Ace of the Dragon Division


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There’s SAS in Great Britain, CIA in the USA. In Huaxia, there’s Dragon Division, known as the mysterious power of the East.

When a soldier that originally failed to be selected to join, appeared on the Dragon Division’s list again, no one noticed, that this inconspicuous and humble looking guy was actually the Dragon King of the division, the one that’s most difficult to deal with.

He was a man, whose appearance gave every one existential crisis, including a fly that was consecutively caught by him with a pair of chopsticks.

Of course, this story is hilarious as well.

[Shen Yao laughed. “You think I would help you? For what reason?”

Xu Cheng sighed. “Shen Yao, to be honest, you are really pretty.”

“Humph.” Shen Yao snorted coldly, “Can you elaborate on that for me?”

“I don’t know how to get into details, but I can only say that when I accidentally tore your skirt today, I got a boner.” ]

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01/25/19 Noodletown Translated c5
01/25/19 Noodletown Translated c4
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68 Reviews sorted by

Cable rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: c105
Very interesting story, has a good balance of romance and action. No s*upid MC or supporting characters as yet. But the MC could do with a bit more bravery and courage.
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Stompound rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c102
It's nice for a casual read. The story moves a bit slow for my tastes but the translation quality is good.

As far as the plot goes, it's pretty much what you'd expect from a novel of the genre so far, except for the fact that MC is actually devoted to his wife and seems to have a few proper morals.
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shuiko rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: prologue
A novel with some small twist that make it interesting enough to enjoy, though you probably have to wait past CH 120 to really get into it.

Its like Black Card after chapter 100 and establishing all the characters, parties, and rules of the world it gets super interesting and good super fast.
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grimzz rated it
December 29, 2019
Status: c1231
Another chinese web novel that you need to turn off your brain and logic to read

The premise of OP MC and faceslapping is fine, but the author just can't make interesiting character and their growth, like seriously why in the world the LAST BOSS just gave all his power to MC, MC wife sudenlly get OP kungfu skill but just used it once

LAST BOSS is dead but the story still going like wtf?

Stephen Hawking is thrown to the side, his quantum thingy is used to offset nuclear blast (?) And... more>> thats it

His gene warrior comrade betrayed MC for the Last Boss, but they planned to betray the Last Boss, few chapter like this, and then? Those guy just dissapear.. Got eaten by Last Boss with no explanatiom at all

The author really need to go out and meet people more to see how an actual human being act <<less
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JumpTheGun rated it
November 1, 2019
Status: c287
  • OP MC
  • Extreme Face slapping
  • Fun to read
  • Stable and timely release of chapter
There above information is usually sufficient for me to read a book

But damn Holysh*t this book is addictive.
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Goth667 rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: c121
The story is very funny. The MC is OP but tries to stay low and it works. Even if others think highly of him they still underestimate him. He also doesn't use his power only directly but gets others involved slowly changing his surrounding.
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Young Sparow
Young Sparow rated it
May 20, 2019
Status: c117.1
Really nice and enjoyable read. Nice pacing, fulfilling chapters and story.
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March 15, 2020
Status: c428
It is really good if you want to take a break from the more mainstream novels. Honestly for me, it feels really good to read something different from a brain dead hero/novel like ATG (got really pissed off and had to drop it).
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Krazyguy75 rated it
December 22, 2019
Status: c338
EDIT: Ok, had to drop this down several points. Shortly after I posted this, the plot that the entire novel up to that point had been building up (the conflict with his mother's family) to was swiftly resolved... in a way that resulted in no character development whatsoever and no lasting effects in the story. Honestly it felt like if Harry Potter 4 had Voldemort get resurrected and immediately killed by Harry who then had to find reasons to do things for the next three books. Honestly really disappointed by... more>> that.

I didn't go in expecting a plot from this action novel, but I kinda expected that the climax of the entire novel's story would do something different from the minor villains he fought up to this point, but literally nothing in his main story of meeting his mother again mattered at all and the MC didn't develop at all. Heck, when he goes to fight off his wife's suitor's he gets more character development and a more interesting plot arc than the literal thing they built up to for almost 400 chapters.

Original Review:

I don't know what the people who put 1 star are smoking. Are they so hipster than anything that isn't perfect is terrible and anything with cliches is automatically bad?

This is a good novel. Is it a great novel? No. It's an entertaining light action novel where the MC is overpowered, but it doesn't make any claims to be anything other than that.

If you want to see the Chinese equivalent of Captain America go toe to toe with thugs and martial artists, get in street chases, and use his ally's connections to thoroughly beat down anyone who tries to do evil in front of him, this is your novel. If you don't want to see that, the f*** are you doing reading a novel tagged with "Overpowered Protagonist"?

Sure, the characters aren't stellar, but judging a chinese action novel on characters would be like judging a romance novel based on how many enemies they beat up. The characters in this are memorable enough that you can keep them separate in your head, and that's really all you should ask for in a light novel like this.

Sure, the plot isn't out of this world, but it keeps the action moving, and provides a large number of various set pieces for the main character to act within.

This is a solidly written, well paced, and entertaining action novel. It does what it needs to do, and rating it less than 4 stars for not exceeding expectations is s*upid. <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
May 14, 2023
Status: c960
This was an entertaining but extremely frustrating story. Could have been a very enjoyable zero brain required action novel if the author didn’t insist on throwing in every single kind of drama under the sun. The MC’s relationship with girls is so strange, esp with the 2 ladies at the beginning. The relationship with the female lead is also extremely annoying since she’s just constantly used as an excuse or reason to weaken the MC. That whole arc where he becomes a “monster” was just terrible, like at least come... more>> up with something that makes a little more scientific sense. There’s also the fact that the MC is strong but also constantly meeting opponents that almost kill him or cause despair, and he’s constantly getting betrayed. The author builds up the Deviant brotherhood so much and then at around 960ish breaks it all down plus an insane enemy and I was just like that’s it I’m out. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: c33
This novel is not bad, just very bland. If you like the "overpowered MC face-slaps golden spoons" trope you are very much in for a treat. The plot is actually good. Unfortunately I started reading this for the "hilarious" comedy. Nope, it is not very funny. The whole superhuman elite solder background ruins any form of suspense, it is basically one perfect guy living with multiple perfect women. The misunderstandings are basic and predictable. Occasionally there shines some resemblance of humor, for example the women's gossip, but those are rare... more>> moments in an otherwise dull face-slapping competition.

I still give it 3* because if you take it not as a comedy novel but as superhuman action it easily is one of the better ones among its genre.

If the whole super-solder living in an top-level apartment background was gone, and it instead was just his job as low-rung police officer, getting dragged into the messes of his super-wife and her friends, this might be the really shine. <<less
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April 25, 2020
Status: c472
I gave this novel a 4 because of how much fun I had reading this novel, the characters are funny and made me laugh a lot, the story was entertaining and kept me engaged the whole time. However there are some flaws some of the side characters are rarely seen, the story is predictable and the main character keeps getting stronger and stronger, when he has to face a very strong boss like character, he just fights and wins. There is no build up, no tension and there is excessive... more>> face slapping, also some racism (I'm a japanese, middle-eastern that lives in America and had no problems with the racism but it did happen in the book). So I would recommend this book for people who just wanna have fun, not necessarily for the plot but for the funny characters and situations, caution the book does cuss a lot.

Side note: For people who are wanting to read this novel, "M nation" is America and "Wei nation" is Japan, I remember being confused on what these countries are and didn't realize until about 200-300 chapter in but maybe that's just me. <<less
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Bivo Alexandre
Bivo Alexandre rated it
February 21, 2020
Status: c404
What can be said about this novel... it's nice, byt it depends on your expectations.

If you expect something at the level of warlock of the magus world this isn't for you. But, if you look for something nice to pass your time, some face slapping and overpowering protagonist this will do the trick. It's like a tv drama. You know what it's doing, you know how it's going to end, but you still got hooked to know how it will end.
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Piknos rated it
February 16, 2020
Status: c331
There isn't much to this novel apart from the typical face slapping and going around doing supposedly awesome things. The only problem I have with the novel is that it isn't self-aware. The MC acts like he is the sh*t and yet no one, literally no one, recognises the fact that he goes around killing people and stealing artifacts for his own personal gain. It's not like these types of leads don't exist, but they at least have some sort of understanding of what their nature is. This MC can... more>> only see what he does as just and fair. Killing and such aside whenever he breaks the law the always gets off scot-free and is instead lauded as a sort of hero. While there are some comedic moments they mostly happen in the earlier chapters and seem to have died off towards the later ones.

I recommend to read if you're looking for something light and don't want to think too much. <<less
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Xepherus rated it
January 18, 2020
Status: c371
I really like this novel. It's an easy to read face-slap story without the genociding OP MC like the one in My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife. The story is interesting and the side characters do get fleshed out as well. I also really like the translator because they do monthly mass releases.
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AtratusImperator rated it
November 20, 2019
Status: c200
Enjoyable story. The translation is readable but not perfect. Noodletown has been on the scene for a while translating stories. Update speed isn't historically the most reliable but GDN and HTK were some of the first stories I read once I got introduced into the web novel scene and GDN is finished being TLed and HTK is still going strong. I would like to thank them and let the boyz know I appreciate all the hard work they put in to bring these stories to the point here that I... more>> can read and enjoy them. <<less
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storm0002 rated it
November 12, 2019
Status: c297
I recommend it, it has strong, cool MC with interesting powers and he is also loyal to his wife and thats a plus in my book

All in all, interesting moderan crime/thriller novel

Give it a try
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November 12, 2019
Status: c297
Nice easy going novel, lots of face slapping comedy. MC is turning into an Xmen character, waiting for the wolverine claws to come out...

Not the most original plot, but a nice relaxing read.

On chapter 297 at the moment - hopefully, the plot thickens with the Prime Minister.
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killerdann12 rated it
November 6, 2019
Status: c286
A fun story about a OP MC that gets the girl and destroys his enemies. If you're into this type of story you'll love it and if you're not, oh well.
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November 3, 2019
Status: c284.1
I normally don't write reviews for novels but today I felt like it because this novel is soooo ridiculous. As others have said, it's a garbage novel whose ratings are inflated by the translators. Way too many plot holes and no actual character development. I think user Seregosa covered all the points I wanted to comment on. It gets even more ridiculous in the later chapters with all the China numbah wan bs. I just love how they always paint China as a polite country occupying the moral high ground.... more>> And most of all, I love how the author assumes the social dynamics in China are the same in Britain. Lol he even made the queen act like a thuggish rich young master. Overall, it's entertaining in how bad it is. <<less
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