Forty Millenniums of Cultivation


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“Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal bloody shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness!

“No matter how weak each spark is, how short-lived, how small… As long as the sparks flow unabated, then one day one of those sparks will light some tinder, and that tinder shall light some fallen branches, and those branches shall set ablaze each and every last tree of the forest!

“In the end, even the smallest sparks will eventually set the shadowy forest ablaze, and illuminate the whole world!”

In a world teeming with cultivators, Li Yao, who makes his living collecting scrap metal, encounters the soul of a titan powerhouse from forty thousand years in the past.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cuarenta milenios de cultivación
Forty Thousand Years Of Cultivation
Pertapaan 40 Milenium
Xiuzhen Si Wan Nian
Xiu Zhen Si Wan Nian
Xiu Zhen Siwan Nian
Xiū Zhēn Sì Wàn Nián
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Good(No Harem)
  2. ALLCN+
  3. My little corner
  4. My Gem Collection
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

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121 Reviews sorted by

asgard22 rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: c70
Hmm.....~~~~ well, before you read any further, I would like to note that I reached up to 470 chapters so take my review with a grain of salt, maybe food for thought.

With that said, im not quite feeling it so far. I dont like the pace of development on how he gains his powers and abilities. They all seem to convenient, to easy. They way he gains those powers, the way the author sets him up to meet a teacher to train him was way too convenient, like literally anti-climatic... more>> in a way.

The way the author kinda gives power ups/fortuitous encounters for the MC is kinda how im writing this review, very nonchalant.

But I do like the setting of the story so far, definitely seem to be a lot of potential with the way they tie in cultivators in with modern space. i'am a fan of huge epic space sagas.

Also there is a lot of info dumps, im only up to ch70 but there is a lot, with that said, I actually dont mind info dumps. As odd as it is of me, I tend to just read them all, in any novel I read, I just find it fascinating. for me it helps me imagine the story holistically. But for those who dont like it or tend to skip it, well heads up you'll want to do with this one as well, cuz there is a lot.

At this point, I'm losing interest in continuing reading this, will probably drop this just cause im not a fan on how the author introduces new elements for the MC to encounter. If you can overlook this, im sure you might find the novel interesting.

But im probably an outlier, shouldn't stop you from checking out this novel because there does seem to be a lot of people who like the novel. Just so happens im not one of them <<less
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carnwennan rated it
October 21, 2017
Status: c900
Well, this is a novel with a very interesting plot that mixes regular xianxia with sci-fi and many reviews talked about it so I will only leave a warning for those who want to read this novel:

I never read any novel with a cultivation speed close to this one. It is slow. The slowest I ever seen before. It is way slower than Cultivation Chat Group and that's something to be shocked about.

... more>>

Basically, be prepared to wait ~350 chapters for him to reach Building Foundation Stage and ~420 for Core Formation. It doesn't seem that slow? I can agree, but by chapter 2600 he is still in Spirit Transformation Stage (the 5th realm of the 8 known realms) ! It is just like if by the end of ISSTH Meng Hao was at Spirit Severing Stage.

Even if the novel isn't focused in pure cultivation, the cultivation progress and speed still reflects the progress and speed of the plot. If the novel really only has 8 realms, how long do you think it will take before the novel finally ends?


So, because of this incredibly slow cultivation progress, this novel is going to be one of those over 3000 chapters (maybe over 4000 chapters). I am not criticizing the novel for it but not everyone have this much time to invest on a single novel. No one wants to start reading a new novel just for dropping it at chapter 3000 (like I did with MGA).

So be certain that you don't mind the slow progress in cultivation and that you have enough time to invest on this novel to properly enjoy it. <<less
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valzione rated it
October 15, 2017
Status: c197
Quick rundown

Cultivation isn't a "sit in cave for billions of years to reach level x"-type which makes the story more interesting, since while it should be understood that slow and steady wins the race in cultivation etc, but pointlessly inserting huge amounts of exaggerated numbers for years/resources/everything makes you lose interest in them, you could just as well erase that stuff and instead replace it with "long time" and it would be just as good or even better, this one surprisingly doesn't have too many of those exaggerations.

Premise is cultivation... more>> type of world (duh) which actually has a modern type of setting. Countries exist and are relevant, instead of just being cannon fodder for mc/villain, many different types of devices have been given interesting cultivation based descriptions for their inner workings.

MC isn't turbo op, but instead intelligent and a bit eccentric and seems to be good at comprehending things, has no ghost grandpas telling him everything about everything, side characters aren't too deep, but they aren't 2 dimensional either although they seem to suffer of catastrophic "mentioned and after MC leaves area they are never referred to ever again"-syndrome.

Not many usual "i r*pe/kill/rob things because X" motivations and plot events that are usually prevalent in chinese novels.

No portraying random caves as some godlike perfect locations to sit in when there is comfort of modern civilization.

Modern civilization mixed with cultivation is actually interesting

Story has it's bad parts that seem to just be plot armor that is too convenient (atleast once around ch 190-ish) but these are mostly minor and can be skipped without losing much. <<less
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MondSemmel rated it
October 7, 2017
Status: c154
The novel is by no means perfect, but as of chapter 154, I prefer it to most isekai/cultivation stories out there.

Instead of a full review, I'll focus on a single aspect of it: I *adore* the level of Noblesse Oblige in this story. In most cultivation type stories I've read so far, cultivators only care about themselves and about becoming stronger. Here, in contrast, there's a very clear sense of camaraderie among humans in their struggle against their common foe, the demon beast hordes. Whereas most cultivation story protagonists are... more>> utterly self-absorbed, here you will occasionally see both the protagonist and other cultivators care about one another, and even about protecting the weak common folk. At least in the struggle against the demon beasts, they go all out, sometimes to the point of self-sacrifice.

This is *such* a refreshing change. A cultivation story which contains likeable, lovable NPCs. Also, I'm so happy that so far, a harem is nowhere in sight! So NPCs are occasionally actually characterized by something other than their single-minded focus on the protagonist.

I enjoy the story a great deal in general, but I utterly adore the Noblesse Oblige aspect.

(I also like that cultivators are both depicted as utterly arrogant in their daily doings - they're aware that they're "better" than everyone else -, *and* as sometimes being self-sacrificing when it counts. This doesn't apply to all of them, but *many* of them live according to Noblesse Oblige.)

PS: Also, Li Yao is a refiner who eventually comes to carry absurd amounts of equipment. Which makes him, as of chapter 172, a "massively equipped man" (that's in the original translation). Bwahahahaha... <<less
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Stark3 rated it
September 25, 2017
Status: c1221

I started this one on the recommendation of my brother. At first, it reads like your usual CN novel, with the MC obtaining by chance a "schtick" (in this case, the memories of a cultivator from 40k years ago) and using that to get an edge above everybody else.

The early scenarios are kind of predictable, but they're not bad at all. Where it really shines IMO is after the MC finds himself in another universe.

There are a couple of things that I believe sets this novel apart from the sea of mediocrity out there

- world building : no, you don't get wall of text level world building, but you get consistent bite-sized upgrades to what you know about the world. A lot of the systems are logical, there's cultural diversity, myths and legends in the various cultures that eventually tie in into the story.

- space drama / sci fi: this is the only cultivation based novel that I've read that captures the feel of being in outer space. It sometimes gives me the feel of the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov, where we see a space-faring civilization trying to recover step by step from the dark ages. Other cultivation novels out there just treat outer space as the same kind of environment as a land-based one, not this.

- multi-dimensional characters - I absolutely HATE it when I get presented with one-dimensional characters, where you get people who are obviously good and people who are obviously bad, with no shades in between. The villains presented in book 2 onwards are complex characters, and while they might do monstrous things they have their own set of morality and are aiming for the good of their race from their twisted point of view.

Very much recommended reading

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Hisagi rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c152
This is the best cultivation world that I know of – rational, intelligent and dangerous. It’s thrilling.

The author, however, tries too hard to create an overpowered main character. There is, therefore, an unholy amount of coincidences and plotholes which plague the series.

... more>>

I do not believe that an orphan born in a toxic wasteland managed to survive –– and to survive in good health at that. We are never explained how the main character succeeded in closing the gap between himself and those nourished with heavenly treasures from birth.

Nascent stage cultivators are described as god-like existences. So I cannot fathom how a mere train could injure Ou Yeming – someone powerful enough to travel through time. Even more unbelievable is that his soul failed to possess Li Yao, regardless of his memories from the planet Earth. This is the most disappointing event of this novel.

Someone like Helian Lie must be busy training all day; where on earth would he get the time and the interest to bully Li Yao for no reason whatsoever? Their enmity is not reasonable.

The meeting between Fiend Blade Peng Hai and Li Yao is completely fabricated. There is no way it could have happened, there is no way Peng Hai could have taken any interest in him and there is no way they could have become friends.

There is also no reason for the classical, outdated methods of refining to have much relevance in Li Yao’s present – it seems, however, that the author conveniently forgot this in order to make Li Yao look cool. This is clearly an insult to the title of the novel – it has been forty thousand years, surely the refiners have continuously improved their craft!

There are many, many similar plotholes. How could the refining department of the Grand Desolate War Institution possibly explode, killing every artificer but one, right before Li Yao enters the place ? Even someone blind can see that this is a plot device – the author wants Li Yao to complete the skeleton suit project on his own and to get all the glory. Nonsense.

This is equivalent to brutally shoving fortunate events into the ass of the main character.


Read this for the world-building rather than the story. <<less
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Amaury1514 rated it
July 22, 2017
Status: c150
Wow! I have not been so engrossed in a story in a long time really a breath of fresh air. I'm loving everything about this novel so far and am actually interested in what the main plot of the story is going to be. One thing that really stands out to me is the lack of enemies in a good way. Usually by chp 150 the MC would have already destroyed about 30 no name bums just looking for death but this novel has none of that. The laws in... more>> this world and how you can't just kill and bully the weak 24/7 is what really sets this novel apart from the rest. The story flows pretty well. The MC actually has a brain. I'm looking forward to the romance of the novel not really sure who the heroine is though. <<less
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Ignus rated it
January 29, 2017
Status: c77
Wow ! An amazing story for a new author. So many things are right. Instant favorite... And belongs in the company of Spirit Realm, Lord Xue Ying, Chronicles of a Primordial War.

Pacing is great, lots of details for making a real fantasy world, but not so many that it feels like you are reading "Info Dumping for Dummies"

Unique sub plots and creative ideas.

Each chapter feels new, exciting, different... No typical BS Xiania Troupes: Even the rare name calling of tr*sh feels refreshing and viable as part of the story...... more>>

You can tell that the author put lots of time to outline the story, flesh out details, tie up loose ends.

I can honestly only point out 1 real negative, and I think it is due to the author being relatively new. A few paragraphs/chapters specifically revolving around plot armor are poorly arranged. Its like the author wrote them backwards to make the plot armor less visible, but didn't get it quite right.

Like when MC puts on Spider web rune mask, that happens to be the specific one the gym owner asked the pro wrestler wears as well... It would have been better if Author wrote that they both used same machine and machine was broken and only spit out the same mask, and wrestler picked up the mask locally and holo messaged the gym owner at that time...

Or when the Ancient cultivator just suddenly showed up in-front of MC and just died... followed by trying to validate/explain his death. Would have liked something more like MC's house runic systems attracked the time traveler to his vacinity, and him getting killed by the tr*sh drop ships... and he noticed something special and beat his competition to the spoils


But the above spoiler is just a small drop of dirty water in a delicious refreshing cup of cool water. <<less
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bobbyb123 rated it
October 14, 2022
Status: c2857
For those deciding to whether to read this novel: if you're okay with some info dumps and deep philosophical and technological discussions, I really, REALLY, recommend this book. It's one of the most outstanding works I've ever read as you get farther along in the novel. As the MC grows and comes into contact with more scenarios, his world view and own morals keep getting questioned and refined. You'll find the villains are absolutely refreshing in that they're all trying to save humanity in their own way, it's just that... more>> oftentimes they're thinking too far ahead which makes society classify them as monsters instead.

There are some things I don't like, particularly the personality change of the MC from a more serious person to someone who seems to always be known as a bit of a joker closer to around chapter 2800, but it's still 100% worth the read just based on the world building and journey. The author did a really great job of boiling down the essence of humanity and the fact that everything comes down to resources. When humans have plenty of resources, only then do they have the luxury of having equality and the ability to protect the weak. When the resources run out, that's when the ugliness of humanity comes to light. The MC strives to prove that his view of cultivation and moralistic path is the correct one.

Although I haven't finished the novel since the translation switched to Atlas Studios (horrible translation quality with names of proper nouns being completely wrong countless times) around ch 2800ish, I'm still blown away with the author's creativity and just how logical and well thought out all the various scenarios are up til that point. He raises many interesting solutions to problems that our own society currently faces, such as how to unite the population of the entire planet for a common purpose, how to make use of the manpower and intelligence of all of humanity, how humanity must eventually seek to conquer space travel for survival by seeking out other mineral planets etc before resources run out due to the population and consumption of non-renewables reaches a critical threshold, along with several other great ideas. You can tell the author has done some research (or even has professional experience) in both computer science and physics as his grasp of both are great as far as what he's shown in his writing. An example is his usage and explanations of dimensional theory which are a key part of this book. For those interested, I would recommend watching the simple and brief video titled "Ten Dimensions Explained" on Youtube to get an idea of what it is.

I've probably made around 100 bookmarks of all the interesting and amazing things I've noted and I will probably update this review at some point with some examples, but I can only say once again that I thoroughly recommend this book.

5/5 so far. <<less
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ApatheticSchizoid rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: c800
It started out good and unique with very well written chapters. It seems like the author kinda gave up on having a concise well thought out plot. Instead what we get is lots of filler with characters who will only disappear after they are no longer needed which serve no other purpose then word count. Seems like the author had really bad strings of writer's block. It got the point where I'm skipping whole chapters that are filled with nothing, but convoluted arguments and inner monologues that aren't really needed... more>> to progress the story and are painful to read. <<less
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ShadyShadow rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: c1185
Just finished Book II so I thought I'd do a quick review before continuing on with the grind. Grind I say because at some points it really is hard to continue following the story and finishing every chapter. At some point I even started skipping certain chapters just based on their headline. Skipping chapters is (at least for me) something that normally only happens when I read something really mediocre. But forty millenniums of cultivation is far from mediocre. The writing, while not brilliant is far from being "bad" and... more>> the translation quality is consistently very high. World building and the varying characters are on point and the leveling system certainly has its charm. While there are small plotholes here and there, it's nothing drastic and the story is coherent and thrilling. The only thing where it falls short is it's pacing. There are no filler chapters and no crazy info dumps like we are used to, but the whole story feels incredibly stretched. So if you're into the premise of the story and just enjoy reading, then this is probably for you. On the other hand, there is a good amount of novels out there that are a better "complete package", so if the story sounds only mildly interesting to you, maybe you should skip this one as it can be very prolonged.


I've now finished book 3 and holy shit, the story, the characters, the world building; everything's getting better and better and even more intriguing than before. The problem of the author rambling on and on about everything and the world continues to persist, but holy of you're able to finish book 3 you'll know that your time hasn't been wasted and its been worth it. <<less
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Rockenny rated it
May 15, 2021
Status: c208
If you're tired of pretty girls, petty young masters in eastern fantasy novels, and revenge plots, then you should read this novel.

This novel has some petty young masters but they're not the same as those in other novels. Sometimes they don't even become 'either you die or I will' rather they become friendly competitors. Even if things escalate it doesn't become 'I have a strong father, and stronger grandfather so I'm going to call them to beat you up' rather things will turn out well and you're not going to... more>> feel annoyed by the plot.

I saw some comments saying this novel has 'nationalism' and 'racism' but none of them exists.

Enemy nations are not human kingdoms, they're alien kingdoms who are 'evil' cultivators. Humans are just trying to survive against invasions by them. So this 'nationalism' is just humanism and it is good in my opinion.


To sum it up first 200 Chapters:

Characters in this novel has rational mind, of course there are bad apples among them but things didn't become annoying. Explaining how cultivation works and how powerful they are was lacking that's why I'm giving it 4 stars. 'Nationalism' was touching for me. Explanation of refinery part wasn't confusing it felt like refiners were combination of blacksmiths and coders and they were working on hardware and software at the same time. Explaining how fast cultivators are thinking is rather good most of the novels doesn't pay attention to this.

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January 29, 2021
Status: c1980
Alright gonna give my honest review about this novel, currently about 980 chapters in.

TL;DR for those who aren't gonna like reading long passages, It's a good scifi-cultivation novel that is more sci-fi than anything. Has heavy themes that border on propaganda of sacrifice and comradeship. So if you're looking for a more light hearted novel I suggest you look elsewhere. This novel dives deep into existential and identity crisis. It's honestly the reason I'm going to drop this novel.

Ok for the long review:

Where should I start? Firstly I want to... more>> say that I don't give ratings to my reviews because I feel that everyone has their own thing they like so I feel giving a rating onto something is pointless. I will try my best to keep this review spoiler free so that all can enjoy the novel. FMOC is quite a ambitious book as it tries to marry sci-fi with Xuanhuan (the cultivation genre) which so far I have not seen many examples of. The result however ends up with it being more of a sci-fi novel with common cultivation themes, such as gathering of resources to increase one's cultivation, fighting for resources, learning of skills etc. The balance of Xuanhuan and sci-fi was more apparent in the first few volumes but become increasingly sci-fi as the book progress. This results in alot of aspects of cultivation that were there early on being written off and never seen again. I guess it is difficult to keep balancing the two themes especially while trying to introduce such heavy themes.

FMOC is not a light hearted novel. While there is a progression in terms of the MC's power level from weak to strong, it is not your typical get xp level up kind of novel. The themes of sacrificing oneself for the betterment of many and the idea of strong should protect the weak was very prevalent even in the beginning of the novel and this continues throughout the rest of the novel (or at least as far as I have read up to). It is almost blatant how the author inserts these themes and how they are repeated, that borders propaganda. While I understand that the author is trying to show what kind of person the MC is, it becomes uncomfortable to read after a while. I honestly wanted to drop the novel early on on multiple occasions but decided to keep going. If it were just these 2 themes I would have been still alright and tried to persist through to see the end of what was translated at least. That was when the author decided to add even more philosophical themes to the pile. Later volumes start to introduce themes such as What does it mean to be a human and existential meta questions like does anything I do matter to anyone etc. If you are a fan of such heavy and crushing questions and discussion of such themes then maybe this book is up your alley. For me I was very overwhelmed and for that reason have decided to drop the book. That being said, there are some universally good points about FMOC.

The World building of FMOC is very well done. I was able to picture the atmosphere and the kind of environment that the author was creating. This was consistent throughout the many 'worlds' or 'sectors' that the MC explores. You can imagine quite vividly the kind of world that the author builds in the story. The characters, while not as memorable, each have their place. Unfortunately most characters in FMOC are pretty much one and done typical of most Cultivation based genres, but there are some more interesting characters that stick around for later plot points. Would have been nicer if there was more continuity but it is not too bad. Romance in the novel was very light and much less than other novels. I would say this is a plus. Honestly too many good novels are destroyed or end up being sidelined because the author puts more emphasis on romance than what people reading cultivation novels want. So I am glad that FMOC kept this to a minimum. Just enough to show that MC is not a heartless bast*rd but not enough to screw the book. Plot armor of the MC also not too thick, which helps to 'grow' the MCs thoughts and attitude towards the people he engages with. It was satisfactory.

Lastly just a few more issues with the book that I felt were significant but not enough to be written as a paragraph on its own. There were alot of setups that were put in place especially in the earlier volumes that never ended up being used at all and were just brushed off. Many characters that I thought were gonna become persistent ended up just disappearing forever. It's like the author prepared 10 bullets to fire at a shooting gallery and shot like 7 of them before leaving the place. This leaves a lot of excess stuff lying everywhere that just doesn't make much sense. Also I just dont ee why the novel is called Forty millenniums of cultivation. It's like mentioned once in the introduction and that's it. Never mentioned again. No idea what the phrase even refers to. Perhaps I haven't read enough. Probably. But if I have read almost half the available chapters and nowhere does it tell me what the title is, I don't think it's my fault.

In conclusion, it's honestly a book I would have kept reading if it didn't devolve into philosophical ideas and near propaganda levels of expounding the authors strong beliefs. I can honestly say that I have read many many Chinese novels so there is a certain level of tolerance one should have regarding the ideals within the book as well as other smaller problems highlighted in the previous paragraph. But for FMOC it's just too much for me. I will be clear: This is not a novel for everyone. I will only recommend this to those that are interested in darker and more heavy themes or people that seriously like sci-fi based novels enough to stomach philosophy. <<less
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Blaius rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: --
The story started off great. The MC was cunning, intelligent and his goals made sense. He wanted to be a refiner. He was the underdog.

But then as the story progresses the MC doesn't make sense. He preaches about looking out for the weak and humanity even though his early childhood years were spent in a garbage dump where he tricked and schemed against people to survive.

Its like mankinds darkness doesn't phase him and he chooses to willfully ignore it.

... more>> What is really annoying is the incessant need for hypernationalistic crap.

Humanity is great. You demons have issues with mankind but mankind is great so get over it.

As soon as the MC says anything people follow him. Literally thousands of years of grudges and social and monetary aspects of civilisations are pushed aside because the MC says so.

Honestly I kinda want the MC to lose. Everything seems to go his way.


I had to stop reading it when the MC walked upto the higher ups of the federation and literally told them to get along with demons. He said a couple of bs paragraphs of how demons and humanity should live together. As if he was the first person to ever think that in the history of the wars between the two faction. And the federation instead of killing him like they would for traitors or any civilian who spoke good things about the demons. They bought into his sh*t instantly followed the MC.

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phreakinsane rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c500
One of my favorite cultivation novels.

It mixes sci fi & fantasy into the story making it a unique flavor/genre. But for me it just makes the story more enjoyable.

There is good monogamous romance in this. An intelligent and cunning MC, and its not just filled with edgy villains.

... more>> The bad guys aren't a bunch of h**ny rapists and for the most part, they have fleshed out back stories atleast enough to actually know why they do what they do.

The world building is decent. On a galactic level it fleshes out enough to get atleast a basic understanding of the universe they live in.

If you like a mix between star wars, cultivation, and demonic invasion stories you'll love this. <<less
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EFermi rated it
November 7, 2019
Status: --
This is a really, really decent mix of sci-fi/cultivation novel. If you read the novel super attentively, you might notice that it feels as if it took some very slight, very miniscule plot elements of WH40K (Emperor who united humanity after devastating war in the distant past, constant war against xeno life forms, total militarization of society, etc.), but it doesn't feel like the novel was built on any pre-existing basis at all, microreferences are only noticeable when you know where to look and can decipher them. Overall, (one... more>> of) the best possible sci-fi/cultivation hybrid novels I ever read. <<less
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12BlacKnight21 rated it
October 16, 2019
Status: c1246
What an awesome novel, this is my second time I bothered I o write a review but believe the amount of I've read a lot of novel until I ran out of new exiting novel worth of prolong read. And believe me it is worth it..

The character and world-building is awesome with a (kind of) make sense to them in the context of a fantasy/adventure/fighting novel.

Have you ever feels like you've seen/heard/read everything that makes you kind of know where the plot/direction/whatever is gonna happen ? Well, this novel at... more>> gonna surprised you, for example :

Spoiler Alert !

An old-sage-cultivator tried to possess him at fairly early in the story, but sike, he already has an immunity towards possesion, b/c he is already been possesed before by an Earthling with the same name Li Yao. And at first it doesn't make sense at all because the Earthling Li Yao just a mortal human, how the hell Heaven Origin Sector (HOS) Li Yao gaun immunity from soul possession from a much stronger soul ? (It's like gaining an immunity to a Bird Flu from suffering a regular Flu once. Both flu were not in the same class at all.) But when I thought that I got a loophole, then the story suddenly introduced the Vulture Plan. And I'm like what the hell is Vulture Plan and he had a "sealed" memory inside his brain which started to gives me a glimpse that different plot is gonna happen. Like where did that Sealed memory come from? Could it be the Earthling Li Yao is much more than it meets the eye ? Litterary hype.

As for the Skill from when he infiltrates the Demon sector he got a skill to "Cultivate" the cells inside his own body, and I'm like Holy sh*t that's Toriko-level ability right there. And you know what, I loves Toriko manga too bad it's rushed.

Anyway, I'm getting chatty now but my point is YOU SHOULD READ THIS NOVEL. Trust me, it's awesome.


Edit : While the very basic story theme maybe not that great (cultivation, etc) , but what makes it awesome was its implementation of the multiple arsenal (multiple civilization theory) it has to made works in the context of the story, Clash of Civilization, Ideologies etc.

One thing I know, this novel will have a much stronger momentum if this is Adapted, or directly made this into Manga/Manwha, or even movie <<less
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kshitij001 rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: c1185
Till the chapter that I've read, this novel is awesome. It's something fresh, new, and filled with plots and subplots everywhere. Three volumes have been completed till this chapter and you get kind of the gist of who the next enemy and/or the final enemy is. But seeing the length if novel, I probably doubt that these insurmountable enemies that have been introduced will be done and over with within the next three volumes, which I guess will be another 1000 chapter long. So what about tge last thousands of... more>> chapters. <<less
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Konstantin rated it
April 14, 2017
Status: c115
Dropped. Just can't read it any more because of one very-very s*upid moment that pissed me off.

... more>>

There are Fiend Tide and some cultivators sacrifice themselves to save some strangers. Even though they can easily run away. And only one guy who said rational things was ostracised and looked down as tr*sh. Yes, just some random cultivators (among them young girl) decided to sacrifice themselves without second thought, just to save some strangers and this is described as heroism. No, this is idiotism. And I'm afraid that later such pseudo-patriotic BS would be repeated over and over again, thanks no.


upd 1. I give this novel another chance and I can say what after 300-400 chapters it becomes much better (I'm now 1200+ chapters in) and all shortcomings (over idealistic MC, boring fights, slow cultivation etc) compensated by very interesting villains, plot twists and world building. <<less
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PineappleX rated it
October 27, 2022
Status: c1300
ch1300 edit: 3 stars... I dropped the book, it started to get boring, not really repeated, but the situations the MC gets himself into are usually the same. I would recommend reading the first thousand chapters (5 stars) and then drop the book.

below is my review but first here is a chapter 830 edit:

my mind is blown, all the so called plot holes are coming together, there are essentially no plots holes but a carefully weaved story! when the author connects all the pieces and info in the story,... more>> it is an amazing process.

ch700 review

I read the manga and then read the novel starting from like chapter 580 which is the middle of volume 2. The manga are really good, but after reading it for the third time I found some plot holes. If you don't pay attention to the plot holes then, the manga is a masterpiece. Then I started reading the novel. I would rate it a 4 so far. It's good, but there are some boring chapters on refining. But, it has been getting better. Read the spoiler, it isn't much of a spoiler, but a good reason for you to read.


The middle of volume 2 is full of schemes. I just read Li Yao unravel a major major scheme and I got the chills during the process of him unraveling. Just this scene is good enough for me to rate the story a 5.


One thing that I want to mention is that there isn't much bs. Instead of prolonging a volume for an extra hundred chapters, the author finishes it properly and without wasting time.

chapter 820 review

this story is absolutely fantastic. so many plot twists (in a good way) and you can never expect what will happen next! <<less
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