How Zombies Survive in the Apocalypse


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Aiden, who retains his sanity despite being a zombie,

Arian, a vampire who doesn’t bite humans,

And a transcontinental journey that began with a single request.

Will they be able to survive?

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아포칼립스의 좀비가 사는 법
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gg_wp rated it
July 22, 2024
Status: --
This story follows Aiden, a zombie who manages to retain his sanity using certain methods in a world 3 years into the apocalypse.

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Being a zombie aiden shows a difference from humans. As a zombie he has nearly zero emotional fluctuation, immunity to fatigue and pain as long his head is intact, and nearly no need for sleep.


One great thing about this series in my eyes is the progress - there is no forced instant connection and trust between the characters and everything is working based on mutual interest. There is also no plot armor, characters are not immune and every decision the MC is making is logical and supported by rational thinking and facts.

The MC himself is a person of equal trade, as long as the deal offers a significant enough amount of benefit he is willing to take the risk however he wouldn't do a worthless trade and risk himself for nothing. <<less
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