After Rebirth, The Prime Minister Just Wants to Call It Quits


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Liu Zhenqing was a notorious powerful official in the history of the Zhou Dynasty.

It was rumored that he was ruthless, brought trouble to the Imperial Court, used the young emperor as a puppet, and had a disloyal heart.

However, heaven had eyes. In the end, Liu Zhenqing was shot through the heart by an arrow and died tragically.

No one could calculate how many sins he had committed. They only knew that after his death, a victim dug up his grave in the middle of the night, crushed his bones, and scattered his ashes.

After his death, Liu Zhenqing reflected on himself. He, a transmigrator, had been reborn as the favored eldest son of a prominent noble family. How had he become a treacherous official?

It was probably because he worked too hard.

He swore that in his next life, he would treat himself well. As a result, in the blink of an eye, he became a distant relative of the same clan eight years later.

Although he was still the eldest son, he was a love-minded cutsleeve. Moreover, everyone in the capital knew that he was frantically pursuing the man who had dug up his predecessor’s grave, General Huo Fenglie.

The people around him still had grudges against him from his previous life, and he was attacked from both sides.

Liu Zhenqing: ……How about I keep a low profile?

Thus, the traitorous official didn’t want to take revenge, but only wanted to stop trying, escape, and live a wonderful retired life as soon as possible.

But when he finally arrived in a carriage at the city gates, the city was sealed shut.

When he looked back, the God of War Huo Fenglie, who was supposed to be standing in front of thousands of troops without a change of expression, was in a state of disorder. As if he had lost his manners, he grabbed Liu Zhenqing’s wrist tightly and lowered his scarlet eyes, his voice slightly unstable: You…….where are you going?

He said: You can’t leave, come home with me.

Liu Zhenqing: ……

f*ck! He couldn’t have recognized him, right? According to the rumors, he was the villain who killed his brother, coveted his sister-in-law, and plotted against his country!

Thinking of the fate of his last body, he shivered.

The little wolf cub finally took home the bone he had longed for. Soon after, the gossiping souls of the people in the capital burned brightly.

Wasn’t it said that the General had a person he was deeply in love with, which was why he had refused the Emperor’s marriage offers several times? Why had he started to hide away a lover? Was he hiding that idiot who had originally harassed him?

Sure enough, a strong man could be won over with persistence!

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5 Reviews sorted by

SheTurnedMeIntoANewt rated it
November 3, 2023
Status: c18
There’s only been 18 ch translated so far so I can’t speak beyond that.
First off the translations good 👍

it’s got the classic danmei dynamic of stern clearly-pining-for-a-dead-guy ML x mouthy back-from-the-dead chaos gremlin MC.

it’ll probably also be similar to mdzs in that MC seems to have already wildly lowballed how close he and ML actually were originally as well as some other amusing similarities, though it doesn’t actually feel terribly derivative outside of some broad dynamic tropes.

nothings fully caught on yet but there’s some hints of potential civil strife plot hooks that could go somewhere as well as some fun verbal sparring with cannon fodder so far.

also ignore this but

who TF put reader and protagonist in similar recommendations??? sh*t has nothing but being gay in common and hasn’t been active in nearly 6 years but is still haunting recommendations like a persistent fungal infection...

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ReluctantMTLReader rated it
January 14, 2024
Status: --
A misunderstood prime minister who transmigrated from modern times does his utmost to stabilize a chaotic dynasty at the cost of his reputation. Years later, he is reborn into the body of a distant cousin and just wants to distance himself from his loved ones due to the guilt of not having done enough.

Huo Fenglie, the country's famous general, refuses to let him.

Once he figures out who MC really is, he sticks by his side as they set off on a journey to oust rebels who are plotting an uprising,... more>> and along the way, they learn the truth about the past and fall in love.

To those who say he talks a lot..... he does. And he actually is that smart. <<less
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TZinzin74448 rated it
March 29, 2024
Status: c11
TLDR at the end

Okay, I stopped at ch 11 so my review may not be that accurate, but... The MC really talks. Like a lot. It'd be fine if it was actually smart dialogue, but it's mostly the author telling us it is, while in actuality, he just sounds like he doesn't know when to speak and when to keep shut.

That's all fine however, what really pisses me off is just how dumb he is. Yet they still try to portray him as smart. For instance, when

... more>>

MC proposed pretending to burn the forest to Mo QI.


The way the author described it, you'd have thought he directly cured cancer or something. Another instance is when


He asked his Grandfather to go out when his brothers were about to have an exam, in front of everyone. He could literally waited to ask him in private, or asked him another day, but he was in such a hurry ig? Ofc your grandfather would be stubborn when you humiliated him like that. Then he read the ledger and we're supposed to be in awe or something?


These inconsistencies in his character are really dizzying. The author wants us to think he was so smart he was able to control the country, but also doesn't know basic things? Not to mention the second hand embarrassment I kept getting from this guy. It was so bad I had to put my phone down at times, esp at


the gambling house where


he bragged about how he never lost, only to lose the next second


Not to mention the ML. The standard, "cold with a paralyzed face" ML that I hate. The author will use 300 words to describe his beauty but I still don't know what color his hair is. Might be on me though cause I skip over all the glazing they do for this man. And trust me, it's a LOT. Still, if I wanted a cardboard cutout I'd just order one online. Is it really so hard to give our male leads some PERSONALITY?

But the last straw for me was when, up to that point, the author had made it seem like he was embarrassed about his identity as an obsessed gay man and was interested in marrying a woman. I get he had a new identity, but what did he think he was going to gain by proclaiming his love for the general, in public? At least until he travels out, he's still "Lin Xiaohu". Amnesia would've been the perfect chance to wipe that clean and apologise for his untoward behaviour, but in order to "embarrass" Rong, he just started yapping in the street. I still don't know how idle the people in the capital are, to stand and watch people argue

Not to mention that I had to skip over almost the entire chapter because it was just paragraphs on paragraphs of praise for the general. It was so boring goddd. Author took "show, not tell as a suggestion.

Sorry my thoughts are incoherent, this is more of a rand than an actual review

TLDR ; Arrogant and annoying MC who is sometimes so s*upid it hurts, and other times has average intelligence, but the author tries to make us think he's a genius x Cold, paralyzed face, cardboard ML. The comedy is hit or miss (mostly miss), with Iots of Second hand embarrassment <<less
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CrescentRedLuna rated it
March 10, 2024
Status: --
What I want to summarized is that something shocking me, two royals idiot that obsessed and willing to kill MC, if they can't get him, so killing MC the best solution to make no one can get him. These two idiots are The young emperors of Zhou and Prince Regent of Xihang. What I'm confused, how come you dared killing someone that you love because you are emperor, do you think love is such a weak, after reliazed that MC was his weakness and afraid that with such weakness would... more>> make him less and less become an emperor that can ruled a country. for prince regent from xihang country, abused his power, rather sacrafice anything included his own country just for a one man, of course he can kill MC rather let MC with someone else. two crazy bastard. What I cannot brain the most is the emperor, such a wicked man. <<less
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Goodreadsonly rated it
March 9, 2024
Status: c19
He talks a lot. I mean the MC is very eloquent and that's how he get in and out of trouble, but it got to be too much. I gave up in ch 19 because it was paragraph after paragraph of dialogue. MC is a talker and I'm not a bug fan of that style of writing. The plot does sound interesting so I might trying picking this up again when it's fully translated.

Also every time he talked about ML, the dude just pops up from the background lol. That... more>> part is funny. <<less
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