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“You were my enemy who always defeated me, but you were also a pretty good companion.”

“Shut up! What do you think will possibly change if you say that now after all this time?”

He, who was more like her than any other. That was why they were so fixated on only each other, why they were so madly obsessed about only each other.

The only difference between them was that one wholeheartedly wanted to have the other, while the other wholeheartedly wanted to defeat him.

This was the very reason why this catastrophe had happened despite that they were the other’s sole companion.

“This life is over. But in the next, I won’t be your enemy, but your knight.”

If there is a next life, I will offer up my sword to you.

A brightly burning flame was pathetically extinguished.

And so, Ianna Roberstein, a duchess of the Kingdom of Roanne and the strongest swordswoman on the continent, died at the hands of the Conqueror Arhad Roygen, the emperor of the Bahamut Empire.

‘But why am I alive?’

Associated Names
One entry per line
Adonis: Eternal Bliss
Adonis: Reminiscence
Reminiscence Adonis
아도니스: Eternal Bliss
아도니스: Reminiscence
Related Series
I Don’t Want to Be Loved (8)
Shadowless Night (7)
Living As the Villainess Queen (6)
Under the Oak Tree (6)
Regina Rena – To the Unforgiven (6)
Predatory Marriage (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. KR novels I enjoy
  3. Joyitas
  4. cvnty main characters>>>
  5. OP Queens

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03/31/20 Rainy Translations v2c8 part2
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02/11/20 Rainy Translations v2c6 part2
02/07/20 Rainy Translations v2c6 part1
01/17/20 Rainy Translations v1c4 part7
01/10/20 Rainy Translations v1c4 part6
01/03/20 Rainy Translations v1c4 part5
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12/27/19 Rainy Translations v1c4 part3
12/24/19 Rainy Translations v1c4 part2
12/20/19 Rainy Translations v1c4 part1
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11/08/19 Rainy Translations v1c1 part2
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60 Reviews sorted by

meatbunluver rated it
January 11, 2024
Status: Completed
First off, hats off to the translator. They are clearly a professional and it shows. Spectacular writing and beautiful choice of words. There was no sense that this wasn't the original language the author published it in. Honestly felt like I was in English class again reading some great work by a famous author.

I read this starting from near the beginning when there were still weekly updates, so I had the fortune (or misfortune??? Because cliffhangers uff) to read this in installments so it didn't take up too much of... more>> my time at once. If you are a binge reader, this is a warning that you might need to power up on coffee or whatever your poison is to get through this in as few sittings as possible. It's good.

Ianna, oh my god, Ianna. She was so strong, determined, and insanely hard working. It was so easy to get inspired by her work ethic. But she was also deeply flawed. Her childhood and the environment she grew up in made her a twisted person, her trust and faith in other people were at all time lows.


But be patient, you'll see changes!!!


The best thing about Ianna was the character development and growth she showed throughout. You start off seeing one version of her, and as the story progressed, her layers kept being peeled off, and also the already uncovered layers evolved as well. It felt like an actual person I knew slowly becoming the best version of themselves.


I was also hooked on her mysterious background that kept being teased. Like I knew what it would be, but I also didn't.


Arhad as well. I could go on and on about him too (but I'll cut it short so you can read it yourself). He's a complex character himself and I loved his backstory. The deep and everlasting love he had for Ianna (that at times presented itself as questionable in nature, but ultimately was a really sweet love filled with respect and admiration for Ianna) was so lovely.

I just genuinely wished the best for both of them (and all of the rest of the characters) and was so happy with the ending (though if the author decided to go the One Piece route, I would support it fully). <<less
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mielru rated it
December 26, 2023
Status: Completed
The novel features complex world-building, and it's a lengthy chapter dedicated to explaining the details. Sometimes I just felt too long for my brain 😂 But it's okay, skimming is allowed.

I love both the MC and ML; their growth is consistent. The side characters are not boring either.

I believe the ending beautifully ties up everything. A must-read Korean novel.
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December 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Absolutely loved how the story looped around and how things were revealed over time. Power scaling went insane after sometime but was still fun to read. Best romance.
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Alea123 rated it
August 1, 2023
Status: v2c7
As said in other reviews, this novel is magnificent. The writing, the world-building, the (VERY SLOW) burn.

For your information, the chapters are really long (and I'm a fast reader) but it's not a problem because they are, in my opinion, adding to the story.

It's going to take me a while to read but it's really good for now.
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FreyjaVanadis rated it
July 23, 2023
Status: c33 part14
Okay, I rated this one a 4 but it's really more of a 4.5 or 4.75. There are some great parts and some major drawbacks.

Negatives - First, I haven't finished this one - it's SO long I just got bogged down in the sheer length (I'm writing this now so I don't forget my thoughts on the series before I write an actual review). The writing is also very dense - it's like reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy - which, honestly, is one of my favorites and I... more>> have reread it about 4-5 times, but there's also a reason it took me until early college to finally make it all the way through Return of the King - it's like reading poetry rather than prose. Poetry is DENSE - you have to sit with it and think about it and that's exactly what Adonis and LotR are when reading. Both are very introvert style works where an enormous amount of the plot is taking place inside Frodo or Ianna's head, and while this isn't something that's exactly action, it has huge effects on the action later. There's a lot of back and forth between internal drama and outwards drama that really marks the works as philosophy and evolution of both the characters and the writer. I also want to agree strongly with the criticism moonrune said way back in November of 2019 - Adonis SEVERELY suffers from both Smurfette Syndrome and the Not Like The Other Girls nonsense through the writer's impressive misogyny, although you can tell the development of the writer is impressive given how both Priscilla (the roommate) and Angelina (annoying princess) do have redeeming character growth and their own arcs that develop them as people, instead of the Faceless Villainess/Mob characters used only as a contrast to the nobleness and awesomeness of the heroine. It's incredibly annoying because you see all the male characters given actual backstory and personalities while the few female characters are initially caricatures that could have been pulled out of a file and a new name slapped on them before use, and this doesn't change significantly until we get to the Exchange Student Arc that any of the female characters are written as people instead of background scenery and not until the Going To The West Beastmen Arc that we are given any adult female characters that have their own motivations and goals. Personally I can forgive a LOT if the author later genuinely fixes flaws in their writing like developing characters in a logical way, and Adonis did that. I would have to say my main problem goes back to the similarities to LotR - it's long, there's a LOT that happens that can't be reasonably summarized because yes, it *is* important to the plot, and it ends up taking so long to get through all of it that I eventually end up wandering away because I'm fed up with the lack of a conclusion. You can only be super interested and living in anticipation of the next twist for so long, and Adonis goes on entirely too long.

One of the really good points in Adonis is that the book *is* so philosophy-heavy. It's very introspective and it's fascinating watching Ianna mull over things obsessively - she has to think everything to death and poke all the holes in her own points of view that she can, and then find a way forward that uses what she learns to improve herself and change her worldview. This is very much a shonen anime style philosophy - she fights, has a setback, and then goes and trains using the new information she learned from her setback to change how she approaches things. Herrace is a great example of his growth - he is probably the weakest character for the first few books, and then has a galvanizing moment in the Sidian Arc that completely flips his worldview, and he uses that impetus to become the incredibly strong character that he becomes later. I do love that the whole time Ianna tells him over and over that a sword is meant for killing - part of becoming a swordsman, as Herrace has dedicated his life to, is going to involve killing people - but until the end of the trip through Sidian that it finally clicks and Herrace can overcome his reluctance. The character growth of all the major characters is significant, and the plot becomes so much richer as the do so. It's remarkably well done in the case of the contrast between Arhad in the original timeline and the current one - he starts out very 2D and it's on purpose - Arhad has no motivation other than his obsession to unite the Demon fragments and his obsession with Ianna ends up impacting that, but his thought process at the time is very if-then-else - he HAS to finish the Demon and defeat Bahamut and only THEN can he pursue Ianna, which ends up backfiring rather spectacularly in the past. In the current timeline, he becomes less and less robotic as he is around Ianna and dragged along with her and her gang in the crazy stuff that happens - it the impetus for his character growth and he learns how to have emotions other than obsession and begins to operate with thoughts other than just cold logic. He changes Ianna and Ianna changes him, although he never becomes less than obsessive and is still a very cold individual, but at least he's not a robot anymore. I don't feel like Arhad's evolution is complete until the Kingdom Founding Arc, so think of that what you will. It's also kind of adorable that the cold, unfeeling hero is also a ball of anxious terror that he's going to piss off or lose his girl, so that's nice - I do so love it when they flip the script. <<less
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Locke_Lamora rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: Completed

I truly wish they had a kid it would have made everything more perfect. I dislike the fact that the ML was so weak on the end. He was strong but I still didn't want her to be able to beat him.

this was an epic tale that was well thought out from beginning to end with all no plot holes. A truly well written and well thought out book.
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chande rated it
March 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Intially, I really enjoy this story until I wouldn't miss each words in it. This story had so many great characters, not only the leads but also the supporting characters. I also like how the author was thorough with the world building in this story (just don't force your logic into it to enjoy it because it's a fantasy genre after all). I also love the character's growth in this story, especially Ianna and Arhad. Ianna grew from apathetic and cold person to be a compassionate person although Arhad was... more>> still number 1 priority and Arhad was so obsessed with Ianna previously but he learnt to trust her and let her did whatever she wanted.

But over times, the fillers in this story became more and more unbearable especially when Arhad and Ianna talked about their twisted feelings to each other. It's just so cringey until I had no choice than to skip those parts altogether. Those parts also that made me enjoy reading the manhua version more than its novel. Nevertheless, I still love this story for its plot and characters so I gave it 5 stars. <<less
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Relenapeacecraft rated it
January 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I quite liked this novel. The MC and ML had very consistent character development and I truly appreciate the author's efforts in making sure their characters were consistent throughout the novel. The world building was well thought of and even the characters sorrounding the leads were developed and added substance to the story. This is the type of novel that will require you to think about different perspectives.
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-Snowie rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: v10c31
Everything about Adonis is amazing.

Unique plot, thrilling story progression (which only gets better as you progress), spectacular world building, romance, action and fighting scenes, are simply incredible.

And above all character development is phenomenal.

... more>> Writing is truly top tier.

Some people seem to misunderstand the novel, MC and what author was trying to convey. Saying that MC acts like "im not like other girls" without even understanding her personality and where she came from.

Sword is everything for MC. In a world where everyone scorned her, it is the only thing that brings MC happiness

But surely, everyone has their preferences but it doesn't justify wrongly judging the novel and MC. Rat is surely of no importance in the novel, which the person has judged based on this one scene and neglect other key subjects to the story. I am saying this based on a memory but it probably portrayed that the fight ended in an instant. (Not that I agree to rat violence)

Every character in this novel has their respective personalities and characteristics just like every human. It is even explained in great detail why they have such personalities.

The excitement I felt during reading was incomparable to any other novel. I wish adonis had more people appreciating it. It has many chapters but its truly worth reading.

(Please dont make assumptions based solely on reviews and without first properly understanding novel)

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kra lik
kra lik rated it
December 25, 2022
Status: --
i had high expectations bc of the reviews but unfortunately ended up cringing through it all. Probably bc I have read many works in similar genre and personally dealth with"im not like other girls!!" mentality. Which is why it hurts so bad bc the MC suffers from it. Ianna seems like every generic fantasy themed female protagonist. Her looks stand out, has complicated family background and has a sob story. And bc she is not "like other girls"she becomes knight or whatever, discovers she is pretty good at it but... more>> latter learns its bc of her "mystical powers"?? <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: v2
The story has interesting world building and lore and the mysteries surrounding them. Honestly the characters don't do the world justice. Such potential got to waste.

The MC is cool and collected and I do like (?) her but I just can't get myself invested in her story. Like maybe it's just me but I can't bring myself to continue reading. Yes this is slow but that ain't the reason I'm dropping this. MC doesn't actually have a proper personality other than her love for the sword. We see her care... more>> for some people but I really can't believe in MC liking those people. Basically the MC is frustrating and doesn't do justice to the amazing World building and lore. Also MC is kinda sue-ish cause she just meets important characters and becomes friends with them quickly even though her social skills and personality is that of a a rock. (I've also read the manhwa so I'm judging both)

This story ain't bad but I am dropping. <<less
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July 25, 2021
Status: v7c25 part6
It's slow, it hurts to read at times, but it's rewarding. The FL under goes change when shown a new way of things, her desire to just kill anything regardless of character slowly changes. It's not an instant thing where "oh I guess I should stop". Her slow arc builds with her as she experiences new things. Unless you want a really quick and rewarding story this might not be for you. But I can't think of another novel with a more concrete character, she never acts against her interest... more>> given what she knows. Not in the selfish way, but it in the "she's just been raised and brought up" way, and throughout the story she realizes how's she lives, can't be the way other people live.

The FL used to hate her roommate, she hates "shallow girls" but slowly her world view changes, she's kind to her. She's kind to people whose wrong her, she stops judging people by their looks and starts looking at them by their character. Her relationship with her friends and who she considers her friends highlights this aspect of her change. <<less
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Ananin rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: v9c28 part7
This novel is without any question my most favourite romance fantasy novel. I fell in love with this when I read the manhwa and the novel made me fall for it all the more. And I'd say it’s a must read for the manhwa readers as well since the manhwa skips a lot of the details.

This was the first time I have seen so much attention put in the world building of a romance fantasy novel. The sheer details here was so fun to read that I even found myself... more>> spending a whole hour to read a chapter. I have never found myself bored while reading this.

As for the romance between the main couple, I must warn that it’s a very slow burn. But to my surprise, I enjoyed this slow romance as well, even though that's usually not my cup of tea. Their slow progress makes the smallest interaction between them so much enjoyable. And when they finally made it to the next step, it just felt so rewarding.

Our main character, Ianna, is a total badass. She is a bit of a mary sue character, but I love her all the more for that. But she is also a greatly flawed character, and throughout the story, she reflects on them. Even around the beginning of the story she admits that even though she has already lived a whole lifetime, she is still very ignorant about many things. Her character growth was pulled off really well.

I feel like I really need to spend a few lines on our ml, Arhad. I'm very fond of yanderes, and he is the most perfect yandere ML I have seen. Even though he is extremely obsessed with the MC, his love for her wins out and he goes such lengths. He respects her every choice and supports her at every step. If this isn’t the perfect yandere ml, then I don’t know what is.

The side characters of this story are also fleshed out really well. Especially the villains, with some mature details, they really made me hate them to death. All in all, an excellent read. I already know the upcoming spoilers and how great the plot was going to get, but too bad the ride's over since the translator will soon be dropping this and will take down her translation. I truly hope this gets an official translation someday. <<less
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DJ1o11 rated it
January 23, 2021
Status: v7c25 part2
Absolutely love this novel. The translations are so good it almost feels like the author has written the book in English. This is one book where the storyline doesn't simply revolve around the main couple but others too. Just leaves me craving for IannaxArhad scenes even more. Very engaging plotline.
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Hawk73 rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: v4c16
So far so good. The characters are somewhat deep, but if I have one complaint it does seem like the entire world reacts differently if the Main Character is around, which I am never a fan of. So I guess although I am giving it 5 stars it may be a little generous.

However, that is my only complaint. I like the sufficiently deep cast of characters, the magic system doesn't seem inconsistent or illogical, there is a lot of unknown variables and plenty of mystery that is drawing me as... more>> the reader forward, and little milestones that are steadily progressing the plot without it becoming to monotonous.

I think such characters seemingly only to exist to orbit her will become less of a problem later on, when her fame preceeds her and so other characters should act differently around her

Update: I would say the side cast has become a bit shallower, and now the sole focus of the novel is on the romance aspect of it. As a Yandere romance it seems pretty good. I have never really enjoyed one until now.

At this stage I am feeling like the plot is faltering, because a lot of what is going on right now seems too relaxed, and that will surely seem silly in hindsight, so both the main characters are acting dumb, and future tension will feel a bit inauthentic.

minor spoiler


They keep having these -nearly effectively communicating- moments, but they never seem to be significant to they get boring after a while, and too much of a waste of time for how serious the situation they're painting is.


Still 5 stars, I think the world-building /magic system are top notch, there are still nice elements of mystery present which are intriguing, and the weaknesses are only relatively weak compared to the strength of everything else <<less
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Manhwa fan
Manhwa fan rated it
July 21, 2020
Status: v4c16 part3
I really love this series. When are we going to see the Bahamut Imperial Family in person? What Chapters are they going to appear is are they going to appear in Volume 9 or 11 of the Novel? They are so much lore about them being monsters who have the Demon Fragment. They want to kill Arhad because he has the Largest demon fragment. This family intrigues me more.
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autumn23 rated it
April 16, 2020
Status: v1c4
I like the writing style of the author and the overall background plot with the reincarnation thing and strong FL and ML. The details do get tiring but I think it's essential to what the author is trying to build up as the background story for FL and ML's connection. I also applaud the translator's skill especially with writing this long and detailed. These are the only reasons I'm giving a 3.

What I dislike the most about this novel is the MC herself. It seems like the author tried too... more>> hard to get away from the FL trope that she's already too unrealistic. And it's also difficult to sympathize with her despite her tragic past. Here she was being reborn and able to change her future but despite what she says about wanting so bad to break away from her past, she lets her memories of the past influence her every move. Even when her present was different than her past (her father does not beat her up, her brother tries to be kind to her, her step mother tries so hard to be close to her), she keeps clinging to this past like a gum under one's shoe. It's irritating to say the least.

I wasn't planning on dropping this because after the hours I spent reading it, I'm determined to at least see the FL and ML meet. However, seeing the earlier reviews (especially the fashion show spoiler... Why is there even a fashion show?! I thought the author was trying to get away from cliches.) made me want to just move on and be done with this. I'll probably return to reading Return of the Female Knight. No pun intended. <<less
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athena67 rated it
March 17, 2024
Status: --
I've been followed this novel since 2018 until it reached ends. I should say that this novel is the most impressive novel I've read. From the story building until the character are perfect. Every question you have about novel from early chapter will be answered in later chapter so patience is the thing needed when read this.

Must I tell you that romance in this novel is slow burn. But every interaction between MC and ML can't help but make you smile and gigle. You also would enjoy the phase relationship... more>> they into from meet until end.

Ah and don't forget that translator who translated this novel did something fabolous because they can perfectly catch what author want to convey to readers. So thank you so much for that. <<less
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dancingdream rated it
February 24, 2024
Status: v7c24
THIS IS INSANE. The worldbuilding was so IMPRESSIVE. I'm currently on the chapter where Ianna is going through her first semester at the Institution. I'm taking this moment to shout out to Rainy Translations because their work is IMPECCABLE. Darn, the way they translate Taro's accent, speech habits that must have been difficult to translate was presented gorgeously T_T I enjoyed this novel a lot majorly because the translation is so flawless, so THANK YOU and I wish all the stars in the world to work in favors for you... more>> T^T

Okay, back to reading <<less
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