Baby Squirrel Is Good at Everything


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Beatty, a weak squirrel shapeshifter who was born into a lion family.

Because of that, I lived my life being abused at my aunt’s house in the Capital.

When I told my only friend and fiancé, the Second Prince, that I would leave to achieve my dream,

‘Ritter, you bastard…!’

I died on his fangs.

I opened my eyes again to my childhood, the time before I got myself involved with the Second Prince.

At times like this, what do you need? Speed.

I immediately withdrew my body only and ran away to the territory of my biological father, the Lion Duke.

Though I won’t be welcomed, if I possess this one great secret that will only be discovered in the future, I won’t get kicked ou—

“Welcome, Young Miss!”

“OMG! When did you grow up like this…?”

“Young Miss is walking with those two cute feet!”

… Huh? Why am I welcomed like this?

No way, is that my statue?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Talented Baby Squirrel
아기 다람쥐가 다 잘해요
Related Series
Baby Princess Through the Status Window (3)
The Snow Leopard Baby of the Black Leopard Family (3)
The Youngest Daughter of the Snake Family (3)
Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family (2)
What to Do at Night (2)
Even If It’s Not Love (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cats Here And There.
  2. Rofan with child protagonists
  3. Diamond List
  4. Daddy-Daughter
  5. Broked the birdcage

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/05/22 Readhive c49
02/23/22 Readhive c48
02/23/22 Readhive c47
02/23/22 Readhive c46
02/05/22 Readhive c45
01/19/22 Readhive c44
12/23/21 Readhive c43
12/18/21 Readhive c42
12/12/21 Readhive c41
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11/27/21 Readhive c39
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27 Reviews sorted by

Lalali rated it
September 9, 2022
Status: --
I rarely give bad comments but this story started well but they kept dragging their misunderstanding that it became boring. After all those abuse and her death, FL seems to be mentally healthy lol. She was very headstrong and confident which is very difderent from the other abuse characters I've read. Her family does not know or already have a clue of the abuse yet the punishment for her aunt kept dragging that it became boring
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ppomv rated it
April 1, 2023
Status: c48
This is so depressing to read. I don't understand how this story is getting so many five star reviews.

... more>>

MC is a young child, manipulated and abused by all of the people she knew (aunt, prince, maids, etc), and eventually killed by said prince in her first life with no real understanding of the outside world or any meaningful social and emotional connections. Determined to survive, she reaches her destination to the only place she's heard of, the family that she's never seen.

None of this trauma is actually resolved in the beginning. None of the adults who encounter her address the clearly concerning behavior (arriving starved and alone at 8 years old, flinching when anyone tries to reach out to her). For over forty chapters, the author insists on constantly reminding readers MC's traumatic circumstances. It's written side by side to the "cute" parts like being able to eat until she's satisfied, having her own room (s), everyone shoving gifts at her.

In the meantime, the author is building up to the father finally coming back home. That MC will be able to resolve her uncertain future about staying. Instead the author insists on every conversation between MC and father to be rife with misunderstandings. In the midst of the persistent reminder that MC issues are still not resolved.

Tension continues to exist when shady aunt shows up. Aunt continues her abusive attitude. Several instances of this happens until Aunt is finally kicked out of castle.

Misunderstandings are still not resolved because now we have to make room for "cute" scenes between MC and ML. This isn't slow burn. This is incredibly awful writing with glorified plot holes used to force any interaction to be *extra* special because wow, MC is so important but so hurt but so cute but so determined and smart but needs people to save her, etc.


The only upside is the effort the translator is putting in. If you want cute kid stories there are plenty of other well written novels on this site.

And to the review who said "I don't care, offense intended". You're right. Your opinion was offensive. I'm glad you found the story for you. <<less
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DiggetyDog rated it
January 2, 2023
Status: c59
I so very much love this story - didn't see anything really wrong with your translations - you're awesome and I want to continue to encourage EunEun's work!
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Lightkaitou rated it
March 30, 2022
Status: c50
It is cute but also going far too slow of a pace for anyone.

After 50 chapters of just the same thing, which is treating the MC as a rebellious child and not actually paying attention or caring why she doesn’t want to go to the capital. It is a little hard to keep going with no actual progress happening due to zero proper communication.

And her family still has no idea that her aunt is abusing the MC, both physically and verbally, with no signs of realizing anytime soon.

... more>>

Personally, the story doesn’t make any sense.

The MC’s solution to everything so far is a poisonous fruit that comes with its own antidote in its stems.
The royal family wants to harm the people protecting it. And doesn’t care if it results in the death of many people or extending the war.

The MC gets kidnapped by a squirrel that doesn’t even have the time to explain anything. So why bother kidnapping her in the first place to ditch her in the forest?

I am not sure how the MC is going to become a merchant when she is the type to give the item away before asking for payment. She helped solve hunger for the soldiers and the people in exchange to stay until she is an adult. The results was that she can stay for a month.

Everyone assumes she ran away from the capital so that she could be with her family. But never tells her why she has to stay in the capital. Nor do they ask how her life was in the capital. And don’t wonder why she is asking to be allowed to stay only until she is an adult. Like that sounds suspicious and weird.


Overall, it is a rather sad and cute story. Sad due to no one realizing that the MC is suffering and trying to establish her importance in order to gain a safe place to stay until she is old enough. Cute because she is a squirrel shapeshifter. Her interaction with her family would have been cute if not for the severe lack of actual communication and heavy misunderstanding in play that just drives people insane.

Character growth is also going really slow...

After 50 chapters, only recently did the MC realize her aunt might have lied to her about how her family actually feels about her. And only cause she happened to overhear a conversation that contradictions her aunts claims. Yet, not because her family and everyone there treats her like a cute treasure that must be protected at all times.

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February 24, 2022
Status: --
I've only read a few chapters, but I can't help but feel resentful of the duchy's servants and the MC's family as a whole. Like, seriously, how could you be so flipping oblivious to your daughter's or your young mistress' actual situation? The signs are all there. Like, seriously, how can you not have one suspicious bone in your body?

It is not an excuse to say that you didn't know, because as a parent, it's your flipping job to know what's going on with your children! This is negligence. Obviously,... more>> it is unintentional, but it is still negligence. Also, how can you not actually go and check on the little girl or find some way to keep track of her? I thought that MC's dad is supposed to be someone powerful, rich and influential. So, there you have it, he had loads of resources and opportunities. <<less
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January 1, 2022
Status: --
The type of family that loves and is protective of their children is always my favorite, esp when the MC seek revenge to those who abused her.

But I will say now that the plot progress is so slow, like MC can always tell her brother or her head maid what really happens when she lived with her aunt, but she just let it slide and *BAM* here we go onto the different subject. It's always like that and truthfully I'm irritated right now so I would recc to you who... more>> want to read it to stack up the chap and wait until it have 100 chapter-ish.

As for why the MC look dumb and not act like a teenager, I thinks it's partly bcs

she have been kept in the house for 10 years, never got the chance to go out, lacking experience and when she finally want to flee SHE DIED, so I think thats normal. But yeah she could have explained things she went through, no misunderstanding

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daedaedae rated it
August 21, 2022
Status: --
I'm not sure if the translator has cut the original chapters into smaller parts or if the chapters are just this short but the flow of the story is wonky. I just kept thinking, 'this could just have been put into one chapter!' in short, the story dragged.

while I did find it fascinating, I just felt impatient with how the story was told. Good thing that it isn't as bad as previous reviewers have been saying. It is actually well translated. And I like that it doesn't feel robotic like... more>> sone translations tend to end up being.

as for the story itself, as I said it felt dragging to get from plot point a to b. If it's a translator issue, fine. I can sonewhat understand but if this is an author issue, maybe cut the fat? Or at least put them together into one chapter bc witht he way they are presented the emotional scenes suffered bc of how the chapters are cut. It looses their impact and disrupts the flow of the story. It also doesn't help that some chapters just felt redundant. None of them have literal repeats of other chapters but they felt more like the author is giving out infor we already know as if they're giving us a recap of previous chapters. Like I said, maybe cut the fat.

though despite my complaints, I do like that it uses a lot of story tropes that I like! Regression, doting family, animal transformation and determined protagonist, I just adore them. However the misunderstandings just annoy me would rather they had less of that. Like, it was just too much. And it's not even written in a fun way bc 20 chapters in the plot has barely moved bc of them. It was so bad that I just had to skip chapters. And what do you know? It still barely moved. Is this slice of life? Bc this doesn't feel like slice of life except how repetitive it can be.

i also got judgy when the MC started thristing on the potential ml's body who is a child even if she is also a child, at least physically, it is still ew. Authors, stop writing minors this way. Please.

with this many cons, I think i'll drop this. <<less
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