After Transmigration, I Got Ninety Nine Twisted Personalities


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If one day, 99 twisted personas appear in your mind, and you can only restore normality by enacting each persona perfectly, what would you do?

Su Mo let out an evil laugh: “How intriguing.”

The story in this book is adapted from real cases to let you understand the peculiar world of twisted personas.

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After Transmigration, I Have 99 Twisted Personalities
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Paradoxum rated it
January 15, 2024
Status: c20
It's not as bad as I expected, but for me it's greatest flaw is the lack of personality of the protagonist.

He is cold, but wanky? Like a diluted version of a psychopath, I imagine him like a teenager who likes gore and mistery stories, acting edgy as if he is Kira from death note.

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The only difference between them and the protagonist is fiction, he has the same thoughts as the edgy kids but he can truly commit them on his fictional world. His thoughts are the law because of thicc plot armor.

He is able to act stoic while thinking "Police is close, but I love challenges" while wondering if being a cannibal would be fun.

If he says he commited a perfect crime because x and y, it *will* be a perfect crime. No clues in sight.

He is able to say things like "You deserve judgement, Im justice" while dismembering someone and people on the internet will respect him because serial killers vigilantes are cool right??

There will be this kind of suspense when the police is close to trap him but... What? It turns out he was in another place altogether and fooled the police as he always does? Who would have seen that coming.


But I did read 20 chapters, so it's readable if you turn off your brain.

Why is it readable?

The potential of the plot. Not the world building, but the premise of what will come and could have been.

If the author doesn't go crazy mid or late series. Then this story is about killing 99 people, all being perfect crimes in all kinds of horrific ways. And never being caught.


It became kind of a fantasy of mine.

If only the protagonist was a normal human being who has to suddenly deal with the fact that he has to kill people to remain sane.

Killing to survive but still having to deal with the weight of discovering and re enacting gruesome mu*ders one after another, expanding his understanding of how cruel humans can be, learning without choice skills like hiding, killing or deceiving.

Then this story would be so much better, seriously the protagonist is such a turndown no matter how cool and calculating he tries to be.



If you can ignore the lack of character depth, the obvious AI translation and totally disconnected protagonist.

Sure, give it a try just for the premise, for the gory descriptions, for the tense investigations.

Just remember to polish your brain before doing so. <<less
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nainaitou rated it
March 21, 2024
Status: c54
read the other review for a general overview cause I can't put it any better

anyways, as a fan of 'vengeance plots' like Brutal: confessions of a homicide investigator, I expected to like this story. Your average 'give mu*derers what they deserve by killing them in some twisted way that mimics their own crimes'.

To be fair, I did quite enjoy it. Until.

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he raped a completely innocent person who had no ties to anything, just because he wanted her to leave him alone. I do not understand the reasoning for this sort of action, as he wasn't controlled nor influenced by one of his personalities. I can forgive gruesome mu*der, but I draw the line at s*xual assault.

maybe it's some sort of commentary on how being close to and understanding monsters had made him into one? Unlikely.


so... that's when I stopped rooting for him. Apart from that one case, as long as I turn off my brain I can use this novel to pass the time.

'Perfect' crimes that aren't perfect.

'Twisted' characters that only shallowly represent the basic idea of a psychopath.

Two-dimensional characters that solely fit a single role.


The police are s*upid as hell in this novel, never fully using their abilities. I don't understand how hard it is to track a livestream's IP address, compare body types and alibis to find ANYONE.


and the closed room scene? s*upid. He used a string to pull back a door and snapped it afterwards. I assume the string just fell to the ground, waiting for police to discover it. AND THEY NEVER DID 'ooooo a closed room aaaaaa how are we supposed to solve this?!?!? oh wow a totally random string that could've hung from the door and closed it! oh well its probably nothing~~'


also, apart from the first few cases, he doesn't really bother erasing his DNA from the crime scene. I think the author just omitted it because it would be quite repetitive, but different crime scenes would have different ways of clearing the evidence.

The repetitiveness could also serve as a somewhat minor plot point, representing that no matter how psychopathic they are, they all think and act the same but that's probably me just overthinking it.

He used his victim's phone. Like an idiot. 'Oh it's the perfect burner pho-' burner phones are meant to be discarded. Using a phone or possession registered to someone else is surprisingly easy to track.

The livestream sh*t is idiotic. I can forgive it when there is no IP tracking nor any incriminating evidence, but all it contains is evidence against the MC.


tldr: cringey 8th grader emo sh*t that's pretty ok as a light read apart from certain parts <<less
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