Waiting For You Online


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At the age of 15, He Jin found himself a “husband” in an online game, their love was filled with loving affection and sweetness. However, because his study was being interfered with, his parent cut off the internet, he didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye and had to disappear from the game.

8 years later, the online game in the past was about to come out with a revised edition and turned into a virtual reality game. He Jin decided to login again and unexpectedly discovered that his “husband” had become a powerful player and ranked number one in the whole server, moreover, he had not divorced him!

However, the husband that was abandoned by He Jin for eight years, his initial impression of him was that of a pure boy, but now he seemed to somehow have become…….a little evil?

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127 Reviews sorted by

Miki_Sawa rated it
June 18, 2021
Status: Completed
The story is actually quite realistic in certain ways in terms of suffering from expectations, peer pressure and what not, which allows one to actually relate to the novel unlike other novels where the MC halo is too strong. I enjoyed this book as it had an equal balance of ups and downs. The plot is somewhat slow, and won't have your typical face-slapping, but its more centred around life. This is more of a novel that revolves around realistic ideals in life, which I really appreciate. People only give... more>> this book 1 star ratings because what the book writes out is not to their satisfaction such as the MC winning in life with every plot and what not.

I enjoyed this book as I could relate to it in certain aspects and I would highly recommend it to another person.

P.S: anybody wheezed at the last chapter? HAHA <<less
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ARB.HJP rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: c56
Maybe the story improves later, but currently the ML is creepy and unappealing, especially as he does stuff like post online videos of the MC and ML where the MC is being trained through beatings without the MC’s consent, forces the MC to be intimate with him, and the domestic pet system sucks so much as a concept. I can’t bear to read any more, since I doubt the ML will get more considerate or understand the meaning of consent.
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sikami rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: Completed
This was one hell of a ride! It had a lot of ups and downs but the ending was satisfactory, in its own way. A good conclusion since they... Yes! I won't share much but this is definitely worth a read. It had fluff, action, angst, and all the in between! I honestly hoped it wouldn't end but then the story would be dragging if it continued. For sure, the side stories were enough to sate any lingering questions on what happened after and therefore concluded the story well.

Some warnings... more>> of course before I share my opinions on the MC and ML is that this story may be triggering, especially in terms of containing emotionally manipulative and toxic individuals (not necessarily our protagonists). If you're also sensitive about anti-LBTQA+ and discrimination, this is prominent in the story and plays a role in character interactions and how the story progresses. Although set in a technologically advanced world, they are still considered a minority

(ー_ー) !!

The MC, He Jin, overall felt very realistic to me. He was hardworking, diligent, honest, and yet insecure all the same, especially with his relationship with the ML, Qin Yu/Yang (he is introduced as Qin Yu but later it is changed to Yang since there was a mjstake apparently in the initial character interpretation I think) I like how He Jin consistently reacted in line to his character, and although he had some character development, it did not change him completely like how some others would. He was still shy but more sure of himself which made me glad. I had some issues with how he was very pessimistic and quite toxic at one point, especially with regards to his relationship with Qin Yu, but it was a realistic since he's really an introverted and traditional thinking / conservative character who cared about other people's views at the beginning. Like boy you can't please everyone! But given his past circumstances, I'd probably be the same lol. Thankfully, He Jin eventually decided to be more assertive with his life and gets the courage to be with our ML. I awas crying in frustration at one point because I just wanted to be happy already with no worries (つд⊂)

Moving on to the ML, Qin Yang is my favorite kind! He's sweet, loving, and very devoted to our MC! Heck, he waited 8 years so of course he is! Apart from that, Qin Yang is calculative, dedicated, open minded, and overall of good character! He loves who he wants to love and does not care for our MC's outward appearance or gender. Of course, he has shortcomings like his stubbornness and immaturity. He's very sure of himself so it posed a bit of a challenge given that He Jin was a cautious person whereas Qin Yang was very insistent on what he wanted to do, especially when it came to pampering and spoiling his partner. He also becomes a little forceful later on due to certain reasons and while it shows his dedication to loving our MC, it does not disregard that he made some mistakes and errors. Of course, things are addressed later on and the ending is happy hehe so not much problem. If you like loving yet dominating gongs, this is for you! Qin Yang is shameless but he just wants to flex his love HAHAHA

Plot wise, this was indeed a roller-coaster! Had its ups and downs in terms of development (like happy then angst then happy then angst and so on) and did not feel dragging at all! Events here were definitely necessary to the plot and for us to see more of their character. I didn't get bored at all and in fact had a hard time stopping myself from binging. There wasn't too much MMORPG details to the point of confusing if you have no background on games like this so overall in game scenes were good. Of course you need to be attentive to certain details so that you understand and follow. You'll be fine as long as you don't skim read HAHA The game for sure influences their relationship and the plot development. There was also no 3rd wheel that really got in the way! I honestly dislike it when women are used as plot tools and become big villains just to progress things. Now while there was a sort of "love rival" in the story, her role wasn't that significant to the development but just showed more of our ML's character rather than her posing as a pure obstacle to their relationship. Something I'd like to add is that the focus is not solely on just He Jin but also his partner so indeed, they are both our protagonists!

Other things I'd like to add for future readers is that I got confused with the order of chapters at certain points, but you can easily navigate once you figure out that the chapter is actually the second part rather the first. I suggest using the titles to help you navigate the way.

Anyway, I think I've written enough. This is definitely something I'll reread again in the future! (*๓´╰╯`๓) ♡ <<less
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Aachiin0914 rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: Completed
This is what they call emotional rollercoaster!

I don't think it's exaggerated at all. He Jim's worries were realistic and true. In fact for a traditional family, He Jin's parents is very accepting. They rejected the idea of Homos*xual because of their first son who committed su*cide and this event made a permanent mark on their lives.

Though, I can see that He Jon is very annoying sometimes, because he was overly anxious, nervous and pessimistic. We can't blame him as everything his experiencong is very much new to him. In his... more>> thrid year of college he experienced many ups and downs that he never felt before in his past years. Anyway, fortunately our ml, is very stubborn and persistent. If not it will ended up in a bad way.

But I like the psychological and emotion part of the series. Men, all the way from their break up up until they get together again I can't stop my tears from falling.

However, though. He Jin's mother's disorder seems to be more of a Bipolar than depression. Symptoms of depression is more on emotions, feeling sadness, the thought of wanting to die is a severe symptoms of suicidal ideation. If He Jin's mother just stayed quiet, no talking and keep staring out blankly at the air I would say that she really have a severe depression. But her symptoms that involves impulsively throwing things and shouting is a symptom of manic disorder.

Dipolar involves manic and depressive symptoms. Actually they also have suicidal thoughts and ideation.

Well, that's all. In my opinion He Jin is more likely to have a depression here. He already gave up, and he could only compromised. Thankfully it was only a symptom. Cause if it already developed he would not reject so many blind dates and even got together with ML with open arms and bright smile.

He also tried shouting for help and that's the reason why his parents accepted ML so easily, abiet relucantly. Though, MC doesn't have any thought of dying his psychological health is also very bad.

But thinking about it. Our ml's mental health is have a signs of anti social. His a high functioning mild sociopath who wants to imprisoned his lover by his side forever.

Over all!!! I love Dumpling!!!

I want more of Dumpling and Lantern!!!

They're the cutest! <<less
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suudere rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: Completed
5/5 Beginning

It starts pretty nicely, the way they get to know each other more and the plot flows nicely.

1/5 Ending

Just so bad, the middle-last arc ruined the story. I was extremely disappointed in both the MC and ML
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January 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Came back to this novel after it was completed... I held back initially because I heard that it would be angsty but after putting it off for so long, I'm glad I finally reread it. The gaming elements are really interesting but I'm more invested in the relationship between the two main characters.

The parts I enjoyed

... more>>

When He Jin left, and Qin Yan (Yu) chased after him. I'm a sucker for dog-blood, so the 3-year separation was definitely one of the top few moments - especially when Qin Yu dragged him away from the blind-date

I'm a freaking sucker for reunions too (such as after 8-years of waiting) SO if you're like me, wanna see ML 'hanging on', you must definitely read 'Get Lost! I Don’t Have a Traitorous Disciple Like You' which is the same concept of reunion... running away... pining... yeah... I've reread it a few times - it's hgehreghtk so good

Also, the part about his mother being too controlling/depression was just too real and I usually wouldn't want to deal with the slice-of-life-ish kind of genre like this but I think it was pretty well fleshed out... tho the resolution was kind of meh... but as long as happy ending, right?


Parts I was iffy about


I wasn't happy that their first time was kinda 'forced' since He Jin was drunk (whether Qin Yu did it deliberately or not), it wasn't right to do it with a drunk person. But it's not something major that will affect my overall perception of this story

Their reunion after 3 years... oh lord, I get that it was kinda hot 'make-up s**' but I felt so bad for He Jin's chrysanthemum esp after he woke up alone in the room, not knowing who he got screwed so madly by. Hot in fiction, but don't do it irl :p

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BellLucia rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: --
Disclaimer: The rating is not for the novel but for the latter half of the translation.

I was really excited to finally read this novel as it has been in my to-read-list for the longest time. In the beginning of the novel, it really does exceed my expectations and I enjoy reading it a lot, that is until I've read the latter half of the trans. The trans is really poorly done and everytime I tried to push my self to just endure it and finish reading the novel, I keep... more>> feeling like ripping my hairs off out of frustration. Even the name of the ML got messed up.

English is not my first language and reading such confusing and Google translate-like translation really ruins it for me. Even though I really want to know the end of it, I just can't and later on the novel is dropped T_T. It really does make me sad tho. <<less
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smolgingerfox rated it
August 18, 2020
Status: c217
I unintentionally binge read this in three days. I laughed, I cried, I got a headache from eye strain, and I have added this book to my favorites!!
100% will read again!! Next time I'll read it slower so that I can savor all those sweet emotions even more.
I really love the MC's inner dialogue and character growth. I feel like the ML didn't have much character growth though?

ML's fear of losing MC manifesting as a desire to trap and/or r*pe MC was sort of unnerving even though he never did it. I feel like drunk s*x is a morally grey area but I appreciate that ML always confirmed the MC knew it was him before going for it.


I was crying during the parts about




because I have struggled with that myself over the last four years.

Like the MC's mom, I finally decided to get help this year (medication/therapy/bloodwork etc) and am doing so much better now.

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Maicha rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: Completed
The story starts off very light and comedic. You are cheering on for the ML to figure out the identity of his in-game wife. Their online adventures were fun to read. The VRMMORPG aspect reminded me alot of SAO.

The Conservative Asian Parenting was also very well depicted. And the mental dilemma's the MC felt was also very realistic. I realise that even in the futuristic world, human morality and integrity will always remain the same.

There was alot of fluffy moments between our main couple, which I enjoyed alot. But still... more>> doesn't excuse ML to keep calling MC as "wifey" when he knows it makes him uncomfortable. Just call him "hubby" and stop pushing him to a gender crisis. The ML never grows up in this aspect till the end.

And I agree with one of the reviews above that the last paragraph of the last chapter was really very unnecessary. <<less
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kcNeko rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Woah! what a ride! Let me tell you this first before you start reading, please be patient and don't give up! It will start off very sweet but later on you will feel a lot of heartaches. It's actually good as it quite balanced out.

This story portrays most asian families are encountering right now and how it affects the next generation. The storytelling is also quite nice to read and no redundant words. My most favorite part of the story is the portrayal of MC, He Jin, I really think... more>> among the lines we read is what the author deeply feels, he is very rational and he is one of the most human/real like characters I have read. I just simply feel the MC is going through because I'm in that kind of situation as well, but at the end I think he is wronged because of his actions. Next is the ML, oh boy... he's nuts. Period. I can't feel his charms at all, and again he's nuts. Next is He Jin's parents, they're actions are very real-like! Your typical close-minded old people who controls their children, especially the mother! The other side characters are also lovable especially the MC's team at the game, I love them all!

The story may not be perfect, it also didn't quite explain if the MC's parents totally accepted him or something, and also the extra's last paragraph of the last chapter is a bit disturbing for me, not cute at all.

Welp, overall, I binge read this for 3 days and I totally recommend this. <<less
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cmall rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: Completed
Fluffy & sweet~ gave me laugh here and there with MC & ML interaction.

Even though if you're not a gamer (coz I'm not), you definitely still can follow the story easily

Love ML character who always giving his best to support/help MC. On the other hand MC is also a person who has strong will, appreciate others effort & doesn't take things for granted.


there's a sad & down period for their relationship but it's a HE

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Redroses__ rated it
December 21, 2018
Status: Completed
It is my first time to finish a novel using MTL. The story was so good that's why even though I only understand about 80% of what's going on, it still manages to make me smile, cry, frustrated, and squeal.

The story isn't exactly original. Most parts are cliche. But-but-but, I love how the story revolves around the main characters and does not introduce unimportant characters. Almost all the characters contribute to the development of the story.

My favorite character was the ML, QY unlike most BL stories is not forceful, r*pe-y,... more>> and obsessive. I mean, he is most of those things but he actually takes into account the opinion of the MC. Which is a like for me.

Overall, I have a smile while reading this esp the first part. Since I read for enjoyment, and I enjoyed thr story this is a five star for me. :) <<less
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krn00 rated it
September 21, 2018
Status: --
I couldn't wait for the updates that I've actually had to mtl the remaining chapters and boy, the second part is so so good and rewarding for someone who is a sucker for sads like me. The angst, the character development in both characters are done so beautifully by the author, although mtl can be sometimes incoherent with the word for word translations but you will get the gist of it. All throughout the second half all I could ever think of is Tr*ye S*van's Blue Neighbourhood! It totally fits... more>> with the overall atmosphere.

Also, fluffy ending and extra chapters 11/10 would recommend for BL readers. I'm looking forward to translated chapters in the future! :) <<less
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ikitty03 rated it
June 13, 2018
Status: --
Fate brought them together again. He Jin roommate play a online game. He Jin find out what its called, and the game he used to play had change name. He sign in again, and he find his husband did not divorced him. There a reason why He Jin does not remember that he's the one ask his husband in hand of marriage. The online husband find out his online wife is back. He tried to find who is online wife really is. He did not mind his online wife is... more>> a male. They go to the same college and had already meant each other. He Jin does not know who is online husband is... The online husband has a pure heart always love his online wife. He keep playing the online game and wait for online wife. The story is sweet and cute in a weird way how does the online husband show his love is. <<less
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Nostalgia21 rated it
January 22, 2018
Status: --
Aaaahhhh!!! This is such a cute novel!! Why does it only have 20+ chapters translated for now?

The MC and ML are so cute and fluffy and I look like ab idiot with a huge smile plastered on my face because of it. No definite plot that I can see as of now. It's a cute abd fluffy read which is a nice break from the blood boiling novels i've read so far.
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Dark Nekoi
Dark Nekoi rated it
January 22, 2018
Status: c24
When I start reading this me expectation we’re actually really low due to the other comments.

But now actually really reading this, it’s actually really good, the characters acting are more like real life situations with few screens making the reading feel the cuteness, useless of the MC, and the romantic aura from both MC and ML.


I cannot wait tills the next chapter, it feels like each chapter really short, but there so many screens in there for those with vivid imagination is a real delicacy meal that you can’t taste... more>> just anywhere!!! <<less
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Vaik rated it
January 19, 2018
Status: c23
As far as I've read - I have to say I really really enjoy it.

The MC is interesting, and has already had some minor growth which is more than some MCs get, the ML isn't some omnipotent figure, and is genuinely fascinating. Their history together in the game is slowly being unraveled and shows how in the 8 year absence of the MC he came to realize he's deeply in love. and tbh how it happens is cute as hell

The way the online game depicted feels real to me, and... more>> as a player of MMOs and games in general myself, while not everything makes sense it gets leeway, after all, it is fiction. However! Waiting for You Online really manages to capture some of the social charm that other gaming novels don't hit, or just completely ignore.

I'm already in love with the unfolding plot and characters, but... there's some weird stuff with the translations occasionally. With a bit of time, you can piece together the general meaning, but ayyyshadow is doing a machine translation, so there's definitely room to improve. In addition, just in general, this could really do with some editing. With the awkward translation with the unedited, sometimes confusingly written english, there's enough to enjoy the story, but if you're picky you might not be as immersed.

I am personally really looking forwards to future releases, and it looks like ayyyshadow may have gotten an editor/beta as the most recent chapter exceeded the others in quality. Here's to hoping this continues being translated, and that the translations continue to improve in quality! <<less
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WhoWho rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c22
So far, I really enjoy the story. Though at times, it does seem a little confusing to read and also a bit too distasteful in the video game aspect. I really love how good-will the main character is. He Jin has a nice personality, but it doesn't mean he doesn't get sad or depress. I sort of empathize with him because he has been suppressing his own emotions and thoughts for a long time. It sort of relates to how a gay guy sometimes must also suppress his feelings.

The stuff... more>> I dislike are pretty minor but can also be a big deal depending on how the story develops. For one, I didn't like the stereotypical attitude, since this is set in the future and still the society is not open to homose xuality. It really gives the impression that the author or the author's intended audience believes that there will not be much change. I wish the author at least tried to show how the society has advanced besides the technology. It also makes me a bit annoyed because the author purposely writes in ignorance sometimes, probably because it "fits" the status quo attitude. The author could do so much better, or just leave it out.

Another annoying thing is how the author uses these modern terms, that probably are already dated and not very representative of normal gamers. It feels like the author is just trying to throw these terms just to impress you, without adding anything meaningful to the table.

I might be a little picky as a guy, but it really bothers me when the author uses his own bias instead of doing some research, even though I know the author probably was just joking around. For example, I remember reading how the author "jokes" that "trans people were just playing" and it does bother me a bit. Thus it breaks your illusion because of how it makes the story less "realistic".

There are many instances which annoys me, in which the author kept explicitly addressing how it might be a issue if the person is a guy. The execution is kind of poorly done, especially since you would expect it to be more discreet and subtle. There was too much "telling" and not enough "showing."

Another point I find very disturbing is the "pet system", not the regular pets, but rather how a player can become someone's pet. It isn't that bad in the novel, but it does feel a bit weird and possessive. I do like possessive and dominant characters but that isn't the problem. The problem is in how the author uses that for the plot, and how it doesn't really fit in. It just feels way too "cheap", easy, and abusable by the author. Still I give this 5 stars, and hope that this "pet training system" won't be a problem to read.

Still, I guess it is the feeling of manipulation that I really dislike... <<less
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mintflavored rated it
February 20, 2024
Status: --
Cannot remember exactly what chapter I reached, but it was shortly after ... more>>

ML found out who MC is and started spending more time with him irl and trying to get close to him. It was a few chapters of mostly this IIRC.


The novel is bad. Poorly thought out. Paper annoying characters. MC is confusing (I couldn't understand his train thought or his actions, he reads more like a 5 years old that is easily influenced by outside forces), ML is ridiculous (as in "you should have spent that time in therapy, my dude, not waiting for someone you barely knew to come back online"). The writing is decent, but that's about.

Nothing in this novel is even remotely good. It baffled me that something of this shoddy quality could get so highly rated.

I remember stumbling upon so many questionable scenes, in both IQ and literally questioning the author and the characters with a hand on my forehead, and sending them to my friend, even giving her chapter summaries, and she, too, thought this novel is incredibly dumb. We just laughed at how s*upid it is and I guess that's when I should have stopped reading, BUT I had hopes I would find at least 1 darn aspect I like, maybe the game mechanics, or their interactions offline. As you guessed, I didn't find anything worth while.

I feel a bit angry I lost my time reading this just because I was hoping it will turn good, having at least some expectations of it being half-decent based on all the positive reviews.

Nevertheless, here I am. I stopped reading it a while ago and in a month or more, I completely forgot this novel even existed or what the plot was about. This read is COMPLETELY forgettable. Nothing stands out. The more I tried to remember, the angrier I got when I had to experience the awful scenes again.

Rated it 2 stars mostly because I did find the translation quite good (though the word choice the translator stuck with for some in-game terms was... a choice fot sure), the writing style was easy to read, the descriptions weren't bad. It did fail to deliver still and I would completely forget important key aspects of the story while reading because the novel did such a bad job to incorporate them, but even so, I was a bit indulgent with my rating and took into consideration the laughs I got at the characters' idiocy. <<less
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MyLadyShip rated it
January 24, 2024
Status: Completed
I had to check on other sources to see if this was the actual ending. Still can't believe it's ended this way. This story gave me lots of angst. Their relationship journey made me wail at times, made me impatient, and sometimes it was outright adorable.

Personality-wise, the main MC isn't my favourite (since he rarely takes the initiative in a relationship which can easily put off anyone interested), however his backstory was so d*mn relatable and he became tolerable after getting character development. The lead character complements the MC since... more>> he's always brave, persistent (A LOT. But it makes sense because of how the MC is) and simple-minded. He's a bit too much, but generally tolerable.

His family is easy-going, wealthy, and open-minded, which I strive to have with my own family. It's also interesting that he's pan-sexual, which is rare in romance books ┬┴┬┴┤ಥ◡ಥ). Plus I liked this world very much, and other characters were also not bad. Not that memorable, but not terrible either. <<less
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