheng character became very lovable after some times, his character growth was very pleasing to see! At some point in Niannian's live broadcast, he suddenly suffered from a stomachache. He rushed to his boyfriend immediately. In order to save Niannian, he did not hesitate to lose his memory and become s*upid for him. You can see how in love he is with Niannian ;-;
At first he's a very hateful guy and you just want them to divorced and make Niannian ditch Gu Yansheng, but after 100 chp or so he became a very lovable character! I honestly love him as much as I love Niannian, both of them are my babies!


Anyway, this story is very good when you read it until the end, I could praise this novel all over again
(づ ̄ 3 ̄) づ
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Anurupa Roy
Anurupa Roy
Jul 11, 2021
Status: --
Ok listen..... WHY?? That's the only thing I wanna ask........ why? Why would you write this. We all know how this gonna end. Wen niannan is gonna end up with Gu fellow (I don't even care about his name cuz that's how much I hate him) and there will be dog ass reason why he will choose the very man that hurt, abused, and literally shattered, not even broke, shattered him. Unless of course if the author can some how put a twist like "you thought sike" and we all... more>> go like "WHOA!! That was unexpected" (which is likely not gonna happen) then it's not worth it.

Characters. Listen I don't even know half of them except like MC and ML (disgusting to call him ML) and MC's friend who I would choose over the ML any day.

MC: OK Wen Niannan what is wrong with you? Why can't you just freaking divorce him. Just do it already. Like I have read the chapter in the novel till where the manga has reached and he still hasn't divorced him. We are like on chap 70 on the manga and he still hasn't divorced. Boi if I were you I would have slapped him and thrown the divorce paper on his face. Plus we all know how this is gonna be. He will still live in the same ass country and then he will meet Gu fellow and Gu fellow some how will try to woo him and after many chaps he will succeed like you need to be born with no sense like no utter sense to go with there same man you hate expecting that he has changed just cuz he got to know the truth. Wen Niannan get some help. Edit: Niannan pls... im begging you to repot gu yansheng. Report him and let him go to jail for hurting you. Or even better pack your bags and buy two tickets for you and dad and go abroad. Find new love (who respects you and loves you) or don't whatever and live happily.

Gu Yansheg: Take a big fat L on your face for all I care. You deserve it. You and that cousin/sibling fellow are of the same fabric. Two big losers. How is he not in jail for physical, mental and emotional abuse? Edit: Ok so I read up to chap like 124....... why is gu yansheng not in jail right now? Why is Wen niannan not reporting him? He has all the evidence in the world...... like most of the people know he was getting abused. All he needs to do is report gu Yansheng and ask for evidence from the people and boom! Abuser gone from your life completely. I can't believe how shameless gu Yansheng is. After years of abusing niannan he wants him (niannan) to look at only him and love him back...... haaaa I can't.....i can't....... There are 171, 146 words in the english language yet there is not a single combination that describes my urge to kill him!

Tang Shou: He's the MC's best fried (I'm editing this part). I have so much respect for him and that he deserve's so much more better. Honestly I'm sure he would have taken really good care of the MC but the damn MC doesn't see him more than best friends. He lowkey brother zones him. Listen I have never been asked out in my life but I when someone likes another person. Tang Shou at this point is stalling man. Just tell him that you love him and that he should give you a chance and then maybe love can blossom. If you don't tell him how is he gonna know (apart from the fact that he can't sense your obvious lovesickness from like a mile away).

Cousin/sibling (basically the Green tea b*tch) : Go to hell. Live there or die or whatever. I couldn't care about this character anymore cuz I'm already sick and tired of the MC that I have no more energy left to lash out on this bastard.

Anyways... This story already has a pathetic 2.0/5.0 what did you expect. I'm not telling any thing to the author, I think you know what kind of person you are. If you like abusive stories with brainless characters go ahead. ML doesn't have any good or redeemable characteristics. Unless of course you consider being an utter idiot, s*upid, lowest of the low, physical abuser, public humiliator, cheater, verbal abuser, manipulator, and being the most despicable human tr*sh as good characteristics of a good and loving husband, partner whatever then the ML is a good match for you. I agree with all the people who called the ML the scummiest such, the most despicable, Human tr*sh etc. He deserves it. If I were to die and be transmigrated to Wen Niannan's body (well they first thing I would do is ask god what kind of sin I have done to be there) I would divorce him and run, find a better partner (Tang Shou maybe), start a small family and live happily. So yea... This story is a hard no no for me. I would skip. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY READER. <<less
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Jul 16, 2021
Status: --
Don't worry, unlike what a certain reviewer said here, you can rely on the status of the reviews because reviews are here for a reason. They tell you whether or not a story is worth reading. There's a reason why this novel has such a low rating.

To all those that say that it was not the ML fault for committing domestic abuse because no one would tell him the truth, the ML explicitly stated that he could have found out the truth regarding Shen Luoan (a character who lies and... more>> tries to destroy the MC reputation) years ago, but did not care enough about the MC to even do so. The characters even stated that even if they told the truth, the ML would not even believe a thing. It is the ML's fault for committing abuse because:

1. Committing abuse is not a justifiable offense, and there should be no reason to abuse anyone regardless of your feelings towards the recipient

2. He did not even bother trying to find out the truth until YEARS later despite the fact that he had an abundance of resources and time. Which he even states himself.

And the thing is, the MC could not do anything to dispel the lies about him considering how the ML would not even believe a single word from the MC. How do you expect the MC to try to expose Shen Luoan's lies when the ML won't believe a single word from him?

Like what another reviewer said, the MC can't leave because of learned helplessness. It means that they believe that they are helpless over their fate. They believe that things will get better again, when most of the time it won't. It's an actual condition that people who have been victims of domestic abuse can struggle with. Imagine calling something that an abuse victim can't control as "s*upid" because as another reviewer states "MC s*upidly naively hopes that one day ML magically realizes [out of nowhere, without any help, or facts, like completely on his own] that MC is innocent and would fall in love with him." Like the MC literally can't control that because it's how he was conditioned to be.

This novel is not complex. It just tries to justify an abusers excuse of committing acts of violence and crimes. Which is literally glorifying abuse because this author paints it in a manner that can be brushed off as "I'm sorry, I actually love you. I feel guilt so my crimes should be forgiven." Which follows the format of the definition of glorification. To glorify means to justify an atrocious or unpleasant act. Which yes, this author is glorifying domestic abuse by justifying it through the fact that the ML eventually goes to therapy and as a result, the abuse the MC suffers through gets better. The author's message is that you should stick around with your abuser and forgive them because it'll eventually get better. Even though most of the time, it doesn't work that way.

Having a victim end up with their abuser is so belittling. And the fact that the MC gets no justice from having acts of violence committed against him is so dehumanizing to him. Remember folks, domestic violence can be a punishable offense with jail time. BTW having guilt is not considered to be reasonable justice for a domestic abuse victim in the real world.

This is just cancerous garbage that I wasted my life on. And if you think this is even remotely good, you need to see an ophthalmologist because I don't think we're reading the same thing here because all I see is a heap of sh*t stains. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 10, 2021
Status: --
This novel is just mentally draining don't recommend it to anyone and I wish everyone who gave this novel 5 stars be a Little understanding and know that domestic violence cannot be justified with the pretext of love, if you're hitting someone to the point that they become permanently impaired then that's not love AT ALL. And I agree with the review that called out the ML to be a spoiled rich abusive brat that deserves jail time.

And if people can't be understand than I hope you transmigrate into wen... more>> niannan and get the ML's sweet love 🙂🙃. <<less
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Feb 13, 2022
Status: --
I came here from the manhua and oh god this is extremely disgusting. This author is really a piece work.

Not just the ML but even is whole family is a piece of tr*sh, , they knew how abusive he was and STILL the same "it'll be better in the future"

I hate ML's mother too and not to victim blame but I disliked MC too here. I just can't like anyone in this tr*sh like novel
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