Your Highness, Didn’t You Say That I Wasn’t Cute?


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From a house on the verge of a downfall, Celine is unsociable and plain. Her childhood friend, Crown Prince Alexei, tells her she’s “not cute” but dotes on her nonetheless with various gifts and attention. Celine’s feelings towards him are complicated…

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Denka, kawaikunai tte iwanaide?
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08/25/22 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo oneshot
5 Reviews

Aug 26, 2022
Status: oneshot
As the other reviewer said, ML constantly says she “not cute, ” bombarding her confidence at every meeting. Then in textbook ab*ser form BLAMES HER for doing so this whole time. Like???

Genuinely confused how this female lead can rave how “kind” and “generous” he is then in the same breath have him talking down to her. Girl, those things he says to you are markedly unkind, the math is not mathin’. He set her up to be disrespected so he could have his moment/power play against not only her but... more>> the nobles. She’s a not cute chess piece to him, whose reputation he disregarded to such an extent as to have s*x with her not only before even an engagement, but before telling her he loved her and thought she was beautiful.

I get it’s smut, but this man? He’s tr*sh. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 26, 2022
Status: --
Translation is fine and decent but my god this oneshot is infuriating.

Literally the definition of negging. Crown prince ML insults the insecure MC by calling her plain and not cute and unlovely for years whilst also love bombing her with gifts and random affectionate gestures.

Lets random NPCs insult her while ingratiating themselves to him, signs her up for his fiancée selection whilst continuing to insult her and I guess she's not ugly or plain or useless after all and he knew it all along and here have this 'makeover moment'... more>> after pushing her into s*x fbehejsjsjs

Mercifully it's a oneshot so I don't have to deal multiple chapters of this but for real if anyone treats you like this prince does MC, please cut them off forever <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 17, 2022
Status: Completed
This was.... not good. I want to reiterate what everyone else was saying - the ML is TR@SH. He is constantly cutting the FL down, especially in public which has the effect of taking away her power and position in the court. FL talks about how kind and generous he is, but his treatment of the FL is honestly mentally abusive. He needs to make her small and weak to make himself feel strong, and that's not love - that's a power play. This guy is a narcissistic A-hole and... more>> girlfriend would be SO much better without him - and that's even before we get into the constant negging and the dubiousness of the consent. I know this is smut and the bar for that is pretty low, but dang y'all - this is scraping the bottom of the barrel in significant ways. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 31, 2022
Status: Completed
The reason for my low rating is that the ML is abusive, not physically but verbally.


He always called her 'not cute.' He had a s*upid reason for doing so. He ended up blaming FL for his behaviour. FL, as a child, at most had stopped him from what she considered mindless flirting. He could have just stopped saying those words or sincerely say that he only flirts with her. But he in turn became verbally abusive, hammering on the FL's confidence daily.

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Dec 20, 2022
Status: Completed
It wasnt even the dubcon/noncon that bothered me but the way he did it without giving her any assurance at all, in fact he kept saying she was uncute even when they were in bed. How would she know that he'd marry her after? What if he just went and married someone else after r*ping her? She'd than not only be heartbroken but called "easy" as well as ugly and forgotten, heck she may never be able to marry since clearly a guy like this couldnt tolerate another man calling... more>> her cute or beautiful. He insulted her the entire time and than held what she said when she was a 7 year old against her. (Lets not forget calling a girl cute when you barely know her isnt the same thing as when you know her) wish we at least got to see this piece of work ML jealous over someone treating her right before he can do his grand reveal. MC didnt even skip one of these test to make ML sweat <<less
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