Transmigrated into a Parvenu’s Ex-wife in the ‘90s


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She woke up from her sleep to the divorce papers that the original owner’s husband tossed at her.

Shu Yan picked up the document and took a look. She gets the house and the savings, but not the car.

Oh! And her son and daughter.

She had been a single woman in her 30’s in her previous life, and now she’s a mother?

How exciting is that?

She searched her memories. Two million dollars in savings. How much is two million dollars in the 90s?

What’s a husband? The other woman can have him. I’m taking the money and my instant son and daughter to go and enjoy ourselves!

Associated Names
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Related Series
Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs (5)
Bai Fumei in the ’70s (4)
The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother (4)
Bringing Good Luck to your Husband in the ’70s (3)
The Villain and the Cannon Fodder’s Mother (3)
The Villain’s Mother (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Money Money Money
  2. reborn in the past + poor to rich
  3. Economic Reform! 50's-90's
  4. Read and liked
  5. Girl Crush FL (CN Only)

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116 Reviews sorted by

Katielicious rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: --
This was a nice read but I am rating it loe because it was unnecessarily long.

The story is mainly about women getting back on their feet in a patriarchal society. 90% started businesses after divorcing cheating scum. Unfortunately, the theme became so repetitive that I couldn't appreciate the HE anymore. Why did the women have to suffer so much & then have their problems solved in just 2 chapters?

  • Spoiler
    • Fl's bestie: her ex cheated. Then, she was kidnapped & almost r*ped.
    • Fl's employee: her parents almost sold her into marriage
    • Fl's pseudo mentor: her ex cheated & imp**gnated someone else. Then later demanded custody of their son & disturbed her business.
    • Fl's sister: her husband's family mistreated her, forced her to have or miscarry children. The ex also cheated & imp**gnated someone else.
    • Fl's nanny's daughter almost got tricked into prostitution
Some of these events were so unnecessary.

  • Spoiler
    • It was empowering that her mentor was able to divorce & start her own business, unlike FL who had transmigrated. Why turn her into a victim again?
    • The bestie's kidnapping, I thought the bestie would reconnect with her female childhood friend, & it would teach us not to choose men over friendship. But no, all we got was unnecessary trauma, then the friend & rapist weren't mentioned again.
Perhaps I would have liked this more if the women's experiences weren't literal carbon copies. For example, it was so heartwarming that the bestie had tolerated her ex because

she chose her daughter who had autism

This, contrasted with how the FL sister's ill son was abused, made me better appreciate their individual struggles & character growth.

If you dislike excessive beauty standards, you might dislike this story. There was a lot of emphasis on FL losing weight & getting lighter skinned. Her post-pregnancy spots were also dealt with.

Personally, I felt the pacing of the romance was alright. It truly suited the age & personalities of the FL & ml. I'm glad we got to see other cute secondary couples after being force fed so many scum ex husbands.

Tbh the FL was great. I love how she admitted she was inexperienced but didn't shy away from love or motherhood.
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July 26, 2022
Status: c477
It's good enough if you don't want to be overly touched or fall into an inescapable binge.

Mostly focused on the business growth of the MC with romance being treated as just another aspect of her life.

There is more than cases of divorce representation, as well as the hardship of being a woman in a men loving family and society. The women are very diverse in character and behavior.

Now on to the bad. The skin whitening and eating disorder encouragement is somewhat insidious in its very casual description, very positively viewed... more>> and lauded as a difference in taste with the people of the 90s. Genuinely don't think you should read it if you have ED because it's so very sudden in it's mention of weight and restricting oneself as a sign of virtue and good self management. The equating being fat with looking 20 years older than you are. Repeated mention of pretty women being the ones a person should hire, and hiring those who are either fat or not good looking as charity and not business.

The fact MC who earned so f*cking much but would only hire 2 ppl to work one shift of 12 and a half hours with only 2 days off a month, and even make it so that if u have 0 free days you'd be better off than the person who took the days off was shown off as a good boss.

The way gentrification is shown as a positive. The way how both side characters who were victims of s*xual assault while sober were villified for one reason or another. The ableism.... do not read if you care a great deal about neurodivergancy because the times I read 'cure' next to autism wass so big I can't even remember it.

P.S there's more to say but I am so sleepy my eyes are closing and so I'll do it next time <<less
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lazykitty_99 rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: --
Well coming back and seeing so many good reviews feel good.

I have read this novel when first updated on nu, at that time I thought many won't like it as it has very less romance but I enjoyed it.

Novel is more like slice of life. It's fun to read novels with less romance and more on FL becoming stronger by her own efforts.

At start her son was a bear child, used to roll on floor. MC would left him like that cough gave me tricks on how to handle bear... more>> niece...

Her daughter at start always have less self esteem, it was heartwarming to see her growing up as a confident woman.

Funny tidbit, both children of MC married gentle personality partners, I guess maybe MC was "domineering" so both of them went for gentle ones.

MC son got heartbroken as he has hidden his origins and the girl went for rich guy. When that girl came back, knowing MC son is rich, tried to get back with him plus telling son to get MC clothing company, how could he let his sister take away. But son was all grown up and he told her it's his mom choice and he supports his sister.. MC son's wife was adorable one and she was like everything is good but they have so much money. <<less
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Ellie44 rated it
January 20, 2020
Status: Completed
I mtled this till the end. Its super worth it.

... more>>

Modern MC transmigrated to the 90's. Divorced her husband and takes away half of his properties. Goes somewhere to start clothing business. Whats so funny about this is that she helped couple of women to have divorce. I mean, in that era men are more valued than women, its very sad how your parent can treat you like a merchandize just to make sure their son will have a good life.

The MC is not annoying, she's the non bullsh*t type. I like her, I also like the ml, though he is not the best but he is still good in my criteria. The three children had a good life.

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Kaylee rated it
December 30, 2019
Status: c1
A single parent story!!

And it's done......... er in a good 90s way! (tho I dunno anything about 90s china).

A big portion of the story is about business, from small clothing store to mega billioner. From an ugly no money (only alimony) short single mother to a fantastic pretty (dont ask me how, but we all know this kind of novel MC cannot be ugly, tanned and short) strong business woman.

The funny thing is almost all women there have trouble with derailed cheating husband or rotten parents. Girl power is real... more>> here! <<less
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Varsha0907 rated it
December 25, 2019
Status: --

This is actually quite different from other transmigration novels... the author didn't beautify the FL and there's was no omnipotent ceo....

i started reading it bcoz of the business management tag...i love stories where females own and manage business... anyway It is actually a slice of life kinda novel where the journey of FL is shown... how she grew attached to the kids, struggled and HUSTLED

If u have time do give this one a try
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January 25, 2023
Status: c232
I feel generous rating this two

i got in for the “cultural” overview of 90’s chinas and even that is not that great if you have read a bit more around, although I guess it must be surprising if it’s your first time learning about it ; you do get an idea about a dichotomous society, archaic values and prejudice (like boy other girl), dual economic system (the iron bowl which is basically state job with a theoretical security vs “capitalistic “ ways charging in -

the way it’s exposed is not... more>> subtle, it’s hard to get a sense of proportion; how common the girl place in the family problem was for exemple ? It’s very obvious too that it is a problem born from a patriarchal system ; girls are married (sold ?) out which add to their misery, making them a “property” with reproductive function. If there were not an entire system which make raising a girl for another’s family, would they still be considered as poorly ?

All in all the authors’ s point is mostly do justify new ways interacting with the family, she has many characters who are living “solo” like the occidental, with very minimal sense of filial duty, based on the evil of their parents. Even when the relationship with the parents are not strained, it’s mostly represented as burdensome.

In the business department, you’ll learn very little about the state providing job thing, as it’s barely mentioned to assert factories are closing, people are let off. The emphasis is clearly on a very harsh capitalistic system, praising it’s benefits from the point of view of a wealthy boss by luck MC.

AND that’s probably one of the point where I don’t feel to good reading. The MC is described as an office worker and a nerd, before transmigration for 20 years in the future. She basically should have very little skill, even if she’s obviously is more literate that the miserable girl she’s embodying. But she will be able to become the boss of a high end clothes shop, dealing with purchasing, styling, marketing, branding, designing, etc. Out of nowhere ???

From poor to rich in a few chapters : thanks to a cousin in the bad people category, the new owner of a poor and abuse girls married and mother in her teen to give her dowry to her brother, will threaten her unfaithfull husband into giving up his entire fortune. Not only will she ruin the reputation of his mistress (but not his ?!) she will truly takes every single penny away from him, just threatening him with his reputation : and in a country as big as china it will work ?? There no way you’d like that bad husband and his mistress, but that is not feeling very realistic, nor does it feel pleasant. The talk about women is very misoginistic from then on. You’ll meet other adulterers and the punishment still will be a public humiliation of the woman, and a very traditional opinions about mariage. In many places, women and step mothers are perfectly evil, while good mothers are “heroes” (but don’t expect too much in that very poor departement).

The MC doesn’t have much quality as a person ? In the excellent “real clothes” manga, the MC is a competent clerc with a few years of sell experiences and will take her years to get not even closre to that MC’s accomplishments in a day. Form ruthlessly stealing every possesion of her ex husband, to multiple plagiarism of her own time (easy to sell products, commercials, etc) : she’s a character who shows no personal talent appart from shear luck and the fact that multiple characters will simply offer her from 20 to 50 % of their company without a decent reason doesn’t help you feel the effort and succes of that woman who only aime to become rich and lazy within 10 years.

Lastly maybe many will find that parvenu MC very ok, and I wouldn’t mind her getting rich over night in a clean or well deserved way, but even if you consider her body deserved that much : she doesn’t ? Maybe it contribute to her feeling like a very greedy and unfair kind of woman : she’ll happily be giving away 50 to 500 bucks bonuses, while she earned millions out of sheer luck and though the benevolence of others giving her share for next to nothing. I’m all not confortable with all the judmental talk of her about the abilities of employees, her harsh criticizm “ for their own good” disciplining them, while she herself has a few mere weeks of experience. She basicaly behave like a mighty boos when doe barely if at all deserve it. She comes from so little herself, but will never question the exteme disparity that will grow between her and other : neither because of talent or work, but because she just got damn lucky ?

When the pitch sells you the story of a young mother starting from small and raising to success, the kids are only mere decoration with no personality, very few appearance and no narative interest. Appart from a first tantrum, the children are always clean, hardworking, behaving, silent and self sufficient, etc : they fit the description for “doll” more than that of kids. In facts they are so bland that I wouldn’t even want the recipe ho have a child like that. But don’t laugh when the MC hire a nanny to remove the impossible burden of motherhood, a few month after getting two kids out of diapers without pregnancy (yay ?) Seriously authors, next time, give your character a pair of gold fishes !!

the story is morally dubious : the MC is rater authoritarian, misogynist, she’s also an exemple of some body archetype supremacist : while I don’t think including dieting in a story is too bad because overweight is truly harmfull, I can’t san i’m confortable with fast loosing weight through near starvation process (dangerous and inefficient too) and her skinny standards are again nearly too much to be good.. It’s even worse when it coMe to her despise for her skin color, the judgmental talk about darker women because of the sun, and the official despise of pregnancy dark spots. All these are pretty stereotypical of asian literature, but it’s still not great to read about

To me this is a total disappointment

While it could have been a true story about woman empowerment it fell short in every directions and stinks in many more. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it either <<less
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October 11, 2022
Status: c477

Ngl my only gripe about this read was that the second translator split the chapters up too much and also didn't have a available next button so I had to keep pre opening chapter tabs on phone to read easier which made me take almost a whole extra day to read in the end... Wonderful novel tho I highly recommend reading it if you have day or two to burn and want something with minimal stress to read.

I only docked half a star because of haggle to read and that... more>> I don't think I'd re read it. <<less
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benok rated it
April 22, 2022
Status: Completed
It's pretty ok. Good for light reading.

It could be a bit boring at times especially after her divorce. Too much details at some parts - lots of talking about how much this and that costs. And every single step of starting her business was pretty much elaborated on.

The focus is mostly on her business and how she goes from unattractive abandoned penniless wife to glamorous successful business owner with the perfect family.

To be honest the child-raising was pretty meh - she pretty much left her children to neighbors and later... more>> to a nanny while she went out for business and ended up with perfect children.

One thing I liked was the ML. He's sweet, considerate and mature. <<less
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Foolish Mysteries
Foolish Mysteries
April 15, 2022
Status: --
The plot isn't something special, but it's good to read to pass the time.

As for the MC's character, well, even if she was kind of obsessed in losing weight, I kind of understand her thoughts. Imagine as an 18-year old girl you got transmigrated into a body of a mother with two kids and a scumbag husband. Before she transmigrated, she was still in her prime age where ladies love to dress themselves up and be beautiful, yet when she transmigrated her body was overweight, haggard, and had spots on face. Imagine her horror to suddenly become a mother of 2 and to be put in such a body, and I'm not body shaming the ori host, but it was indeed horrible to be in her situation.

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the_TRASH rated it
February 16, 2021
Status: c182
It was a nice story.

The translation is good and smooth to read.

The MC is very logical and smart but it wasn't just a smooth ride since she was just as ordinary as everyone else's, which is relatable. She is hard-working and tried her best. She is never someone who gets pushed around and she always pays her dues. I prefer that rather than being frustrated with another Mary Sue, who is supposed to be good at everything yet always needs a man to arrive at the right moment and protect... more>> her instead.

Well, she found herself a fair share of capable men (1st her xthug cousin and then the xsoldier with a bad reputation - which makes me think if the author has a certain type🤔) but she didn't completely rely on them.

The best part is that all her acts of revenge are satisfying. She doesn't need to publicly embarrassed people,.... wait,... actually she does but they don't have to necessarily know that she was the culprit. *evil laugh*

I have a lot on my mind these days so I ended up binge reading almost 200 chapters overnight. Yes I need to record this. It is both my shame and my joy. <<less
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Sutad Aatma
Sutad Aatma rated it
September 11, 2020
Status: Completed
MTLed the entire thing. It is understandable.

Looking at the synopsis, you would think that FL took the money and did not work hard later on, but no! MC took that money and set up her own business which goes on to be very successful.

Majority of the plot is her struggling to set up her business while being a single mother in a new city. I came in looking for familial love and stayed for her rise to top. Romance is introduced towards the end so do not read it if... more>> you are looking for ML who will sweep away all her troubles because MC need no man to do that for her.

Over all it was a very satisfying plot. I would recommend this to those who are looking for novels that are looking for a character's journey of success in China during the 90s. Really want to read another book like this. <<less
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Novel_addict 12
Novel_addict 12 rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: Completed
This is actually my first time writing a review though I've read countless books on this site so this may not be the best. This book has been on my reading list for a long time but I was hesitant to read it because of some reviews but I finally gave it and this turned out to be one of my best reads. As a person who had read many transmigration to 60s/70s etc this was undoubtedly a more realistic one.

The FL here doesn't have any golden fingers or looks... more>> that could stun a crowd and she has to work hard make money. The first few chapters of the novel were mostly about her buying a house and the remodeling process. Some may find it boring and feel like it's too much of inormation but for me I feel like a part of their daily lives and when the FL achieves a goal I too feel that satisfaction. Our FL Shu yan isn't an op or Mary sue and she experiences setbacks too but somehow she manages to overcome them.

The ML was also nice and very supportive of the fl. At first I was very reluctant to the ml's appearance because usually it would be some kind of an overbearing ceo guy and then the FL would turn into a damsel in distress who would hide behind him. But thankfully it doesn't happen here, both the FL and ML has equal footing and they have a very healthy relationship.

I love the way the authors portrayed the children. They were cute and acted like CHILDREN. Because I've seen in most of the novels where the children sound like adults in kids bodies. They were also not once in a century child prodigies. They were normal kids which made them more endearing.

Overall it was a good read that's worth giving a try but if you are here for the romance you'll have to wait until awhile because romance is not the main theme here. But if you like a strong independent boss lady this is the one. <<less
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Kerry976 rated it
June 25, 2023
Status: c51
She did this, and then that.

Chapter after chapter, she constantly makes decisions. It's like playing a game. She is resolving her problems one by one.

Like a robot.

But... where are the emotions? Her emotions, or her children's?

What I can say is that she is... reasonable. She does what she needs to do.

Like a program.

Her feelings are rarely given any words. Other characters are even worse. I barely feel their existence. Sometimes, the author suddenly remembers and finishes it with only one word.

Even apathetic mc's in novels get more words than her.
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Avrohom rated it
May 11, 2023
Status: Completed
Rather pedestrian but this still is one of my favorite novels on this website. I waited for a while for it to be completely translated and I am grateful to the translator.

For those who are curious about the ML

... more>>

He is first introduced in ch 119 of this translation. Neither the FL nor the ML are romantic people, and both are in their thirties, he is neary fourty, both never been kissed, so their love story is rather quiet, slow and low key. The good thing about it is that it is pure.

Both are simple, down to earth people and both are exceedingly wealthy, so they truly are with each other because they like each other and want to have a family together. And they liked each other before they knew how wealthy each one of them was. She even liked him when she knew he was a man practically without education, with 5 years in the army and several years spent in prison in his resume.


The only thing that rubs me the wrong way is


the long working hours for women that the author describes. The FL is a college graduate, a thirty something white collar employee from our times. Yet when she transmigrates and establishes her own small business, a clothing store, she hires women to work for her 12-14hrs workdays with only two days off per month (!!!) I cannot believe that it is a normal thing today in China (or was so in the 1990s).

This novel is all about women being empowered and being not just equal to men, but better in every respect, but they work more than any workaholic would and make their female employees to work even longer hours.

P.S. I googled it and it is called 996 working hors system, illegal, a violation of current labor laws in China, a form of modern s*avery, but still widely widespread in China. Even in Huawei and in Alibaba they treat their employees with such cruelty or worse! Working from 9 a.m. To 9 p.m, 6 days a week. A 72 hrs workweek! I'seen it mentioned as 996 in a couple of other C-novels.

Interestingly, China's labour law forbidding such brutal treatmemt of employees were adopted in 1994, two years after the FL of that novel transmigrated (she "woke up" in 1992).

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puregarnet rated it
September 21, 2022
Status: Completed
3.8 Stars


It was an okay story, I really liked the business parts when she was just a clothing shop seller. I felt like I was with her with grit and gogogo energy and kids to pick up from school. The selling techniques and promotions were so detailed. But after she partnered with the super wealthy best friend, it never got to that level of intensity anymore because the partner was doing most of the work. The company got so big that I couldn't imagine it anymore. Also, the capital came... more>> from the partner, the people came from the partner, it was like everything was handled by that partner. After that, the money numbers dramatically increased in scale and were just never shown anymore because they were too big. So basically, after she joined up, the business side lost interest for me. After that happened, there is just no more tension in the story. I think one of the reasons is also that her partner was the driving force and the ambitious one of the partnership, not the MC.

Other than that, I feel like the business side and the family/romance side felt too separated. The vibe during business and the vibe with the family/romance feels like 2 people. When the MC was doing business, she felt like a confident career woman. When hanging out with the family and romance, I don't feel that personality at all. I just read the Back to the Sixties, Creating Wealth, Raising Cubs story and the MC there has such a strong willed personality that is present no matter what the situation. Even when she's scared, she's still strong-willed. Here, it didn't feel the same.


The translation I read is by Fringe Capybara. The translation is very good, no careless mistakes that I can remember. There was a repeated couple of paragraphs once but it wasn't annoying. The flow was good except that the chapters were shorter than normal because the raws were broken up more. Hardly any idioms.


We follow the MC find a way to divorce the ex and get all his money, sets up a clothing shop for income and achieves marital bliss at the end of the story. The business satisfaction for me ended around halfway through the story because it got so big I felt no urgency or goal anymore. The goal was romance but as the reader I didn't realise it, so I kept waiting in vain for the business part to get interesting again.


I felt the transitions between work and life were a bit jarring. The ending part felt a bit slow because the business felt like the achievement had already been accomplished. So the latter half felt a bit aimless. So that left the romance which was okay.


I liked the MC. She felt super relatable at the beginning, spinning like a top doing everything. Then, she became a boss and was so calm haha. The kids were cute and I wish they had bigger roles and more screen time like at the beginning, when they were the only important characters in the MC's life. The ML is cute and I like him. Whenever he talks about his life in the army, I tear up because the way the author wrote his feelings made me emphasise so much haha.

For the kids' friends' mums, they have so much screen time and always appear but I don't like them! They are typical moms who are slightly b*tchy. The way they were portrayed and introduced, I thought they would be good friends with the MC and have heartwarming female friendships but it was your typical comparing moms. They get jealous, they talk behind the back a bit, they brag a bit, they are superior a bit. I mean, they aren't the bad guys in the story but sigh. It wasn't really pleasant reading about them because they don't wholeheartedly want the MC to succeed. They didn't want her to fail either but it was more that they also want to earn a lot of money so they also all asked the MC secretly if they could also open a clothing business. I didn't understand but it seems this type of friend copying the pioneer's business is common in China? They see a friend do something amazing in business, then they ask that friend how to do it too. I feel like they can't come up with their own business idea? Too unoriginal. They didn't do the hard work because the friend already had the answer.

As for the bad guys, the faceslapping was okay. It wasn't as satisfying as in the Ugly Husband where it is super satisfying! The MC straight up commits violence hahaha. Here, it's overall kind of mild. Mostly because the MC cuts contact and a lot is handled by the Third brother so separated by a wall. The rest are handled by schemes using other people. However, the author reused the 'take a picture of the deed red handed and give them out like flyers' a lot so it got a bit repetitive.

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated haha
  • Economic Reform! 50's-90's
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sansukini0923 rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: Completed
My first 90's novel.

... more>>

What I like about the leads is that they are decisive. Like when the MC decided to divorce the original's husband, she immediately acted on it. She approached her cousin to help her and immediately picked up her children. If she had been a little late, her children might have been taken as a bargaining chip. It's clear her husband doesn't care for the children and the in-laws only cared about the son. If she hadn't rescued the son, he could have grown up with a Patriarchal views as well, as he's already has a large ego at 3 y/o. While the daughter was being treated like a servant already. By divorcing, breaking all connections to family except for the third brother (cousin) and moving to another city, she was able to create a better life for her and her children.

I love the ML. He was decisive as well. Although he knows he can't pursue her yet because of his past, he is very honest with her and always acts like a secret bodyguard. He cleaned his name before openly pursuing her and it's very sweet. I like that she's very upfront and accepted him immediately. Even her children immediately accepted him as Dad and forgot about their real father who doesn't care about them.

Anyway, the real dad is a scum. In the ending, the mistress saw the MC and saw how she's pretty, has a good partner and 3 children, while her life is not very good. I just wish the ex-husband and in-laws also saw her and see how good her and her children's lives are.


There's not much drama but is a good story. A little Mary Sue. But has the best ML and I would like to get myself a third brother please. He's the real hero in this story. The MC won't escape her relatives without this cousin. He's tyrannical, but also very supportive and filial. The MC did not encourage others to divorce. She only encouraged her sister because the sister has a very bad life. Sister's husband has a pregnant mistress, her son is very ill and might die, her daughter is being treated like an ox. Sister approached MC and asked for help. Again, third brother solved everything and MC took her sister with her and taught her how to be her own woman and gave her means to support herself and her children.

The MC's gold finger comes from her knowledge of properly endorsing her products. That's how the company grew. Through advertis**ents. So it's realistic, in a way. She also helps those who asks her how she does business, thus empowering these women. It's a little different from other transmigrating novels, I think because it's set in the 90's. It's modern and at the same time, the society is so backward, old-fashioned. <<less
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LamaFADG rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c257
Honestly one of the best novels out there

It isn't action packed and the MC and the ML don't instantly fall in love and the ML isn't the most perfect richest man in world

The MC's children aren't the most perfect most well behaved smartest most beautiful kids in the world, they are normal kids that are trying to figure out what is happening with their family

It's an enjoyable Slice of Life novel that just warms your heart
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Dovah rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: c195
an average transmigration story about a very average FMC transmigrated into the 90s. Practically all of MC's family & close associates r normal average ppl. The only exceptions so far are MC's cousin (the 1 who help her get away from her ex & family), the ML, & the elder bro (& the possibility of his wealthy family we haven't seen yet) of 1 of MC's female business partners. Only these 3 characters so far r special, interesting & most importantly, have enough brains to not think like the majority... more>> of the population.

I love stories about business, especially all the details about the MC building their business empires from start to finish. I can literally spend hours just searching for this type of genre while trying to sperate the ones w/ good MCs & business building from all the weeds out there.

Unfortunately, although this novel starts strong, it turns stale later on when MC starts to do so business building. I really enjoy the beginning where she faceslaps her ex & gets what they owe her while decisively leaving for a new beginning arc. I also like how she & the little ones independently tries to gain a footing / stable life in the new city. However, the mediocre MC & her average supporting characters makes the beginning of the business building arc really frustrating. I'm fine w/ how MC plagiarizes modern knowledge/works, quite a few novel MCs do. I just can't stand the stereotypical bias thinking that goes through their heads & the fact they take (empty) pride in their shallow thoughts. To the point they just either BS at intelligent characters outside of their circle (even if those special characters clearly explains their logical thoughts/reasons to them) or looks at them in contempt (when they themselves have no qualification to do so). So instead of the possibility of getting even more frustrated w/ these mediocre ppl, I'm gonna drop this one & read those other more interesting novels being translated by the same translator.

If u wanna read about an intelligent, mature & special FMC who has the actual skills/substance that properly aligns with their pride, u should read "Rebirth of the Evil Mother-In-Law" by the same translator. The FMC in " The Resplendent Farming Apothecary" is awesome too. Unfortunately, translator has just dropped this one. Also, Fringe Capybara is a really good translator. You will never have to worry about translations on this site. <<less
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Machaaan rated it
November 21, 2020
Status: c145
This is tag as “Slice of Life” for a reason and it fits the genre quite well so far.

If you are someone who love slice of life with a little bit fast pace plots and drama, I think this one won’t really satisfy the criteria. It is a slow and steady pace plot, no over-drama crisis and a really realistic plot.

As of ch145, I really enjoy with the plot and progress so far. It makes more sense and some people might think some of the plot is a bit dragging,... more>> but let me tell you guys the plot did not drag at all. As an Asian myself, the plot is reaaallllyyy close to our daily life (drama). Do give it a shot guys! <<less
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