A Monster Who Levels Up


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This is a story of a man named Kim Sae-Jin, who one day, inexplicably wakes up as a Monster. Follow him and his perilous journey to get his life back as a Human, all the while growing even more versatile as a Monster in the process. This should be… complicated, somewhat.

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Titan LLS
Titan LLS rated it
November 19, 2017
Status: c59
Hum, so yeah this is another one with a great premise that in the end just fails to deliver. they have many of them that go like this. often enough you get ones like Kurono Maou or The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time, that gives great premise but also delivers past the initial introduction. This sadly is not one such a story. it starts off typical and continues that way, something is always missing from this. the author got such a good format for a really great... more>> story, and yet is unwilling to use it.

The Darker aspects of society that could have been used are completely shelved for the sake of a fluff colored environment, for the MC to enjoy as though he spends his days dreaming good dreams that become reality. things are often much too conveniently given or made for the MC to thrive. He casually just does things that could be troubling but the after-effects never show because he is the MC.


He use's plot debilitating abilities to completely dominate various industries in Korea, and everyone is happy and He receives no blowback. one of the convenient set up's is that other leaders of the various industries are mainly harassed for more good's but he is not because he hides his identity as a pseudo-superhero! no, I suppose he is just a superhero, at this point as the media is officially contorting one of his forms as a hero. as of this chapter, he varies from legend to hero, all courtesy of a rose-colored environment. I can't recall how many times, I've seen in novels an MC break out in cold sweat at the prospect of being kidnapped and forced into s*avery because of the things he is making. The MC has no such issue because everyone he meets has a heart of gold with no greed


This novel does not touch at all at anything darker in appropriation. even when events cause casualties, it is written in such a way that as readers you are left to imagine property damage is a bigger inconvenience than the loss of life or displacement of civilians. I'm not saying I want G.O.T here that would be scary... but for heaven's sake, this looks so much like the Author just drew a diary for his ideal world. everything is just so convent for the MC. If you're looking for action with not much thought this novel is a good choice I suppose but if you want something... well more look elsewhere. <<less
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Macrendil Ysmir
Macrendil Ysmir rated it
November 4, 2017
Status: c24
Enjoyable read with good, quick pacing. The greatest "weakness" gets solved pretty quickly, but I guess something else will come in it's place? As for harem & romance, I for one love GOOD harems, but the Romantic Subplot tag makes me wonder how it'll work out. We've met a number of harem candidates and I do hope we see more romantic developments. Also, the evolutions make sense in a way where some other novels don't. Brown wolf -> grey -> black -> werewolf rather than goblin->hobgoblin->orc->etc.
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MadMann135 rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: c4
This reminds me of the video game altered beast and that got me reading the first chapter.

I will say for my taste the story starts nicely, the first 4 chapters are interesting and are world building. The setting I find interesting, the MC gained a trait, lost his humanity and is working to get back his humanity or a reasonable facsimile of it.

There are some Plot related progress that sometimes takes away from the story but that is to be expected in a "weak to strong" story.

Though it is interesting... more>> I doubt the story will remain interesting. This is just the first 4 (introductory) chapters. <<less
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qegos rated it
August 29, 2023
Status: Completed
The novel is true tr*sh-tier. It's even below the fabled junk-tier. However, the ending takes it to a whole another level called burn-it-tier.

Ending was a weak attempt by the author to give the shallow novel some meaning. It failed spectacularly, as even the author admits.

I had little hope for author's future but after considering he's recognized his/her faults, the might still be hope for future novels.

This one, though, is irredeemable.
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kieleich rated it
January 21, 2022
Status: 75%
It's not "bad" bad, and quite readable, but... his abilities (monster forms and skills) are all over the place, he gets rich quick and could use his resources to buy monster materials en masse (helps him level up) yet with one or two exceptions he does not.

The story is lacking the proper challenges and goals, most of the time he just randomly goes into battle and randomly retreats. Then he conveniently forgets his abilities, one chapter he suddenly has the ability to fly, then soon after another chapter he's stuck... more>> in a deep hole and has to wait for rescue to pull him out.

He takes on way too many identities and everything is stretched thin without any purpose.

It's meant to be entertaining to read and barely passes on that note (if you can read with both eyes closed and skip over his awful controlling girlfriend sex-relief scenes), but if you're looking for a well engineered story, this is not it, it's just random wish-fulfillment battle slice of life with lack luster plot driving things along in the background. <<less
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January 9, 2022
Status: --
It's a novel where everything go according to the MC and I don't have any problem on the other hand I like this kind of plot but the ending just ruined the whole story they could have just shown a good happy ending but no

... more>>

He had to forget every f*cking thing what was even the meaning of reading the story when the MC himself forgets everything this is just bullsh*t they could have atleast added a extra chapter where he either remember some bits and pieces or just get together with his girlfriend with a new start they just leave it hanging don't know what the f*ck happened after that I seriously dislike the king of novels which leave the ending hanging in name of leaving t on readers imagination

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October 22, 2021
Status: Completed
Its good. Looking past the inconsistencies, name's changing. If you're maturing from your harem phase, this will be the best read for you. The action sequences are vivid, the translator have done a great job. Character developments was good.
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PoSunBanYi rated it
September 29, 2021
Status: c25
Long chapters with: no world building, that's alright. Only a few paragraphs concerning MC's story, okay. Females perfect status perfect looks- and young. -.. Only, oh that's fine too. No male characters at all that last longer than 1/5 of the chapter and forever ever forgotten, fine. Can't decide whether focus it on sci-fi, romance (fickle as hell), slice of life, action, adventure, no big deal. Doesn't even understand the need for a consistency and solid sense of the story he's creating, okay now that's bad. Can't even decide which... more>> tag he gonna write now- while changing midways to another, okay let's stop being nice, tr*sh.

If it was as simple as a vanilla VRMMO where he be gettin' money and chicks it'll make interesting for a relaxing lecture, but brother, it's just sh*t all over the floor and in them there are cereal letters barely making out : "which tag are we in this part, which in this, bet you can't figure out this one, bet you can't even fathom WHY".

b*tch, you right, I can't find a sense of belonging from the main characters to the story, let alone myself.

You're reading about MC and his troubles, next paragraph the chick is obviously forever-thinking for MC form or the way they met, oh. His d*ck grows enormously and that triggers a whole chapter about a girl falling for him, done done done, so many s*upidities. <<less
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ErikHarrison rated it
August 3, 2021
Status: c97
As the author's first work it's ROUGH. Powers happen for no reason, no over-arcing plot, harem is dropped at random. It contains a lot of really great elements but just isn't there yet.

While I recommend this novel, his future works only get better. His current work being perhaps the most consistent and exciting one yet.
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striiker rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: c174

As someone who just finished reading, I thoroughly enjoyed it, apart from the end. It is a harem, but not a bad one, I won't spoil who the MC ends up with though. The love interests do fight over the MC a bit, but in a more realistic way than most novels.

The action isn't as descriptive as other novels but it's still satisfying to read, power leveling is alright, nothing to really complain about but nothing to overly praise, to clear up some confusion with, the ratings for most things in the novel go (Lowest-Low-lower Middle-Middle-upper Middle-High-Highest) pretty simple but its never formally introduced.
As with most novels where the MC is or can transform into a monster/s, evolution is a big part, and as someone who quite enjoys this part, it's fairly satisfying and the dual life of the monster vs man plays a big role, not just something brushed over.
The physical descriptions are quite lacking in most areas so imagining the characters and monsters is mostly left up to the reader (both a pro and a con depending on your preference), regardless this isn't a deal breaker IMO as the focus is more on the story.
The story itself is quite good and enjoyable. It's short but the length suits the story, still would've liked a bit more to read so I could enjoy it for longer : (, but that's just me.
I didn't really like the ending so much, but I wouldn't say it was bad, just not to my taste. It doesn't ruin the story for me though so it's manageable.
Overall very good novel with a few flaws but definitely worth the read. This is all my opinion of course so you might find it different and other reviews might help decide whether to read or not. Don't take the 4 stars as being mediocre, remember 4/5 is 8/10 and I'm not the type to easily give away full scores as a 10/10 would have to be a completely flawless masterpiece that everyone alive would love unconditionally. Also this is my first review so it may be lacking in some aspects, I've tried to keep it as objective as possible.
PS; if anyone has any good monster evolution type novel recommendations I would welcome a pm.
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March 23, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved this novel honestly. The only thing I didn't like is the ending, not that it was bad per se, just that ... more>>

they had to resort to amnesia and then the party getting to know him and such. It would've been just as doable for the "world" to for example leave enough information so that he finds his loved ones immediately. Or simply remove the missing hundreds of years. Yknow? It just seemed needlessly cruel and annoying to me. His only wish was to see her/them but yet it took all his memories and then it took him years to finally see them again. Could have even happened where he couldn't find them! Total chance that he did


Anyways there's my rant lol <<less
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majidf64 rated it
January 8, 2021
Status: Completed
I actually finished this novel before reading some other more well-known Korean monster hunting novels and came back to write a review because this story is really good and fun but is getting unjust reviews mainly because of it's ending which I actually love.
I don't know why but most Korean fantasy novels have a very unsociable MC which likes to ignore others when they want to communicate or stares at them instead of talking which is really annoying and boring. But here the MC is more normal and doesn't look down on others.

The story here evolve around 3 themes of fantasy and monsters, romance, politics and power factions. Monster hunting part is really interesting and fun. In most of the story the MC isn't OP and actually has a reason to hunt and level up and since he can be a monster we see him hunt and fight in different forms.
The romance gets pretty interesting the more story goes on and also MC actually finds a GF. Female characters are very lovable and also eccentric with different motives and background.
The MC is versatile more than OP and actually start cashing on it. But the politic part is a little too simplistic and the MC grows to power very quick and easy.
There are many side characters that are both interesting and actually affecting the story. Unfortunately despite of a rich history and world building, the author won't explore many characters and plot points.
The story gets a little boring towards the end but the final 15 chapters are awesome and was kind of unexpected for me. The ending is smart and satisfying also necessary so that the MC could keep continuing a ordinary life and wouldn't isolate himself. He deserved it after all the hardship.
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Lost Reader
Lost Reader rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c65
Now I never feel the need to write a review but after reading up to chapter 65 of this novel, I felt obliged to register an account and tell you all that this MC one of the biggest, blandest, insufferable characters that can only be described as a true simp. The beginning premise of evolving his monsters to eventually become human whilst maintaining a degree of anonymity was interesting in the beginning but as soon as the female leads were intorduced, the author felt the need for the MC to... more>> always be at their beck and call. From that point on, the novel title should have been changed from 'A Monster Who Levels Up' to 'My Female friends who level up'.

He is the biggest simp and refuses to kill any human even if they are evil but doesn't hesitate in killing vampires. I tried to stand his character to at least attempt to enjoy the novel but I couldn't. Without this unhealthy focus on the MC giving the female leads so many ways to make them stronger and if he actually wasn't basically a p**sy, this novel could have been 4-5 stars. <<less
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November 5, 2020
Status: c56

WHY, why it was so good when I was reading it but why does he even consider raising a griffin.

It would be so wrong, it adds nothing and literally makes no sense for the level up become stronger priority brain he has.


Getting a pet would just make it worst.

I hope, REALLY hope that he doesn't keep it.

I might change my score depending on what happens.
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sonablu rated it
October 27, 2020
Status: Completed

I won't say what everyone else has said.

If you decided to read until the end. Well, as I've completed this story, don't do that. Just turn around after teh final battle, don't even try to find out what happened to him after the battle.

... more>> If you're gonna read through stop after he fights the dimension devourer or some shit. Just stop after you read the part where he said he can feel the earth thanking him. Stop. There. Don't go any further as you'll regret it.

174 chapters and I gained a little bit of "entertainment" that's it. The MC is bland. His relationships are boring. His development is scarce. The only thing interesting about him is that he can turn into different monsters. And the Translator Notes.

During my time reading this, my only enjoyment came from reading the translation notes. No kidding. There's so many inconsistency, plot holes of the kind, and just weird Korean jokes and puns that are unable to be translated to english and that leaves such an awkward reading time. The translator tried their best to make it understandable, if unable they'd translate literally.

So read it for some mindless time filler, or read other novels. Ah and Also, The story deserves a two star actually, I accidentally slipped and pressed one star and is unable to change it.

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DeeJack rated it
May 30, 2020
Status: --
The idea is good but...

Why do you have to focus on the girls and useless things like scenes where they praise the MC instead of talking about the story?!

10 chapters of useless talks and descriptions about how the girl he saved was beautiful, strong, etc. and then when he evolves "Oh he also evolved by doing this random thing".....
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May 20, 2020
Status: c174
There's a lot of problems with this novel. Most notably the ending. However, this was my first urban fantasy-esque genre of Korean novels that I read, and I feel like it'd be wrong to give it 3 stars now- it just feels too magical.

But generally, I'd give it a 3-4, 3.5 star rating, according to my standard now. The main character's pretty OP and unbalanced, and the ending's a little bit...

It's a good read though. There's never a dull moment, I can guarantee that.
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HatersDoHate rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: --
Maybe this novel was not suited for me or something. But I still rated this 1 star. Why 1 star?

Well, this novel was actually good. The phasing was good. Although the setting was common, it was still passable. But for me, the most important in a story was the MC. Why? Because the MC was the whole focus of the story. Even if the setting, phasing, and other characters was good, but if the MC was tr*sh, then the story was ruined. So I said that maybe it was just... more>> that this novel was not suited for me. Because the MC here was too fcking kind to the point that it was already plain stupd, and hypocrisy for the author. For example, there was this scenario, there was this girl that insulted him as tr*sh, and that girl met a powerful monster, but this stupd MC still saved her to the point that the MC almost sacrificed himself, because he was gravely injured after that. Man, seriously, if its not stupdty, then it was a hypocrisy of the author. Man, she insulted you as a tr*sh but you would still sacrifice yourself just to save her. Too much kindness was hypocritical. Man, this fcking author was a fcking hypocrite, fck you man. I hated this kind of MC and author. Oh wait, maybe the author would still defend me or gave me money or even befriend me even though I insulted him. Because thats what this hypocrite author write here in this novel.

The MC also could not control his emotions well even though he already experienced despair and hardships many times since childhood. For example, there was this time that he changed to his newly evolved Ebony Wolf just to show-off to others. Or this one time that when he needed a money to buy a magical core, he desperately begged someone to lend him, man if the person that he begged to took advantage of him, then he would suffer a tremendous loss or even became someone alchemist s*ave. Man, he's just lucky that the one he begged to was a good person. If not, haha!! Man, if the MC just calmed himself a little at that time before he begged that person, he would know that he could actually borrowed money from them easily without even an interest, because of his ability on potion making. But this stupd MC could not literally control himself, and just desperately begged without even thinking. What a fcking idiiot. He does not even have a backbone, he easily begged someone. Fck that!!

Man, seriously, I could easily create a character that could easily take advantage to this stupd MC. <<less
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bigboidan rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: c174
I loved everything about this novel bu the ending killed me.

I mean seriously the author really had to write that he lost his memory and his looks after almost dying and that sae jung has to try to rekindle the flames between them. Made me scream f*ck off, for wanting a decent happy ending. I know not all books should have a happy ending and I do sometimes enjoy a sad one, but this one pissed me off for some reason. Overall everything is excellent except the ending.

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Zone Q11
Zone Q11 rated it
September 23, 2019
Status: Completed
Agreeing with PotatoKing and many other reviewers, I recommend everyone to not read the ending (last two chapters) as it is simply horribly rushed. There might be a lot of clichés, but I can still enjoy them. What I cannot enjoy however, is that ending.
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