This Assassin is a Bit Strange


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Reborn into an ancient world filled with sword energy, he was adopted by an assassin master.

Don’t be surprised to discover that the martial arts in this world are more prosperous and thriving than he imagined. From high-ranking officials and nobles to ordinary people in the jianghu, all have martial arts by their side. In order not to become medicine residue that others can easily grab to practice their skills, he painfully practiced martial arts – acupoint striking, qinggong, mechanisms and traps, palm techniques, sword techniques, inner energy cultivation. Although endowed with astounding talents, he remains as steady as an old dog.

Reborn into this world, he doesn’t seek an exciting life, just a peaceful one where he can live to a hundred years old. Suddenly one day, a young female imperial guard was ordered to go undercover by his side, becoming his partner…

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2 Reviews

Jan 21, 2024
Status: c110
I really have no idea what to tell you. I don’t think you can say if you will love or hate it by just reading three chapters or something. TLDR- it’s a good novel?
There are so many disconnected plot points but I don’t hate it. I really enjoy it surprisingly. There does seem to be one plot point. This is a very slow novel however, it took the author 110 chapters to complete the first arc, but I feel that they could have done it in 20\25 chapters if they got rid of all the extra part. But I really enjoyed the extra parts so...

the characters are really interesting for being 1-dimensional. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.
the world building is minimal, but is done really well.
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Dec 15, 2023
Status: c114
Honestly, it’s hard to tell if this is going to be good or not. The first 114 chapters aren’t bad, but they are quite slow to develop and thus not much has happened.

I’m not a huge fan of the minimal backstory on the FMC. She feels a bit flat for the important role she plays, and I think she deserves more formative episodes than what she got. Perhaps this will happen in the future but 114 chapters isn’t a small amount and we have no idea where it’s going beyond... more>> the base storyline that’s been established.

That said, it feels like it’s about to crack wide open and get really good. We will see. <<less
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