Absolute on the Mound


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Until his second year of high school, Lee Jinyong’s whole life revolved around baseball.

However, faced with the adversity of reality, his dream faded away.

He never expected to be drawn into baseball again, until he started to see the unimaginable.

[Baseball Manager Starts]
Associated Names
One entry per line
King of the Mound
마운드 위의 절대자
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Ghosts | Fantasmas
  2. Adapted to Manhwas
  3. Sports/Fantasy
  4. Sports
  5. Sports

Latest Release

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08/25/17 Myoniyoni Translations c2
08/21/17 Myoniyoni Translations c0-1
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August 12, 2021
Status: c80
MC is an below average baseball pitcher guy who couldn't get into the pro's, winds up seeing a pro baseball player ghost & gets a level system where MC can get points and spend them to RNG spin the wheel to get skills/rewards.

  • TLDR;
  • Pros:
    • + Interesting ideas | ghost mentor + RNG level system
    • + Casual Read
    • + Reader only needs minimal knowledge of the sport | it seems geared for casual baseball watcher or casual gamer
  • Cons:
    • - Characterization | shallow & lacking, rather simplistic & flat, no character growth, no real rivals, barely teamsport interaction
    • - Lacking Execution of Interesting Ideas
    • - Tweaked Repetitive / Recycled Plots
    • - Dialogue/prose | feels childish/immature & repetitive & lacking depth
Longer explanation/ review:

I mtl'ed most of this novel since I was curious about the ghost mentor and the game element... more>> aspect. But as I am somewhat familiar with the sport, I had sort of high hope it'd have some depth like baseball anime; however I feel disappointed as it only scratch surfaces.

  • I feel this novel is geared for a very casual baseball fan or a gamer, one who watches baseball but does not actually play it as a sport..
    • Making it somewhat shallow compared to baseball anime which seems to have more depth to the sport since anime has done their research.
  • The author treats baseball which is a teamsport as a individual gatcha game focused only on the MC.
    • There is barely any teammate comradery/camaradie & essentially no pitcher-catcher battery chemistry

      (which I understand because MC under the ghost advice would rather him be a freelancer, but being a freelance just seems like an excuse for MC not to have any real meaningful interactions & not to flesh out any other characters & not create any distinct character rivals / enemies / friends.)

    • Yes, there are opposing teams but even they seem like similar with different names & small variations, as teams & MC reacts to opposing teams in similar manner.
  • The author's idea of having the pro baseball player ghost as a mentor & level up system is interesting but could've been utilized better.
    • I'm surprised MC has not even asked the ghost to teach him baseball moves, only take the random barely few advice ghost throws out; rather MC relies on the RNG spin the wheel to get moves & skills
    • I get it's easier with RNG and no training is essentially needed, but he could learn skills from the ghost without spending any points too.
    • However author only treats training as a passing moment - just being a warm-up stretch, never going into detail as if it's forgettable and just MC just does it because of ghost's reminders & not even a struggle for MC to accomplish.
Like overall, I don't think it's bad novel; it just could be improved upon more as it is lacking... like author mentioned some nice ideas but never ran with them and/or executed them with minimal effort.... And I kept reading hoping there would be some depth or maybe would explore one idea, but I think my expectations were too high. <<less
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