Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder


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In his previous life, Tang Shi was a cannon fodder. For a jerk, he even turned down a blind date his father arranged for him, but finally died in the hands of his lover and half-blooded elder brother.

Before he died, his elder brother told him that the one that always went against him, teased him and used him as a bait was the one who truly loved him, also that blind date his father had arranged for him—Yan Xu.

Feeling regretful?

What would have happened if he hadn’t made that kind of choice from the very beginning?

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  2. Sable Translations translating list
  3. 4. Apocalypse BL
  4. BL: Clearing Reading List
  5. Completed #4

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26 Reviews

Mar 19, 2021
Status: c123

The ML is really f*cking annoying sometimes (most of the time) and ch 95 was especially sore. I don't know how else to describe it. I thought we had seen some progress on the ML personality and how he views MC but nop. In ch95 he really went: "SIKE!", he just kind of bottled it up and it exploded in that chapter.

You may be wondering why I'm annoyed with ML, this is 50 points because of his savior complex. Not only does... more>> he put himself REPEATEDLY in dangerous situations, knowing full well from experience that the MC is going to follow him, after the MC explicitly told him that they shouldn't go because there was nothing they could do/it was too dangerous, etc. This resulted every single time on MC being hurt while saving ML from his own s*upidity and taking the brunt from it. Afterwards, ML always feels bad and "guilty" and says he should have protected MC, he needs to become stronger to protect him bla bla bla but then he rushes without a care at the first sight of a death flag, like tf? And the cycle continues. Not only that but he doesn't want the MC to be stronger?? And like the only reason ML wants to become stronger is so that he can become stronger than MC and restrain him when MC goes "OOC". And the whole "OOC" thing is really f*cked up and the other 50% of why I am disgusted by him:


For context, MC is reincarnated back to when he was 22 (he died at 26) like a month before the apocalypse (before he died, in the apocalypse ML was the only person around him that never betrayed him and supposedly loved him, so when he came back he wanted to be with ML. And so they meet and ML instantly wants to f*ck him, but plot twist they actually "knew" each other before (AKA: ML had seen MC once and instantly wanted to f*ck him) that was when MC was in military training and was like 18, I think.

Anyways so ML has this twisted idealized perception of what MC should be like, so s*upid, innocent, naive, all of those things (basically, like a CHILD, omg ML really be showcasing pe*ophilic society values, if I remember correctly he even said he wanted to push MC down and make him unable to resist or some sh*t like that). Thing is MC has now lived 4 years into the apocalypse and has seen the ugly side of humanity. So he kind of cruel, but not really. What you need to know is that MC now is not the MC from before, he has a relentless ambition to become stronger (due to his inability to control his own livelihood before) and he is also extremely decisive with his decision, mainly when it comes to killing, he is not cruel, in my opinion, rather he has been toughened by his experiences and he knows the value of his own life, he is called a cynic by ML but I must say I disagree. MC simply knows and understands that his life has value and why should he give up his life for others? Especially when they wouldn't do the same. He is not a virg*n mary and it is not his responsibility to keep other people alive. ML hates this, he misses the naive and s*upid MC.

Flashforward, basically MC really wants to become stronger so that people can't trample over him and he can decide when he dies and when he lives, which really, is fair enough, but ML insists on wanting MC to be like a porcelain doll and not get his hands bloody, leave all the fighting and killing to him. At one point ML even said to MC to let him protect him yada yada and MC straight up told him, and I'm paraphrasing: "f*ck you, I am not letting no one, not even you, have power over my life" and ML still didn't quite get it, like after that he realised he wouldn't change MC's mind and so he decided to become strong to be able to ""protect"" MC. Which would be FINE if it wasn't for the fact that what ML actually wishes to protect is not really MC but the idolised image he created of MC when they first "met". Which is really f*cked up, because, once again, that was like 4 years ago and he refuses to acknowledge that MC has changed and is a different person now and he blames MC being different from what he expected on literally any outside factor.


In conclusion, I actually love MC he takes none of ML's bullsh*t but he still is quite a complex character. Like at first you don't quite see it but I feel like ch95 was a big turning point because MC finally gave us inside into how he viewed ML, and why their relationship hadn't advanced over the months despite ML's eagerness (he literally looks at MC and wants to f*ck him). In ch95 we finally understand what has been holding MC back, and with good reason, and we get a grasp on the pain that it causes him, especially at the end of the chapter


when ML is cleaning his hands that were bloody. MC is still angry and very much hurt by ML's obsession with his past self because he understands that ML doesn't love HIM but the previous Tang Shi, and he knows he cannot go back. He can't regress into that naivety and s*upidity, he refuses to do so and yet ML insists on trying to force him into being the idolized version of himself that ML fell in "love" with. He knows ML doesn't love him, and it hurts him so much and yet he can't do anything since ML refuses to even acknowledge that MC is different know out of his own volition, and that *that* Tang Shi is dead. And still he can't help the warm feelings that come to him as he looks at ML cleaning his hand. He truly feels something for ML, maybe not love, but he has feeling for ML, while ML is stuck in the past and refuses to go forward and because of that MC knows that they can't be together. As a matter of fact he says that he didn't even had hoped for being more than friends or companions because ML doesn't love him, not HIM at least. It is actually very f*cking sad the more you think about it.

In conclusion, as far as I've read ML is actually quite scummy and refuses to see that the person he "loves" has changed and blames that change on the death scythe, thinking it impossible for MC to be capable of change, which is such a toxic view to have over someone, you literally view them as if they were objects incapable of change.


In any case, although I lowkey hate the ML after writing this review, the MC is really f*cking badass and has some serious introspection arcs at specific points which are actually kind *chef's kisses* because you don't actually expect them. The more you get into the story the more you start seeing the different facets of MC and it is nice, if you like feeling like you want to strangle the ML. In other news, I have read quite a lot of apocalypse based works but this one has some pretty original ideas,


I thought it was going to be the usual zombie apocalypse but it is actually based on like an alien invasion type of setting. Also they have this whole thing about the awakened using "cards" as their weapons, it gave me lowkey D&D type of vibes (never played it so don't come for me if it wasn't like that) mixed with Yugioh vibes, which I actually ended up liking more than K though I would. Also, around ch94, I think we get some foreshadowing for some sort of organization that has recruited a lot of powerful awakeners and was hunting for the ancient family treasure of the MC


In conclusion, I am enjoying the story despite the ML being a royal arrogant self centered as*hole :)


Brother, sisters and non binary siblings, I am pleased to announce that we've seen major character development from the ML in chapter 122. All the pain and suffering that we've endured has neared its fruits in ch122, so do not despair and do not give up in this novel when you grow exasperated by the ML, he shall be reborn in ch122.

Ok, seriously now. Ch122 didn't hit me like a bit*h slap, rather it was kind of soothing and like, it was as if I had been holding my breath ever since chapter one and finally, finally I could relax. Totally recommend to keep reading to this point, since we finally see ML sort his own emotions out and communicate them to MC. We see not only a lot of character development in his part, but we see a lot of couple growth in this chapter. Cat's out of the bag now and they can begin to trust each other and build their relationship. Kind of wholesome to be honest. <<less
43 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 22, 2021
Status: --
The story is pretty different from the other ones as in, they level up and fight using cards (think Yugioh). The cards can be weapons, monsters, or utilities (example: a card to summon a tower to shelter and protect them, a card to get a weaponsmith to build armors, etc.)

As for the setting, the apocalypse is due to the invasion from alien monsters. The earth is a fragment of a larger world with multiple races. In the past, the protoss (?) protected the weak human race and temporarily moved... more>> the territory to a protected space. The so-called apocalypse is because the earth returns to its original position. MC has a storage and a system store so he cheats by leveling up pretty fast. ML has the blood of the protoss race. MC's teammates include a half-beast boy, a human turned elf due to an inherited bloodline card, a dragon rider, and a half-dragon.

The premises are interesting but the story is too long so it can be a drag especially when there're chapters after chapters of the 2 side pairings which I don't care about. MC's team also gets OP so fast so quick. <<less
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Apr 28, 2021
Status: c475
There are no likeable characters in this novel. Even the main characters, I don't think I like them very much. I think their thought process are weird or they're just plain s*upid. The tags never said that there are clever characters but I still can't believe how they can be this annoying.

The MC is like an unemotional killing machine at first and he's pretty ruthless but he got better. Also there are glaringly obvious things that the MC ignores just to add drama which is why I said that the... more>> characters are s*upid.

Ml... is okay. He had a bit of a sense of justice at first and tries to stop MC from killing. Then he became pretty ruthless as well. Also, he's very powerful. He's pretty plain or uninteresting compared to the other colorful characters.

ML and MC often fight and have disagreements in the first few chapters. It's annoying and I don't think it's all the ml's problem because MC just forgets that he's reborn and he's in a different life now. I think ML stopping MC is actually reasonable. ML actually cares for MC.

Also, MC adopted this kid and MC promised that he'll take care of this guy but he just left him to fend for himself for a year. He wasn't metioned or heard of again until almost a hundred chapters. I thought that the author almost forgot about him. Also I actually pitied this kid until

he had a weird obsesssion to MC for leaving him and well I let it go since he's too pitiful. After all that, he became a thirdwheeler (or a fifthwheeler) so I kinda still pity this kid.

The author seems to notice the reader's attention for this kid because suddenly without warning a guy appeared that pursued (kidnapped) this left over character


MC's follower or brother. He's a thug. He's also a dumb straight kind of character. I don't really care about that until


the author bent him and got him together with this pretty elf guy that looks kinda like a girl. Their relationship is annoying but then I just didn't care about them.


Even more annoying, the author seems to forget important details and we'll never see this details again until the time the author finally remembers them which is probably a hundred chapters after.

The revenge can't even be called revenge

because the MC didn't kill the brother and his ex-boyfriend himself.


After all those annoying things, I still continued reading this story anyway because I thought that the world setting is pretty interesting and I really like this kind of leveling story. <<less
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Mar 20, 2021
Status: c130
5 stars, because rating to low for now.

Really like relationship progression between MC and ML. MC and ML had many disagreements, mainly because MC lived 3 years in apocalypse and was already full of cynism and ML is from military family, just and upright person, not yet having seen enough horrors of human nature in this new world. Rare case, where ML said "I'm sorry, I was wrong". Their relationship have high and low points, they talk, give in, compromise, apologize, trying to understand eachother.

Not so good with other characters... more>> though. MC family a 2d cartoon villians, a shame. Same with many others villians, they exists only to be hated and killed without any scruples.

Quite a number of unnecessary faceslaping, especialy with women, and lack of women in general. 8 out of 10 characters is male. Number of "awakened" (people with abilities) females mentioned in 130 chapters... 1 (one) ? Like seriously?

And rough writing overall, a lot of plot holes, illogical actions, brainless characters etc. (start with "safe zone", this concept works in zombie apocalipse, but when the first monster represented in novel is spider, that can change its size and have some normal animal IQ, how on earth you can keep big area safe from that? It can change itself to a size of c*ckroach and sneak into "safe zone" with zero problems).

But on a bright side, because author didn't spend much time on well-thought details, plot progression is fast and keeps you interested. So far (130 ch) I enjoyed it and want to read more. <<less
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Aug 02, 2022
Status: c1
The plot of this story is ten out of ten... You don't have to worry too much about bad comments because most of them basically just read the story at the beginning (I personally read this story until chapter 470s and read the rest through raw).

There are comments that say ML is too naive and always repeats the same pattern, but in reality that is not true... I mean it is true that ML is a little naive, but that is only at the beginning and that is also because... more>> before the apocalypse ML was a general who highly respected his work to the point sacrificing himself (ML has a serious disability before the apocalypse due to a mission).

Later, ML itself will change his character even more, because he was increasingly aware that things are no longer the same as before the apocalypse... This was a good example of "Character Development", because ML does not change his nature immediately but requires time and process.

As for people who comment that some characters are very difficult to like, well that's a personal opinion that really can't be used as a reason to give a low rating.

If the characters in this story doesn't suit your taste then leave it, it means this story is not your cup of tea.

If there's a flaw in this story maybe it's in some minor characters missing after their part is finished??? which is actually still acceptable because the setting of the story itself is an apocalypse where everyone can die at any time... But it's still quite unfortunate for some characters who have the potential to disappear or die suddenly.

For example, an MC friend at the judiciary who chooses to stay in Frost City, or two MC assistants who are experts in machines but just disappear without any clarity even though they are quite meritorious and close to the MC.


and followed by several small plot holes

such as what the agreement was made between Ancestor Mei and the Undead King, or how the final result of the unification of the MC power and the Undead King, whether the MC is still in danger of losing consciousness or not at all, and also what is the final ability of the MC.

which is really not that important and can still be forgiven.

The important thing is that the main plot is really solid and not long-winded, like most other Chinese novels. <<less
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Jul 23, 2022
Status: c462
Usually I complain about overrated novels, this time I have to complain about an underrated novel?! The reviews gave me a bad feeling about this novels but I really wanted to read another apocalypse novel and I've read like everything else already. Glad I gave it a try. The writing is good, translation is good and the world building is good (with some minor issues).

And one special thing about this novel is that it NEVER felt boring. It has an almost perfect flow between action, leisure, faceslapping etc. There... more>> were no parts where I felt like "could we skip this please" and I feel this is rare with a novel this long.

Ok the world and the kind of apocalypse is a bit strange but it somehow works and gives a unique taste. It starts with small events where different spaces (human and "alien") collide. There pop up strange "alien" creatures all bent on feeding off humans. Spiders that poison humans to zombies, 3 eyed cannibal dwarfs that come in groups, gigantic humanoid forms, werewolf like creatures... the whole gamut of imaginable monsters and creatures. With those came a special energy in the air, crystals in those bodies and cards falling from the sky. (Classical leveling up system). Those cards are either skills or servants for the cardholders.

I do not want to spoiler too much but this world building grows a lot. The whole earh becomes a small part of a large plain and the aliens aren't what you might think. There comes a backstory with it that gets revealed later on.

You can feel throughout the novel that the writer planned it out in advance. Lots of details that fall into place hundred of chapters later. I also have to admit that I wondered on occasion why the writer didn't do this or that and changed their minds. Like there is no part about farming and real food problems with the cities. There are some holes but nothing that was too obnoxious.

About the characters... let's start with the antagonists. Basically MCs family is the standard as*hole family that gets a lot of faceslapping. Nothing too special but the antagonists change throughout the story. As the story progresses it gets bigger and bigger. Hard to explain without spoiler. Keys say there are no antagonists that are too overwhelming and MC and ML will solve them all.

MC... he is reborn and knows a lot of things happening the next 3 years. He uses that knowledge to get a headstart.... in strength. Insted of going to a safe place and build a stronghold, he is highly concentrating on his personal strength. He inherited a survival system but aside from the space for putting in things you will see not much of it in the first parts.... until it gets upgraded, then it becomes a f*cking super golden finger. MC himself goes through some personality transitions. Before he died, he was a native, trusting person with a bright personality. After rebirth he became a lot more driven, rather aggressive and darker... some of it has even to do with his choice of cards but it will stabilize throughout the story he will ease up and MC gets more likable again but also more mature. I feel like MC was a bit too much laying low... trying to be underestimated became a way of life. It makes sense in this setting but I missed the faceslapping in the last third of the novel. It is a good strong MC.

ML has the whole army character going on, which is a point of confrontation with MC in the first parts but MLs character will change some. Still a military man, since his family is this way but he will be not a brainless soldier only listening to commands. Thanks to MC he is developing fast and at some point becomes... yeah too much spoiler. ML is ok but not my number one choice.

The communication is good between them but on one or two occasions it just s**ked. Didn't last too long thoug.

The side pairings... well I did like the first one but the second one wasn't so great in my opinion.

Side characters were ok. I still feel like they could have been more important. I wanted the"underdog judges" to become more dazzling and hope for some side character to get more depth. This is also a reason for not giving 5stars. They were not totally 2d but still lacked.

All in all I was really entertained and would recommend to read it. <<less
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Jun 10, 2022
Status: c65
I'm super disappointed because I like the whole premise of reborn MC (top or bottom) who feels indebted to ML and does his best to make the ML have a great life.

Except that... for the first time in the 5 years + of reading bl stories, I detest the ML profoundly. He is a soldier, so yeah yeah serve and protect but I hated the fact that

Fact 1

... more>>

when the grocery runner idiot spilt the secret to the military, he wasn't angry on mc's behalf.

I'm not saying that the G.R was wrong for selling the secret, because in this situations you do what you need to do.

But ML who is allegedly super hell bent on being honest doesn't despise someone who shamelessly sold the secret of a person who saved his life a few days ago.

Worst, he's acting like MC is wrong for being angry.


Fact 2


His whole domineering ceo and controlling behavior annoys me.

When MC got his scythe, he wanted to forbid protect the MC and stop him from using the power.

Yeah this scythe could be bad news, but who are you to judge ? MC clearly knows way more than you about the whole situation so stf and keep being a good soldier.

Also, he wants to get stronger, which is logical in this situation, but not really to be able to tackle more tasks : he just wants to be able to stop MC from pursuing what he believes is a dangerous behavior.

Isn't MC sound of mind ?

Isn't MC the one who gave you a big head start on the others to get more powerful?

Let him be bro


Fact 3


MC says don't do that, you'll get us into troubles.

ML :*does it anyways*

MC : *sighs and rushes in to help ml* *gets hurt*

ML : don't get hurt please

MC : 😐

Run and repeat.


So usually by now I would have already dropped the story, but I really like the MC and the fact that he doesn't bend to ml's s*upid will. I only read romance story but with such a crappy ml, I would prefer if MC just kept on helping him as a friend or a good brother. <<less
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Sep 06, 2021
Status: c145
The story is kept moving forward with new things which isn't at all boring. I'll come again after I complete reading this. (It's worth the read).
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Jul 06, 2021
Status: c55
From description and stuff, I thought this would be my cup of tea, but it's just not that good. Maybe worth giving a shot for others, but MC seems too angsty for someone of his age.
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Jun 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a pretty good novel. There are a few draggy parts but the plot is unique and the characters are well done. It has a bit of angst but not heart wrenching 💔. A few parts I will say.. You're crying.. You're whole family is crying. Other parts will make you laugh. Not the easiest to translate so kudos to the translator. Recommend this novel if you like rebirth with a bit of face slapping 😜 and slow romance but worth it.👍
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I love Champorado
I love Champ
Apr 30, 2023
Status: --
  1. I read this story before and its so exciting. I hate the ML yes not only because he is so annoying but also he was literally over powered.
  2. The MC is cool and powerful but I am disappointed that he spoil the ML so much.
  3. Now, I want to re-read it again but I can't find the sites! I think, the sites name is "Sky Novel" and I can't find it anymore!.
  4. This story is great, exciting, and thrilling especially the fight scenes. I am begging to the one reading this review (lol. I made an acc. Just to write a review and also to look for help. Hehe). I hope that you can provide me an information about the sites. Pls, pls, pls. I want to re-read it so badly.
  5. (I was busy and I have no time to paraphrase my own english. I hope you guys understand what I mean. Hehe).
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Aug 29, 2022
Status: Completed
at the beginning I felt ok with ml's overprotective attitude. I looked at the comments, many people don't like ml, I'm also surprised. The further the plot goes, the more I understand why, it really doesn't deserve to be liked by readers.

I don't where I want to vent my anger. I'm out of patience now. I hope Tang Shi uses full strength to kill the crocodile-wings, it looks like Yan Xu appears. I have started to hate Yan Xu and authors including Tang Shi.


I don't know why this best novel... more>> is underrated. Interesting plot, but only one that I feel dissatisfied with. The way the author treats Tang Shi's character, as an OP character he is overshadowed by Yan Xu (ml).

not only that, all fighting skills including scenes using undead skills are not well known by the general public including the top organizations. ML is overprotective of MC until he is not allowed to fight and he kept controled everything about MC.

based on my perspective, attribute MC is special and ML is epic attributed, the power of MC should be stronger and terrfying between 6 people. Mc's power can kill in the blink of an eye but unfortunately the author doesn't make MC use that skill, the ML always stops MC from using that skill.

What makes me angry the most is that the author always shows off ML's abilities while MC's abilities are hidden until people mock and look down on him. Every fight action, it's always ML ML ML ML who fights, MC always uses cards, what's the function of mc's power, it's better not to be the strongest one if the undead power is not used even in bad situation.

sometimes, I hate how overprotactive ML towards MC. While the MC has merged with Undead King powers, he can control the undead army, but look at how bad the author's IQ is until he forgets that the MC can control the undead army. Until the end of the plot, the organization still does not know about the special attribute MC, Undead King.

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Jul 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Despite what people are saying, I actually love this author works. I love adventure like stories, and I have binged about 5 of her stories because every book has adventure tastes on it.

If you turn your brain off at the MC quirks, it's always makes you wonder how big Author brain hole was to keep surprising you again and again.

I love it and I don't care what people said about this one. (Also yes, the author seems like she planed out her outline. Good)
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xiao Yi
xiao Yi
Jul 26, 2022
Status: c86
First, its mtl, fixed.

The MC, Tang Shi. I actually like his personality but he's a bit annoying sometimes. Being mean to the ML, I don't think that's needed. Or maybe its just the messy translation.

The ML, Yan Xu. One word, low EQ. Well, not really but come on. Maybe the author was not completely focusing on the romance or what. He is a soldier and of course he had his responsibilities.

The MC cared about no one but the ML yet they were kind of not on the same page. I... more>> don't think its a good cp. Not because I like MLs or MCs who were obedient to their partners but its just that, the ML knows that the MC had more info and he says he trust him but it may not be a total trust or something. Their decisions and goals were always different. <<less
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Apr 16, 2022
Status: c74
Ahhhhh the main character in this is very annoying T.T He’s the type that makes trouble by telling people not to do something but never bothers explaining anything. Djksksks it creates such a mess.

anyway, my perception of the story was colored by this dislike. So I had to stop reading for now. It’s not a bad story in any other way. It’s an Apocalypse setting with a similar setting to Zombie Apocalypse novels. That is, there are aliens of different rank and type and killing them gives you access to... more>> energy items that can help you improve your strength. As for the weapons of the characters, these take the form of cards. Each card has a different ability, and depending on what card you’re lucky enough to draw, you can become strong (of course, the protagonist has a golden finger that allows him to earn more cards than others.)

The main focus of the story is action and getting stronger (at least, as of the chapter 70s where I stopped.) not sure if that changes. <<less
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Blades and Flowers
Blades and F
Dec 20, 2021
Status: c116
Honestly, this story is pretty good in my opinion. The world-building needs a little brush up, some details are a bit iffy and the other characters need a little more fleshing out but I am satisfied with the couple and the interplay between their personalities. Some may find them frustrating with how they interact with each other at first but I think their attitudes and personalities are logical.

ML is a military man, he's special ops even; the military have always been indoctrinated to put the people first, and just because... more>> ML was injured to the point that he couldn't continue working does not mean he just abandons his way of life. Beyond that, he himself is very righteous and caring about the general people. Which honestly, while a bit concerning and maybe very frustrating at times, is a breath if fresh air from all the selfishness. Just because other military are selfish scumbags does not mean he's the same. It's very nice to see someone actually caring about other people in times of crisis. Because while selfishness can be attributed to self-preservation, community won't survive or thrive in selfishness, especially in times of crisis. There's also the chapter where it was revealed that misses the younger version of MC that was more innocent and kind but he eventually realizes that he loves MC all the same. And I think that his concern over MC's ruthless killer ways is perfectly valid. I don't think anyone wants to see their loved one turn into a cruel apathetic killing machine.

MC is someone I can understand very well. His need for vengeance can be cloying sometimes, but I think it's valid considering he was betrayed by his own brother and lover in the past life. They cut out his heart even!!! I don't think anyone would be okay after that heavy of a betrayal. He's a bit selfish and self-serving (while also considering ML). He has no qualms killing anyone who tries to f*ck with him and I think that's pretty cool and will ensure a longer lifespan in the apocalypse at least. Tbh I get very worried Everytime he uses the scythe because he goes on killing sprees A LOT without consideration to his own self and he always goes a bit more unhinged after using it. It can get kinda irritating every time he says he won't use the scythe and uses it anyway. But he's actually more than just selfish as shown by the chapters where he was very concerned over the people of his home town.


I especially like how the author handled his reaction to Tang Qi's death that was NOT at his own hands. I also like how the author handled his feelings towards his uncaring family that took advantage of him


So far their relationship is still a bit rocky and I like it that way. It's realistic for me that people who want to get with each other have obstacles to iron out first. Especially people who have wildy varying ideologies in times of crisis. Despite their differences they still want to try to be together and I think choice matters most of all in a relationship. No amount of chemistry or attraction can stand against the choices of the people within the relationship in the first place.

Wile lacking in some parts, especially the world building I think (the world building is not really unified in my opinion, or maybe not yet) I find that I actually like this story. <<less
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Nov 17, 2021
Status: c235
It's really good, I promise! I'm addicted to it! I have no clue why this isn't rated higher. It's really different and the world-building is great.

235 chapters later I'm still eagerly waiting about the next one.
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Jul 25, 2021
Status: c61
I’m not ready to vote right now...

When there is an apocalypse and everything is difficult, your relationship with your other half shouldn’t be the most important worry in your head. This kind of relationship would be very difficult. You need to find solace in such disturbing time and not an other half that you have to spend so much effort on. If this wasn’t the apocalypse, maybe it would have been fine for them to come together but in apocalypse, their different views just make me feel that perhaps... more>> they are only together cause they don’t want to be alone. There is attraction but not really love.
I know people have to work on their relationship but a relationship should also flow, it shouldn’t seem like two people are forcing themselves to be together.

People say that this changes in the future (if it does I’ll change my review), it’s well written. But this is such a slow burn that it frustrates me.

However, I really like the setting otherwise. It quite novel.

I’ll continue to read it when there are (a lot) more chapters. <<less
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Jun 08, 2021
Status: --
At the beginning, the story makes you think that it’s a rebirth and hoarding in the apocalypse story but it’s actually an alien yugioh type of setting.

It’s a really long read, and there will be parts that drag or annoy you but you keep reading because you want to know how the characters develop and how the plot unfolds.

An example would be that I’m annoyed with the MC at the early hundreds because I find him too reckless and a bit too boneheaded. However, I can clearly feel that little... more>> by little his character is growing but of course it’s not all smooth sailing and he has relapses or missteps. It’s the same deal with the ML, many will find his “soldier’s honour” morals thing annoying but it makes the character more real as someone who was a modern military man during the 21st century. You also watch this guy fumble around with his modern mentality and grow to adapt to the apocalypse.

Of course for all that I’ve said about the main CP, and despite it being interesting to watch their growth, they are frustrating because they’re so real with having faults and their love is tested over their differences. It’s a really really slow burn to start, that it makes my fluff-loving heart want to flip tables and pull my hair out. But again, it’s very “real” feeling so it’s not an issue of quality.

In conclusion it’s a worthwhile story to read, but you might need to take breaks once in a while because it’s so long and not simple enough that you can read it all in one go (though if you actually can do this, I give you thumbs up 👍 for you iron will and nerves of steel). <<less
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May 08, 2021
Status: c1
Man, there is no likeable characters. The story is a mess, it's disorganized. I can't find anything I like about this story. It has a nice concept but the author failed to execute it properly. I just find myself getting annoyed as I read more of the story. I wasted a lot of my time in this. I was thrilled at first but it became so boring and bland. There were so many lost opportunities in this novel.
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