Who Cares


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In her previous life, she treated her mother-in-law like her own mother, treated her husband with respect and affection, devoted herself to her stepson and stepdaughter, and looking back at herself, Guan Suyi had a clear conscience. But in the end, she was ruined, exiled, and died alone. When she was about to die, Guan Suyi summed up her tragedy with one phrase: doing too much and saying too little.

After rebirth, she decided to say nothing, put on the hypocritical face of a good wife and mother, strive for the reputation of a gentle and virtuous character, bury all the enemies in the pit, and ask them to be grateful and remember her as their benefactor for the rest of their lives.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ai Shei Shei
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Second Marriage (2)
The Green Lotus Peasant Girl (2)
I Am This Type of Woman (1)
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  2. Binge worthy Ancient China (BG)
  3. BG novels
  5. The BEST Historical Novels (BG only)

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108 Reviews sorted by

Fujaiya Sumyoshi
Fujaiya Sumyoshi rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I admit, at the beginning I kept thinking this novel isn't my cup of tea, thanks to the many many reviews here. However, because I read "I became my ex-husband's step-mother" by the same translator, I thought it's worth a try.


1. The novel enlightens you in different level. I'm not going start sounding intellectual after reading a few Confucian theories here, but some philosophical theories hit close to home, and it felt good to realize that there are different view points existing in this world. The gender friendly society... more>> with equality, benevolence and loyalty at heart. 2. The realistic characters, a mix of good, evil, awareness, naivety, firmness and dilemma. Each characters had become well rounded due to circumstances thrown at them. Well, except for the character Ye Zhen, and her family, I honestly could not be angry at any other characters as they had their own reasons for their actions. The Ye family were just blindly opportunistic. Oh, and how can I forget the Xu family, the father-daughter duo of twisted philosophy! They should win a nobel prize on misleading people towards their own doom! Read the novel if you want to know more!

3. The plot! Of course, it was realistic to bones. The trauma of the emperor, the deep sufferings in the previous life of the Guan Suyi, and her amazing actions (seriously OP) in the new life, the changed fate of the whole society just by stopping a group of misguided idealists! The rise of Su Yi from her identity a as a divorced woman and her witty measures to make the world a better place for woman is Simply marvelous! She never shies away from her responsibilities towards her terrible in-laws despite all the bullying in both lives, working towards making their life better, subtly in the first life, and boldly in the 2nd life. The acceptance of talented women in the society no matter what their identity is made this novel so much better.
The ML, though forceful and straightforward in his pursuit of the MC (gaining my disapproval quite a few times), had properly brought a closure to all his heart demons thanks to the MC. So their interaction didn't seem vulgar or lascivious. Rather, ML's embarrassing moment in front of the MC brought in humor in the story.
Cons :

Haha joking! I didn't find any, so tell me if you do!!

All in all, this was an amazing read! I liked the plot, the characters, the canon pair of Su Yi and Hunnan. Many people might want a chance for Zhou Luli to redeem himself, however I feel better knowing that even he himself realized how he cannot get out of the Ye Zhen obsession despite loving Su Yi. So, the second life makes sense to me! <<less
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May 19, 2022
Status: --
This isn't a review, I just want to comment that the title is translated incorrectly.

The title actually means Love Who? or if you really insist on accuracy, Love Who Who? but that doesn't make as much sense in English.

From my understanding, this title can't possibly be construed to other interpretations because the characters it's made up of are very simple.

So if just the title or the translator's name (which is likely the incorrect translation of 'this venerable one is bored' - I say likely because I have incountered this incorrect... more>> translation on a since-removed bad translation of a popular novel before, so it's likely) is taken to be any indicator of the novel's translation quality, this probably will not be a worthwhile read. <<less
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idledaydreamerreader rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: Completed
I love the historical novels by this author, first with Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise A Dog and the other one, The Yandere Came At Night. Both this novel Who Cares and WHIWYCJRAD is more of mature readers while the latter for younger readers. The FLs in both novels are level headed, considering their ages are also older than most heroines being in their pre teens. FL here is highly educated, beautiful, opinionated and she voices out her thoughts expressing herself well virtuously and loyal to her... more>> family and country. We have Ms Little Perfect here, which is almost a cookie cutter lead character for most novels. However, what makes this novel shine is the ML.

ML is not like those dark, intelligent, capable, quiet, brooding, possessive and all powerful male character with tragic past like in most other novels. Wait, wait, wait up... let me take back. ML is dark and exotic (different ethnic group, non Han Chinese), all powerful (well, he’s the emperor), capable (took over country), brooding (males with tragic past tend to brood), possessive (umm, mission to steal FL from her husband...), intelligent (self educated non Han Chinese). So I just contradicted myself.

What I’m trying to describe this great potentially one of my most favorite ML, is that this ML can be a bubbling fool in front of the FL, his exotic and brooding became comedic tone when he hid himself to watch FL from afar, his capabilities was thrown off, exposed and backfired with FL intelligence. FL has no martial arts capabilities or gold finger to magically heal anyone, but she unknowingly helped ML

inner demons and change the way he think for governing. All these ML credits to FL, appreciating her goodness. ML is not quiet or only show his funny side exclusively to FL, but for a non educated male, he can fluently express himself, grateful for being reprimanded and willing to change to better himself.
He even explained himself why he is chasing after her. Their banter during his expression of love is funny. When he tried to gain sympathy, she scolded him of trying to having ulterior motives. When she scolded him, he won’t just swoop down to kiss her to bend to his will. Instead, he will reason out. He gave FL the respect as an equal, treating her as his advisor. ML even told FL the way she behaved differently with him is because she knew that he would not do anything to her. He was the one to give insights on FL feelings towards him instead of using wiles or demands.


Typically in most second chance novels, the husbands tend to try to win the favor back and the FL will soften towards them and actually end up back. Here the husband is the 2nd ML.

The main antagonists are relatable but written to be unlikable with their desire of power, using their abilities and try to push against conventions towards females. No one truly wants to be oppressed by higher power and those in high power fights to maintain power to protect their loved ones.

I will try not to disclose any more spoilers but this book is definitely worth the time to be reread, just like the other authors works. The extras is also wonderfully written from a different aspect. <<less
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judeiiro rated it
December 30, 2021
Status: c130
I think it's a pretty nice read so far!

MC gets a second chance at life and she decides to live for herself this time round! There's a lot of face slaps and letting the villains trip over their own goofs, proving that MC is doing things for their benefit but they're too blind to appreciate her efforts (at least what little effort she can be bothered to bless them with) xD I like that MC gets to solve most of her heartaches from her previous life and not avoid them... more>> like most second chance/reincarnation novels I've read.


unfortunately, MC couldn't prevent her younger sister-in-law's death (dystocia) like in her previous life because


SIL's death (poisoning) is a scheme made by ML's foreign enemies


fortunately, SIL's child is saved! yay! also yay for unbrainwashing MC's stepdaughter and exhusband! even though it's too late for the ex to repair their relationship, at least he's sober and aware of his scheming "lovely" wife :)

on another unfortunate note, her stepson is only just opening his eyes to the goodness of MC after being dumb and joining his mother's team lol hopefully he stays sober long enough to not bother MC


Sometimes reading this novel gets a bit tedious/tiring since it's a lot of face slaps and conflict. It's satisfying when MC wins and the villains tumble over their own decisions but it tends to feel endless (¯∇¯٥)

Romance is mm... so-so at the moment. ML is quite adorable at times (a lot of times, actually). I like his personality in here! Not perfect, with a lot of scars and needs more braincells when he sees MC, definitely wants to hold MC in the palm of his hands but knows MC loves her freedom _ (:3" /_) _

though I didn't like it when ML went and returned the scheming wife back to the ex (it's a complicated situation lol), that move did make MC leave the ex and let her live her own life (more or less at least)

... which opens up opportunities for ML to be her man ✧ (•˓◞•̀) ML's scheming side doesn't really sit well with me but I generally don't prefer scheming characters so... personal pref I guess?

ML is so deeply in love with MC and MC is just getting tiny pangs of missing ML on rare occasions lol

i skipped ahead and apparently MC is pregnant at c160 (or around there) so they get married somewhere in between here and there xD <<less
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December 18, 2023
Status: c126
The first part of the novel was good. I shipped the FL and the ml. The ML has unloaded his inner demons and transformed into a piece of sh*t that sees the FL as a prey he needs to posses. Every dialogue from there is only about his needs and wants. He deceives her, manipulates, sexualy assault her because he thinks of her chastity is compromise she won't have a choice. Not once he respects her or respect her boundaries. He even speaks of raping her if she doesn't cover... more>> up because she is too beautiful. Tr*sh through and through.

I can only describe him as a psycho piece of shit.

The FL is great so far but she is bowing to him more and more which is a pity.

Spoiler, for those that sais he is not forcing her. One of his monologue

"There are only two final outcomes, first you will marry me willingly, and second you will marry me reluctantly. Either way, you will have to marry me.” <<less
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flqr34 rated it
October 29, 2023
Status: c96
I was led to think this story was about both benevolence and education, with complex characters who can change for the better, a bit of family bonding and some emphasis on women's rights to not be crushed under Confucian patriarchy, then after chapter 90 it became out of left field a glorification of the domineering CEO with a dark past forcing himself on the FL.

To each its own, the author and most commenters seem to think that absence of consent in a relationship with severe power imbalance is sexy, while... more>> it made me actually lose all empathy and interest.

If I wanted to read about s*x offenders who had a miserable childhood, I'd read newspapers.

And for those I see saying "it was like that back then", it's not about the existence of rapists in some fictional time that never existed (they actually exists in reality anyway) it's about he author's choice to romanticize this behaviour. I suppose it goes to a phase where his "love" redeems him (did not read, will not read) and he apologizes or something, but nevertheless she's shown to be receptive from day one when he abuses her. Why aren't her og husband and other scummy bastards fawned over by the readers, since they are less of scumbags than the ML, then? <<less
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Katielicious rated it
July 11, 2023
Status: --
Rating 2.5

I got exhausted pointing out the disgusting actions of the emperor. But it was all whitewashed as romantic banter between the two.

None of the antagonists have a chance, start to finish. The only interesting one was the noble who kidnapped MC but that was resolved so fast & it seemed east

The philosophy debates were intriguing and I enjoyed it.
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prongsletaelin rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: c202
A very biased review:

• About the plot

Loved the story for creating fully realistic MC, ML, SML, SFL and even the cannon fodder villains and the various side characters. Very heavy of philosophy and Confucian dilemma. Unlike most other novels showing the tragedy of ancient times, this one also focuses on the lawmakers efforts to make the war torn new dynasty a better place to live. The novel is well written and translation is great, considering the efforts via TL note to make us readers understand a lot of ancient Chinese proverbs, Confucian and Legalism debates, making it such an in depth immersion into the world of the novel.

• About the MC

The MC is a really intelligent woman who has learned well with her life experiences and in turn is very rational and empathetic. I loved her so much here. She is literally the kind of person I aspire to be. She's really admirable and we see it through her actions. I never reread novels now, but this one, I know I will. She also reminds me of the rare women sages of ancient times about whom we only have some legend but not much verified facts about their lived experiences in mainstream knowledge, except their contributions through the manuscripts they left as their legacy.

• About the ML

ML has his grey moments, but I don't hate him for it because that is his identity and what makes him the person he is and acting in any other way would make him more of a fantasy fulfilment than a realistic person from the ancient times. Just know he might've come across as manipulative but he too has to guard his life. He visibly improves himself a lot out of his desire to be the kind of man that someone like the MC, who lost hope can't live without.

We get to know how heroic he is, and it's a testament to human ability. He was a feral child. In almost all cases documented in modern times, they're all a very damning tragedy of humanity. It was even more horrible in the few records we do have from the 1800-1900s. Not all feral children are like ML, raised by wolves, which led him to become a therian.


• About the romance

I love how it was portrayed that ML did in fact loved MC for her thoughts and then her appearance. Because they got to know each other as friends, the abrupt confession and their whole relationship trajectory is based on their trust, love and respecting each other. Both of them make a true power couple. They inspire each other to be the best version of themselves.

• Ending

In the extra/ side story we again see why the main antagonist side characters shouldn't be given redemption, they are not good people and the country and it's people are better off without their influence. They get the consequences they deserve. Nothing more, nothing less.

• About Zhao Liuli

Even the first husband. He left his work because of his obsession with his first wife. Though he lived in regret, at least he became a clear headed person who took responsibility for the war orphans and his former martyred comrades family under his charge. There is honour in that, and I don't think of living with that as something unfulfilling.

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Avrohom rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: c172
A brilliant novel full of high drama moments. Phenomenally good and a true gem, indeed. But not for everyone.

As usual of this author, who is a genius writer, really, it is very well written and kinda interesting with a number of healthy characters and refreshingly healthy relationships and the former villains with crooked souls are not unbearably dumb either, they quickly learn their lessons, they get it and behave honestly. But the subject matter most talked about among them is all of one hundred forms of Chinese philosophy of the... more>> 8-6th century BCE with the focus on Confucianism and legalism, the nature of men (essentially good or essentially evil) and governance of men (with carrots or with sticks).

Pages and pages of infodump and philosophical monologues. It is simply required by the setting and the plot of that novel but I do not know how many of us would be able to endure it until the end let alone understand and enjoy it.


The title of the novel means "Who Cares" or "Whatever" but it is composed of one character for love and two characters for someone. In this novel the FL will be wanted by two men, formerly friends, a Marquis and an Emperor.

The emperor initially wants her for himself as a vice-empress, basically, a second wife, but the Marquis asks him to issue the imperial order to grant him that marriage because.... WTF! The first wife of the Marquis is now the empress and the Marquis needs another wife to raise their kids from that first marriage.

So the Marquis snatches the girl, enjoys his family life finally becoming normal, a lot of ills will be healed in that household, but the emperor is the ML in the end. The FL will become his.

How do you like such an ML? Getting not one but two consecutive wives from his friend's bedroom, from his subject, a pair of someone else's "broken shoes" as Chinese would say, all in the name of acquiring more wisdom no less 😲😲😲😲🤔🙈

To me this story is rather funny and endearing, I think this author was just having fun by creating such a ridiculous yet admirable character in such a setting. If you read her Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil novel, you know she is capable of much worse. Nothing stops nor limits her imagination.


Hats off to the translator who skillfully and patiently got such unusual content translated so well. I admire you. Well done and thank you!💕 <<less
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Hilkapi rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: Completed
I really love this FL so much. Some of the lower ratings are just being picky imo. Give it a try!

Thanks to the translator as well. I really enjoyed the philosophical talks in the beginning and the translator really did their best to convey the topic. Makes me want to learn a bit more about Confucianism vs. Legalism.
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GingerMessiah rated it
June 20, 2022
Status: c115
It’s an interesting story with the female lead taking a different approach to problem solving compared to other novels.

... more>>

Instead of the classical face slapping and plot manoeuvres, the female lead use logic and reasoning to get the better of her rivals. For instance she used the cost of taking care of her husband’s ex wife’s large family to make him fall into her rhythm.


The author took a totally different approach with the main theme of the dispute between the hundred schools of thoughts. Normally you will find it in male gender stories. But it truly highlighted the learned female scholars/noble ladies at the time. In other novels it’s frustrating to just see some dumb down shrews fighting in the house.

However, masculinity seemed to be lacking and unrealistic in this story.


The female lead slapped her husband and it seemed that women can talk down on men with no repercussion. Although Confucianism and gentlemen etiquette forbade hitting women, but she sure push her luck and broken a lot of rules and got away with it.


The female lead’s personality and ability maybe questionable.


Considering her intelligence and ability, it’s hard to figure out how she failed to see the plots against her in her previous life.

In this life although she knew the future ahead of time. Her family is still fundamentally a scholarly/farmer background family. There was no guarantee that she would get the better of her husband and her husband’s ex wife’s family.

The author luckily gave her plot armour and somehow the Emperor the male lead is wise...


The male lead is a dilemma and one of the reason for the low review.


The Emperor literally ruined our female lead’s life by giving a wedding decreed by the Emperor. She was suppose to enter the harem and he did not even bat an eye. This is the Emperor with spies everywhere who knows her family rejected the marriage proposal again and again.

The Emperor (ML) and Marquis Zhao (FL’s husband) were companions on the road to the throne. The latter was a competent general until the Emperor took his wife for his own. The Emperor knew that Marquis Zhao loved his wife dearly. Regardless of any excuses keeping your former friend’s wife for seven years, it’s just inexcusable.

The Emperor gave the female lead away but still stalked her like a pe*vert. Whilst he’s wise in governance and listen to his ministers. He’s still a man who wielded his power however he likes as seen by taking away his friend’s wife and giving the female lead away.


The author made some huge contradictions with the husband.


We are suppose to hate him but for some readers, it’s difficult as he’s a complex and chaotic character with a blend messed up by the author.

We have a doting father and love sick husband who lost his wife. Whilst he gives a cold shoulder to our female lead. Our female lead is one of the two most beautiful women in the story. Regardless how faithful a man is. He would have eaten her. But strangely the author made him devoted to his ex-wife.

At the same time we are made to see him as a spineless coward, indecisive and lacking the aggression of a man. Yet he’s faithful and devoted to his wife and children. He even took in his ex wife’s family because they helped him when he was once living in poverty.

Whilst he doesn’t deserve the female lead but it seems the author have trouble making him into a seriously hated figure. I find it hard to accept he’s bad and unforgivable but domineering characters like the Emperor whose action nearly ruined our female lead’s life.


If people want clear cut good and bad characters, they should avoid this mess. Otherwise it is a reasonable read but don’t expect too much drama. It’s like a walk in the park. <<less
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April 27, 2022
Status: --
Pretty interesting. Like many webnovels the problem I have is the ML.

... more>>

I'm still in the middle of it but taking your friend's wife once under any condition is a bit disgusting. Contemplating doing it a second time? Feeling righteous about it? After you decreed the marriage in the first place? Lmao Is this forbidden romance? Is that an appeal to some?

I'm at chapter 62 where it's revealed that there was some type of trick and as I said the ML is feeling self-righteous but I don't understand how you whitewash this a second time? If MC enters the palace as Empress or concubine (which she does not even seem to want -- why author??) won't there be some type of scrutiny? The same guy had one wife die and a 'twin' enter while the divorced wife also enters. I don't believe the trick will be so terrible that the ML doesn't seem disgusting.


So far a 4 star downgraded to a 3. <<less
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silent hobby
silent hobby rated it
January 22, 2022
Status: Completed
It is a good story and I think it deserved at least 4 stars or more.

When a new empire was starting to govern its people, there were many things to sort out. The court and the emperor should decided the law and the system. Our MC, Guan Suyi was descendant of the famous Confucius’s scholar. She wanted to save her family’s poor fate in her rebirth. When she made her family shine, the emperor attracted to her smart brain and stubborn personality.

There were some discussions about Confucius and others, that’s... more>> why it make me dizzy because I mtl it and I deserved to get headache. If you have patience, waiting for the translator is wiser.

Well, it is a good read and you should give a try. <<less
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Eeria rated it
January 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Loved the story! The author wrote two perpectives for the ending which was interesting. There are also a lot of thoughts about different philosophies: confucianism, legalism, mohism, etc. I was mtl the story so couldn't get all subtleties. Still the overall story is easy to understand if mtled. The FL is really smart but too good at enduring. I really felt bad for her in her initial life. There is also a lot of face slapping and those are satisfying. The ML is alright. He made major mistakes which made... more>> me questioned his IQ strongly but redeem himself well later on. Still not among my favorites ml. Translator did a great job and can't wait to read the chapters properly translated. <<less
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Neleothesze rated it
June 25, 2023
Status: Completed
The protagonists have their MarySue & GarryStu moments but overall it's an amazing read, filled with philosophical musings, flawed, very humane characters, and a twisty romance with a satisfying happy ending. Guan Suyi isn't Miss Perfect. She tries to be kind and virtuous... but can be callous, hypocritical, and spiteful too. Note: she is still one of the most self-aware heroines I've seen! Here's Guan Suyi's self-characterisation 10/10

... more>>

● "I was originally like this, but you think of me too well. I am indeed a scoundrel, and I act recklessly because of your liking; I'm also very hypocritical, rejecting you while enjoying the pleasure and convenience you brought me; and I'm still duplicitous, on the surface rejecting you to death, but secretly feeling happy and proud of your affection. When I'm fine, I hope you will go as far away as possible, and when I have some problem, I will think of you as soon as possible, and ask you to cut through the thorns for me. Sometimes I want you to give up on me, and sometimes I want you to love me more. You see, I'm such an inconsistent and contradictory person. I reject you, use you, whet your appetite, I don't want to accept but I also don't want to lose, it's so hypocritical and disgusting. If you think I've broken your beautiful imagination, leave as soon as possible." Guan Suyi slowly opened up her heart.

● "Your miss is not a gold ingot, that anyone who sees it will like it."

● Guan Suyi was silent for a long time [...] Perhaps the greatest luck is not to be reborn, but to meet a loved one.

● "They are indeed pitiful, but if I give you to them because of this, I will only be even more pitiful. I was supposed to be a virtuous person, but in the end, I found myself just a miser who pretended to be virtuous. As I said before, the reputation of the virtuous empress, I want; to monopolize you, I also want. These cards, I will let people send them to Weiyang Palace every day, advising you to spread the rain and dew, and you should know who you want to choose, right?"


Sheng Yuan is definitely not Mr Wonderful. He tries to be kind, generous, and reasonable (and he is genuinely loyal and caring)... but can be impatient, short-sighted, a bit of a bully and somewhat of an a**hole. The leads dance around each-other like territorial felines, teasing and testing the limits. Most of the villains are everyday people. (Eg: that one bastard who's too much of a coward to stand up to his in-laws, wants to do right by everybody and always falls short; that two-faced teen who's deathly scared her family is breaking apart; that earnest but gullible boy who could definitely be a good friend if he wasn't so easily led by the nose by everyone around him) The one time I shed a tear was due to one of these 'reformed villains/canno fodder characters'.

The extras are actually a short story where a side-character is reborn (after Guan Suyi's 2nd life - so after the nominal good ending/powerful Wei state) into a worse version of history; butterfly wings and all that.


When the clear water made waves, the atmosphere was positive; when the turbid current was surging on, the atmosphere was inclined. This was common sense. Really could not complain that Wei Kingdom was now in chaos and unstable, Huo Shengzhe in this life was also blind.


This reborn side-character tries to get his own happy ending, but can he? This extra story was a very interesting read.

The translator says they edit MTL but imo the end result is better than many actual translations you find on this site. They put a lot of effort into researching idioms, poems, historical figures and data, and either translate it to make sense in English or link it in little notes so even readers who aren't familiar with Chinese history can enjoy the characters' references or witty comebacks.

10/10 <<less
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chande rated it
January 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I love this story. This is undoubtedly one of the best historical romance that I've ever read so far. The plot was intriguing and it's full of literature tidbits here and there. Some might find it boring but I actually feel that it's quite interesting to read.

The characters were also quite likeable. The way MC face slapped her opponents with her knowledge was very satisfying. ML was a bit hateful at the beginning because he threw MC into a firepit by marrying her to Zhao Luli but he soon regretted... more>> his action. He regretted his shortsightedness that made him miss such a precious jewel like MC and he also learnt how a marriage could affect woman's happiness and future. He didn't know it before because he deemed it to be unimportant but since he fell in love with MC, he started to see many things that he previously neglected. Fortunately, it wasn't too late for him to repent.

The extra story was also quite interesting. MC was softer and weaker compared to in the main story but she also had her own charm. <<less
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SweetLove rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Wow! What a wild ride.

I binge read this for 2 days coz I can't get enough with every chapter I read. Good thing I started reading this after the whole novel has been translated, otherwise, I'll be quite impatient to wait for the next release. Haha.

After being reborn, the FL has become strong willed and expressive. She was no longer the floor mat that she used to be in the previous life. It was due to her refreshing personality that the ML fell in love with her. And boy he's... more>> a blood thirsty man but transforms into a gentle giant in front of the FL.

This is a plot driven novel that involves harem/family intrigue, ethnicity, philosophy and politics.

I wish I could have my very own Hunnar. What a sweetheart.

Thanks to This Seat is Bored for their hardwork in bringing this work to the English reader. Good translation, just need some editing. You'll appreciate the translator's annotation and it'll make you understand the flow better. Cheers~

I love the 25 extra chapters. You'll never know that the FL in the previous life could meet the ML and accept being a concubine. What a satisfying extra story. 😊 <<less
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Potatoteeth rated it
October 30, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a face slapping novel with some solid grounding in Chinese philosophy and history (with only some random small errors) ! The callouts are well deserved, and I like how the characters develop as well as fail to develop. Recommended reading for women who have been bullied, incels should stay away if they want to maintain their sleep quality.

5 stars.
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tasukenme rated it
June 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Luckily I found this story😅 the title is really simple make me don’t want to read it. Also there are some reviews that make me had a second thought. Love both the story and extra because they are together in both lifetime. But there are flaw in some plot because perhaps author forget... no details in some part and also the characters that had been forgotten 🤣
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janetinglehinds rated it
May 26, 2022
Status: c90
This novel is well written and well translated. However, I cannot move past the ML's behavior towards the FL. Personally, I think it is very selfish and at some points, sickening. I understand that some readers find their relationship romantic, which is good if that's your cup of tea.

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He didn't steal the first wife, ok fine. Why not resolve the misunderstanding that lasted for years? If you were going to be the emperor and know how much one of your closest friends loved this woman, why not let her die for real? Instead, you kept her in the palace and pampered her for what? Marquis Zhao is much better off without that friendship.



Marquis Zhao did not deserve the FL and we can all agree on that. The kids are all bad as children live what they learn. I don't even care that the FL divorced Marquis Zhao, but the emperor is too disgusting in my opinion.


But, if you can ignore the disgusting ML, then it is really a great novel—5 stars for everything except the coupling. <<less
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