I Can’t Believe She Ran Away [R-18]


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One day, His Highness the Crown Prince ordered me to investigate a certain female student. She was suspected to be dabbling in charm magic. Since the plan was to catch her red-handed, I had no choice but to approach her, but my beloved fiancée misunderstood the nature of our relationship …and escaped—!?

A story told from the perspective of an infatuated yandere male lead (but rather dense), Rufus, who was begging for the heroine’s love. He was the male protagonist of “Yes, Let’s Run Away”

Associated Names
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I Can’t Believe She Ran Away
Son’na, nige rareru nante
Related Series
Yes, Let’s Run Away (Adapted From)
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Date Group Release
01/15/24 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo part3
01/15/24 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo part2
01/07/24 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo part1
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MokonaKuramae rated it
February 4, 2024
Status: part3
And yet, they didn't explain to the adventurer friends what happened. I expected that at least they were invite to the marriage and they would laugh about what happened.

But I really like the Nani Mo Wakaranai Kendo's translation! And the story are short.
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