Ancient Godly Monarch


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In the Province of the Nine Skies, far above the heavens, there exists Nine Galaxies of Astral Rivers made up of countless constellations interwoven together.

For Martial Cultivators, they could form an innate link with one of the constellations, awaken their Astral Soul, and transform into a Stellar Martial Cultivator.

Legend has it that, the strongest cultivators in the Province of the Nine Skies, were beings that could open an astral gate every time they advanced into a new realm. Their talent in cultivation was such that they could even establish innate links with constellations that existed in a layer higher than the Nine Layers of Heavens, eventually transforming into the heaven-defying and earth-shattering power known as the War God of the Nine Heavens.

Qin Wentian is the MC of this story. How could a guy, with a broken set of meridians, successfully cultivate? There were countless Stellar Martial Cultivators, as there were countless constellations in the vast starry skies. What he wanted to be, was the brightest constellation of all, shining dazzlingly in the vast starry skies.

Associated Names
One entry per line
God of Lost Fantasy
Swire God
Thái Cổ Thần Vương
Related Series
Peerless Martial God (Shared Universe)
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Martial God Asura (8)
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111 Reviews sorted by

Helixical rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: c428
The main character's gimmick is that he's ret*rded. Proudly ret*rded, even. It doesn't seem to be changing, and I can't tolerate it, thus I'm dropping this novel.

Everything else about the novel is alright though. The world building is cool, the translation is great, and the side characters have plenty of depth for a this sort of novel. 2 1/2 stars.
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rg1400 rated it
September 19, 2017
Status: c704
this novel starts average but gradually picks up its pace with the good number of ups and downs in MC's life. MC is characterized pretty well but his opponents are arrogant and ignorant beyond belief. Though power rules the world but why does every f*cking opponent believes himself invincible under the heavens. But its worth reading as the best part is MC is never OP.
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mechafanboy rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c1
The premise is kind of interesting, pity that it disappears almost entirely after 200-odd chapters. Basically..... Qin Wentian is said to be incredibly intelligent, but he's actually really dumb and really good at making enemies like every other xianxia novel protagonist Long and short of it. That's this novel in a nutshell.

I had high expectations initially due to the whole "broken meridians" thing, but it's a plot device that gets discarded early on and it's "followup" is almost never explored.

... more>>

This barely counts as a spoiler but apparently broken meridians are the only way to cultivate steller meridians which are apparently the end all, be all in terms of meridians. Once he's able to cultivate though, it's mentioned in the story maybe ONE time in over 650 chapters. ONCE.


Beyond that it's standard Xianxia fare. Imo, author needs to stop trying to build up Wention's "cautious" nature (which is complete and utter bullsh*t btw, he loves getting into fights and doesn't even try to find a way that won't piss people off, uneven fights where he's hopping across power levels? 99% of the fights.) and just find random reasons for him to fight, because it makes a hell of a lot more sense than trying to justify the protagonist being cautious. <<less
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Poppy Palais
Poppy Palais rated it
July 9, 2017
Status: c585
I enjoyed the first 300 or so chapters. Decent storyline, interesting power system, pretty sympathetic characters. Up until 300 I'd probably give it 4 stars. But now the MC has become an utter arsehole, slaughtering people because someone's made a comment about his girlfriend. Brutal and s*upid.

Though the biggest criticism I have of the latter chapters is the sheer amount of filler. It's perfectly okay to have minor story lines and events, as they add colour and depth to the MC's world. But many chapters are just filled with endless... more>> battles that have no meaning. On top of which an awful lot of chapters from 350 onwards have their first third taken up recounting what happened in the previous chapter.

Why do I keep reading it? Because I make an awful of boring train journeys and get through books like the MC of this one gets through opposing "geniuses".

So 3 stars overall because of the earlier chapters. But it would be 4 for the early ones and barely 2 for the latter ones.

Still, it might get back on track. <<less
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scribbledoutname rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: c158
Review as of Chapter 158:

Definitely good so far, but certainly not great.

There are too many a**holes in this story. IMO the "world full of a**holes" trope is only really enjoyable when the MC gets his revenge on them in a satisfying and timely way, but here the MC repeatedly endures and endures and endures, with more and more randoms heaping on the a**holery. And even when he gets his revenge, he finds out that he hasn't fixed the problem because another as*hole (who's out of his league) was pulling the... more>> strings and is now really pissed off. It's... stifling.

Combined with the fact that he cultivates fairly slowly, with regular breaks for small events, it feels like he's trapped in this mire of danger and that the plot's events are moving along at a crawl. It could be because I've been reading a lot of fast paced xuanhuan lately but the end result is that the struggle vs payoff ratio in this story is a little unsatisfying. I prefer series where the MC's hard work pays off and he stomps his enemies fairly quickly (except the major enemies, who obviously need a bigger build-up) so the "wait" to balance the scales isn't drawn out.

But if you disregard all that you've got a decent xuanhuan that's interesting enough to hold your attention. <<less
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heinzel rated it
May 17, 2017
Status: c391
This story does not make one lick of sense. There are much better novels out there - read those first.

The first arc (200ish chapters, Country of Chu) is about MC, still weak, betrayed on all sides, no backing whatsoever - yet he walks straight into the lions den (city of his royal enemy), joins a sect where he's not really wanted either, and the only reason he survives is... because he's the main character. And of course that sect ends up handing him a super big secret legacy they... more>> guarded for thousands of years. Because that's the kind of thing a super power emperor would hide in the sticks and a sect would just hand over to the first random outsider.

The second arc (another 200ish chapters) is a bit more interesting but only if you're able to ignore everything that happened up to here. My hope is that the story will get a little better as it progresses - after all, Coiling Dragon also started off a bit on the weak side (that mother plot that was basically dropped only to be picked up again at the very end of the novel). The writing itself, is also not very good. MC is fighting and then he pulls a weapon out of his arse we never heard of before and author is like, oh he made that weeks ago I just never told you about it. And his sidekick puppy kind of just appeared out of nowhere too, never explained. That aside the same weaknesses you find in most webnovels: MC has so many abilities he conveniently forgets half of them most of the time. Wherever he goes, MC always arrives just in time for just the thing. No matter how overpowered, how many times MC proves his abilities, for some reason others keep seeing him as not qualified, underestimate him, just to be killed/burned by his prowess. There's a tournament and he obviously wins first place and it's a big surprise for everyone. Maybe I read too many chinese webnovels, but this one is particularly boring. <<less
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February 21, 2017
Status: c373
What I enjoy from this story compared to others is that everything seems more fleshed out. I like the main character and his friends. They aren't throw away characters either they help out a bit and are more or less not as useless as the other friends that any other MC has. The love interest isn't bad either sure shes a bit immature in some aspects but she is loyal and so far throughout the novel even though she isnt with the MC all the time her presence isnt forgotten... more>> or missed and still plays an important roll to the MC.
all in all I find this alot better then the mass mu*dering generic MC Who is a loner and doesnt care about anyone <<less
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Krazyguy75 rated it
February 18, 2017
Status: c1131
I've changed my opinion on this one. At first I thought it was stale, and was having trouble keeping with it. The first 200 chapters weren't satisfying, and had a lot of jarring shifts in the action. It felt like watching a guy lose control of a horse and be pulled behind it by his shoelaces for 2 miles.

However it got better. It's still a chinese novel (it takes 40 chapters to do things that could've been done in 1), but it's satisfying and the characters... are alright. Most of... more>> them are pretty shallow.

It'd have a 3 if it weren't a qidian premium book. It's not worth the $100 you'd need to fork out to read it. If you can find other places to read it, it'd be worth a read. Otherwise, don't even start reading it. <<less
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xianxia_reader rated it
September 15, 2016
Status: c168
Have you read PMG translation till the current chapters? If the answer is yes then you are up to speed with this novel too because the story is nearly the same with some changes. Here's a list with changes and similarities from top of my head:

1. Can't cultivate. The change being in this novel people think he can't but he can via another method
2. Missing parent/s. The change being in PMG mother is missing vs both parents in this novel
3. Ousted and chased from his position. The change being in PMG only he and his father take the brunt vs the whole family in this novel
4. There is an academy backed by Royal Prince in the capital city. This is same in both novels. The only "twist" is he doesn't join the royal backed academy here
5. Rich people mocking him when trying to join the academy
6. Many of the same conversations refuting the nemesis. ex, you dint intervene when he tried to kill me, why you intervening when I am trying to kill him etc etc
7. Royal Prince the "genius" and "dragon among men". Only the sequence of royal prince has changed
8. Royal Prince being overbearing and plotting for the throne
9. Same world building where country is managed by some sect and then that sect is part of some bigger region which is managed by bigger sect and so and so forth

and more....

The only reason it is 3 because it tries to cram more story in lesser amount of chapters.
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Hitexh rated it
May 27, 2016
Status: c15
The same word of "Monarch" like Otherworldly Evil Monarch", but its actually about another cancelation of engagement and revenge things. The story is similar to Against the God, but the comedy and quality is two level below. I hate the name of Bai Qingsong or spelled "Bai Cing Cong", even the MC name "Qin Wentian" doesn't give a ring. So I give a verdict of 4 stars. Will read further when there is a lot more chapters.
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activereader rated it
May 10, 2016
Status: --
It’s actually 3.5 rounded to 4. Review up until chapter 20.

The cultivation route is really awesome. I like the fact that they can gain another ability when they sensed the power of the stars. BUT the annoying part is, too much oppression in this novel. There’s like no breather. The MC is either belittled, abused, or even cheated. And the worst part is it’s a simultaneous oppression from multiple sides. It’s a bit annoying and not really realistic that you can still survive from tons of oppression. But anyways, it’s... more>> still a good read when you are bored. PS the translations is awesome. And their rate of release is fast. <<less
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NaM rated it
April 26, 2016
Status: --

Another PMG or should I say better version of PMG (PEERLESS MARTIAL GOD (same author) LITERALLY. READ AGM at your own RISK.

Majority of the current plot of the current translated chapters (ch.1-34) was just like a beautified revised version of PMG,

Example so far.


•Dubious MC background,

•MC personality (although much kinder so far).

•Conflict of the AGM’s MC toward his fiancees clan for me was like another version of the PMG’s MC conflict toward his Lin clan’s Lin Qing Faction,

•The AGM’s clan annihilation was also just another version of PMG’s Yun Hai sect annihilation.

•Self Imposed righteousness (like Lin feng’s personality


Only difference that I noticed was the cultivation form, world currently being build, the characters and revision twist plots. New Terms.

other than all of that, its literally PMG.

(You’ll probably feel like De Ja Vu, unfortunately its not the good kind of one)


Im pretty much expecting Bloodbath.

[to be edited if things change after a 100 chapter or so..]

Recommended for a reader who havent read PMG, or maybe some guy who wants to read for past time.

[3/5 – if you have read PMG]

[4.3/5 – if you havent read PMG]
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Random rated it
April 11, 2016
Status: --
The concept is unique and the quality of the translation is good as well. The MC is a likable fellow who seems to be already set on the harem course. A classic journey to OPness Xianxia.
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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
April 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Hmmm... Before I started this, I had a lot of reservations since the reviews here are all kind of negative. But still... out of pure curiosity I still carried on reading. The first time read a hundred chapters, then decided to shelf it because the MC frankly speaking seemed to have too many enemies.

Well, I guess the second time's the charm I managed to finish it, and yes the too many enemies scenario continued throughout the story, but except for that, it was not that awful.

I enjoyed it, nothing spectacular... more>> but had my moments of being emotional, and giddy and I may have cursed a little too much on occasions, but it really was an okay ride.

It is your typical cultivation novel without anything exceptional or new except for constellations ~haha~ and if you like typical cultivation novels you would enjoy it. <<less
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tyrone77 rated it
March 23, 2022
Status: c1300
This novel made me seriously reconsider my life choices. You will get baited in by some mildly intriguing plot points at the start, only for it to have no real pay off. Every arc follows the exact same template.

It's extremely clear that author might have had a plan for his first 100 chapters and then just churned out 1900 more.
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atomsphere rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: c390
There's too much damsel in distress.

It doesn't matter how awesome a cultivation system is if fights always comes down to punching or poking really hard. Law comprehension, mandates in this novel, is always cool. But the author picked the most boring basic bit*h comprehension to focus on... does x% more damage.

Tedious arcs with no suspense.

There's an absolutely idiotic amount of natural MC agro. Just by virtue of existing, everyone wants him dead. "Underestimated Protagonist" should be moved from tags to genre. He can go on killing sprees, one-shotting all the... more>> strongest young masters and everyone is still like "he's not that strong." <<less
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Amirido rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: c2053
When I started reading this novel I was really excited due to its unique cultivation method but after reading it for a while I was a little disappointed because although the Mc's comprehension ability is excellent he never really uses his intelligence and all his actions are heavily influenced by his emotions (which leads to many problems) to the point that it becomes a little annoying.

It was a bit slow and boring in the beginning but it gradually got interesting and kept me going. MC also started using his brain... more>> (became less s*upid) but his actions still were influenced by his emotions and this was the case until the end of the story.

All the arcs in this novel have similar patterns (the last one was different than others) so it gradually got boring in the second last arc/third last arc (can't remember which arc) but the last arc was really good and I really enjoyed the ending because it was not rushed.

So If you want something that contains a super lucky, arrogant, somewhat s*upid, ruthless and a MC that can do anything for his friends and his family then this novel is highly recommended for you. <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: --
Subpar to say the very least. Truly not worth the time to read. Just rinse and repeat of the same stuff every arc. The epitome of lazy writing.
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nuu rated it
May 19, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a decent Xianxia novel. A lot of standard plot armor, and very verbose, but that's standard in this genre. On the whole, I enjoyed it, although I was skimming chapters towards the very end.

The protagonist has a decent personality; ruthless to his enemies and sometimes too arrogant; but mostly rational, and with compassion towards the innocent.
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Xlifematexd rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: --
well I really like this novel, its not the best, but I push through till the end. For people that want to know, the first 700-800 chapter is the best for me, it slowly lose its charm after 1400s, but its still quite a good read. I think the character definitely grow, at least the one that matters, and when I say this, I meant it as a xianxia reader, in my opinion if you come to a xianxia novel expecting a character development, you should go to one that... more>> mainly focused on revenge or romance. Well not much else could be said, the world building is clear and concise, and not confusing, the power system is pretty clear and interesting (I hate power system like MGA, it makes the novel about math instead of the power itself, this novel at least focused on power he had)

in my opinion, its a 3.5 star, but since this is more of a 4 than a 3, I gave it exactly that. <<less
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