A Childhood Friend I Used to Love Got Pregnant by My Best Friend


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Once, during middle school, Sou had confessed to his childhood friend Rio, only to be swiftly rejected. Several years later, out of the blue, Sou was informed by his mother that Rio had become pregnant. Rio’s pregnancy led her to become reclusive, and Sou was unexpectedly asked by his mother to persuade her to come out of seclusion.

The next day, as Sou debated whether to meet Rio, his best friend Haruaki expressed a desire to speak with him alone. After finding themselves alone on the school rooftop, Haruaki revealed one shocking revelation after another to Sou…

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New TehGodofDoooom rated it
May 18, 2024
Status: c3
Ok this is a realistic short story. The problem is that there is almost no f*cking plot. The entire story can basically be inferred with whatever was given in the story description.

In essence, the FL came to like our MC after he confessed to her, and I think after she got rejected by the best friend. However MC was avoiding her after she rejected him so she ended up talking with the best friend about her feelings, and they started hanging out, getting closer until they s*upidly had s*x without protection. MC heard it from his best friend after he was called to the roof. Now she's pregnant with the Best friend's child, and MC rejects her like a normal human being and leaves, feeling frustrated and sad because he still has some feelings for her. The End. I'm serious that's the entire story.


All in all this story is too f*cking short and can be summarized in a few sentences. This story is neither profound/thought provoking, nor entertaining. It feels more like a section from a bigger, longer story instead. So in conclusion, garbage short story, save yourself the frustration of reading it and turn back.
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