100,000/Hour Professional Stand-in


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Ji Fanyin realized the moment she transmigrated over that she was a stand-in, a substitute for her younger twin sister, Ji Xinxin.

“Sure, I can be her stand-in. Here is my list of prices. Take a look at it first, and make sure to reserve a slot in advance. I won’t accept any last-minute calls, and do take note that it’ll only be a platonic relationship. Thank you for your cooperation,” she said.

In a western restaurant, a rich young master looked at her with eyes filled with affection as he said, “Xinxin, I would like to ask you out for a movie tomorrow night…”

An alarm suddenly went off.

Ji Fanyin took a glance at her phone before reining in her business smile, saying, “Time’s up. I need to rush for my next appointment. Make sure to foot the tab, and farewell.”

The rich young master’s smile froze up. “I’ll reserve four hours for tomorrow’s movie.”

In the middle of the night, a drunk, tyrannical young master dialed her number and whined, “Big sis, when will you come over to meet me?”

“In order to ensure the quality of service, this call will be recorded. It’s four in the morning right now, and my services will be ten times the usual price. Are you certain you want to proceed?” asked Ji Fanyin.

“… Hurry up and start acting!”

Ji Fanyin’s phone suddenly rang in the midst of a date with a domineering CEO at Tokyo’s tower. With a smile on her lips, she rejected the call and said, “Sorry, it’s another customer.”

“… I’ll pay you ten times the price. Switch off your phone.”

By the time Ji Xinxin finally returned back to the country, Ji Fanyin successfully retired from the scenes with the massive fortune she had amassed.

Heh, bad women will never get hurt!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000
Related Series
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Winter Rabbit in Wonderland (1)
Recommendation Lists
  2. Novel I had done part 2
  3. Girl Crush FL (CN Only)
  5. Top Novels

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09/15/21 Hosted Novel c57 part2
09/14/21 Hosted Novel c57 part1
09/12/21 Hosted Novel c56 part3
09/11/21 Hosted Novel c56 part2
09/10/21 Hosted Novel c56 part1
09/09/21 Hosted Novel c55 part3
09/08/21 Hosted Novel c55 part2
09/08/21 Hosted Novel c55 part1
09/06/21 Hosted Novel c54 part3
09/06/21 Hosted Novel c54 part2
09/04/21 Hosted Novel c54 part1
09/03/21 Hosted Novel c53 part3
09/02/21 Hosted Novel c53 part2
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152 Reviews sorted by

J.A.M. rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: Completed
Its good!

I've been reading too much BL lately so I kinda wanted to read some BG to unwind my mind of boys romance.

I actually don't have that much expectation since lately theres no good novels out there or if there is its ongoing. I'm not the type of person who read ongoing novel after all.

... more>> Anyway it exceeded my expectation. From plot to character to settings all of it is great.

I like how the author continue what happen after the fake MC was gone then put another chapter to what happen to her after she gone back to her real world.

Since I'm too focus reading, so far I didn't found any loopholes that I need to ask.

This novel is one of my highly recommended novel! <<less
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Tararissa rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: Completed
this novel is so nice.. the idea quite unique

I loved its consistency..i think the author already have a big outline from beginning

Each character is unique m we can learn a lot

How fragile human is, full with jealousy, comparing, and how important for us to face and accept reality although reality not perfect as our imagination or expectation, else we will suffer in vain...
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DementorBehindYou rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: Completed

Short review cause I'm tired: Loved the premise and our MC

Only thing I didn't like (and deducted.5 for) :


I felt bad for some of the characters for their endings. Some may have "deserved" what they reaped, but by the end, it felt a bit overkill. Also, I ended up having a soft spot for Bai Zhou

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timma rated it
April 4, 2022
Status: Completed
It's really addicting to read, but I can't help but feel bad for some people. Even if they did bad things in an alternate timeline, some of this emotional trama she's inflicting on them seems out of proportion.

Around chapter 86 it got a little over the top, she seemed cruel. After all some of the characters are young adults. Especially with the sick dude, he didn't do anything excessive and it feels like she's crueler to him than others.

Ends well. Probably won't reread within a few years.

... more>>

I'd recommend giving it a shot, if you don't like it within first few chapters, try again later or don't read it. <<less
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March 19, 2022
Status: c1 part1
Hmmm... what to say... I kinda regret reading this novel. It was not my cup of tea. I've read much more disturbing and graphic novels, but something about this novel offputs me more than most of them. Before I go further however, I will say that this novel is pretty well written and if cold, hard revenge is a theme you like, give it a go.

In my opinion, this novel really lacks the lighter, warmer themes. The setting, the main cast, all the actions and motives, all of it is... more>> so cold and twisted. In fact, I think the thing that is most jarring is the MC. I understand. The male cast and the twin sister are disgusting and deserve what they got. It doesn't make it any more pleasant watching the MC break their minds over the course of the novel. She also has a really cold heart - she's pretty much enjoying turning people insane. There is literally not an instance where this MC is warm - she is lukewarm at best. This novel would have been much more palatable if she had a warmer side to her, just like some other novels that had much more disturbing and graphic aspects, but felt readable because there was at least some humanity in the MC.

All in all, it felt like I was reading a novel about monsters, if not psychopaths. It left a pretty foul aftertaste. It is definitely not my cup of tea. <<less
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aiya03 rated it
November 21, 2021
Status: c75 part2
aaahhhhh! Read this one, it's really good 😍 The protagonist is simply my ideal, you-go-girl and femme fetale, character 😘 She have strong morals of her own without compromising her self-worth.

*spoilers ahead*

not really!! Hehehe

I couldn't help it so I read the MTL (which was okay, btw) as I got curious with the proposal event. From that point on the plot got more interesting with LL's route and the rest of the fishes. But what interest me most was CY and JF. All I can say is CY is the sweetest,... more>> most adorable, and sincerest guy (one day I hope to find) that JF has ever met in her life. :)) I swear you'll have toothache at the end of this novel. <<less
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Ritu rated it
November 19, 2021
Status: --
Actually kind of really fun ?!? Its a fun light read !
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solivagantsoul rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: Completed
For a novel that has its focus on a revenge plot, this surely was fun to read. It's not the best but it does keep you invested while reading. Though I must say I'm not a big fan of how vaguely it sorta ended. Overall some characters even felt unnecessary. I think the biggest issue in the novel was the lack of detailing and weaving emotions in between the lines. You know something that could make the readers empathize and truly feel for the characters.#

it was really good for the... more>> most part. <<less
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ariatheredlady rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: c10.2
Really good every chapter keeps you up. I don't feel bored. The MC is it is down-to-earth and has a realistic view on things. All of the fishes on the side are easy to imagine as handsome men gullible and weak for a woman that they barely know.
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Eeria rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: conpleted
Absolutely loved the MC and the ending. It is so rare to have an MC that don’t end up with a scummy lead, but more importantly most of the novel is not focused on the male lead, it’s solely focused on the MC and her mission. The ML and the romance line with him is a nice bonus.

Now, like some other reviewers said, some of the morals are a bit skewed and some of the retributions seemed a tad excessive but it didn’t take anything out of the novel for... more>> me. <<less
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I like the premise of the plot. FL was really good in her game. I like how she handled all the "fishes"... her ways can be harshed and cold, but can't felt pity bc the scum characters deserved it.

But the ending dissappointed me... it was super rushed and got so many plot holes. Many characters were wasted potential like He Shen, Zhao guy, etc.

The author even put an unnecessary romance in the last few chapters with her ML (even tho he's a dedicated cutie) was so rushed. Also...

... more>>

The transition of FL going back to her world and the OG owner going back to her body was also frustrating... I can't believed how some characters were easily accepted it with barely confusion. Also (Shen Qi) God's identity was kinda unexplained.

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billid rated it
August 7, 2021
Status: c44 part1
Well let's see. First we have a female protagonist I'm usually a little less expectant about those kind of novels cause they are like you tortured me but I still love you. When I read the novel I was like damn I can't stop. The reason is that we have a not emotionless MC but with great control over the emotions because of her job in showbiz and the fact that she has a goal and she is ready to work for it slowly, so we don't have bullsh*t like... more>> winning jackpot stonegambling etc. Although the methods are a little unorthodox they are more believable than in other novels. I like how we don't have stereotypes like a woman must have a man for life while a man can have many women and the reason for her not seeking relationships is that she expects to leave this world and she needs time to make money. Those are some basic point I like and I don't know if you see other points worth mentioning but I have to say this is not a brainless novel that tries to follow or upkeep a trend. <<less
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Stale Cookies
Stale Cookies rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: c43 part2
A decent read if you’re tired of the classic transmigration/romance formula and want something somewhat unique. The MC doesn’t fall for some shitty guy right from the start and she actually has agency. Can’t say it’s amazing, but it’s something.
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dona rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: c27
Reached chapter 27 so far and just want to make a quick comment about how utterly unbelievable this plot is. Don’t get me wrong I’m not going to stop reading because MC is quite interesting but it’s just utter unbelievable! How can so many men be so hopelessly in love with one women to the point of hiring an actor to soothe their hearts? If you said one man in the story is like that I would say okay, there are people who fall deeply in love but more than... more>> that? Just how amazing of a woman is MC’s sister to have men falling down left and right?? I’ve been reading so far in utter disbelief. <<less
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June 14, 2021
Status: Completed
This was really good. I liked the MC. I questioned her morals a few times but she did not cross the line. The ML was rly cute. I thought this wouldnt have a romantic pairing but alas, the ML came through in the end. A nice read.

What I find lacking though was MC's motivation to go back. She mentioned that her friends, family, career etc was in the other world so she had to go back but when she did go back, we didnt hear about these things and ppl.... more>> It seemed like her status (the only aspect showb) in both worlds was equally good and she couldve stayed in either place.


though you would feel that the transmigrated MC was a bit favored by the world so she easily finished the task.

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keikomushi rated it
April 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Having just finished the RAWs of this series, I have to say that I was really happy with how it played with what is a bloated CN transmigration genre. Simple considerations, such as what happens to the original after she returns to the body is satisfying given the groundwork laid by the empathising MC from another world. I also like how the male fishes have to deal with the ramifications of their behaviour, especially in light of how willing they were to be duped.
Yes, each of the fishes has issues. Whilst they have their looks and money, there is always something in their life that has led to them being quite nasty to the original Ji Fanyin. Whilst some of their problems is certainly sad, their treatment of the OG Ji Fanyin is bizarre and certainly fits into the CN soap opera cliches. However, we are soon treated to a major twist of sorts. (I won't spoil it for you.)
We are shown early that Ji Fanyin's twin, Xinxin, is a manipulative piece of work that was sick as a child. Fanyin's parents are also *ssholes that treated her like crap, focusing their affections on the white lotus Xinxin instead. Given the bullsh*t that she had to contend with, she became a meek figure that ended up clinging to one of her sister's fishes. She watches as another soul that cared enough about her circumstances to demolish the people that treated her badly and sets up a life for the original in the event that the return to the other world will enable little Fanyin to get her body back as well. The actress from another world turns out to be a better sister than her own flesh and blood.
Romance? This series may include the arc about Xinxin being a manipulative skank. However, it never ignores the agency in the willing ignorance and *ssholery of her fishes. That being said, my heart feels a lot more empathy for Bai Zhou. He is flawed, but he is a lot more likeable than the other fishes. I am not alone in my sadness for him either because he deeply desires a real family, one with a loving and loyal partner that he can reciprocate with. For those that are interested in the quality of the Hosted Novel translation, I found it solid as a rock as compared to the raws that frequently included pronoun issues and periodic grammatical problems. However, the latter was still able to be read. I will, however, reread the series via the Hosted Novel work of StarveCleric and Ru.
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Shimatta rated it
May 26, 2024
Status: c1 part1
Before even talking about the novel, I'd like to talk about the translation by Hosted Novel. It was amazing! You would hardly find any mistakes, and their choice of words, sentence structure, grammar, all were on point. I probably found only 3-4 mistakes throughout the novel.


The MC is a badass women. She is purposive, rational and extremely confident. People love her because she radiates confidence and positivity. She is extremely thorough in everything she does. When I see the comments saying she is being over-ruthless, I wonder if some people don't like the idea of women being vengeful or something. Because her level of ruthlessness in male characters seem to be extremely appreciated.

ML didn't have much screentime. Honestly, this novel didn't need a ML at all. He was such a refreshing character but was just made a trophy boyfriend for MC by the author. I understand why MC gave ML a chance. She was never in love with him or anything. She is simply dating him like any real person would because she finds him handsome and interesting. On the other hand, the ML was head over heels for her from the moment he saw her. I get it that she was playing the game he made with his friends when he met her, but that can hardly be counted as a reason for him to instantly fall for her. You know, although it's extremely cliche, him seeing her helping others and falling for her would have been more credible. He is supposed to be cold and aloof, but the moment he sees her, he instantly starts conversing with her, acting all flustered, which is OOC for him. But since she was playing his game, I get it. But he instantly falls head over heels for her. Her clients knew more about her than the ML. ML literally knew only little things about her like she likes movies, likes when men know how to cook, etc. But he never really knew her enough to fall for her so much that

he would wait for her his whole life.


MC's Clients/Xinxin's Fishes
I liked all the clients in that they were written extremely well. They were well- fleshed out characters. Ji Xinxin had looked for rich, vulnerable men who are easy to manipulate, and it was easy to see why she was so successful in having them on the palm of her hand. If she can do it, naturally our MC can do it too. One guy was looking for a trophy girlfriend, second was starved for love, third just wanted a pretty, naive and easily controllable girl, and the fourth just wanted the savior of his life but surprisingly didn't really care if she was really his savior. If you know psychology, you should know why it was so easy for the two girls to manipulate them. Anyways, I liked all of them as characters. They are scum and truly deserved their ending.


It was to the point. Although I would have liked it better if there was either no romance at all for the MC or had better written romance. The MC absolutely did nothing to gain the ML's love. The love was sweet just because

he waited his whole life for her.

But honestly, MC seemed to take it for granted. Her heart didn't even skip a beat listening to that. Self-love is good, but that was pure narcissism on the MC's part. Although I like the MC, I can see why none of her previous relationships were successful. She just wanted a trophy boyfriend or maybe a pet. Her style of communication with the ML is exactly like how you treat a dog. She would be like, "Come here." "Sit." "Close your eyes." She expects him to follow her every word. She says "You'll have to work hard so that we can get an all-kill, Lil' Chen." Lemme translate that in common language: You'll have to work hard so that our relationship can last forever, little boyfriend.

She does not say something like, "We have to work hard together to make our love last." She only expects the ML to make all the effort. In fact, it's his "privilege" to be allowed in her space. Talk about narcissism.

I don't have time right now to dissect other things. But, I would like to conclude by saying that it is an above average book among the sea of books in the same genre.
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laumei rated it
May 22, 2024
Status: Completed
MC is my type. Ruthless, relentless, straight savage while still being in complete control.
I was about halfway through the novel before I realized there was no Romance tag, but MC's antics were so entertaining to me, I had to know if she got back to her real life or not.

ML should be a god due to the amount of patience he possesses but he's a lil cutie and has proven that he deserves it all. He def leans toward the category of puppy MLs but not surprising since this type is commonly paired with the strong and dominant type of FMCs.

2nd ML, if he can even be deemed 2nd ML, plays a role that was a bit daunting once it was revealed. I think about him a lot when this novel comes to mind.


The youngest Fish, Bai Zhou, ugh. I grew a soft spot for the kid. There were times where I wanted MC to give him a chance, but that would totally go against her character and mission. He was just immature, naive, and unloved. I felt like he just got played by everyone around him. It was nice to see him show some growth towards the end, but his growth likely would not have happened without MC's brutal performance.

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Kd_Wnyn rated it
March 25, 2024
Status: Completed
Plot: MC gets into an accident and is transmigrated to another world. In order to return to her original world, she needs 10 billion points. Her money and assets as well as other people's feelings towards her (negative or positive) add up to her total points.

It's an interesting concept.

I like the story up until the final showdown between MC and all her fishes. She goes for maximum damage, which somehow makes me feel bad for the 2 men she inflicted the most damage on.

... more>>

Shen Qi was just a plot device. I feel bad for him. He tries hard to save MC at the cost of the other girl, and yet can't get the chance to confess his feelings for her?



I didn't enjoy the romance bits. I didn't like their dynamics because it felt like he didn't exist without her. In chapter 111, when ML did not say what he did after she left, but explained what happened to everyone else. For someone who had lived till the end of his life and has established a romantic relationship with MC, he is still insecure about her affections for him.

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dnd rated it
March 28, 2023
Status: Completed
This is quite a simple story with overall psychological talk in it.

The characters might not be perfect and fulfilling but still categorized as a living one. Although the last scene kinda dumb me out but the whole overall plot is nice and in sense.

... more>>

i love how there is two major goal in the story, which is getting fulfilled in a quite decent and normal way. First is how the MC got the money to get back to her real world (I'm not gonna asking why it has to be nominated, but well that's also quite interesting too). The second is how the MC able to get a revenge for the original body.


The main character are a well grounded and we'll shaped character, that don't need any sympathy or worry from the reader at all. Although I felt very comfortable to read her journey as there is not many bad scene that seemly happen to her but it also cause the less empathy coming from me as a reader towards her character. On the other case, the last bit of the original body was actually intrigued me to read further on the lastest part.


the redemption part is quite bloody in my opinion. She might not kill them with the weapon, but she did terrorize them emotionally. MC understand perfectly how human emotion works and make them suffer the way they make the original body suffer emotionally. Makes me kidna felt complicated on the ending. At the same time even if I felt satisfied they got the retribution but it's also too traumatizing to watch. The sad part is overall the main culprit aside from the twin sister it's actually the parents who had a big hand on makes the original body suffer, yet compared to the other boys they suffer the lightest both emotionally or physically. Though they had their ego and wish crashed but they can still life normally.



now the ML, I might or might not feel satisfied over this but after all the romance has never been on the priority in the story. Even more that God stuff loving a human and make their fate diverge and stuff, nah that's was that dumbstruck part lol. CY as an ML is quite nice too, like how his personality is actually quite compatible for the not so believed in love of MC. Instead of some overbearing powerful people, he actually could make much more cute couple with the MC.


The last is a little words for my favorite characters BZ


his character are the most annoying one out of them all. But also the most growing one. The author gives us a clear scene on how his environment affecting his personality so much, but later gives us a snitch on how he realized his lacking. There is a moment where I kinda wish him to be with the original body, until that last moment when he realized that the og body back and he just walk away instead of apologizing to the right person. I meant, I'm half and half sure that at this point he realized that both of the JF was different in personality. And the biggest reason he apologize before was because he loves the other JF not because he genuinely felt bad for his actions back then. So when og JF told him that the JF he loves has gone he just left dejectedly. Well this arrogant and ignorant personality is still hasn't being washed away it seems. There is also kinda part where I wish I could see og FY with SY after she comeback but I guess their last encounter was that last finger scene.

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