To Be a Power in the Shadows! (WN)


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Just like how everyone adores heroes in their childhood, a certain boy adored those who hid in the shadows. One day, after living the mediocre life of a side character while undergoing frenzied training by night, he reincarnates in a different world and gains ultimate power. The young man who is only playing at being a secretive powerhouse, his misunderstanding subordinates, and a struggling, giant, shadowy organization…

This is the story of a boy who adored shadowy manipulations who might possibly reign over the dark side of another world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
The Eminence in Shadow (LN)
Related Series
To Be a Power in the Shadows! (LN) (Light Novel)
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Tilea’s Worries (14)
There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One (In Exasperation) (11)
Overlord (LN) (8)
I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. everything ive read (part 1)
  2. Comedy recommended
  3. Reading List
  4. My Top Novels From the 500 Novels I have Read (KR,...
  5. Strong misunderstanding

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/10/18 Tenshi Translations c82
06/09/18 Tenshi Translations c81
06/08/18 Tenshi Translations c80
06/07/18 Tenshi Translations c79
06/06/18 Tenshi Translations c78
06/05/18 Tenshi Translations c77
06/04/18 Tenshi Translations c76
06/03/18 Tenshi Translations c75
06/02/18 Tenshi Translations c74
06/01/18 Tenshi Translations c73
05/31/18 Tenshi Translations c72
05/30/18 Tenshi Translations c71
05/29/18 Tenshi Translations c70
05/28/18 Tenshi Translations c69
05/27/18 Tenshi Translations c68
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209 Reviews sorted by

ErrorEra rated it
March 25, 2018
Status: c8
Really enjoyable read thus far, thanks translator!

Kind of reminds me of Tilea's Worries, but less comedic. But even if this is supposed to focus on laughing at the chuuni parts, if you ignore the MC's thinking and take the words seriously, it's more interesting that way to me.

Tho tagged harem, it isn't done in a s*xual way, it's just that all his subordinates so far are female and they haven't really been fleshed out yet, but hoping that's just because it's still very early in the story.
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Recon_246 rated it
June 30, 2022
Status: v4
I honestly love this series. I binged through all four volumes of the LN because I heard that the translations were better and the story also diverges quite a bit from Volume 4 onwards (The LN becomes it's own thing and sort of becomes more canon than the WN)

That being said, it's good to be aware that it's a Light Novel at heart. It's honestly quite frustrating at times! With just a little bit more world building and character development, it could have become an all-time great. As other... more>> comments have pointed out, the MC lives in a world of delusions, believing himself to be in an elaborate "world event" sort of world. It's not clear how deep his delusions run, especially after the events of the 8th arc from Volume 4, but it's enough that his character stays more or less the same throughout.

Still, it's a pretty enjoyable read. If nothing else, the humour will get a few laughs out of you. <<less
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Lodda6 rated it
June 22, 2022
Status: --
Omg what the hell is this like are you serious ? Super edgy MC with I can do everything lol tr*sh just tr*sh this is level of super duper tr*sh quality MC strong but hides it every girl loves him he killed himself to reincarnation or something like that he become op for no reason Every girls is same and there no character and wow just look to rate of this novel full 5 stars ? What the hell happening here is this site become for childs ? Only 7... more>> years old found this tr*sh good.

I am bored I killed myself I become op every girls love me I can do anything bla bla this is should be new title of this tr*sh novel I cant believe how this bad reviews exist for this novel all of them manchilds or edgy kids self insert who thinks being mysterious is cool lol I can understand as a child that cool but as a adult lol come on pity really pity good series bombarded by bad reviews but here this novel gets full 5 star this site should check 5 star reviews quality.

If you care your time and your health dont read it this is %100 tr*sh classic with edgy MC can do anything and nothing happens imagine that you can do anything but cant bang your own harem imagine that lol.

I can give this series 2 star and give %100 self insert virg*n author title. Believe me I read lot of bad novels but this is in top 5 of mine and can take second or third place amazing. <<less
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RiazMahamud rated it
November 7, 2021
Status: Completed
This is one of the best one I've read. MC is cool (all his action is funny).

For your kind information this MC didn't get OP through cheat item or got power from god or get a super power or anything like this. He become OP through his own effort. He got his subordinate through his own charm.

Overall this is really funny and great. Plot is good (funny). I can't find anything not likeable in this Novel. You can say it cringe but those are real fun here. You should just... more>> enjoy this one. <<less
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WinstonSmith rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: c114
A great web novel. At the start I thought it wasnt so good because the MC view of his dream (thinking that controling the shadows is about being literaly strong and not about intelligence and espionage, and instead magic although it wasnt real), but later it turn to be a good part in the novel where it seems he somewhat understands its just a dream but everyone else plays along with him. Someparts are funny and there are parts where the MC looks serious.
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September 1, 2021
Status: c200
I'd rate this 3.5 but bumping to 4 as I like the comedy.

Both the strong and weak points of the story is the way the author writes the MC.

Like in the old shonen series where every arc has a power reset.

... more>> The author also resets the MC's emotions and the interactions he has with other characters in each volume.

Like the main female lead of volume 1, MC and her interactions were extremely funny and after volume 1 you get interested in how they will interact going forward or if there will be some sort of romance angle.

But no, she gets sidelined completely and we move to the next part. You can feel this at the end of each arc, it removes the sense of progression in the story.

I would suggest you drop this after the Vampire arc. Evil Lord of the Galatic empire is better in my opinion, MC's personality is better in that. <<less
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toan1251 rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: c204
A funny novel about chuuni kids and his illusion. I think we should awarded MC "the lord of laughter" prize because of his performance. Some chuuni illusion + some mistaken + some brain hack + some beautiful female and we have receive a circus.
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Dafaq rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: --
Yeah this novel is great till you get tired of the guy being a dumbass and not seeing that he's been right this entire time, though I wouldn't suspect a thing if I was in his situation as well. 😂 I mean everything he does is kinda farfetched so who'd believe this?

It's a good novel though, just that you'd forget how he isn't seeing all this stuff but now that I've thought about it, I see his side.
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cpzombie rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: c204
An OP MC wants to be a power in the shadows, exactly as the title says. For the most part it's predictable, and the MC is pretty dense... but it's funny and entertaining, and at 204 chapters I'm still wanting a lot more. The MC isn't afraid to kill people so that's definitely a plus, so there's none of that trying to enemies alive for no reason thing which is way too common in LN/WN. Overall it's just an absurd comedy, definitely recommend reading it if you enjoy that genre.
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JKingSniper rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: 34+
Very interesting and likeable MC. I did like these hiding in shadow behind the scene character. Especially if they're so powerful but never come out
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bryku rated it
September 7, 2020
Status: c203
It starts off a little slow and I didn't really catch a lot of the "comedy" in the beginning, but it does it gets pretty good as it goes on.

A few things I like:

  • Unique MC who hides his identity. This is actually done very well compared to most.
  • Not afraid to get dark, the MC kills bad guys... Actually kills them, not some rainbow super power and they "disappear" and the MC cries about it looking at the sunset. Heads get chopped and I'm glad the author actually embarrassed it.
  • I mean, I'm sort of burnt out with all the "hero" stuff, so the plot is a bit refreshing.
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Kan Lin
Kan Lin rated it
September 4, 2020
Status: v1c203
I like this story. Best misunderstanding story I have ever read. Although MC is a little dumb, it's the main point of the misunderstanding. It made the story better from my point of view.

If this story continue, I hope our MC to work together with Seven shadow more. I am also waiting to hear other Seven shadow stories (We only know Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and other 3 haven't describe in this story yet (We only know a little about Eta).

I hope this story will continue in the near... more>> future. <<less
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Nemesis rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: c203
I pretty much agree with the reviews of Seregosa and Mahesvara_. I find that the story becomes better if you believe that there is some greater power at work that is just manipulating things so that the MCs random actions actually strike gold.

While I do find the MCs complete ignorance extremely frustrating, the rest of the elements are very enjoyable. So much so that in addition to reading the translation through to c203, I've re-read the manga version at least 6 times.
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OstKaka rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: c203
I absolutely loved this novel in the start. The concept and humor is great. As others have pointed out it goes on a bit to long.

Unfortunately the author doesn't seem to know how to end it. If you plan on reading this I recommend ending at the conclusion to the arc around ch 100. The MC never notice or catch on to what's going on. The bad guys keep on talking grandly about the cults doing/plan to everybody except him.

What's needed this point if for the MC to realise that... more>> all the sh*t he made up long a go is real and that shadow garden is real. For a while it seem like it was going to happen but the author had other plans.


MC gets involved in a civil war when sole searching. A team form shadow garden gets beaten by what seems to be the leader of the cult. It also hinted at the cult killing one of the founders.

Unfortunately the MC despite having two conversations with cult leaders about the cult and saving the wounded epsilon doesn't learn anything. He instead runs of to fight zombies. That is the end of the novel so far.


So just read to ch 110ish and all let's hope the manga does not make the same mistakes <<less
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Balcazar2945 rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: c203
This novel is seeking to make a parody of the average isekai by showing all the cliché events you can think of finding in a light novel with a chunni MC who thinks that the others are just playing along with him.

Btw, I found people who rated this low due to the MC being too overpowered without reason, but the story since the beginning shows you a guy who wants to achieve his childhood dream with all his might, there was even a part in the story when he says... more>> that he has put many things aside in order to fullfil his goal, however the issue is that his dream is utterly s*upid and the author made this on purpose. That's why since the first chapter we saw how the MC trains himself, first martial arts and then after reincarnation his magic even in classes. So, of course, all this plus the dramatism of the parody made the MC overpowered, but again this was made ON PURPOSE by the author, this is not a reason for the novel to being rated low. <<less
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soeisa rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: c203
This whole story is reeks of chuunibyou. I can't even think how he is able to survive with the thought like he is, but I do like the story, I hope it will keep continuing regularly.

Actually I've tried to translate some part of it from the source, but then, I don't know anything about Japanese language, even though I managed to translate it, I doubt the actual story is not even similar with what I wrote, thus I stopped.

Ok, back to the novel! For sure I like the overall story,... more>> I kept wondering when will the MC caught with his b*ll sh*tting act, every time he says something, it will be translated way different to the one who listens than what it's supposed to, and I too wondering when will he realized that everything he does is affecting for real, not only in his imagination. I suppose his chuunibyou illness is already non treatable.

One more thing I like in this novel is that there's no "harem" occurred even though he is surrounded by lots of beauty. I have sick of Japanese novel + harem, that's basically the majority of it, and I grown upset when there's an indication that the story will eventually arrived at that point, so I truly am not a fan of Japanese novel anymore, even though I like the overall story. <<less
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xExekut3x rated it
October 21, 2019
Status: c168 part2
Basically a story of what the Japanese call "eight grader syndrome". Funny at times. Really unrealistic at others. MC is super OP. Nothing power-wise is really explained. Magic supposedly exists, but there are only magic swordsmen? I guess you could basically call it all wish-fulfillment. Chapters are short, and it's a fun read, at times.

Translators are changed a few times. Some are not so good.
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nutthanachai41 rated it
August 31, 2019
Status: c201
I didn't think that the way of mobs and shadows would be this deep (in serious tone). Mobs are mobs, and the strong are strong. But to be a power in the shadows! You need to.....@#//!0-#*!!?

I like this story. It's but a mere delusion and absurd, but fruit bear only after you sows seed. MC can't achieve his wish in his former world, but after reincarnates he reach it because of what he did and what he do. This story progress in the very repeat loop that MC act as... more>> mobs, or act as a power in the shadows, but the story isn't end at that. A sole wish of one life wouldn't that easy to achieve, as same as MC, he reach it, grasp it, but isn't achieve it. So the story go on.

When the story progress. It reveal to be deep than what you think. Many things are predictable, but also many things are yet to unveil. I love this story that characters always misunderstand MC, because he act all the times. He didn't know anything, but everyone don't think so. It is funny to see how character be this misunderstand, even though MC always implicate in major event but none is aware of truth.

This story is well written. MC is abnormal, crazy, strongest, but other characters, there are also normal peoples, mobs, and main characters. Their interacting are very interesting and that make this story be amazing. This story repeat but not be the same.

I am not like nor dislike "chuunibyou", but I love this story. I'm sure everyone at least once want to be cool in front of the mass. And this story shows how MC achieved this wish. So I'm sure that anyone can taken to like it :) <<less
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August 29, 2019
Status: --
An accurate summary of the novel: A boy transmigrates into a world with magic and he saves a hot elf girl. In order to keep the hot elf girl near him he makes up a story that an evil organization is after girls like her so she must join his company, (*cough*harem*cough*)

Turns out he is actually correct!

Lots of hilarious misunderstanding as the MC becomes more OP and convinces more hot girls to join his harem whilst the girls set about destroying the evil organization the MC knows... more>> nothing about. <<less
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Auree rated it
May 31, 2019
Status: c177
The story along is cliche. It centers around the OP and dense MC, bunch of less but still OP girls following him, unraveling the conspiracies of the world and such, blah blah blah.

HOWEVER, considering that MC is a chuuni to an extreme ---- to the point where his wildest delusions somehow always match reality, it is freakin hilarious.

The author perfectly utilizes the MC being a Chuuni: when describing his battle against someone else, or his normal school life as a mob character, he always describe them from two perspectives ----... more>> the MC's and the other's.

From other characters' perspective, MC is OP when he is shadow, the leader of a secret organization. When he assumes the identity of Sid, a supposed-to-be mob character of the Academy, he is insignificant and a source of comedy. So, seen by the others, he is just a cliche MC living a double identity.

BUT. the comedy comes from the switching between other's pov and the MC's. It is hard to describe it in a few words, but if you are familiar with chuuni.... oh boy, it is hilarious. EVERYONE got his intention wrong, but things just somehow work out.

Also, I love the tones MC speaks in. I am not sure if it is because of the translation, but he speaks in a rather sarcastic tone whilst being an chuuni. This is perfectly reflected by the verbal exchanges he has with Alexia, a princess that can best be described as a.... toxic b*tch, I guess.

I strongly recommend this novel. 4.5/5 because the later half of the story got a little bit boring, as the author obviously is "trying" to make the MC funny, which occasionally gives cringes here and there. But overall, it is wonderful. <<less
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