Yes, Let’s Run Away


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After tumbling down the stairs in an attempt to save my friend, I regained the memory of my previous life. Thus, I decided to leave my fiancé—who’d be having an affair with a baron’s daughter (presumably the heroine) and ran away.

…But, the fiancé in question chased after me?

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Kakugo shite rikon o kiridashitanoni otto ga nattoku shite kurenai
Yes, Let's Run Away
Related Series
I Can’t Believe She Ran Away [R-18] (Spin-Off)
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Date Group Release
01/01/24 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo oneshot
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New Mangafangurl rated it
September 4, 2024
Status: --
I actually didn't like the story too much.

... more>>

First of all, she didnt hear the actual conversation happening between Rufus and the baron's daughter. And she assumed that they were having a tryst.

Secondly, who puts a GPS device on their fiancé's earring. It shows he doesn't trust her.

Thirdly, the lack of PROPER communication between Rufus and the MC. If Rufus is doing an undercover job, just say, "I will be involved with the Baron's daughter under the instructions of the Crown Prince. It could get dangerous so please stay away from the Baron's daughter. I am sorry I cant give more details at the moment." How long does it take to say the above??????!!!!!!! Like seriously!!!

Fourth of all, dude sit and talk if you want to clear the misunderstanding. Don't kidnap her to a bedroom located god knows where and the pin her down and then talk! And she is saying No, don't force yourself on her! Its literally r*pe. You taking her v*rginity so she cant run away. That's a HUGEE RED FLAG!!! If you say you love her, let her come to you. Let her be able to sort out her emotions that were hurting for months because your s*upid one liner. And how in the world is her brother OKAY with this??? No matter who it is, my brother would have sucker punched him in his nose and balls! Ohh and how he says, if she gets pregnant at 16, she can just drop the academy! WOW! Selfish much??!! Just coz you're lusting, doesn't mean she has to stop her studies midway! JUST SO MANY RED FLAGS!!!

Lastly, that mage friend, how is she so causal! She knew that he had "GPS" earrings and chose to remind her of its presence after about 48 hrs of meeting her? And she smugly says, maybe your fiancé is looking for you like a madman? LIKE HELL!! Being from Japan, she should know what Stalking is and what it means to be controlling enough to put a GPS device on you!

I hate Rufus! Just coz he has a big Shlong, doesn't mean that raping would be wonderful and the lady will enjoy it!

And the MC, saying I love you just after he rushed into having r*pey sex? Why!! Younger girls read this stuff! Don't make it seem okay to have such relationships!

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sharl rated it
January 2, 2024
Status: --
Dub-con involved.

Other than that, a rather cute read. I do wish they expand more on the ending, like having her go back to the adventurer friends to explain what happened...
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chande rated it
January 19, 2024
Status: Completed
Usually, one of oneshot's flaw was the lack of details but this story somehow was the opposite. I think MC gave too many informations in the beginning that had nothing to do with the main story. There's also story of other reincarnators but it ended brushed off by MC and wasn't mentioned again until the end. Aside from that, the story itself was full of otome game cliches and the sm*t was also mediocre at best.
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MokonaKuramae rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: oneshot
Yeah, I think the adventurer friends need a explanation...

Even the FL needed a better explanation before the deed...



At least Leticia was a great supporter. And they could go in adventure together (the FL and the ML).


But it is a one-shot, no stress about the cliffhangers. (Love that about one-shots)
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